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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair fall due to Folliculitis

Folliculitis refers to inflammation of hair follicles (pores in the skin through which hair grows) usually due to infection by bacteria, especially staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria get entrapped in the inflamed hair follicles leading to the formation of pus-filled bumps called pustules. It can affect any area of the skin where there is hair growth like the scalp (the most common area because of maximum number of hair follicles), armpits, beard, pubic area etc. When folliculitis affects the scalp and causes hair fall, then it is termed folliculitis decalvans. It causes patches of bald spots that can be round or oval shaped varying from case to case. The spots can be single or multiple in number.

Hair follicles that have been inflamed for long get destroyed which prevents new hair growth. When the hair strand falls off, scarring occurs that may cause permanent hair loss. The signs and symptoms of folliculitis may include pimples or pus-filled bumps around the hair follicles, when pustules break these get covered with scabs/crusts, pain, tenderness, itching and burning in the affected area. The exact cause behind this complaint is not clear. But it is thought to arise from infection with a bacteria known as staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria is normally present on the skin of every person but it does not cause any harm. In some persons, however, this bacteria may result in inflammation due to an abnormal response to this bacteria, the reason behind which is not clear yet. This inflammation can affect the hair follicle along with its destruction. With time, the hair strand falls followed by scar formation. That is why this hair loss is also known as cicatricial (scar formation) alopecia (means hair loss). Though this condition can occur in both males and females, men are more at risk.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective treatment for cases of hair loss due to folliculitis. These medicines primarily help to halt further progression of the inflammation of hair follicles and prevent hair loss. They also work toward managing the pimples or pustules on the scalp and it’s attending itching, pain and burning. Following the arrest of further progression of the problem and control of its associated symptoms, they help in hair regrowth. The results of hair regrowth vary from case to case as per the duration and intensity of the problem. Homeopathic medicines in these cases is decided after detailed case analysis based on the characteristic features in every individual case. So, one should always consult a homeopathic doctor for best homeopathic prescription after getting an in depth case evaluation done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall Due To Folliculitis

1. Silicea – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Silicea is a topmost medicine in homeopathy to help cases of hair fall due to folliculitis. Its use is highly recommended when pustules (pus-filled bumps) appear on the head. Attended with itching, these eruptions are followed by hair loss. There is excessive sweating on the scalp in cases needing this medicine. The sweat smells sour. In some cases, the eruptions appear specifically on the back of the scalp. These eruption ooze pus followed by scab formation. Burning sensation and itching are felt in these eruptions. Silicea works both ways –preventing further pus-filled eruptions and healing of already present eruptions, as well as controlling its associated hair loss.

2. Mezereum – With Crusty Eruption With Pus Underneath

This is the next highly effective medicine to manage hair loss from folliculitis. The key feature to use this medicine is crusty eruptions on the head with pus underneath. Hair comes out in handfuls, besides the other complaints. There is oozing of sticky fluid from the eruptions present. There is intolerable itching in the eruptions. Burning sensation is also felt in them.

3. Hepar Sulph – With Painful Pimples Painful To Touch

Hepar Sulph gives wonderful results when there occur painful pimples on the scalp causing hair loss. The eruptions are sore to touch. The spots of hair loss can be large in cases needing this medicine. The eruptions itch intensely in the morning on waking up. On scratching, there is burning and pain in the eruptions. Eruptions are covered with scabs. When scabs tear apart, bleeding raw surface can be seen underneath. Along with the above complaints, there is excessive sweating on the scalp. The sweat has sour smell.

4. Sulphur – With Itchy Small Fluid-Filled Bumps

This medicine is highly useful for itchy, small fluid-filled bumps on the head especially on the top of the head. They may be covered with yellow or brownish crusts. It is attended with hair loss patches. Besides, Sulphur is also indicated for small pus-filled bumps that dry up and get covered with honey like scabs. Next, it is indicated for offensive-smelling eruptions on the scalp that ooze thick pus along with bleeding. Burning sensation is felt in these eruptions. In general, the scalp is sore to touch in cases needing Sulphur. There is also violent itching on scalp in evening time.

5. Arsenic Album – With Itching And Burning On Scalp

Arsenic Album is another beneficial medicine to manage hair loss. This medicine can be used when there occur circular patches of hair loss that are rough and covered with dry scales. It is accompanied by itching and burning, especially at night. The scalp is sensitive to touch and even combing or brushing is painful. There are pus-filled eruptions present on the scalp or scabs/crusts on scalp.

6. Phosphorus – With Itchy Pimples With Bald Spots

It is a very helpful medicine when there occur itchy pimples on the scalp and bald spots that are smooth and look clear and white or scaly. Hair loss usually occurs in bunches where this medicine is required. The scalp is quite itchy. Scratching worsens itching. Dryness and heat are felt on the scalp in addition to the above-mentioned features.

7. Merc Sol – For Pus-Filled Bumps With Yellow Crusts

This medicine can be considered in cases of moist pus-filled eruptions covered with yellow crusts. These eruptions tend to eat away the hair. The eruptions ooze fetid fluid. These are sensitive to pressure. There is bad-smelling, oily sweating on the head along with the above complaints. The hair loss is mostly visible on the sides of the scalp.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Fear Of Disease

Fear of disease, medically known as nosophobia or disease phobia, refers to an extreme and persistent fear of getting a disease or some serious medical illness. It is also known as illness anxiety disorder. Those suffering from it, worry or over-think or get anxious about any change or discomfort even of minor intensity occurring in the body to be indicative of some serious illness.

There is a fear in the mind of developing a serious disease, like heart disease or cancer. If they are already suffering from some illness, then they have extreme thoughts that their suffering is of a very serious kind. They frequently think and talk about their health illness with others. They do not get satisfaction from visiting a doctor once, so they plan frequent visits to doctors for examination, investigation for confirmation and reassurance about their health condition. On the contrary, some may not visit the doctor out of fear of being diagnosed with a serious disorder. Another symptom could be keeping away from certain things out of fear of contracting a disease.

Some people may not want to know details about the disease as it may lead to stress or anxiety, while some people wish to learn every detail of the expected disease via news, internet, doctor visits, etc. If there is a family history of a certain disease, then a fear of inheriting the same may settle in the mind.

The exact cause behind the fear of disease is still unclear. But there are some factors that are thought to play a role in it. Firstly, a family member, a relative or some close friend suffering from a serious health problem might have a deep impact on the mind and trigger fear and anxiety of getting affected by the same health issue in future.

Secondly, persons who have anxiety or have a family member suffering from anxiety might also be at risk. Persons suffering from OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (a mind-related health problem characterized by fear and unwanted thoughts in the mind resulting in repetitive behavior) are also at risk. Having a history of a serious illness in childhood might also contribute to a fear of disease. Another reason could be if some disease has taken an epidemic proportion, then a person might fear getting the same.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of fear of disease (nosophobia). Homeopathy gets into the root cause behind any of the mind-related health issues to give wonderful results. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help to relax the mind and overcome fears and anxieties naturally. These are free from any sort of toxic side effects and are non-habit forming so can be used safely in persons of all age groups. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case after detailed case analysis. So, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician to get your case evaluated and get the most suitable homeopathic prescription. One should avoid self-medication in homeopathy.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Fear Of Disease

1. Arsenic Album – Most Recommended Medicine

Arsenic Album is the most prominently indicated homeopathic medicine for managing cases of fear of disease. This medicine is recommended for fear of different diseases. Persons needing it have fear of germs and catching infections, mostly viral infections. They fear contagious diseases especially (that spread from person to person via direct skin contact or coming in contact with the contaminated air droplets like from coughing, sneezing or touching contaminated objects). They may wash hands frequently out of this fear.

