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Sinusitis – Homeopathy for Sinusitis

Sinusitis in Cold Weather – Homeopathy

Although sinusitis can occur in any weather but for those who suffer from sensitivity to cold weather, sinusitis can be a major issue in these months. ‘Sinusitis’ is a term referred to the inflammation of the sinuses (4 pair of air spaces in the skull). People who are sensitive to cold weather have a tendency to develop recurrent colds cough and sinusitis. Cold weather itself does not cause sinusitis but predisposes individuals who are sensitive to cold weather to develop recurrent colds and upper respiratory infections, which in turn causes issues like sinusitis. Homeopathy has an excellent treatment for sinusitis and also for helps in treating ones ‘cold weather sensitivity’ very effectively – Thereby by improving ones resistance to cold weather related problems. [Read more…]

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321


ei_0386yygChronic sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses inside our skull become inflamed for months and years together. This condition can considerably reduce ones quality of life. Patients suffering from chronic Sinusitis complain of difficulty in breathing from nose, headaches, pain and tenderness in the face.

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Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathy for sinusitis ,colds and cough

image After the scorching spell of Indian summers, winter is a big respite for many; but for some individuals winter brings its own set of miseries too. Sensitivity to cold weather can really disturb ones life. Recurrent cough and cold are the main diseases that affect these individuals during this period. Recurrent cough and colds can lead to episodes of sinusitis and may even trigger attacks of asthma in some patients. It is not the winters that is the culprit but their body’s sensitivity to cold that makes them susceptible. Homeopathy can play a major role in treating these individuals. Homeopathy not only treats the cold cough and other symptoms that occur due to weather sensitivity but also cures ones sensitivity to this cold.

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Sinusitis and Homeopathy


Come winter and sinusitis is on the rise again. It?s a very miserable situation for those who are sensitive to cold weather and are prone to sinusitis.

The constant sensation of blockage and stuffiness in the nose, face and, forehead, dripping of mucus into the throat, headaches, sore throat and fever can put one?s life totally off the track.

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Toothache From Sinus Infection? Try These Homeopathic Medicines

Sinus infection refers to infection of the paranasal sinuses (air–filled spaces present in the skull bone) from infection by bacteria or viruses. A sinus infection (sinusitis) can result in various kind of symptoms with toothache being one among them. Sinus infections can cause pain in the upper teeth due to the involvement of the sinuses that are located near the mouth. Its infection can put pressure on the nerves supplying the sinuses, gums and teeth. Sinus toothache is felt in multiple teeth at a time and not just one teeth. Besides toothache, other symptoms of sinus infection include headache, nasal discharge, blocked nose, facial pain, post nasal discharge (PND), cough, tenderness near the nose, forehead or eyes, earache and loss of smell and taste. Among the infection of different paranasal sinuses, toothache generally occurs from an infection in the maxillary sinus.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries great scope in treating cases of toothache that results from sinus infection. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the frequency and intensity of this complaint. Along with managing toothache, they also work wonderfully in managing any associated signs and symptoms like nasal discharge, blocked nose, post nasal discharge (PND), headache and facial pain. These work magnificently in these cases by reducing the inflammation of paranasal sinus by fighting the infectious agent. The best part of using homeopathic medicines is that they work in the most natural way to treat a condition without any side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed case analysis based on the individual’s symptoms. So, it is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine. Avoid self-medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Toothache From Sinus Infection

1. Silicea – Top Recommended Medicine

Silicea is a highly recommended medicine to manage various sinusitis-related complaints. It is also very helpful in managing toothache in such cases. In cases needing it, pain in the teeth gets worse at night which hinders sleep. Along with toothache, there is tearing type of pain in the head. There is excessive salivation in the mouth. Pain from the teeth spreads over the whole cheek. Other sinusitis symptoms include headache, blocked nose, offensive smelling nasal discharge usually green or yellow-colored, loss of smell and taste.

2. Hepar Sulph – To Manage Throbbing Type Of Toothache

Hepar Sulph is the next useful medicine for treating sinusitis. This medicine is recommended if the person complains of toothache and pain gets worse after eating and from drinking cold drinks. It can manage throbbing type of pain in the teeth. Persons needing this medicine complain of nasal blockage in the morning, crust formation in the nose, yellow sticky nasal discharge and a burning sensation in the nose. Besides pain inside the nose, one feels pain at the root of the nose. There may be post nasal discharge tinged with blood.

