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5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Homeopathic medicines for ADHD  can be effective in treating it . Homeopathic medicines can help in controlling hyperactivity and improving concentration (results can vary). Factors that affect the treatment of ADHD with homeopathic medicines include the age at which the treatment is started, the intensity (mild, moderate or severe) of the symptoms and individual response of the child towards the medicines. Homeopathic treatment for ADHD thereby depends on a number of factors.

Five Top Reasons to use Homeopathic Medicines for ADHD

Traditionally, medical practitioners rely on stimulant drugs, oral anti-hypertensive medications, and antidepressants to cure ADHD. But many times, parents who have already tried the drugs on their children turn to alternative cures to avoid any side-effects and ensure a safer treatment. Homeopathic medicines for ADHD  offer several advantages over other drugs and systems of medicine.

Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD are Natural remedies

Being an ancient, 200-year-old medical art and science that was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 1700s, the cures used in this line of treatment are derived from nature and thus devoid of toxins. Substances that occur naturally go into the making of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic cure for ADHD is Safe and Side Effect Free

Stimulant drugs like Ritalin may be effective for ADHD but their flip side is that they can trigger side-effects like sleeplessness, anxiety, loss of appetite, slow growth, tics, etc.In fact, most of the stimulant drugs should not be given to children under age six because of the risk of toxicity or inadequate dosage awareness due to inadequate testing for negative reactions. Twenty percent of ADHD kids have been seen not to show any response to the first stimulant drug tried, or even display a negative response to it.

Homeopathy as Holistic Medicine or An Alternative medicine for ADHD

Another advantage is that homeopathy aims to cure the whole child. It strives to improve the child’s overall attention and behavior, as also any other physical afflictions like allergies, asthma, headaches and stomach aches that the child may have.

Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD  as an Individualised Cure

Individualisation is the key in homeopathic treatment. Every child is treated as a unique individual instead of being clubbed or classified into a type. This is a crucial requirement in treating ADHD. For, how can an introverted and shy ADHD child, with predominantly inattentive symptoms like forgetting homework, losing toys and tools or inability to focus on any task, be given the same treatment as a child who is predominantly the hyperactivity type and given to temper tantrums and creating scenes socially?

Simple and Effective

A homeopath usually takes a lot of time in going into the eccentricities of an individual case. It is for this reason that homeopathy does not follow a blanket approach like prescribing the same medicine for every patient clubbed under an ADHD subtype. A single dose of the correct homeopathic medicine can have a lasting effect for months, or even a year.

Four factors in ADHD diagnosis

The crucial concern for parents of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms is to get a correct diagnosis. The big challenge in such a situation is that a child should not be under-diagnosed or even over-diagnosed for the disorder. Since there is no single exclusive test for the diagnosis of ADHD, a multi-pronged approach is called for, that also entails the involvement of the parent, teachers and other caregivers. The symptoms of hyperactivity or poor attention may be mistaken for other disorders, which is why an in-depth assessment is of paramount importance. The key factors that go into the making of an accurate ADHD diagnosis are as follows:

The intensity of the symptoms:

While the primary symptoms of ADHD that drive a parent into seeking an ADHD diagnosis in their child are hyperactivity, impulsivity, and lack of attention, the severity of the symptoms is of crucial significance in assessing the disorder. Generally, for an accurate diagnosis, the child should exhibit a minimum of six out of 18 or more signs of inattention or hyperactivity.

To be diagnosed for the disorder, the child must not simply exhibit these symptoms but they should have a discernible negative impact on the child’s life i.e on his home life, school life and on his relationships with his peers. For instance, inattention should have caused a considerable fall in the child’s overall grades in school, the child must display serious difficulty in completing homework or classwork over prolonged periods, etc.

To ascertain this, an ADHD specialist needs to take the big picture into account by scrutinizing the child’s conduct in a vast spectrum of situations. Doctors who conduct only a superficial probe, by making only shallow inquiries about the child’s case history, are not likely arrive at an accurate diagnosis.

The onset of the signs

The mental health professionals take into consideration factors like how early the symptoms surfaced in a child’s formative years. One criterion is to examine if any of the symptoms appeared before the age of 7. This can be quite a challenge for the parents as well as the doctors since in kids below the age of four or five the diagnosis is made difficult by the highly variable nature of their behavior compared to children in an older age group.