It is well indicated for fear of getting cancer and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Lastly, it is suggested for persons who are actually suffering from a disease, but they feel that they are suffering from an incurable disease with thoughts of death. They feel there is no use of taking any medicine as their disease cannot be cured. They suffer frequent anxiety attacks with restlessness. When they are anxious, there is trembling, cold sweat, difficulty in breathing, and constricted chest. Anxiety is worse after midnight in most of the cases needing this medicine.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Fear Of Contagious Disease

This medicine is suitable for persons who fear suffering from a contagious disease. These are the diseases that spread from direct skin to skin contact (like fungal infection, warts) or from inhaling infected air droplets from cough, sneeze (like cold, flu, sore throat) or from touching contaminated objects. Those needing it tend to have anxiety attacks towards the evening mostly, attended with fear of death. Besides the above-mentioned reasons, it is also useful to relieve fear of heart disease.

3. Carcinosin – For Fear Of Getting Cancer

Carcinosin is an effective medicine for cases where a person has fear of having cancer. It is also helpful for persons who believe they are already suffering from cancer while in reality they are not. They have marked restlessness. They always hurry while doing any kind of work. They might also face other sorts of fear as well, for example, fear of the dark, crowds, death and height.

4. Lac Caninum – Fear Of Getting Heart Disease

Lac Caninum works well in cases of fear of heart disease or heart attack. There is also a fear of going mad from excessive thoughts in the mind. Apart from this, Lac Caninum is useful for cases having fear of suffering from TB or tuberculosis (an infectious disease affecting the lungs caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis that spreads via inhaling air droplets of sneeze, cough of an infected person). There can be fear of fainting and fear of death as well in cases that require this medicine.

5. Medorrhinum – For Fear Of Sexually Transmitted Infections

This medicine is of great help in persons who nurture fear of protracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) via sexual contact. Besides this, Medorrhinum is indicated for cases having fear of getting cancer or getting mad. Apart from this, Medorrhinum is indicated for other general fears like fear of the dark, of being alone, of animals or an impending misfortune.

6. Syphilinum – For Fear Of Paralysis

Syphilinum is a useful medicine when there is marked fear of paralysis (loss of muscle function of a body part). Next, this medicine is also of use in persons having fear of acquiring AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). This medicine can also be considered in cases where there is marked fear of germs and infection. Due to this they keep washing hands quite often. This medicine is also given in cases of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

7. Argentum Nitricum – For Fear Of  Serious Disease

This medicine is suited to persons who fear they will surely get infected with some serious disease. There is a belief that the disease would be incurable with marked hopelessness, and anxiety. This medicine is also beneficial where fear of fainting is well-marked. In general, this medicine is indicated when there is anticipatory anxiety about some event that is going to happen in future. In addition to fear of disease, this medicine offers help in cases of fear of heights, crowds, darkness and fear of losing self-control.  Along with the above complaints, there is an impulsive tendency to do everything hurriedly.



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Is Your Mind Exhausted? Try any of these Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines

Mind exhaustion refers to a tired state of mind resulting from excessive mental activity and cognitive work. Cognitive refers to intellectual work that requires reasoning, thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering. Generally, repetitive physical stress on any body part results in physical overuse injuries, for example, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) resulting from overuse of hands in typing work, or playing an instrument over long time periods frequently without proper rest. One may feel physically tired/exhausted after intense workouts for long hours without a break. Similarly, when the brain works overtime without any breaks or required rest, then mental exhaustion can happen, for example, overstudy, and overwork at the office can sap the energy of the brain and lead to an exhausted mind. Besides, mind exhaustion can lead to long-term stress and worries.  Grief (like the loss of a loved one) or suffering from mind-related health problems (like depression or anxiety) or any other long-term health problem, financial stress, taking care of a child or an elderly person in the house, or multitasking without breaks can drain the brain and cause mind exhaustion.

Mind exhaustion can further lead to physical tiredness. It can make thinking difficult and can also affect emotions. With time, it can hinder following a daily routine and cause issues in relationships with family members. The symptoms of mind exhaustion include difficulty in focus and concentration, sadness, depressed feelings, anxiety, irritability, helplessness, feeling dull or sluggish, drowsiness, decreased productivity or poor performance at work, delaying certain tasks, negative thinking, arguing with family members, difficulty managing responsibilities, and suicidal thoughts. It can be associated with physical symptoms as well like body aches, sleep problems, headache, stomach issues and physical fatigue/tiredness. Persons having mind exhaustion may have a desire to be alone and avoid people, and may start consuming alcohol or some other stimulants.

Homeopathic Management

Along with proper rest and certain life style changes, homeopathic medicines can prove highly effective in cases of mind exhaustion. They help in boosting energy levels of the brain to overcome exhaustion. Homeopathic medicines stimulate body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines boost brain power and also manage symptoms that have arisen from mind exhaustion. These medicines are suitable for people of all ages, and the best part is that they are free from any sort of toxic side effects, so are very safe to use due to their natural origin. Homeopathic prescriptions for mind exhaustion vary from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.  It is further advised to avoid self–medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mind Exhaustion

1. Kali Phos – Top Recommended Medicine

Kali phos is one of the most widely used homeopathic medicines for managing mind exhaustion. This medicine is indicated when the mind get exhausted from excessive mind-related intellectual work, like excessive study. It is further indicated for mental exhaustion that results from long-term stress and worries. Persons needing it feel depressed, sad, irritable, and lethargic. They have a dull mind and a weak memory. They think negatively and are anxious all the time. They tend to avoid meeting people and cut themselves off socially. They also feel physically tired. Doing little work seems to be a huge task for them. They may also face sleeplessness.

2. Gelsemium – With Excessive Dullness, Drowsiness

This medicine is very effective when there is excessive dullness and drowsiness due to mind exhaustion. Thre may be dizziness and the mind feels tired. Persons needing this medicine also face difficulty with focus and concentration. They also wish to be alone and remain quiet. They feel irritable most of the time and do not feel like talking. They also get angry quite easily over small issues. Along with the mind, they also feel physically tired and weak. They can have muscle aches as well along with the above complaints.

3. Anacardium – For Mind Exhaustion After Overstudy

Anacardium is beneficial for persons who suffer from mind exhaustion after excessive study for examinations. Those needing it feel like sitting idle all the time and doing absolutely no work at all. Mind dullness, memory weakness, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness are some of the important symptoms. Such people are very irritable and get offended and angry very easily. They feel depressed, sad and helpless. Along with mind exhaustion, there is physical fatigue as well.

4. Picric Acid – For Exhausted Mind From Mental Strain And Anxiety

This medicine is indicated for persons who have mental exhaustion following long-term anxiety and mind strain. They have an aversion to doing any work or exert mind to think anything or talk. They show forgetfulness. They feel tired from little reading or writing. They show indifferent behavior. They also have muscle weakness and tiredness in their limbs.