3. Kali Bichrome – For Toothache Better By Pressure

Another medicine to manage sinusitis-related problems is Kali Bichrome. It can be used in managing toothache that gets a little better by applying pressure momentarily. The pain is usually stitching type. It is best suited for sinus infections to manage post nasal discharge. The discharge is thick, sticky and ropy. In cases needing this medicine, there is thick, lumpy, sticky, ropy discharge from the nose. It is greenish or yellowish colored. The nose feels obstructed. Fetid smell emanates from the nose from the accumulation of nasal discharge. Pain and pressure at the foot of the nose is also prominent. Sinus headache is felt in the forehead above the eyebrows.

4. Merc Sol – For Toothache Marked In Daytime

Merc Sol is useful for managing toothache most marked in the day time. The pain gets better at night. There is increased salivation. The pain from the teeth extends to the side of the head. This medicine is also recommended for managing throbbing pain in upper jaw which gets worse at night. There may be swelling on the face, besides sneezing, and profuse nasal discharge. Nostrils are inflamed and swollen from the inside. At times, crusts form inside the nose that bleed on cleaning the nose. Besides, there is pain in the forehead, cheeks and ears. This pain is tearing type.

5. Belladonna – To Manage Throbbing Pain In Teeth

This medicine is of great help when there is throbbing type of pain in the teeth. The pain is attended with earache. Besides these complaints, the face is red with heated sensation. Belladonna is a top-grade medicine for helping cases of sinus headache. Other symptoms include mucus discharge from nose tinged with blood, frequent sneezing and tickling sensation in the nose.

6. Pulsatilla – When Toothache Is Worse On Eating

Pulsatilla is an effective medicine to manage toothache that gets worse on eating. Pain also increases from taking warm food/drink specifically. A draught of cold air brings relief. Pain is mainly marked in teeth on the right side of the face. The pain gets worse in the evening. The severity of the pain makes it difficult for a person to sit quietly. The pain may extend to the ears and sides of the head. Besides toothache, there are other sinus-related complaints like yellow-green discharge from the nose, alternate nasal discharge, nose blockage and frontal headache. Tearing type of pain is felt in the maxillary sinus in cheeks that may extend to the ears.

7. Spigelia – For Right Sided Toothache

This medicine is recommended when there is pain in teeth on the right side of the face. The pain is not felt during the day but begins at night when one rests the head on the pillow. It is useful when the pain is throbbing in nature. Burning pain is felt in the malar bone. The face may be swollen. There is nasal discharge, itching in the nose and post nasal drip as well.

8. Lycopodium – For toothache with swollen cheeks

Lycopodium is a beneficial medicine to manage toothache along with swelling of the cheek. It gets worse from warm drinks. Pain may increase from the slightest touch. Toothache gets worse at night. With this thick, yellow nasal discharge occurs from the nose. Headache in the forehead is also prominent. The nose feels blocked with trouble breathing at night.

9. Natrum Mur – For Pain In Teeth Extending To Ears

This medicine is well suited for managing pain in teeth that extend to ears. The cheek is swollen. The pain increases after eating. Pressure is felt in the teeth. There is profuse nasal discharge which alternates with nose blockage. At times, there is clear mucus discharge from the nose. There is excessive sneezing every morning. Burning sensation is felt in nasal bones and cheek area. There is also soreness in the nostrils. Loss of smell and taste is another prominent feature where this medicine is required. Besides the above complaints, pressure is felt on the forehead. It gets worse while bending the head down. Applying pressure over the head relieves this complaint. In some cases, there is pain in eyeballs along with the forehead.


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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines To Get Relief From Phantosmia

Phantosmia or olfactory hallucination means smelling imaginary odors that are not present in reality.  Most of the time, phantosmia occurs from mild problems that are not very worrisome, and relief sets in some time. However, in rare cases, a serious medical condition like brain tumour or stroke can be the cause that needs urgent medical attention. Different kind of smells may be experienced in phantosmia cases. Some examples include rotten smell, smell of something burning, chemical smell, metallic smell etc. The smell may occur in one nostril or both the nostrils. The smell may be persistent or occasional, varying from case to case. It is of two types i.e. peripheral phantosmia and central phantosmia. When the causes are associated with nose conditions, then it is known as peripheral phantosmia. When the causes are linked to brain conditions then it is referred to as central phantosmia.

