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Cold sensitivity and Homeopathy

You dread winters! Because cold makes life hell for you – runny nose, sneezes, headache, stuffed-up feeling, and that cold damp feeling in the feet. Your defences are also too high, with a muffler wrapped around your head all day long, layers of woolens, more than a pair of warm socks, still nothing seems to keep you warm and if you thought that’s only the way to beat out your sensitivity, believe me you are totally wrong. Homeopathy may just be the right choice for you. A well-directed homeopathic treatment can actually help reduce and cure your sensitivity towards cold and disorders associated with it. In homeopathy we call it a “chilly constitution” and certain specific medicines are there for it.

Medically speaking, slow metabolism is one of the main causes for cold intolerance. Some people (often very slender women) do not tolerate cold environments simply because they have minimal body fat and are unable to keep warm. General poor health, faulty diet and medical conditions such as anorexia nervosa, hypothyroidism, AIDS and other chronic illness can also lead to intolerance.

Be it the lack of warmth in the body or symptoms that sensitive individuals develop, homeopathic medicines such as Silicea, Calcarea Carb offer a big promise in their treatments. Personally, I would rank Silicea ahead of other medicines in treating cold intolerance. Silicea is an invaluable constitutional remedy, and is indicated in the over-sensitive, imperfectly nourished (generally), not for want of food, but because of imperfect assimilation. There are very high levels of cold intolerance. Nothing makes the Silicea patient feel warm and take cold easily, especially from uncovering the head or the feet.

The main indication for Silicea is that no matter how hard the patient tries, feet don’t seem to get warm and also there is an increased cold intolerance on the head. Least exposure seems to bring on a severe headache, only to be relieved by warm applications. Chronic conditions – sinusitis, cold, asthma, bronchitis and cough caused in such oversensitive individuals – are effectively treated with Silicea. Calcarea Carb is very useful in constitutions where metabolism seems to slow down; it is indicated in cold intolerance associated with hypothyroidism and one of the main indications for the use of Calcarea Carb is constant sensation of cold damp feet.image

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  1. JOE SBONBO says:

    I am type 2 diabetic, since I inject OZEMPIC, which is very good in treating my glucose inbalance, I feel cold, not a sneezing cold,but being cold, feeling cold, house is 22 C , I m under two blankets and I feel cold in thermal clothes. Paracetamol helps, but cannot take it every day.

  2. Hi, I am 63 years old male. for the last 2 winters I feel cold sensation on right foot only which extends upward till ankle. This happens normally in the morning and more particularly in the evening. It seems that someone has put ice on my foot. Kindly advise

  3. Hi. I am a 54 old womsn and always cold, especially in damp London!! I need to wear thermal underwear, 2 pairs of socks, woolen tights and a woolen jumper when my kids sit next to me in their PJs. I also wrap a blanket around my back to keep extra warm and generally like to be “wrapped up” around my waist and back even in summer.
    Every winter I also suffer from chilblains on my hands and my fingers swell to the point I need to put cortisone cream for itching, redness and discomfort. I do not leave the house without a woolie hat.
    I am slim, height 166cm, weight 50.5kg.
    What remedy would you suggest please?

  4. Niti Raina says:

    My feet don’t get warm in winter.Hands also cold .But heat in the head.cant wear a cap.

  5. anestis papadopoulos says:

    I can’t stand the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter

    • Binod kr choudhary says:

      Good Evening Doctor Sharma
      I am 60year old male suffering from extremely sensitiveness to cold especially in head.Impotency since long,nails are thick and painfully in growing belly fat is also marked,recently blood sugar has developed .Please suggest in homeopathy

  6. Darshan singh says:

    Suffering from cold symptoms since 2009 after I exposed myself in ICU temperature and in wet conditions for more than 24 hours accidently.

    After that I always feeling cold even in mild summer, can’t tolerate the AC as well.
    Due to this having alway diereha and pain in stomach and at right side.
    Also suffering from hyper acidity.

    Please help.

  7. Hi sir
    I hv lack of sexual wellness, low tightness and for short period it’s lasts withing one min either through discharge or becomes shrinked

  8. Kishore Mansata says:

    Hello I have exactly the same symptoms described by you for taking Silicea -acute cold intolerance . Can you please advise the strength and dosage of Silicea

  9. Madam,

    above article was useful for me. I am hypothroid with latest TSH reading 63. Main problem is cold sensitivity, espcially in AC environment wherein my legs feel very cold and dampness. Can I take Calcarea Carb medicin or Silicea. Will be helpful if you can advise the medicine and dosage please.