5. Phosphoric Acid – For Mental Exhaustion Followed By Physical Tiredness

This medicine works well in cases where mind exhaustion is accompanied by physical weakness  and tiredness. Person requiring it feel as if the mind has gone slow. It is attended with excessive confusion and difficulty in thinking. Thinking leads to dizziness in many of the cases. There is dullness of mind along with indifferent behavior. There is a desire to be quiet and alone. Additionally, anxiety, hopelessness can occur. While trying to read, thoughts seem to meander far away from the mind. This medicine is also well indicated for mind fatigue that occurs after suffering grief of any kind.

6. Silicea – With Fear To Do Any Mind-Related Work

Silicea is helpful medicine for persons who fear to undertake any mind related work and tend to postpone it due to exhausted mind. They cannot even think to over exert their mind. They also have poor focus and concentration. Confusion of mind prevails among them. They also feel sad, hopeless. This medicine is highly suitable to students who get mind exhaustion from excessive literary work.

7. Ignatia – For Exhausted Mind After A Grief

This is a highly suitable medicine when mental exhaustion occurs after a grief. Physical exhaustion attends it. There is sadness, frequent weeping spells and feeling of hopelessness. There is indifferent behaviour and desire to be alone. Consolation seems to make the symptoms worse. There is oversensitivity and nervousness. Irritability and anger can also appear at times. In some cases, sudden mood changes from sadness to joy and vice versa may be felt. One may suffer from sleeplessness.

8. Natrum Carb – With Difficult Concentration

Natrum carb is an effective medicine when concentration becomes difficult due to an exhausted mind. There is inability to do any work that requires application of mind. There is great difficulty in connecting thoughts when listening or reading. The aboveabove-mentioned mentioned complaints are accompanied by sadness and depression. The person remains irritable and may suffer from anxiety attacks.

9. Cocculus Indicus – For Exhausted Mind Due To Loss Of Sleep

This medicine is beneficial when mind exhaustion results from lack of sleep. Persons needing it facedaytime issues like a slow mind and weakening of memory. They may have intense sadness and depressed feelings may occur in their minds. There is also excessive drowsiness in the day time due to lack of sleep at night.




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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Relief in Muscle Twitching

Muscle twitching refers to repetitive, involuntary muscle contractions. Another term used for muscle twitching is muscle fasciculation. Our muscles are controlled by the nerves and if there is any damage, impaired function of the nerve or excessive stimulation of the nerve happens, it can give rise to muscle twitching. The reasons behind muscle twitching could be minor or serious. It may simply arise from overexertion, improper sleep, decreased water intake and lack of nutrients like Vitamin D, Vitamin B, calcium, magnesium or it may arise from some underlying nervous system-related health condition. It may also occur from stress, anxiety, excessive intake of caffeine and tobacco, and use of certain medicines like corticosteroids, antidepressants and diuretics (medicines that increase urine production). Minor twitches that occur occasionally and tend to resolve on their own or with some lifestyle changes, and are usually not something to worry about. However, if they occur frequently or persist, then it needs to be evaluated by a physician for the right diagnosis and treatment. Twitching can be accompanied by other symptoms as well according to the cause behind them, including muscle weakness, pain, cramps, tingling, numbness and loss of muscle mass (medically known as muscle wasting).

Various medical conditions that can cause muscle twitching are as follows:

1. Pinched nerve in the spine – This occurs usually from slip disc (pushing out or protrusion of the intervertebral disc i.e. soft cushions between two vertebrae, from its place). This may cause muscle twitching along with other symptoms of pain, numbness and tingling sensation.

2. Neuropathy – This results from nerve damage usually in the hands and feet. It may lead to twitching, numbness or pain in the affected parts.

3. Multiple sclerosis –It is a condition of the nervous system arising from damage to the protective myelin sheath of nerve fibers by a mistaken response of the cells of the immune system. This causes problems in communication between the brain and rest of the body parts. It results in stiffness of the muscles, twitching of muscles along with other symptoms like numbness or weakness in the limbs, tingling sensations, unsteady gait, lack of coordination, dizziness, vision loss, weakness, slurred speech, cognitive issues and blurred or double vision.

4. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) also called Lou Gehrig’s disease – It is also a nervous system disorder that affects the functioning of the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord resulting in lack of muscle control. It may lead to muscle twitching, muscle weakness and loss of muscle mass, problem in walking, slurred speech, difficulty in swallowing and muscle cramps.

5. Isaac’s syndrome – It is a neuromuscular disorder in which nerves cause overstimulation of muscle fibers. This results in twitching even at rest, trouble relaxing muscles, stiffness/cramping of the muscle and excessive sweating.

6. Lupus – It is an autoimmune disorder occurring when immune cells attack healthy body tissues out of a 6. misdirected response causing inflammation in various body parts. Muscles may be inflamed resulting in muscle twitching.

7. Hoffmann syndrome – It is a rare complication resulting when hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is left untreated for very long time. It causes painful muscle spasm, muscle cramps and muscle weakness.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing muscle twitching. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that are entirely safe to use with zero side effects. These bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Gradual improvement occurs in such cases and results vary from case to case as per the intensity and duration of the complaint. Along with twitching, homeopathic medicines also help in managing associated symptoms like muscle weakness, pain, cramps, tingling and numbness. There is no specific medicine in homeopathy for these cases and the suitable medicine has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. Some cases of muscle twitching may be occurring from serious nervous system disorders so it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor and take medicine under supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Muscle Twitching

1. Zincum Met – Top Recommended Medicine

Zincum Met is on top of the list of homeopathic medicines to manage cases of muscle twitching. Firstly, this medicine is effective in managing twitching of the eyelids. Secondly, it offers help in twitching of the facial muscles. It is also useful for managing the twitching on the upper lip particularly of the left side. Further, it is beneficial to manage twitching in the left arm and thigh muscles. In cases requiring this medicine, twitching in the left arm is worse in the morning hours during sleep. This medicine can be used in case of twitching of the limbs (legs and arms) at night.

2. Cuprum Met

Like the above medicine, Zincum Met is also used for twitching in multiple body parts. It is indicated for twitching in the eyelids on the left eye. This can be attended with sensitivity to light (photophobia). Next, this medicine is indicated for twitching in the fingers extending to hands and arms. It gets worse from anxiety and overexertion. The twitching in the arm gets better by lying down. Its use is further suggested for twitching in the limbs attended with tingling sensation. A key indication for its use is twitching which begins in the fingers and then spreads to the entire body.

3. Agaricus

This medicine is recommended for twitching in the eyelids attended with excessive eye watering. It is also prominently used for relief in twitching of facial muscles. The twitching is felt usually in the right cheek. Tearing or drawing pain is felt in cheeks. Besides, throbbing is felt in the cheeks. This medicine can also be considered in cases of twitching of arms that gets better while doing some work with hands. Another indication for its use is twitching in muscles of upper and lower limb, along with trembling and restless feeling. In cases needing it, the twitches worsen from doing voluntary movement of affected muscle. The twitching goes away completely at night. Twitching occurs in the muscles of different body parts and keeps shifting from one place to other.