Phantosmia can be due to different reasons like sinusitis, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis and COVID–19. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the para-nasal sinuses (air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavities). Nasal polyps refer to benign i.e. non–cancerous growths that develop on the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses. Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, indicates an overreaction of the immune system to an allergen like dust mite, pollen, etc. that results in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffed nose, and itchy, watery and red eyes. COVID – 19 refers to a highly contagious disease caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. Other causes are migraine, dental problems, schizophrenia and depression. Migraine indicates one-sided headache which is throbbing type and is often attended with nausea and vomiting. Schizophrenia indicates a mental health condition characterized by hallucinations and delusions, and also affects thinking, emotions and behaviour. It may also occur after a head injury. Brain tumours, seizures (a medical condition arising from uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain), Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder starting with tremoring of the hands at rest followed by other symptoms including slow movement, abnormal gait, stooped posture, slurred speech, etc)  may also lead to phantosmia. Stroke can also be a reason of phantosmia. It is a medical emergency in which interrupted oxygen supply to the brain causes the death of brain cells. Besides the above medical reasons, phantosmia may occur as a part of aging, from smoking and also from the use of certain medicines.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment is very effective in managing cases of smelling imaginary odors (phantosmia). In this mode, natural medicines are used to manage phantosmia. These medicines are entirely safe to use with no side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines gradually bring relief by targeting the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. So one must take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication. In cases where a serious cause is linked with phantosmia like brain tumor, stroke etc. one should take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relief In Imaginary Odors

1. Phosphorus – For Imaginary Foul Smells

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine for managing cases having imaginary foul smells. In cases needing it, there is long-term inflammation of the nasal membrane. Nasal discharge alternates with nose blockage. The discharge is greenish-yellow and may be blood-stained at times. There may be incessant sneezing that may lead to headache. In cases needing it, nasal polyps may be present that tend to bleed easily.

2. Graphites – For Bad Smell Like Something Getting Burnt

This medicine is highly effective in managing cases where a person experiences bad smell like of something getting burnt. The person suffers from cold with the discharge of thick, yellow mucus from the nose. Offensive pus-like discharge may be noted. There is blockage of the nose along with nasal discharge. Crusts may be present in the nostrils. Pain may occur in the nostrils especially while blowing out the nose.

3. Anacardium Orientale – For Burnt Smell In Morning

This medicine is also suggested when there is an imaginary odor of something burnt. The condition is worse in the morning on rising. Runny nose with sneezing may be present. There may be watering from the eyes. The nostrils are painful. Besides the above, this medicine is also indicated to manage cases of perverted smell.

4. Arsenic Album – For Bad, Offensive Smell In front Of Nose

Arsenic Album is a very beneficial medicine for managing bad, offensive odor in front of the nose. Along with this, there may be profuse discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked even with watery nasal discharge. Frequent sneezing occurs. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Itching is also felt in the nostrils. There is excessive weakness along with the above complaints.

5. Sepia – For Fetid Smell Like Rotten Eggs

This medicine is indicated for managing cases who feel a fetid smell like that of rotten eggs. Long-term nasal discharge may be experienced. Thick green discharge from the nose is prominent. Foul-smelling crusts get discharged from the nose in some cases. There may be post nasal discharge (PND) means the dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. This discharge is lumpy. Pressive type of pain at the root of the nose accompanies the above complaints.

6. Pulsatilla – For Foul Smell Like Of Old Nasal Discharge

Pulsatilla is yet another medicine to manage imaginary foul smells. The smell feels like that of an old nasal discharge in the nose. Thick yellowish-green nasal discharge flows which is a characteristic feature for the use of this medicine. There is more discharge indoors, but relief in open air. The sinus lining is inflamed (sinusitis). The nose feels swollen. Itching is felt in the nostrils in the evening.

7. Veratrum Album – To Manage Imaginary Smell Of Smoke

Veratrum Album is of great use in cases where a person experiences imaginary smell of smoke. It is accompanied by frequent sneezing. The nose feels dry and the tip of the nose feels icy cold.

8. Senega – For Imaginary Odor Like Pus

Senega is an important medicine to help cases of imaginary odors with smell like pus. Along with this, there is violent and continuous sneezing. The head feels heavy. Profuse thin watery fluid flows from the nose. A feeling of sniffing pepper is felt before the onset of watery nasal discharge.

9. Psorinum – For Managing Imaginary Smell Of Blood

Psorinum is a helpful medicine when there is an imaginary smell of blood. There is burning sensation in the nose followed by thin nasal discharge. There may be dripping of mucus from the nose into the back of throat (post nasal dripping). This disturbs sleep at night. The mucus may dry up in the nose which is difficult to expel.






