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Homeopathic Treatment for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

What are eustachian tubes and eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD)?

The Eustachian tubes are the tubes that connect the middle ear to the throat. These tubes are around 35 mm long and are 3 mm in diameter. These tubes help to equalize the ear pressure and also aids drainage of fluid from the middle ear. When these eustachian tubes get plugged, swollen, inflamed, infected, or get filled with fluid/mucus then it leads to eustachian tube dysfunction. As a result, there appears fullness in ears, pain, and hearing difficulties.

What are the causes behind it?

It mainly arises from allergies, flu, common cold, and sinus infections. Changes in altitude may also lead to it, which includes flying in an airplane, riding in elevators, travelling in the mountains, or diving. Although anyone can get it but people mainly including children (the eustachian tubes are much smaller in children and are at high chances to become clogged), who are obese ( in the fatty tissue deposits can accumulate around the eustachian tubes and clog it) and who do a lot of smoking ( which can damage the hairs of the middle ear, as a result, the risk of mucus getting stuck are raised) are at risk of developing eustachian tube dysfunction.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptom of this is a difficulty with hearing. Other symptoms of it include pain in the ear, a plugged or fullness sensation in the ear, tinnitus (noises in the ear), hearing popping/clicking sounds, mild dizziness, and trouble in maintaining balance. One or both of the ears may be affected by it at a given time. Depending upon the cause, the symptoms may last from a day to weeks or months.

Homeopathic Treatment for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

There is excellent scope to treat cases of eustachian tube dysfunction in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines give wonderful results in such cases by treating the root cause behind it. They reduce the inflammation, swelling of the eustachian tube in a very effective manner. Along with this, they help to relieve the symptoms of it in a great manner. The symptoms of it that are managed well with these medicines include hearing difficulty, plugged sensation in the ear, noises in-ear, dizziness and loss of balance. The top-grade homeopathic medicines to treat cases of eustachian tube dysfunction include Kali Mur, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Belladonna, Natrum Mur, Calcarea Carb, and Gelsemium.

Homeopathic Medicines for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

1. Kali Mur – Top grade medicine

Kali Mur is helpful for Persons who complain of a plugged sensation of fullness in the ears. They also have difficulty in hearing. Sometimes they feel pain in the ear. Another complaint that they have along with above is hearing a snapping, popping, and crackling noises in the ear.

2. Pulsatilla – For reducing noises in ears

Pulsatilla is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known by the name of windflower. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It is mainly used where persons hear noises in the ear. They may hear ringing, roaring, humming, or tinkling noises in the ear. They also feel as if the ears are stopped up with hardness of hearing. Sometimes they experience pain in ears, which is most times tearing, stitching, or pulsating in nature. It is also suitable to treat Eustachian tube dysfunction in persons having a history of chronic cold.

3. Silicea – when cold or sinus infection causes it

Silicea is a very beneficial medicine for persons who have got this condition due to cold or sinus infection. It is used when they feel stoppage in ears along with ringing or hissing noises in ears. They also complain of difficulty in hearing. Itching in ears is also felt by them. Along with this, they have stitching or shooting pain in ears.

4. Belladonna – For relieving pain in ears

Homeopathic medicine Belladonna is prepared from a plant known as deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family Solanaceae. It is a very useful medicine to relieve pain in the ears. It is given when a person complains of pain in the ear, which may be stitching, shooting, tearing, or boring type. The pain gets worse from the least noise and from eating. Along with this, they have a hardness of hearing. They may also have tinnitus and hear tingling or ringing noises in ears.

5. Natrum Mur – When nasal allergies are present

Natrum Mur is a very suitable medicine for persons having this condition also suffer from nasal allergies. They have nasal discharges, sneezing, and watery eyes from allergies. When it comes to eustachian tube dysfunction, they usually complain of hardness of hearing. With this, they have throbbing or pulsating pain in ears. Heat and burning sensation in ears is also felt by them. Lastly, they hear humming or roaring noises in the ears.

6. Calcarea Carb – For hearing difficulty

Calcarea Carb is well indicated to manage hearing difficulty in these cases. Persons requiring it also have pain in ears on blowing nose. They also feel crackling noises in their ears when they chew food. Sometimes they feel ringing, buzzing, or hissing noises in ears.

7. Gelsemium – To manage dizziness and loss of balance

Gelsemium is prepared from bark of the root of a plant named Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to the family Loganiaceae. It is well indicated to manage a complaint of dizziness and loss of balance. The persons needing it usually feel dizziness on doing a sudden head movement. With this, they feel a loss of balance while walking with fear of falling. They may have other symptoms, including hearing problems and tinnitus, with rushing noises in ears along with the above symptoms.

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  1. My son will be 2 in August. I’m wondering if there is something I can give him to drain fluid from behind his ear drums so he won’t have to have tubes put in?

  2. Après une grosse grippe avec maux de gorge et rhume, mon oreille interne gauche s’est enflammée et je ressens des mucosités épaisse à l’intérieur qui me bouche les oreilles et me donnent parfois des vertiges. Je prends actuellement Kali MURIATICUM en 7CH … quel est le traitement complètementaire ? Merci

  3. Hi, I’ve had Reduced hearing in both ears, for 2.5 weeks, (started approx 10 days after a cold), distorted geRing, and very sensitive to noise. .some dizziness.
    Yesterday, very suddenly an acute episode dizziness, with vomiting several times, couldn’t even move my eyes without vomiting.
    Few hours to resolve.
    Still feel dizzy, ears feel full, heavy, and reduced hearing still.
    Can you advise on a remedy ? I’d be so grateful.