4. Belladonna

Belladonna proves effective in cases of twitching in the face and limbs. Along with facial twitching, there may be nerve pain in the face. The face appears red and flushed. In case of twitching limbs, cramping can also be felt in the limbs. Sometimes, shooting pain is felt in the limbs. The limbs may feel heavy as well. Additionally, there may occur trembling in the limbs.

5. Mygale

This medicine is firstly of great use when there is twitching in the arm and leg of the right side. This puts hindrance in standing and walking. Secondly, it is very helpful when there is constant twitching in the muscles of face. Lastly, it is effective for twitching in the muscles of the back.

6. Opium

Opium is a valuable medicine for managing twitching in the face especially at the corners of the mouth. The mouth appears distorted with twitching. A very characteristic feature for its use is twitching at corners of mouth after some sort of fear. Trembling of face may occur along with twitching. This also works well in cases of twitching in arms, hands and head. Body movement tends to offer some relief in twitching.

7. Cicuta

Cicuta can be used in cases of twitching of facial muscles causing distortion of face. The face may appear flushed attended with headache. Next it can be considered in cases of twitching of fingers and arms. Jerks may occur in  the left arm the entire day. Cramps can also be felt in arms.

8. Ignatia

This medicine is useful when twitching occurs due to grief or fright. The affected parts may also tremble. Twitches may occur in limbs, eyes, face or the corners of the mouth in cases needing Ignatia.


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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Penile Itching and Redness

Itching on the penis can be felt on the shaft of penis, glans penis or the foreskin (i.e. prepuce) which can be quite uncomfortable. It can occur due to various reasons like inflammation, infection or certain skin conditions. Depending on the cause, some other signs and symptoms that can attend itching are penile discharge, swelling, inflammation, eruptions/ rash on the penis, flaking on skin, pain/ burning when passing urine and painful intercourse. The different causes of penile itching are as follows:

1. Fungal or yeast infection (also known as thrush/candidiasis): Fungal infection on the penis is caused by fungus known as candida. It tends to result in signs and symptoms including itching of the penis along with redness, swelling, white patches or red spots on the penis head, cracks on the foreskin, thick white discharge under the foreskin, burning while urinating and pain during intercourse.

2. Certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs): It firstly includes genital herpes (caused by Herpes Simplex Virus – HSV leading to blisters i.e. fluid-filled bumps on genitals). The second example of STI is genital warts (growths on the genitals occurring from Human Papilloma Virus – HPV). Another STI is chlamydia (caused by bacteria chlamydia trachomatis).

3. Balanitis: It refers to the inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin i.e. prepuce. It leads to signs and symptoms including redness, swelling, itching of the penis head/glans penis, pain on the glans, thick discharge under the foreskin, sores on the penis head, painful urination and bad smell on the penis.

4. Eczema of penis: This is indicated by inflamed skin of penis along with dryness, itching or fluid-filled bumps or the appearance of crust on penis.

5. Contact dermatitis: It is a reaction of the skin of the penis to products like certain soaps, fabrics or latex condom.

6. Psoriasis: A skin condition causing inflamed red patches with flakiness.

7. Scabies: An itchy skin condition occurring when small mites form burrows on the skin surface.

8. Lichen Planus: A skin condition that causes purple, flat-topped bumps on the skin.

9. Lichen Nitidus: It refers to inflammation of the skin cells resulting in small fleshy, flat-topped bumps on various body parts that may include penis.

10. Ingrown hair: It happens when hair ingrows at the penis base and causes itching.

11. Urethritis: It is the inflammation of the urethra. It causes symptoms including a burning sensation while urinating, discharge from the urethra, itching near the opening of the penis, or blood in the urine or semen.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of penile itching and redness. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in relieving this complaint by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, long term relief sets in. Along with itching and redness, these medicines also help in relieving other associated complaints like swelling/inflammation over penis, eruptions/rash on the penis, flaking on skin. These medicines are free from any sort of side effects as these are prepared from natural substances. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for penile itching is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms and the reason behind itching. It is advised to always get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for right diagnosis and prescription. Self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Penile Itching

1. Sulphur – For Itching On Glans And Foreskin

Sulphur is an effective medicine for managing itching on the glans and the foreskin. Stitching pain can be felt in the penis besides itching. In some cases, ulcers are present on the penis, glans or the foreskin. The glans and foreskin can be very cold. Redness and burning sensation can be felt on the foreskin. Sometimes, swelling and cuts can be present on the foreskin in cases needing this medicine.

2. Croton Tiglium – With Fluid-filled Eruptions (Vesicles)

This medicine is recommended for itching on the penis and glans along with fluid-filled bumps. The bumps may extend to the scrotum as well. The itching is intense but scratching is painful. The eruptions are sensitive and painful to touch (sore). The bumps occur in clusters (in multiple numbers appearing in groups). In some cases, eruptions are pus-filled. The eruptions tend to burst with time and form crusts.

3. Thuja – For Itchy Inner Surface Of Foreskin With Warts

This medicine works well to manage itching on the inner surface of the foreskin with the presence of warts. Red warts occur on the inner surface of the foreskin in cases needing it. The warts are small pointed type. Burning sensation occurs on the area between foreskin and the glans. Ulcers or fluid-filled eruptions may be present on the glans penis.

4. Nitric Acid – For Balanitis With Itching

This medicine is recommended when there is inflamed foreskin. Small fluid-filled eruptions occur on the foreskin that are very itchy. These eruptions open after some time and get covered with scabs. Burning sensation can attend it. Little ulcers can also form on the inner surface of the foreskin that secrete a foul-smelling fluid.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Itchy Herpes Eruptions

Hepar Sulph is a useful medicine for cases having herpes eruptions along with itching. In cases requiring this medicine, there occur tiny fluid-filled eruptions in groups especially on the foreskin. The eruptions look white with a red base, attended by excessive itching. The eruptions are sensitive to touch as well.

6. Mezereum – For Itchy Glans

This medicine is well indicated for managing itching on the glans penis. With this stitching and prickling sensation is felt in the penis and glans. Swelling is seen on the penis. Heated sensation in the penis attends it. Discharge of watery mucus can occur from the urethra along with pain on touching urethra.

7. Cinnabaris – For Itchy Glans With Red Pimples  

This medicine is helpful to manage itching on glans with red pimples. The pimples are small in size. The foreskin can be red and swollen. In some cases needing it, warts on the foreskin may appear that have a tendency to bleed easily.

8. Natrum Mur – For Itching And Stinging On Glans

This medicine can be used for itching attended by stinging sensation on the glans, sometimes on the scrotum as well. A crawling sensation is felt on the glans. A thin fluid from the urethra may be discharged.

9. Rhus Tox – For Itching On Inner Surface Of Foreskin

This medicine can be considered in cases of itching on the inner surface of the foreskin. Stinging sensation can attend it. The foreskin along with glans is also swollen and appears dark red. Pain is felt in glans. Water-filled bumps may be present on glans.

10. Natrum Sulph – For Itching Of Penis, Glans And Scrotum

Natrum Sulph is applicable to cases of itching of penis, glans and scrotum. After scratching, burning is felt on glans and scrotum. Swelling of foreskin and scrotum may be present. In some cases, warts may occur on genitals with greenish discharge.

