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Treating Peripheral Neuropathy with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that arises when the peripheral nerves malfunction or get damaged. One of the leading causes of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes mellitus, but there can be many other reasons. From a huge number of homeopathic medicines for peripheral neuropathy, some of the majorly indicated homeopathic medicines for symptomatic treatment include Kali Phos, Arsenic Album, Picric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Hypericum, Causticum and Plumbum Met.

homeopathy peripheral neuropathy

Homeopathic medicines for Peripheral Neuropathy.

Homeopathic Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy

The homeopathic mode of treatment remains quite effective in managing peripheral neuropathy. The approach to homeopathic treatment for peripheral neuropathy is entirely symptomatic. The symptoms of the patient in a given case of peripheral neuropathy serve as the basis of homeopathic prescription. Every case of peripheral neuropathy needs to be thoroughly investigated to rule out the cause behind it. Every individual case requires a detailed case analysis to find the presenting symptoms unique to them. The homeopathic medicines for treating peripheral neuropathy are very safe to use among people of all age groups. A person should take homeopathic medicines for peripheral neuropathy under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Peripheral Neuropathy

Kali Phos – Homeopathic Medicine for Numbness in Hands and Feet

Kali Phos is an effective, natural homeopathic medicine for numbness in hands and feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. Kali Phos also helps in treating prickling sensation in hands and feet. Along with this a general fatigue or weakness is also present. A person needing Kali Phos tends to have a nervous, sensitive and irritable nature. Kali Phos is also indicated for cases of muscle weakness and paralysis.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Remedy for Burning Sensation in Hands/ Feet in Peripheral Neuropathy

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is useful for treating burning sensation in the hands and feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. The burning sensation may extend to arms and legs. Arsenic Album is also helpful for weakness and heaviness in the limbs in cases of peripheral neuropathy. Apart from the above, a tingling sensation in the fingers is also an indicating feature to use Arsenic Album.

Picric Acid – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Pin-needle Sensation in Hand/Feet

Picric Acid is a natural homeopathic remedy used to treat a pin-needle like sensation in the hands or feet in cases of peripheral neuropathy. This sensation may be present in legs and arms. A weak, tired feeling in the limbs is also present. Exertion tends to make the complaint worse, and the limbs may get cold.

Oxalic Acid – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy Causing Numbness and Tingling in Limbs

Use of natural medicine Oxalic Acid is considered in cases of peripheral neuropathy where there is numbness and tingling in the limbs. Sharp and excruciating pains in the limbs also point towards the use of this medicine.

Hypericum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Peripheral Neuropathy Due to Nerve Injury

Hypericum is a natural medicine prepared from the fresh plant named Hypericum Perforatum or St. John’s Wort. The natural order of this plant is Hypericaceae. The main indicating features to use Hypericum are numbness, tingling in hands or feet attended with burning pains. A crawling sensation may also be present in the hands and feet in some cases.

Causticum – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Muscle Weakness in Peripheral Neuropathy

Causticum is a well-indicated homeopathic cure for treating muscle weakness in cases of peripheral neuropathy. There is marked muscle weakness in the limbs along with a sensation of formication (like ants crawling) in the limbs. Causticum is also used in cases of paralysis.

Plumbum Met – Natural Medicine for Thinning of Muscles in Peripheral Neuropathy

Plumbum Met offers a natural cure for peripheral neuropathy in which the patient experiences wasting or thinning of the muscles of the limbs. Paralysis of limbs is also treated well with this medicine.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

The nervous system in our body is divided into two major divisions – the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain. The peripheral nervous system consists of a network of nerves that lie outside the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system connects the nerves from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body (organs, limbs, and skin). The peripheral nervous system has 43 pairs of motor and sensory nerves. Peripheral nerves are of three types – sensory, motor and autonomic. The primary functions of these nerves are as follow:
Sensory nerves are responsible for transmission of signals like pain, touch, temperature and other sensations to the brain.
Motor nerves are held responsible for control of muscles.
Autonomic nerves are responsible for regulating autonomic functions of the body such as bladder function, digestion, body temperature, and blood pressure.
The peripheral neuropathy can be a mononeuropathy (damage to a single peripheral nerve) or a polyneuropathy (malfunctioning of multiple peripheral nerves at the same time). The symptoms of this disorder depend on the type of peripheral neuropathy.
Sensory neuropathy: The symptoms of sensory neuropathy are numbness, tingling, pricking, pin/needle sensation, hypersensitivity and burning sensation in the hands and feet. The symptoms can spread up the arm and leg.
Motor neuropathy: The symptoms of motor neuropathy include muscle weakness, paralysis, twitching/cramping of muscles, wasting/thinning of muscles, impaired balance, and coordination.
Autonomic neuropathy: The symptoms of autonomic neuropathy include rapid heart rate, bowel/bladder symptoms, diarrhea/constipation, blood pressure changes, increased/decreased sweating and erectile dysfunction in men.

Other reasons for peripheral neuropathy include an injury to nerves, low levels of vitamin B12, infections like shingles, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis C, and autoimmune diseases like Guillain-Barre syndrome, lupus, and necrotizing vasculitis. Excessive alcohol intake, tumors pressing on the nerves, chronic liver/kidney disease, thyroid disorders, certain medications including phenytoin, thalidomide, toxins like arsenic, mercury, inherited disorders like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease are some other causes of peripheral neuropathy. In some cases, there may be no identifiable cause.

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  1. David Farmer says:

    Hi Dr Drishti
    I am being awoken at night, usually after about 4 or 5 hours sleep with tingling/burning/pain in my right arm as well as numbness/loss of strength in my hand. I had a shoulder injury a few years back (inflamed shoulder tendons/nerves) which has since subsided. I am wondering what might help settle this during the night. I know if I side sleep on that shoulder it exacerbates the condition.


  2. Stephanie Surns says:

    I have neuropathy in right hand and right foot due to hemoragic stoke, is there a remedy for this?

  3. Eydie Adams says:

    My husband has peripheral neuropathy and he is not diabetic. His symptoms are numbness, tingling, stabbing pain in both feet, up to calves, and sometimes in the palms of my hands. Occasionally, he gets a little numbness in the left side of his face.

    Please, I need a homeopathic remedy to help him.

    Thank you.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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