  4. Mohammad Nazeer Shaikh says:

    Great valuable information, thanks madam ji🙏🙏

  5. Catherine Balaam says:

    Hi, I have Vertigo that comes when going from standing to lying or vice versa. I think it came with a cold but seems to be stubbornly not going after three weeks. I have no symptoms when moving around if I stay upright.

    I thought maybe pulsatilla but I’m not sure. I tried gelsrmium but it made little difference.

    What are your thoughts?

    Kind regards,

  6. Md. Sabbir Hossain says:

    আমার ঢোক গিললেই ডান কানে পটপট/ কটকট শব্দ হচ্ছে। থেকে থেকে বাম কানেও হচ্ছে। ডাক্তার বলছে ইউস্টিশিয়ান টিউব ডিসফাংশন এর সমস্যা। থেকে থেকে কান বন্ধ ও হয়ে যাচ্ছে আবার হালকা ব্যথা ও অনুভন করছি। বিশেষ করে ঢোক গিললেই কানের ভেতরে শব্দটা খুব অস্বস্তি হচ্ছে। ভাত খাওয়ার পর শব্দ কিছুক্ষণ থাকেনা

  7. Md. Sabbir Hossain says:

    আমার ঢোক গিললেই ডান কানে পটপট/ কটকট শব্দ হচ্ছে। থেকে থেকে বাম কানেও হচ্ছে। ডাক্তার বলছে ইউস্টিশিয়ান টিউব ডিসফাংশন এর সমস্যা। থেকে থেকে কান বন্ধ ও হয়ে যাচ্ছে আবার হালকা ব্যথা ও অনুভন করছি। বিশেষ করে ঢোক গিললেই কানের ভেতরে শব্দটা খুব অস্বস্তি হচ্ছে।

  8. David Ord says:

    Dr Sharma, U gave been diagnosed with PATULOUS Eustacian tube in both ears, Is there a homeopathic remedy?

    I lost 30 pounds and this triggered this condition 20 months ago.

  9. LL Klesper says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for making your advice available online and such an easy to use format. I’ve used your suggestions many times since I started going to homeopathy as the first line of defense for just about everything, and it’s always been spot on. Thank you, and please keep your site and advice available. You are helping many people!

  10. Rashid Shah says:

    Hi Dr.

    I am suffering from eustachian tube dysfunction is there medicine in homeopathy. Is it treatable


  11. hi there! i feel like there is congestion in my eustacian tubes….plus i woke with what appears to be BPPV about 3 weeks ago. still have some disorientation and fuzzy head at times, cannot lie flat or on my right side. curious what homeopathic remedies to use. i prefer not to go to someone to move me all around a table to correct this. 🙂 prefer to supplement and use my own healing abilities. thank you so much!!

  12. Hello. I am 35 year old female. I had tubes in my ears as a child and as an adult I have now had 2 episodes involving vertigo and my right ear. I have not been diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease, however, I do fit the criteria. My last episode happened last night, so I am still feeling some dizziness and ear fullness. My first episode, over 15 years ago, came on at night, lasted over 24 hours, (no vomiting but I had pretty severe dizziness) and my doctor said I had fluid in my middle ear. She gave me meclizine and a decongestant to take and it eventually went away. Last night, it came on suddenly like last time, but I vomited several times due to how extreme the dizziness was. I took a tablet of dramamine and was able to finally go to bed around 12am. I woke up still dizzy but not like I was yesterday. I took one more tablet of dramamine to help today. I am looking for what homopathic tablets might be best to help me return to a normal state. There is no vomiting today. I did feel better last night when laying down. I was having cold sweats. Please let me know if there is any other info you need. Thank you.

  13. Hi Dr. Sharma. For 7 months now I have suffered from ear popping and crackling sounds and ringing and fullness 24/7. It doesn’t stop. I do suffer from allergies. Haven finally seen doctors and sent to Head and Neck Specialist many times. Have been given Sudafed, nasal sprays, Prednisone. Had ear wax removed. Checked for tumors, etc. Had one ear tube inserted in left ear and it was so painful, I had to have it removed the next day. We have now waited a month for my eardrum perforation to heal from that and had another hearing test. I have more muffling and a little bit of hearing loss due to that. Everything has healed they said and now she has put me on a heartburn medication even though I have no heartburn to see if that will help with the post nasal drip and maybe help the symptoms. I am at my wits end at this point with the buzzing and ringing and popping 24/7!!! I am 55 years old and a female in great health! What can I do?

  14. Sonal S. Chaudhari says:

    Hello Sir,
    I feel pain in my left ear and above ear also..always feel pressure in ear..after eating pain get head portion pain( approx about 3 inch from ear lobe) is beating sometimes.. Left ear is under a little pain or pressure always…sometimes feel noise when eating..
    Please suggest me medicine.. What kind of problem it is?
    Please help me..
    Thank you.

  15. G.Nageswara Rao says:

    My son got operated for cholesteastoma. Now doctor says mild retraction in another year and he wants to operate for adinoids and tonsils. Is it required to remove them when the other ear is okay except mild retraction for which he is on medicines, nosal drops and nosal spray.

  16. From the descriptions above, it seems my symptoms would fit well into being helped by Kali Mur. How do I use this medicine, where do I get it, & are there some possible problematic side effects from it? Also, do you think there are some benefits to ear candling, or are you against their use?
    Thank you for helping,

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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