11. Silicea – For Red, Itchy Foreskin

This medicine helps cases of red, itchy foreskin. There is also swelling on the foreskin. Fluid-filled eruptions may be present. Itchy spots may also be present on the scrotum along with sweating.





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How to get rid of Visual and Auditory Hallucinations with Homeopathy?

Hallucinations refer to false sensory experiences related to sound, sight, smell and taste in the absence of external stimuli. These experiences are created by the mind and are not actually present. A person having auditory hallucinations hears voices, sounds or noises that do not exist in reality.  In the case of visual hallucinations, a person sees things or people who are not present nearby.

Hallucinations can occur because of various reasons. Among these, schizophrenia is one of the most common and important causes. It refers to a mental health condition in which the sufferer becomes unable to differentiate between real and unreal. He/she tends to develop fixed false beliefs called delusions or starts feeling sensory perceptions in the absence of external stimuli, like imagining some person being around though none is present or hearing a voice that is not actually there. Some other symptoms that can attend are delusions and hallucinations. Other symptoms include confused speech, senseless talking, social withdrawal, sensation of being controlled by a superhuman power, lack of emotions and changed sleep patterns. Delirium refers to a sort of confusion that develops quickly resulting in reduced attention, concentration and awareness due to disrupted brain activity.

Another cause of hallucinations can be dementia which is a term used to describe memory loss, reduced thinking and reasoning ability. Other reasons could be anxiety and depression, excessive alcohol intake and use of drugs like cocaine, and marijuana. It can also occur in case of seizures (fits), migraine (one-sided throbbing headache usually attended with nausea and vomiting), high fever and kidney/liver failure. Lastly, the use of certain medicines like medicines used to treat depression, Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy can lead to hallucinations.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines carry a great scope in managing cases of visual and auditory hallucinations. These medicines help in gradually decreasing the symptoms of hallucinations. These medicines work at a deep psychological level to bring great recoveries in such cases. The best part of using these medicines is that they are free from side effects. These are also non-habit forming. Homeopathic medicines for hallucinations are prescribed on a person-to-person basis differing in every case, so it is advised to get any case of hallucinations evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right medicine. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Managing Hallucinations

1. Anacardium – For Auditory Hallucinations

Anacardium is one of the best medicines to manage auditory hallucinations. This medicine is suited to persons who tend to hear the voices of persons, spirits or dead people. A very prominent symptom is the feeling of a demon sitting on one shoulder asking to do bad things and an angel sitting on the other shoulder directing the person to do good deeds. They may also hear voices saying that he/she is going to die. A very unique symptom that can attend is a feeling as if the body and mind are separate. A feeling of being under superhuman control can also prevail. The affected persons have a tendency to use bad language, curse and swear. They may get angry over small issues and show violent behavior.

2. Veratrum Album – For Visual Hallucination

Veratrum Album is suitable for those who see persons near them constantly. It appears to them that the room is full of people though nobody is present in real life. The sufferer even talks to them. It can be attended with crying or laughing. Sleeplessness tends to trouble the sufferer. Besides, this medicine is recommended when a person has a feeling of misfortune and runs around the house screaming or sitting, brooding constantly and weeping. In cases needing it, a tendency to get violent may occur along with the above complaints. It is attended with a tendency to hit persons standing nearby or cut and tear things. The sufferer may also develop a tendency to run away.

3. Stramonium – For Both Visual And Auditory Hallucinations

This medicine is indicated for both visual and auditory hallucinations. In case of visual hallucinations, persons needing it feel as if there are ghosts or animals present around. It feels as if they are jumping or running towards them.  They may also see strangers around them though nobody is present. They may also see people coming out from all the corners of the room. They may see insects like cockroaches, beetles, and bed bugs. A sensation of snakes under and around them can also be present. Sometimes, black objects are seen. It is also indicated for persons who imagine horrifying images causing terror. Lastly, they can see cats, dogs, rats coming towards them.

In cases of auditory hallucinations, the symptoms guiding its use are hearing voices and talking with persons not actually present in the room. They may also speak with spirits. An important attending symptom that sufferers could have is feeling of being tall or double or some part of the body missing. In cases needing it, religious mania can be present with constant praying. Sudden mood changes from joy to sadness can occur. A constant movement of hands can be present. The hallucinations may lead to fear, fright and violent behavior.

4. Cannabis Indica – For Hallucination With Hearing Of Bells Or Music

This medicine is well-indicated for auditory hallucinations where a person hears multiple bells ringing. He may also hear music. He may also hear someone calling out to him. An additional symptom that can attend is the feeling of the body becoming larger and larger. There may also be a sensation of having two existences. Besides, memory may become weak and concentration may decrease. Sometimes uncontrollable laughter occurs with initiation of laughing bouts at every single word that the sufferer hears. A fear of becoming insane may persist.

5. Belladonna – For Visual Hallucinations Of Ghosts And Frightful Images

This medicine proves effective in cases where person sees ghosts or frightful images. They may see monsters, ugly faces, and insects too. They fear them and wish to run away from them. In some cases, they see black animals in front of them. They are very restless. They tend to bite, hit others, and may tear things in front of them to pieces. Their hands can be in constant motion as if trying to catch something suspended in the air.

6. Hyoscyamus – When Sufferer Sees Persons Or Snakes Around

This medicine is beneficial in cases where the sufferer assumes persons who are not actually there, to be physically present in front of him/ her. The sufferer imagines as if the persons nearby are making efforts to hold him and he needs to escape from them. He/she may talk to oneself, imaginary people or dead ones. The affected person talks excessively, more than usual, in a hurry about things that make no sense. He may cry and laugh alternatively. Besides human beings, they may see snakes creeping towards them. Some fears may be present in the mind, apart from the above symptoms. There is a fear of being poisoned, bitten by animals or sold away.

7. Opium – When Person Sees Ghosts And Frightful Animals

This medicine is helpful for cases where a person sees ghosts and frightful animals. Besides, there is a feeling as if the body parts are very large. There may be excessive talkativeness. Hallucination of some masked people coming near may also be felt.


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How to manage Swollen Tender Joints with Homeopathy?

Swollen tender joints can occur due to multiple reasons. Swollen joints mean puffed joints resulting from increased fluid accumulation in the tissues present around the joints. Tender joints mean when one feels pain on touching the joints. So swollen tender joints refer to puffed joints that are painful to touch. It can affect any of the joints, and at a time one or multiple joints may be affected. The pain may also shift from one joint to another quickly in a short period of time. Depending on the cause, the affected joints may be red, stiff and warm to touch and may have decreased range of movement. The reasons for swollen and tender joints are summed below:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis: It is an autoimmune joint disorder resulting in joint inflammation beginning especially from the small joints of hands causing pain, stiffness, and swelling of joints. Autoimmune disorder means disorders in which the immune cells damage healthy tissues out of a mistaken response.

2. Gout: It is a type of joint inflammation (arthritis) resulting from the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. This type of arthritis in most cases affects the big toe, though other joints can be affected as well.

3. Osteoarthritis: It is a form of arthritis that occurs from wear and tear of joints. It happens from deterioration of the cartilage present at the end of bones forming a joint that prevents rubbing of the bones together in the joint, during movement. The joints most affected in this are knees, hips and hands and joints of the spine.