Another challenge is that the symptoms of inattention in toddlers or preschoolers are not easily discernible since these kids face a few situations that call for constant or prolonged attention.

Duration of symptoms

One major criterion that specialists bear in mind while diagnosing ADHD is that the symptoms should have persisted for at least six months prior to the diagnosis. The symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and lack of attention must have been present for at least six months or more in more than one setting, like the home, school, playgroup etc.

The factors that a specialist will look at are whether these symptoms are long-term, are they of an excess degree, do they occur more often than they do in other children of that age, are they the result of an ad hoc adverse situation or they are born of a more permanent problem and so on.

Settings in which symptoms surface

For an ADHD diagnosis, it is significant that the symptoms should manifest themselves in more than one setting, like a classroom, play school, home, social occasions etc.The mental health specialist has to take into consideration factors like the child’s conduct in class, interaction with other schoolmates, reaction to figures of authority or discipline enforcement. If the symptoms surface only in one setting, an ADHD diagnosis is generally not given.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?

ADHD is a brain-based disorder that affects millions of children. It is related to functioning and behavioral skills. A combination of symptoms like difficulty in concentrating, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior are often indicative of ADHD.
Diagnosing ADHD is a complex process because the classic behavioral symptoms of the same are often part of a child’s normal development. In many children (who are not severely affected or only partially fit the evaluation for ADHD) the symptoms may overlap with natural personality traits. Homeopathic treatment for ADHD has shown a certain amount of success rate, but the results vary from case to case.

What are the sub-types of ADHD?

There are three sub-types of ADHD – ‘predominantly hyperactive-impulsive,’ ‘predominantly inattentive,’ and a combination of these two.
Children with a ‘predominantly hyperactive-impulsive’ type of ADHD display symptoms of hyperactivity and feel the need to move constantly. They may also have difficulty controlling their impulses. They usually do not have much trouble paying attention.

Children with a ‘predominantly inattentive’ type of ADHD have difficulty paying attention and are easily distracted, but do not have much trouble with hyperactivity.

Children with a combination of the types of ADHD mentioned above tend to have a lot of problem with both hyperactivity and inattention.

What are the causes of ADHD?

As a parent, the foremost concern on finding your child with ADHD symptoms is to go on a guilt trip. “Where did I go wrong?”
But take heart. The genesis of ADHD in your child is hardly a comment on your parenting skills or child-rearing ability. Parenting may not be the real culprit in causing such disorders, as there are several factors that trigger ADHD, though it is difficult to pinpoint any one specific reason.
Apart from genetic factors, environmental and dietary causes could be responsible for the disorder. The primary triggers for ADHD can be broadly classified into the following categories:

It’s in the genes

Like several other behavioral disorders, the genes can also be blamed for the development of ADHD in the child.
If there is a family history of ADHD, say a grandparent, parent, sibling, uncle or aunt has been afflicted by the disorder, there is a four to five times greater chance for a child to contract it.
Another genetic factor that can be responsible for ADHD is a thinner brain tissue in the brain part linked to attention faculties. This cause can, however, disappear over the years if the brain tissues grow to have a normal thickness.
Research shows that the growth of brain tissues in children with ADHD is around three years behind that of non-ADHD kids, but they can outgrow this handicap over the years.

Diet does it

There are as many theories about the role of food in such behavioral disorders as there are kinds of symptoms. Some specialists hold food additives responsible for triggering ADHD, some blame it on the lack of omega-3 fatty acids, while others feel that this condition is caused by refined sugar.
While the link between ADHD and refined sugar has not been strongly substantiated, the role of omega 3 fatty acids has a more solid backing as these are considered important for the growth of the brain. That is the reason that fish oil supplements are sometimes prescribed to cure ADHD symptoms and boost brain power.

Environment explains it

Children whose mothers consume cigarettes, alcohol or consume various drugs during pregnancy have a higher susceptibility to developing ADHD. Nicotine contained in cigarettes is said to cause a deficiency of oxygen in the womb.
Even exposure to lead is considered to heighten the risk of acquiring the disorder. Environmental toxins like lead, usually contained in building paints, are believed to be a trigger. People who reside in old construction that has used old lead-based paint may thus be at a higher risk of contracting symptoms of ADHD.