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Feeling Loss Of Smell From Cold And Allergies? Try Homeopathy

Loss of smell medically known as anosmia can be due to various reasons. Cold and nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) are among the major causes behind it. These conditions tend to cause swelling and blockage in the nose that may result in loss of smell. There may be partial or complete loss of smell varying from case to case. Cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat resulting from different kind of viruses among which rhinovirus is the most important virus. Common cold is contagious means it spreads from direct contact with infected persons. It can cause various symptoms that include runny nose, blocked/ stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, PND (post nasal drip means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), headache, weakness, body aches and low-grade fever. In some cases, it can result in loss of smell and taste as well. Nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) refer to an overreaction of the immune system to an inhaled allergen like dust mites, pollens, etc. It results in symptoms including watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itching in the nose, blocked nose, and red watery itchy eyes. In long-term cases, a reduced power of smell may be noted along with the above symptoms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of loss of smell from cold and allergies. The homeopathic medicines used for treating these cases are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. They help in improving the sense of smell by treating the root cause behind it. Along with loss of smell, they also manage well any associated symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal dryness, post nasal discharge and blocked nose. Homeopathic medicines for treating loss of smell are selected based on the individual symptoms in each and every case. It is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine to treat loss of smell. Self-medication should be avoided in all cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Loss Of Smell From Cold And Allergies

1. Pulsatilla – Top Recommended Medicine

Pulsatilla is a highly recommended medicine for managing loss of smell in cases of cold. A very characteristic feature for using this medicine is thick yellow green discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked, pressure is felt at the root of the nose. Nose may be sore to touch. Pain in the forehead can also attend. A constant tickling sensation can be felt in the nose. This is attended with violent sneezing in most of the cases. Along with loss of smell, there is also loss of taste where this medicine is required. It can be accompanied with loss of appetite.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Loss Of Smell With Dry, Blocked Nose

Calcarea Carb is the next well-indicated medicine for managing loss of smell. In cases needing this medicine, there is dryness and blockage of the nose at night. There is difficulty in breathing through nose at night. Yellow nasal discharge flows during the day. In some cases, nasal discharge is blood-stained as well. In addition to the above complaints, there may be constant sneezing in the morning on waking up. There may be bleeding from the nose in the morning.

3. Silicea – For Loss Of Smell And Taste

Silicea is a prominently indicated medicine for treating cases of loss of smell and taste accompanying cold. There is nasal blockage. Thick green yellow foul discharge may flow from the nose. Itching is felt in the nose. There is swelling in the nostrils. In some cases, the nose becomes dry with crusts inside. There may be alteration between dryness and discharge from nose. The inflammation of frontal sinus (frontal sinusitis) may be seen. Throbbing pain is felt in the forehead. Sometimes pain from the tip of the nose extends to the forehead.

4. Natrum Mur – For Loss Of Smell With Profuse, Clear Nasal Discharge

It is a very important medicine used in cases of cold and nasal allergies. It also works very effectively for managing cases of loss of smell with clear-white profuse nasal discharge. There is frequent sneezing. Nasal discharge and sneezing are worse in the morning. The nostrils are swollen with difficulty in breathing through the nose. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Headache occurs almost daily in the morning on waking up.

5. Phosphorus – For Loss Of Smell With Alternate Nasal Discharge And Blockage

Phosphorus is a useful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and blocked nose alternating each other. There may be discharge from one nostril and blockage of the other at a given time. The nasal discharge is yellow green or blood streaked where this medicine is needed. In some cases, the nasal discharge dries up to form crusts and sticks in the nose. Sore pain is felt in the nostrils on touching the nose. There may also be a tendency of recurrent bleeding from the nose. One may feel a sore throat. There is loss of taste most of the times.

6. Hepar Sulph – With Nasal Discharge And Burning In Nostrils

Hepar Sulph is a helpful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and burning in the nose. The nasal discharge is yellow and sticky. Pain is felt in the nose that also affects the eyes. Nose feels blocked in the morning. Crusts and scabs can be present in the nose. Itching is felt in the nose that leads to sneezing. In some cases, mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat (PND). The mucus can be blood stained.