4. Bursitis: It refers to inflammation of the bursa (i.e. a bag of synovial fluid around a joint) that helps in reducing friction between different structures of the joints during joint movement.

5. An injury or sprain: A joint injury can lead to swollen tender joints. Sprain can also be one of the causes. Sprain refers to overstretching or tearing of ligaments (band of fibrous tissue connecting two bones of the joint). Mostly, sprain tends to occur in the ankles.

6. An infection in the joint (septic arthritis): Also known as infectious arthritis, it happens from the spread of infection to the joint. It occurs mostly from a bacterial infection, but might also result from a viral or fungal infection.

7. Ankylosing arthritis: This form of arthritis begins with inflammation in the sacroiliac joint (a joint formed where the hip bone connects with the sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine).

8. Psoriatic arthritis: It is a type of arthritis that can occur in some people suffering from an autoimmune skin disorder called psoriasis. In psoriasis, red inflamed patches appear on the skin covered with silvery white scales.

9. Reactive arthritis: This kind of arthritis gets triggered after an infection in some other body part like in the urinary tract, bowels or genitals.

Homeopathic Management

There is excellent scope for managing swollen tender joints in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines aim at rectifying the root cause behind swelling and tenderness of the joints. This brings long-term relief to the sufferer. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for both recent (acute) as well as long-term (chronic) cases of swollen, tender joints. Along with swelling and tenderness, these medicines also help to manage stiffness, heat and redness of the joints. Homeopathic medicines are free from any side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage cases of swollen, tender joints but these are not specific. Every case cannot be treated with the same one medicine but the most suitable medicine has to be found after detailed case evaluation of the symptoms. The symptoms that are characteristic in each case, like the worsening and relieving factors, are kept in mind to prescribe medicine in every individual case. So it is advised that a person should get his/ her case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for correct prescription.

Homeopathic Medicines For Tender Joints

1. Arnica – Top-Listed Medicine

To manage swollen tender joints, Arnica is one of the best-indicated medicines in homeopathy. This medicine is highly suited to manage joint complaints occurring after an injury, sprain or arthritis (inflammation of the joints). Persons needing it have swelling on the joints with intense tenderness and they fear touching the affected joint due to pain that occurs even from touching. There is acute pain and it feels as if the joints have been beaten with some blunt object. A characteristic feature that can be present where this medicine is required is pain starting from the joints in the lower part of the body, and then affecting joints in the upper body part. Pain gets worse from movement of the affected joint besides touch.

2. Rhus Tox – Along With Stiffness

This medicine is highly recommended when along with swelling and tenderness, joint stiffness is also present. Mainly stitching type of pain occurs on touching the affected joints. The joints are red and warm to touch. A key indicating feature for its use is the worsening of pain when at rest, and relief from movement. Stiffness gets relieved by warm application over the joints. This medicine is the most helpful for swollen tender joints due to arthritis and injury. When joint pain worsens in damp weather, then also Rhus Tox is quite effective.

3. Causticum – When Pain Relieves From Warm Applications

Causticum is another very beneficial medicine for swollen tender joints. The main indicating feature for its use is relief in pain from warm applications, like applying a heating pad, on the joints. Mostly tearing type of pain is felt in cases needing it. Causticum is also indicated for management of joint complaints when deformity has occurred in the joints from long-term inflammation.

4. Pulsatilla – With Shifting Joint Pains

Pulsatilla can be considered when joints are swollen and pain shifts from one joint to another rapidly. The affected joints are markedly swollen and red. A drawing type of pain occurs in the joints on touch. Pain gets worse from movement. Pain increases at night, it gets better towards the morning. Numbness is also felt in the affected joints.

5. Bryonia – When Pain Gets Better By Resting

This medicine works well when joints are painful to touch and better from absolute rest. Not even the slightest touch is tolerable. Pain worsens from the least motion. The affected joints are red, swollen along with marked heat. The nature of pain in the joints can be tearing or stitching type.

6. China Officinalis – When Pain Worsens From Touch And At Night

This medicine is useful for cases in which pain worsens from touch and also at night. The affected joints are highly sensitive and the slightest touch is painful. The joints also feel weak. Pressure is felt on the joints as from a load. Pains are worse when lying down or taking rest.

7. Ruta – From Injury Or Sprain

This medicine, like Arnica, is effective to manage swollen, tender joints from injury or a sprain. The affected joints are painful, besides causing restlessness. Affected joints also feel lame. Nodes may develop on the joints involved along with the above symptoms.


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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Vaginal Discharge with Itching

Vaginal discharge refers to a clear or white fluid coming from vagina. Some amount of vaginal discharge is normal and functions to keep vagina clean and help to lubricate vagina and fight the bad bacteria to prevent infection. Normal vaginal discharge should not be itchy. If itchy then it indicates some infection or other medical reason that needs to be investigated and treated. A sudden increase in vaginal discharge especially if it occurs along with change in color or when attended with bad smell, vaginal pain, pelvic pain then it could be arising from some medical reasons for which investigation is needed to rule out the cause followed by proper treatment. Depending on the cause behind the discharge, it can be attended with burning, vaginal pain, belly pain, pelvic pain, swelling and redness of the genitals, eruptions on the vulva and vagina, and fever.

Causes for Itching with Vaginal Discharge

1. Fungal/yeast infection in the vagina: Also called vaginal candidiasis, it causes symptoms like itching in the vagina, thick white vaginal discharge, burning when urinating or during intercourse, vaginal pain, and redness with swelling of the vulva.

2. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis: Gonorrhoea is caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, while chlamydia is caused by bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. Trichomoniasis is caused by infection by parasite trichomonas vaginalis.

3. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): It refers to infection in the upper genital tract of females including uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries usually occurring from sexually transmitted infections.

4. Bacterial vaginosis: This condition occurs when there appears an imbalance in the naturally present bacterial flora in the vagina. When the number of bad bacteria increases and good bacteria in the vagina decreases, then bacterial vaginosis occurs.

5. Vaginitis: it refers to inflammation of the vagina.

6. An allergic reaction to chemicals present in soaps, contraceptives, feminine sprays or a forgotten tampon.

7. Rarely cancer of the vulva, uterus, cervix or the vagina

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of vaginal discharge with itching. Homeopathic medicines aim to correct the underlying cause behind it to bring wonderful results. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with vaginal discharge and itching, they also manage any associated symptoms like burning, pain in vagina and pelvic pain. Homeopathic medicines for treating such cases are selected depending on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Vaginal Discharge with Itching

1. Sepia – Top Recommended Medicine

Sepia is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage vaginal discharge with itching. In cases needing it, the discharge may be of different colors in different women, like yellow, green or clear like water. The discharge is foul-smelling and is more in volume after urinating. The discharges usually occur during the day. A very important accompanying symptom is bearing down pain in the pelvis with the sensation as if the pelvic organs will come out of the vagina. There is also an increased urge to urinate along with the above complaints. Intense pain during coition is also there. Pain in the ovarian region is mainly of stitching type which occurs sometimes. In some cases, ulcers in the vagina may be present.