Blame it on the brain

Certain malfunctions or malformations of the brain are believed to trigger symptoms of ADHD. For instance, an abnormality in the prefrontal cortex that plays a role in controlling executive functions can lead to this disorder. The executive functions enable a person to exercise self-restraint. If the executive functions of the brain are affected, it is likely to manifest itself in the symptoms of ADHD like hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention.
Studies have also indicated a connection between dopamine levels in the brain and the development of ADHD, with its incidence being found to be higher in people with smaller levels of dopamine.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The symptoms of ADHD are divided into two categories. The first one is related to inattention and the second one is related to hyperactivity.
The symptoms of ADHD also vary in terms of intensity, ranging from mild-to-moderate to severe. The symptoms shown by a child with inattention include difficulty in focusing attention, easy distraction, avoidance of tasks needing attention, frequently losing things like pencils and toys, misplacing their belongings, daydreaming, and a problem with following instructions.
The symptoms shown by a child with hyperactivity include difficulty with sitting still in school or while doing homework, running around, talking non-stop, interrupting others mid-conversation, constant movement, displaying impatience while waiting for a turn, tapping of hands or feet, and difficulty in doing tasks quietly and calmly.

What are the best homeopathic medicines to treat difficulty with ‘concentration issues’ in ADHD?

Homeopathic medicines that can help treat difficulties with concentration include Baryta Carb and Lycopodium Clavatum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

Which homeopathic medicines can help control impulsive behavior in my child who has ADHD?

Hyoscyamus Niger and Veratrum Album are the two homeopathic medicines that are recommended for controlling impulsive behavior in a child with ADHD. However, a physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

My child has ADHD with marked hyperactivity; which homeopathic medicines can be used to treat this?

Hyperactivity in a child with ADHD can be treated with medicines like Tarentula Hispanica and Tuberculinum Bovinum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

What are the most suitable homeopathic medicines for treating anger outbursts in a child with ADHD?

Anger outbursts in a child with ADHD can be treated with homeopathic medicines Chamomilla and Tuberculinum Bovinum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

Details of Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Baryta Carb and Lycopodium Clavatum are the homeopathic medicines that are used for treating concentration difficulties in a child having ADHD.
Baryta Carb works wonders in treating concentration difficulties in children having ADHD. Children who need Baryta Carb cannot concentrate or pay attention to any work. Difficulty in concentrating during studies is also pronounced in such cases. The affected children cannot fix their attention while reading, thereby forgetting the lesson.

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic medicine considered in cases where children show difficulty with concentration during reading and conversation. They also tend to be confused and display traits of low self-confidence.

Hyoscyamus Niger and Veratrum Album are the homeopathic medicines that are used to control impulsive behavior in children with ADHD.

Hyoscyamus Niger is suitable in cases when there is impulsiveness with the desire to strike and bite in high degrees.

Veratrum Album is a homeopathic treatment for  ADHD used to control impulsive behavior along with a desire to cut and tear things and excessive shrieking.

Tarentula Hispanica and Tuberculinum Bovinum are the homeopathic medicines that can be effectively used to control hyperactivity in children with ADHD.

Tarentula Hispanica is used when a child is hyperactive with marked restlessness and impatience.

Tuberculinum Bovinum is indicated when a child displays hyperactivity along with an impulse to run away.Use of the medicine Tuberculinum Bovinum is suggested when there are fits of angry outbursts coupled with screaming, and a tendency to use abusive language. These may be further combined with destructive behavior and throwing things at others. Chamomilla and Tuberculinum Bovinum are the homeopathic medicines that are used to treat anger outbursts in children with ADHD. Symptoms of anger coupled with irritable and cross behavior indicate the need for the medicine Chamomilla. The child may also be spiteful and snappish.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Diya mishra says:

    Hello sir,i m divya mishra from varansi india my son age is 3.9 year nd not properly speak .he saying 2 3 words like mumma paapa kaka bt nt meaningful nd he is not chewing food he chew only crunchy food item nd lack of social communication..plz sir help me can u suggest any medicine for him.With reards thq