  10. Bijan Kumar Banerjee says:

    I am 73 yrs. Feel chilly through out the winter. A sence of feverishness I feel, though no body temperature rise. I have farangitis from early age. Feel sore throat in the whole winter season. Feel phlem is chocked in throat. Cough repeatedly to hawk it out. Please advice.

  11. Shakti Kumar kashyap says:

    Feel cold sensation on feet only. This is for the last one advise.Taking Dulcamaara30and also silicea200.No relief yet

  12. I am feeling cold in summer also. I can not take any fruit, milk products. I desire to wear sweaters always. My feet are icy cold day and night. Suffering from last 5 years Age 49 Height 5ft. Weight 55kg no sugar complaints blood pressure pulse are normal please give suggestions

    • Vimal chug says:

      I am 67 years old. I feel cold in this hot weather. It has started 1. 5 months back. Ihave bp taking medicine for this from last week. I have trigeminal nueralgia from last 15 years taking carbamezipine and Gabapentin for it. Taking arstatine for cholesterol. Could you advise homeopathy medicine and the reason of this condition. When I feel cold my temperature also goes down to 96 0r 96.5 or 97.

  13. ASHIT BARAN ROY says:

    My wife feeling cold in summer also. Fan regulator at no 1 point. Covers head when fan moving. Suffers from intestine problem like acidity, constipation,diarea.a bit sinus problems. She can not take any fruit, milk products and wheat product and oily fishs. She takes only a small amount of rice, one tablespoon dal, very small amount sabji (not any type but selective with less fibre) and one piece fish like rohu katla only. She is 57. Height 4 ft. Weight 39/40 kg.

  14. Dear doctor,
    I’m 27 year old woman, 160 cm, 51kg. I’m suffering from cold feet and toes. I also had problems with amenorrhea (had it for 2 years) after I stopped taking contraceptives (I took them for 5 years). Periods are regular now, the problem with cold and sweaty feet and hands remains. The only thing that helps me get warm, is a hot shower. Can you reccomed any remedies? I tried with lycopodium already, but it didn’t help. Thank you very much for your answer.

  15. Mike De Lay says:

    I have suffered for past 5 years with cold left hand and arm up to elbow and very hot right foot, worse when walking. No diagnosis was made until 11/2018. Prior, no symptoms and no nerve pain no reflex problems. Stanford neurologist said I had sensory neuropathy but cause unknown. No diabetes, no circulation/ heart problems. I was loosing functions in 2018 and told Doctors i was “ heating” in my mine I would die soon. Strange. Stanford ordered MRI on my neck and found very severe stenosis at C3/4. Spinal cord was not visible in MRI. I had successful surgery 11/2018 that removed large “bone spur”. Since surgery Mose if my lost body functions have improved but still have very cold hand/arms and hot right foot. No improvement there. I have tried acupuncture, message, chiropractic, Chinese medicine, physical Thearpy and homeopathy. Doctors all call me a hard case with no idea what to do but give time. Any ideas?

  16. In winter season my feet remain cold I will have make use of hot water bottle at night touching my feet only then I can sleep well. Hans and other skin feel warm

  17. good give more pls

  18. Vineetha Williams says:

    Dr. I’m vineetha here, could u suggest a remedy to increase t body heat. I m currently living in Melbourne,it’s severe winter here now. This is my first experience of living in such extreme winter. I’m 50yrs of age.

    • Muhammad Adil says:

      I am residing in Europe here have cold weather a always feel cool in hand and foot but also in hot weather I feel hot in foot. I am 65 years of age and chronic digestive disorder. I have lot of knowledge of homeopathy and have sufficient medician in 200 potency and I m I confuse about Medicean for myself if you advise me for best for me and which potency. I like you u tube channel

    • Dear Doctor,
      I am 70 years old and weigh 56kg. I have under control diabetes and BP.
      I feel excessive cold, and lethargic. I wear sweater when others put on fan.
      Please prescribe homeo medicine .

  19. Mir Sajjad Hossain says:

    After joining in work there is air conditioning environment and since then I fell lots of health problems like cough with phelgm , constipation, gastric and head&neck pain what should I take plz do inform me.

  20. Jagannath Mohapatra says:

    Namaskar. I am 36 yrs old. When i am exposed to a/c/cold air or consume cold drinks/beverages i suddenly feel pain in my ear, fore head, throat. My sinus polyps got bigger & i feel very discomfort with my nasal congestion. This symptoms continued from last 25 yrs. I have taken many nasal steroids,antihistamine , antibiotics but it works for small time period .
    Hence request your kind advice for permanent remedies.

    With regards
    Jagannath Mohapatra

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