2. Kreosote – Along With Burning In Vagina

Kreosote is a highly suitable medicine when there is vaginal discharge along with itching and burning in the vagina. Females needing this medicine also complain of itching between the labia and the thighs. Sharp pain may also be felt in the vagina. Vaginal pain is most marked while urinating. A characteristic feature to use this medicine is intense bad smell coming from the discharge. The discharge in most cases is yellow which leaves stains on the clothes. The discharge gets worse while standing and walking and gets better while sitting. Pain during intercourse can be an attending symptom along with above indications. This medicine is highly suitable for vaginitis cases.

3. Natrum Mur – With Thick White Vaginal Discharge

This medicine is very effective in managing thick white vaginal discharge along with itching. The discharge is attended with excessive weakness in cases needing it. Pain in the lower abdomen may occur along with the discharge. The discharge is worse at night in most of the cases. Burning is also felt in the vagina while passing urine. Burning also occurs during coition. Vagina is sore to touch.

4. Merc Sol – With Greenish Discharge

Merc Sol is a well-indicated medicine for green discharge along with itching in the vagina. Itching leads to scratching. After scratching, burning sensation is felt in the vagina. Itching worsens while urinating. The discharge contains lumps of mucus in most cases. It may sometimes be blood-stained. In cases needing it, the discharge gets worse at night. Sometimes throbbing is felt in the vagina. Swelling may appear in the labia. Small pimples may also be seen on the labia. There is pain in the uterus, the nature of pain may be stitching or aching type.

5. Nitric Acid – With Brownish Coloured Discharge

This medicine is highly recommended when brown vaginal discharge occurs along with itching. The discharge may occur in the form of ropy mucus. It is foul-smelling. The discharge flows down the legs like water. Itching in the vagina may be felt after coition. This medicine is a prominent one for cases of gonorrhoea with vaginal discharge, and also vaginitis. Stitching pain is felt in cases requiring this medicine. Ulcers and cracks may appear on the labia minora along with soreness (pain on touching). The vulva may also be swollen besides burning and itching.

6. Calcarea Carb – For Discharge With Itching And Weakness

This medicine is considered when along with discharge and itching of the vagina, weakness is also present. Itching gets worse in the evening in cases needing it. Burning is also felt in the vagina. The discharge is worse during urination and also after exercise. The discharge is milky white in color. Inflammation, swelling and soreness (pain on touch) of genitals attend the above symptoms.

7. Alumina – With Intense Burning

This medicine is indicated when intense burning in the vagina attends discharge and itching. The discharge is transparent and profuse. The discharge runs down to the feet. Washing with cold water helps to relieve the complaint. The discharge is more during the day. There is swelling of the vagina. Ovaries may also be swollen along with pain with above symptoms.

8. Helonias – Along With Heat, Redness, Swelling

Helonias is a very useful medicine when there is itching in the vagina along with discharge accompanied with heat, redness and swelling of genitals. Itching is very intense in nature. The discharge is curdled and smells very foul. Lower back pain occurs along with these complaints.

9. Sulphur – For Itching Worse while Sitting

This medicine is suited for cases in which itching gets worse while sitting. Burning sensation is felt. Vagina is painful to touch. The discharge is yellow. Discharge worsens at night. Offensive smell occurs from discharge. Bearing down is felt in the genitals. Cutting or pinching type of pain occurs around the navel.





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How to Handle Sound Sensitivity with Homeopathy?

Sound sensitivity, medically called hyperacusis, refers to over-sensitivity to a variety of sounds that are unbearable and feel painfully loud to the sufferer. They may also frighten some sufferers. In some cases, it may result in seizures (fits). Sound sensitivity is also referred to as decreased sound tolerance. In persons having sound sensitivity, certain sounds are perceived only at a very high volume. The same may be perceived at normal volume by persons having normal hearing. Some sounds are not even heard by them. The sound made while turning pages of the book, chewing food, running water, and running of electrical home appliances seems intolerable to persons with sound sensitivity.

These sounds may be annoying to the sufferer and impact his/her mental health resulting in anxiety, irritability, anger, depression, and can lead to social isolation. Depending on the cause behind sound sensitivity, some other symptoms may be present like tinnitus (hearing noises like ringing, buzzing in ear in the absence of an external source), feeling of fullness/pressure in the ears and pain in the ears. Being tired and stressed may worsen the symptoms.

It can result from various reasons. Some of these include

1. Head or ear injury or an infection affecting the inner ear and ear damage resulting from toxins.

2. Migraine: It refers to one-sided headache of throbbing type chiefly attended with nausea and vomiting. One may feel excessive sensitivity to sound and light.

3. Autism: It is a neuro-developmental disorder that leads to problems in communication, and social interaction of child along with restricted and repetitive behavior.

4. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD): It is a condition that causes problems in processing sensory stimuli and responding to them appropriately. Sensory stimuli involve sound, sight, taste, smell and touch. The sufferer may either give an oversensitive or hyposensitive response to sensory stimuli.

5. Meniere’s disease: It refers to an inner ear disorder represented by different medical conditions: tinnitus (noises in the ear in the absence of any external source), vertigo and hearing loss usually on one side of the ear. In some cases, it is linked with sound sensitivity.

6. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition related to the mind triggered by a traumatic event in life (like a road accident, sexual assault, etc) and depression.

7. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): It refers to tiredness both physically and mentally that does not improve with rest. There is no underlying medical condition behind it.

8. Lyme Disease: A bacterial tick-borne disease, it is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdoferi.

9. Temporo Mandibular Disorder (TMJ) disorder: It refers to a disorder resulting from a problem with the jaw joint, or muscles related to the jaw movement.

10. Ramsay hunt syndrome: It arises when Shingles (a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus) affect the facial nerve lying close to ear.

11. When no cause is identified, then it is referred as an idiopathic case.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaints of sound sensitivity. These medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. They bring gradual improvement in such cases, and the results may vary from case to case. The most suitable medicine in these cases is selected keeping in mind the individual requirement after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. So it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor and take medicine under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sound Sensitivity

1. Asarum Europaeum

It is a highly recommended medicine for cases of sound sensitivity. Persons needing it have hypersensitive nerves with oversensitivity to the slightest noise. The rattle of the paper and scratching on the clothes are unbearable to them. Even the thought of scratching with nails by someone seems to bring a nervous tremor (trembling) in them. A very characteristic symptom that can be present is an extreme sensitivity to cold. Additionally, low energy levels can also be an attending feature.

2. Borax

Borax is another important medicine to manage sound sensitivity. Those requiring this medicine get easily frightened by the least noise. They are very nervous people and get startled from sharp noises like sneezing, hawking, coughing and hearing someone crying. Additionally, they may have a great fear of downward motion like going downstairs and fear of falling. Fear of thunder may also be there along with the above symptoms.

3. Opium

This medicine is well indicated for persons who are unable to sleep due to acuteness of hearing. Noise from distant places disturbs the sleep and keeps them awake. They are actually very sleepy but are unable to sleep due to this medical condition. Besides, they also complain of noises in the ear i.e. tinnitus. The noises can be of different types. These might include roaring, buzzing or humming type, varying from case to case.

4. Zincum Met

Zincum Met is of great use in treating many of the nerves-related complaints including sound sensitivity. The key indicating feature to use this medicine is sensitivity to the sounds of people talking. These sounds affect the nerves in the sufferer and cause impatience and bad temper in them. Marked fatigue (tiredness, exhaustion) in an intense degree can accompany the above symptoms in most of the cases.