  2. Dr Anil Pandav says:

    Dr Sharma,
    Dear Sir,
    I’m Dr Anil Pandav, allopathic doctor. At present I am in Sydney. Here my grandson, 3 years old is suffering from autism. Wanted to speak with you in connection with his treatment – will you be able to help us in treatment of my grandson in Sydney.
    Waiting to hear from you.
    Warm regards,
    Dr Pandav

    • madalasa says:

      Namaste Sir,
      My mother age 70. She is suffering from dry skin with burning sensation since more than a year. Skin also loosend with wrinkles. Very little amount of food i.e. one or two table spoons only intaking and also sleeplessness,fear, anxiety,moody are somemore symptoms. Kindly prescribe
      Medicines for her.

  3. Hi Sir,

    My son Solomon is 9 years has ADHD. We giving him homeopathic medicine since two years. His speech has improved much but still he has little problem in concentration and behaviour. We read about you and we would like to get medicine from you.

    Please help us.


    • pat paisley says:

      Hi Dr Sharma,

      I am in South Africa, please can you recommend something for my 6 month old grandson.

      He has had several medical examinations. All saying hes strong, fit and healthy.

      But so restless, does not sleep through at night, cry’s for nothing, up and down and just very uncomfortable all the time. Does not want to sleep either.

      Please advise.

      Thank you

    • Diya mishra says:

      Hi sir,with regards my son is 3.9 years is diagnosed with ADHD.he can not talk properly like saying 2 3 words like mumma papa kaka bt not meaningful nd he has less communication with third person nd children who he dosent know.can u suggest any homeopathic medicine for his problems nd speech delay.plz help sir

  4. Hi Dr.Sharma

    My daughter is 15 and has been recently diagnosed with ADHD . She has been started on the stimulant and an antidepressant. Been on it for close to 45 days . Already the stimulant effect is wearing off and she feels more tired and unable to focus / concentrate. Feels depressed too. Please let me know if you are able to help her . Also can I start homeopathic medicine at the same time as her other meds. And how will I know when to taper her allopathic medicines.Please advise…… ty

  5. Zainab afzal says:

    Hi doctor. I am writing to you in regards to my son who is 4 years old and is diagnosed with autism. He has very little speech and cant communicate his needs. He has become hyperactive and has difficulty staying asleep through the night. Can you please recommend something that can help his speech and also keep him calm and not so hyperactive.
    Thank you.

  6. Sellakumar says:

    Hello doctor,
    My son(6 yrs) is diagnosed with ADHD with features of ASD..He is able to communicate his needs verbally but feeling difficult to narrate..He is hyper active and also not standing calmly in a place without any work for a minute..He also finds difficult to understand action verbs and also not able to maintain eye-contact to third persons consistently.

    we need your valuable advice for his improvement.. please reply.

    Thanks &regards

    • Bhsgat Singh Burfal says:

      My grand daughter (age 4 yrs 8 month is able to communicate her needs verbally but feeling difficult to narrate..she is hyper active and also not standing calmly in a place without any work for a minute..she also finds difficult to understand some action verbs and can speak maximum two.words at a time and also not able to maintain eye-contact to third persons consistently.

      we need your valuable advice for his improvement.. please reply.
      .Is it possible to call the Doctor.?

      Thanks &regards
      Bhagat singh
      Mobile/whatts app: 9412053605
      e msil:

  7. Syed Qamar Mehdi from Lahore says:

    Hello Dr Sharma.
    I am Syed Qamar Mehdi from Lahore Pakistan.I need your advice for my daughter aged 20 years.

    She is suffering from Nose Allergy or Rhinitis Allergy for many years.
    Commom symptoms are.
    Smeezing all round the year .Running nose ,running eyes,nose blockage,sneezing due to dust,smell etc.
    Pls advice some good treatment for her.
    best wishes

    • Diya mishra says:

      Hi sir,with regards my son is 3.9 years is diagnosed with ADHD.he can not talk properly like saying 2 3 words like mumma papa kaka bt not meaningful nd he has less communication with third person nd children who he dosent know.can u suggest any homeopathic medicine for his problems nd speech delay.plz help sir

  8. abcd

  9. My son is studying engineering and staying in hostel. He is in the first year. He is taking alopathy medicine but his executive function like controlling his emotions and remembering something to correct is not there. Don’t understand joke and gets angry easily. He has difficulty in maths and in english subject.
    He is now not very hyperactive but sometime runs around with out any reason.
    He is 18 year old but his understanding level has not developed as per his age.
    please suggest some medicine for him.
    We may visit you during may june next year during his vacation.