7. Kali Bichrome – For Loss Of Smell With Ropy Stringy Nasal Discharge

This medicine can be considered in cases of loss of smell with ropy, stringy discharge from the nose. The discharge is thick and yellowish or greenish in color. The nose feels blocked along with the above symptoms. There is difficulty in breathing through the nose due to blockage. Pain or pressure is felt at the root of the nose. There is intense sneezing in the morning. Kali Bichrome is also a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of sinusitis.

8. Arsenic Album – With Watery Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is of great help when there is loss of smell and watery discharge from the nose. The nose feels blocked even if there is free flow of nasal discharge. Burning and itching in the nostrils is well marked. There is frequent sneezing along with the above complaints.

9. Psorinum – For Loss Of Smell With Tough Mucus In Nose

Psorinum is yet another homeopathic medicine for managing loss of smell in case of cold. It helps relieve tough mucus from the nose. Soreness is felt in the nose. Nose is sensitive to inhaled air. Sometimes, dry nose is attended with nasal blockage. Along with cold, there is cough with yellow-green expectoration. There may be post nasal dripping means dripping of mucus from the back of nose into throat. It disturbs the most at night.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

Runny nose/rhinorrhea refers to fluid discharge from the nose. Runny nose can be attended with sneezing in many cases. This may occur due to various reasons. First and the most important reason behind it is allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to a set of nasal symptoms and also some eye-related symptoms resulting from an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust mites, pollen, molds, pet dander, etc. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, itchy, watery and red eyes. Secondly, runny nose and sneezing may also result from dry air exposure and pollution. Other causes include cold and flu. Common cold indicates a viral infection of the nose and the throat that occurs due to infection by rhinoviruses though other viruses like adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus may also be the cause. It causes thin nasal discharge initially (in later stages, the discharge tends to get thick and yellow or green), sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, body aches and low grade fever. Flu is a respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. It results in runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. Other symptoms are stuffy nose, cough, headache, tiredness, fever and muscle aches. Another cause behind runny nose and sneezing can be non-allergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis). In this condition, there is inflammation inside the nose and the symptoms are just like that of allergic rhinitis but here allergies are not the reason as in case of allergic rhinitis. Some of the known triggers behind non-allergic rhinitis are cold air, air pollution, spicy food, stress, use of certain medicines (for example aspirin, ibuprofen) and perfumes. Another cause can be sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Besides the above, it may result from COVID–19 (an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus). Depending on the cause behind runny nose and sneezing, some other symptoms may also attend like stuffy nose, cough, itchy, watery, red eyes, post nasal discharge or PND which refers to dripping of discharge from the back of the nose into the throat, headache, tiredness and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of runny nose with sneezing. Homeopathic medicines work on correcting the underlying cause behind it to bring wonderful results. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with runny nose and sneezing, they also help to manage any associated symptoms like itching in the nose, itchy and watery red eyes, reduced sense of smell, headache, post nasal discharge and cough. Homeopathic medicines for treating such cases are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication in any case. In severe cases, in cases attended with high fever and when this complaint arises from serious causes like COVID – 19, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations to help such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

1. Natrum Mur – Top Recommended Medicine

Natrum Mur is the topmost homeopathic medicine for managing cases of runny nose and sneezing. In some cases needing it, there may be alteration between runny nose and nasal blockage. The sneezing episodes get worse in the morning on rising up along with watery discharge from the nose. There is irritation in the nose and watery discharge from the eyes. Headache can attend it in some cases. Loss of smell and taste may be there along with the above complaints. There may be cough from a tickling sensation in the throat pit.

2. Arsenic Album – For Runny Nose And Sneezing With Burning In Nose

Arsenic Album is the other prominently indicated medicine to help cases of sneezing and runny nose. In cases needing this medicine, the discharge causes burning sensation in the nose. The nasal discharge causes irritation on the upper lip. There is itching in the nose. The nasal complaints get worse in open air. There is relief in complaints by staying indoors. The nose feels blocked with fluent nasal discharge. Weakness may be felt along with the above complaints. Besides, there may be hoarseness of voice.

3. Allium Cepa – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Eye Watering

This medicine is of great help in managing cases of runny nose, sneezing along with watery discharge from the eyes. Burning sensation is felt from the nasal discharge in the nostrils and upper lip. Headache can attend runny nose.  A lump sensation is felt at the root of the nose. The nose feels blocked. There may be hoarseness of voice and coughing. Along with the above, itching is felt in the eyes. Burning sensation in the eyes with an urge to rub the eyes can also be felt. The eyes become red.