5. Coffea Cruda

Coffea Cruda is an effective medicine when hearing is very acute with hearing even very distant sounds that are not audible to persons with normal hearing. Persons needing it also have marked sensitivity to voices, music and even footsteps. Even little noise seems to cause pain in the body or worsen the already present pain. Besides hearing, a person’s other senses are also over-sensitive, like smell, taste and touch.

6. Theridion

This medicine is suitable when there is extreme sensitivity to noise that seems to penetrate the whole body. The noises especially seem to penetrate the teeth. It is followed by nausea and pain all over the body, and a chilly feeling. Vertigo may also result from the slightest noise. Noise may make headache worse. The noises that are the most disturbing include vibration of any sort or the sound of footsteps while walking. There is also marked restlessness along with the above symptoms.

7. Belladonna

Belladonna is recommended when there is ear pain along with sensitivity to sounds. The slightest noise seems to cause ear pain. Startling occurs from the least noise. Tinnitus may also be present with roaring, ringing and humming noises in ear. Headache may also occur from noise.

8. Phosphorus

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases in which there is oversensitivity to different senses other than hearing including odor, light and touch. The slightest noise cause startling in persons needing it. In case of sensitivity to smell, sensitivity to the smell of flowers is most prominent that may even cause fainting. In general, anxiety and restlessness may also be present.

9. Nux Vomica

Nux vomica is indicated when there is increased sensitivity to noise, odor, and light. Every sound causes pain to those needing it. Sudden noise may sometimes result in fits or seizures.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Insomnia Due To Stress

A person can suffer from insomnia (sleeplessness) due to any reason, including stress. Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the sufferer faces problems in falling asleep or has difficulty in staying asleep. He/she may get up very early from sleep with inability to go back to sleep again or there may be disturbed/ light sleep or lack of sound sleep. In the morning, the sufferer wakes up feeling tired and feels sleepy during the day.

It also affects a person’s mood, and may cause irritability, anxiety, poor focus and concentration. It may lead to poor performance at work and impact the quality of life. Stress may get induced by various reasons like health, office work, family problems, some crucial changes in life, issues with interpersonal relations, major health issues or an injury, financial matters or some grief or traumatic events like death of a near and dear one, job loss, etc.

Insomnia causes stress and anxiety creating a cycle of stress and insomnia. While in stress, the hormone cortisol is released that disrupts normal sleep-wake cycle of the body and hinders the sleep ability of a person. The emotions arising during stress like sadness, anxiety, fear, make the mind unable to relax and fall asleep. Overthinking and the constant thoughts of worries, the thoughts about past events or future issues that may occur from stress tend to prevent sleep. Some people under stress can start taking stimulants to cope with stress like caffeine and alcohol which can also contribute to insomnia. In some cases, stress may lead to health issues like headache, gastric issues, etc that further aggravates sleep disorder.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of insomnia due to stress. Homeopathy focuses on treating the root cause behind any problem. Here homeopathic medicines manage stress which is the root cause of sleep issues. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help to relax and calm the mind to promote healthy sleep. They are quite effective in treating sleeplessness as well as cases of restless sleep or light sleep. These are free from any sort of toxic side effects. These are also non-habit forming and can easily be stopped when required results are achieved. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic individual symptoms which are found out after detailed case analysis. So, it is important to consult a homeopathic physician to get your case evaluated and have individualized medicine prescription. One should avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Insomnia Due To Stress

1. Kali Phos – Leading Medicine

Kali Phos is the top recommended medicine to manage insomnia occurring due to stress. This medicine is highly suitable to manage many health concerns that arise from stress, including sleep issues. In cases needing it, the stress can be recent or long-term being felt for a long time. Persons who need this medicine have a lot of stress and worries. Their mind remains overactive at night resulting in sleeplessness. They remain sad and irritable. There is also marked fatigue both mentally and physically. This medicine works to calm and relax the mind to help sleep at night.

2. Ignatia – For Insomnia From Stress, Grief And Worries

Ignatia is the next important medicine for managing insomnia from stress, grief and worries. Persons needing it may have some grief like the death of a near or dear one, or worries like business-related worries or relationship issues with family members. They may suffer from depression. They also have anxious thoughts which persist in the mind. They remain sad all the time with frequent weeping spells. This medicine is indicated for sleeplessness, restless sleep with frequent changes of position, and also for very light sleep in which the person is able to hear everything happening around while sleeping.

3. Natrum Mur – For Insomnia From Long Term Grief / Some Depressing Event

Natrum Mur is a highly effective medicine to manage sleep issues occurring from long-term grief or some depressing event in one’s life. Persons needing it constantly keep thinking about the unfortunate events that have happened in the past. A thought gets stuck in the mind of the sufferer which results in sleeplessness. It is indicated either when sleep comes very late, or when a person gets awake soon after sleep with difficulty falling asleep again. In the morning, the person wakes up unrefreshed and tired due to lack of sleep at night.

4. Passiflora – For Insomnia From Worries And Overwork

Passiflora is a very beneficial medicine for managing sleeplessness occurring due to worries and overwork. Those requiring it remain awake at night besides being restless. Though this medicine can be used in people of all age groups but is most commonly indicated for elderly people who suffer from insomnia. This medicine proves very effective for insomnia due to overwork and its resulting exhaustion.

5. Coffea Cruda – For Sleeplessness From Constant Chain Of Thoughts

This medicine is quite helpful for those who have sleeplessness due to thoughts constantly running through the mind. There occur multiple thoughts one after the other resulting in the crowding of ideas in the mind that prevents sleep. Such people feel very restless at night along with tossing and turning in the bed. Coffea Cruda is also indicated when there is sleeplessness, particularly after 3:00 AM in the morning. The person does not sleep after that till the morning. People who face sleeplessness due to a disease can also benefit from this remedy.

6. Arsenic Album – For Anxiety Along With Restlessness

Arsenic Album is a very useful medicine for cases of sleeplessness accompanied by anxiety and marked restlessness. Those needing it turn and toss constantly in bed. They suffer a lot of anxiety like anxiety about health, loved ones, about the future, and even small issues in life. Along with anxiety, there is excessive fear and restlessness. A person may feel weak with difficulty in breathing. The complaint gets worse after midnight most of the time.

7. Nux Vomica – For Sleeplessness In Wee Hours

Nux Vomica is well-indicated for managing cases where sleeplessness occurs in the wee hours. A person falls asleep at night but wakes up at about 3 or 4 am and is unable to sleep again till the morning. He/she feels very tired and drowsy all through the next day. This medicine is also recommended when a person does not get sound sleep with frequent waking spells.

8. Pulsatilla – When Sleeplessness Occur During First Part Of Night

Pulsatilla can be used in persons complaining of sleeplessness in the initial part of the night. They remain awake in the first half of night. They are disturbed by fixed thoughts moving in the mind that hinder sleep. When it’s time to wake up in the morning, they tend to fall asleep. In the morning they feel very sleepy with excessive yawning due to lack of sleep at night.

9. Opium – With Marked Sensitivity To Noises

Opium is suited for sleeplessness with marked sensitivity to noises. Persons needing it remain wakeful at night and any noise occurring even at some distance disturbs them. They may get sleep, but it is a very restless sleep. They keep tossing in bed constantly.



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