  10. Chadnie Cole says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma. If your child matches parts of several homeopathic remedies, can you combine them? My 8 year old son matches Tarentula, Carcinosin and Tuberculinum in parts. And what potency do you start with and how often do you give? Thank you for your help!

    • mayur nagarale says:

      Hi,my son is diagnosed with moderate Autism spectrum ,pl can u advice if u have come across any remedy or if you have used medications from dr Vikas Sharma,plz share your useful thoughts .

  11. Sir please help us how to contact u to get treatment for my kid with hyperactivity and no concentration and missing eye contact

  12. Good morning Dr Sharma,

    My son is 12 years old and he is suffering from ADHD. I want your appointment to cure his adhd.Although is very sweet and sensitive, however he wont able to concertrate while study and writing.

  13. Dear Dr. Sharma

    My son is four plus years old. He can speak one or two words (sentances). He is diagnosed As ADHD.
    He is very aggressive throwing things shouting usually. Always doing the thing we say not to do.
    Please advice and recommend the homeopathic drug.

  14. SUKUMAR SAKALA says:

    My daughter born on 18th January 2018, during her recent regular visit to Pediatric, she told that my daughter is suffering with developmental issues, that is the reason she dosent have minimum vocabulary of 8 to 10 words for her age. ALSO we have observed she will not respond to her name for some times and also she bang her head with hands frequently. Can we start medication in 18 months or do we have to wait to watch symptoms for some more times.

    Please advice.

  15. dr.vikas bhoria says:

    Dr.vikas bhoria

  16. Hello Dr.Sharma,

    My son is 10 years old. He is very sharp in remembering any thing but * is very very unmindful in study. He never wants to study, always try to avoid study * but want to do other works instead of study * lack of appetite & very irregular in eating, very well in some extra curricular activities (Fine Arts). * He is very introvert type kid. * Some time he says school is not good due to may be some of his class mates are not his type.
    I notice that he has some social issues, he doesn’t know how to respond to people or friends. He is not very good at starting a conversation or making new friends. * Dislike to mix with people except a little.
    * He has fear in spider. He stays long time in washroom during clearing stool, he is fond of out food instead of homemade food.
    It seems to me according to your suggestion Baryta Carb and Lycopodium Clavatum both are suitable for him. I don’t know what is for fear from spider.
    I would love to start her on homeopathy. Can you please guide me.

  17. I’ve used homeopathy for 18 years. It has helped me for conditions like sinusitis, flu, coughs. However, it had not helped me with some primary symptoms I was hoping to alleviate. Those would be difficulty in learning, attention, retaining information, scattered thoughts so jump from one activity to another, fear of speaking in front of group, and lack of self confidence. I am a fast reader but have to read the same info many times and even then I don’t always remember what I’ve read. Math has always been very difficult for me. I’ve had these Symptoms forever, and I am now 62. I have learned to cope somehow, but it’s been difficult. I have many friends and wonderful family. I do see many of these symptoms on my family members too. I’ve tried lots of remedies through my homeopathic doctor, but nothing has helped these symptoms. Is there anything specific to these symptoms you can recommend? Thank you.

  18. Shagun Bhakhri says:

    Hello Dr. Sharna. I am Mrs. Shagun Bhakhri and I am from Delhi. My 3.5 yrs child won’t be speak his Berra test was normal. He is also having Bardel-Bidel-Syndrome having an extra finger in both hand and feet. His present weight is 33.60kg . He is also having mild Autism symptom . He is hyperactive.. Mobile and T.V addicted child…Please help in that what to do

  19. It is great to know homeopathy can help

  20. Dipali jawale says:

    Sir, i am from faridabad , hariyana. My son 4 year old & he is hyperactive.
    He never sit still & he is impulsive . He is very intellegent. Is there any treatment available
    for adhd in homeopathy. So please reply me

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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