4. Sabadilla – For Runny Nose Sneezing And Forehead Pain

Sabadilla is a well-indicated medicine for cases of runny nose, sneezing attended with pain in the forehead. Itching or tickling occurs in the nostrils with an urge to rub the nose. The nose feels stuffed. Sneezing is quite intense. Sneezing is followed by watering in the eyes. Eyes become red. Runny nose gets worse from the smell of strong odors. There is nasal stuffiness of one or the other nostril.

5. Aconite – For Runny Nose, Sneezing From Sudden Exposure To Cold Air

Aconite is a leading medicine for managing runny nose and sneezing that occurs from sudden exposure to cold air. There is discharge of hot water from the nose. The nose is red and swollen. Pain is felt at the root of the nose. Runny nose is accompanied by headache. Sensitivity to smell is present along with above complaints.

6. Gelsemium – For Runny Nose, Sneezing With Weakness

This medicine can be used when runny nose, sneezing is attended with weakness. Nasal discharge causes redness and soreness of the edges of nostrils. Sneezing is worse in the morning where this medicine is required. Tingling sensation is felt in the nose. Fullness is felt at the root of the nose. There may be dull headache and fever along with the above complaints.

7. Arsenic Iodatum – For Thin, Burning Watery Nasal Discharge With Sneezing

This medicine works well when there is dripping of thin, burning, watery discharge from the nose along with sneezing. The burning discharge causes redness of the upper lip. There is irritation in the nose that causes a constant urge to sneeze. Along with the above, post nasal discharge (dripping of fluid from back of the nose into the throat) may be present sometimes.

8. Euphrasia – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Watery Red Eyes

Euphrasia is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of runny nose, sneezing and watery, red eyes. Watering from the eyes causes marked burning in the eyes. A gritty sand-like sensation in the eyes can also be felt. Heat and sensitivity is also felt in the nose. Cough with expectoration may attend it in the morning. The nose may feel blocked at night.


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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Thick, Sticky Discharge From Nose

Mucus is normally produced by mucus membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of skull) daily without our being aware of it. This mucus is required in the body as it functions to trap germs, infectious particles, pollutants, and dust particles that enter from the nose to prevent their entry into the lungs. Mucus production tends to increase under certain health conditions and in some cases, the mucus is thick and sticky in nature. The first reason behind this is common cold. Common cold refers to a viral infection of nose and throat that usually results from infection with rhinoviruses but can also occur from other viruses like adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus. Initially, in the case of common cold, the nasal discharge is thin but in later stages, it tends to become thick and sticky. The next cause could be allergies in which the immune system overreacts to inhaled allergens. As a result, the nose produces mucus in excess to get rid of the allergens.

Due to excessive mucus production, the thick sticky mucus may accumulate in the nose. Another cause can be sinus inflammation and infection. In this condition, the sinuses swell up along with mucus build up in the sinuses and there is mucus discharge from the nose that can be thick and sticky. Fungal rhino sinusitis can also be a cause. It refers to a sinus infection which is caused by fungus usually from mold or yeast. Other causes that may result in thick, sticky nasal mucus include dry environment (breathing in dry air mainly in winters can result in thick, sticky nasal mucus) and dehydration (it changes the consistency of nasal mucus from thin to thick, rubbery, sticky type). Depending on the reason behind thick, sticky discharge it can be attended with some other signs and symptoms. These include sneezing, stopped nose, headache, fever, body aches, weakness, itchy, watery eyes, PND (post nasal discharge means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), sore throat, cough, loss of smell and taste.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very effective management for cases of thick, sticky nasal discharge. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce these discharges. They give excellent results by treating the root cause behind it. Along with nasal discharge, other associated signs and symptoms like stopped nose, sneezing, headache, PND, cough also get well managed with these medicines. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage these cases. Among these, the most suitable medicine is selected individually for every case based on the characteristic symptoms after detailed case evaluation. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Self – medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Thick, Sticky Discharge From Nose

1. Kali Bichrome – Top Recommended Medicine

Kali Bichrome is the topmost medicine when it comes to help the cases of thick, sticky mucus from the nose. In cases needing it, the nasal discharges are yellowish or greenish. The discharges are thick, lumpy and very sticky. They are stringy and ropy that can be pulled in the form of long threads from the nose. Along with this, post nasal discharge (PND) is also very prominently present. Along with discharges, a pain or pressure sensation is felt at the root of the nose. The nose feels blocked. Headache can accompany nasal blockage. Sneezing which gets worse in the morning can attend the above complaints. This medicine is of great help in cases of cold and sinusitis.

2. Hydrastis – For White Or Yellow Thick, Sticky Nasal Discharge

This medicine is effective for managing white or yellow colored thick, sticky nasal discharge. Along with this, there is marked headache in the frontal region. Sneezing can also be present. A sensation of fullness is felt over the eyes. Burning type of pain is present in the nose. The nose feels stuffed. There is a constant urge to blow the nose. The air feels cold in the nose. It is accompanied by PND i.e. dropping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat.

3. Kali Sulph – For Thick, Sticky Foul Smelling Yellow Nasal Discharge

Kali Sulph is a prominent medicine to manage thick, sticky yellow nasal discharge that has a very foul smell. Along with this, there is loss of smell and taste. Nose feels blocked. In some cases, thick yellow discharge alternates with watery nasal discharge.

4. Hepar Sulph – For Thin Nasal Discharge Followed By Thick, Foul Discharge

This medicine is well-indicated for cases where thin nasal discharge is followed by thick nasal discharge. The discharge has a foul smell. There is sneezing when one inhales cold air. There is also post nasal discharge. The air feels cold in the nose. The nostrils feels painful and also sensitive to touch. In some cases, crusts may form in the nose that bleed. Nose feels blocked in the morning. There is also loss of smell.

5. Silicea – For Foul Smelling Thick Nasal Discharge

Silicea is a very important medicine to manage foul smelling, thick nasal discharge. The discharge is greenish-yellow in most cases. With this, nasal blockage and loss of smell and taste are observed. The discharge is most marked in the morning. Along with this, headache can be felt. Itching is felt in the nose and sometimes there is excessive sneezing. There is a loss of appetite along with the above complaints. Inflammation of the frontal sinuses can be present. There may be long-term inflammation of the tonsils.

6. Thuja – For Thick Yellow Green Nasal Discharge

Thuja is the next useful medicine for managing cases of thick yellow green nasal discharge. It can be mixed with pus and blood in some of the cases. A pressure is felt at the root of the nose. There is pain in the teeth on blowing the nose. It is indicated for long term sinus infections. In some cases, ulceration in the nose is also noted. In some cases, bloody scabs can be present in the nostrils.

7. Graphites – For Nasal Blockage Along With Thick, Sticky Discharge

Graphites is an excellent medicine to manage a blocked nose along with thick sticky nasal discharge. The discharge has a very bad smell. It is yellow most of the time. Bad smell is felt in the nose like that of burnt hair. In some cases, mucus forms hard crusts in the nose. Nose is internally painful in addition to the above complaints.

8. Kali Iodatum – For Accumulation Of Thick, Sticky Mucus In Nose

This medicine is effective when there is accumulation of thick, sticky mucus in the nose. There is yellowish or greenish black discharge from the nose giving out a very foul smell. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Excessive sneezing occurs. Tightness is felt at the root of the nose. There may be accompanying loss of smell as well.

9. Chamomilla – For Sticky Nasal Discharge With Loss Of Smell And Dry Cough

This medicine is of great use in cases of sticky nasal discharge with loss of smell and dry cough. The nose is blocked. There is irritation and crawling sensation in the nose. Dry heat is felt in the nose. There is excessive sensitivity to all the smells.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Mouth Breathing

While breathing, the air moves in and out of lungs usually through the nose. However, some persons may be breathing via the mouth which is known as mouth breathing. Mouth breathing occurs when a person is unable to breathe through the nose. It may happen at night while in some persons, it may be present during both, day and night.  Some of the signs and symptoms of mouth breathing are snoring at night, drooling of saliva from the mouth, wetting the pillow at night, bad smell from the mouth due to mouth dryness, feeling tired in the day, irritability in the morning on waking up, hoarseness of voice from dryness of mouth and disturbed/poor sleep. Dark circles may appear around the eyes. Due to mouth breathing, the jaw position can be affected which may result in pain in the jaw and teeth grinding. There may be tooth decay or gum swelling from long term mouth breathing in adults. Children having mouth breathing may also have dry lips along with cracks, enlarged tonsils, sleepiness in the day, irritability, crying spells at night time and concentration problems at school. Their growth may also be slow as compared to normal.

The main reason behind mouth breathing is blockage of the nose. Firstly, it may occur in cases of common cold. Common cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat. Second cause can be nasal allergies also known as allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust, pollen, etc that results in sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, red, watery eyes. Another cause is sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Next reason is nasal turbinate hypertrophy (means enlarged, swollen, turbinates which are the bony structures in the nose). Further causes are nasal polyps (non-cancerous painless growths on the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses, DNS (deviated nasal septum – one sided displacement of the wall that divides the nasal cavity into two) and sleep apnea (momentary pauses in the breathing several times at night). Further causes are enlargement of tonsils and enlargement of adenoids.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers wonderful treatment for the cases of mouth breathing. Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural medicines that go to the root cause of the problem to give great relief in mouth breathing. With these medicines, there occurs gradual decrease in the complaint of mouth breathing. These medicines also offer help in attending symptoms including snoring, bad smell from mouth, mouth dryness, tiredness and hoarseness of voice. Homeopathic medicines for cases of mouth breathing are selected individually for every case as per the characteristic symptoms after detailed case evaluation. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic doctor. In no case, self – medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mouth Breathing

1. Ammonium Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Ammonium Carb is the top ranking homeopathic medicine to manage cases of mouth breathing. Person needing this medicine suffer from marked nasal blockage at night. This results in mouth breathing. They wake up multiple times at night due to blockage of the nose. There may be runny nose for a long time. They may sneeze frequently. They have marked dryness of the mouth and throat along with above complaints. Sometimes they suffer nasal bleeding in the morning on washing the face.

2. Sambucus – With Marked Dryness Of Nose

Sambucus is of great use in cases of marked nasal dryness attended with nasal obstruction and mouth breathing. There is dryness of the mouth and throat as well. There is also snoring with a whistling sound. This medicine is well suited to children with dry, blocked nose and mouth breathing. They have trouble breathing from the nose and wake up at night frequently feeling suffocated.

3. Teucrium – In Nasal Polyps Cases

Teucrium is a highly recommended medicine for mouth breathing linked with nasal polyps. There is marked blockage of the nostrils where this medicine is required. The key feature for its use is blockage of the nose on the same side on which the person lies down at night. Along with this, there is mouth breathing. Snoring also occurs while sleeping. Discharge of mucus and water also occurs from the nose. In some cases, there is discharge of greenish coloured scabs from the nose. Tingling sensation occurs in the nose. Loss of smell can be there. At times stinging pain in the nostrils can be felt. Pain is felt in the forehead due to nasal stuffiness. Above complaints can be attended with foul breath from the mouth.

4. Lemna Minor – With Nasal Polyps Or Nasal Turbinate Hypertrophy

Lemna Minor is a highly effective medicine for managing cases of difficult breathing through the nose due to nasal polyps or turbinate hypertrophy. The nose feels obstructed with mouth breathing in cases needing this medicine. There is snoring at night and sneezing during the day. Thick and sticky discharge may emanate from the nose. The discharge can be yellow or white colored. Sometimes there occurs foul- smelling crusty discharge from the nose. Foul smell occurs from the nose as well as mouth. There is also post-nasal discharge (dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat) along with the above symptoms.

5. Lycopodium – With Thick Yellow Nasal Discharge

Lycopodium is indicated when there is blocked nose with mouth breathing along with thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose feels swollen. There is a sensation of dryness in the posterior nares. There may be pain in the forehead along with nasal discharge. Mouth and tongue is dry. There is foul smell in the mouth in the morning on waking up.

6. Nux Vomica – With Nasal Discharge In Day And Blocked Nose At Night

This medicine works well when there is mouth breathing along with nasal discharge in the day and blockage of nose at night. Marked snoring is present at night. There also occurs sneezing along with itching in the nostrils. Headache and excessive mucus in the throat are prominent. There is dryness of the mouth and foul breath in the morning.

7. Agraphis Nutans – In Cases Of Enlarged Adenoids

It is a highly beneficial medicine for cases of blocked nose and mouth breathing in cases of enlarged adenoids. The root of the nose is markedly blocked in cases needing this medicine. Enlargement of the tonsils can also be present. There is a tendency to catch cold easily from exposure to cold air. Difficulty in hearing can be present along with above complaints.

8. Kali Carb – For Mouth Breathing Along With Long Term Cold

Kali Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of mouth breathing along with long term cold. In cases needing it, there is alteration between nasal discharge and nasal blockage. There is thick, yellow green crusty discharge from the nose. The discharge has bad smell. Post nasal dripping is also present. Itching and burning are also marked in the nose. Voice may become hoarse. Mucus or a lump sensation is felt in the throat.


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