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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma

Homeopathic medicine for Asthma

What is asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory disease characterized by difficult breathing which cause coughing, wheezing when you exhale, and shortness of breath. In this condition, there is narrowing and swelling of airways and may produce extra mucus. Asthma can occur at any age, it frequently appears in childhood or early adulthood.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is a safe science that offers a permanent cure for asthma and helps remove asthma from the roots. These medicines set off the body’s own restorative processes, mainly strengthening its natural healing system to make it strong enough to fight the condition. In case asthma is allergic in origin, these medicines start by treating the allergies causing asthma to completely uproot the disease. They are natural, safe and free from any adverse side effects. They can be prescribed to people of all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines For Asthma

The leading homeopathic medicines to treat asthma are Arsenic Album, Spongia Tosta, Antimonium Tartaricum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Blatta Orientalis, Hepar Sulph and Ipecac

1. Arsenic Album – Top-grade Medicine for Asthma

The symptoms indicative of use of Arsenic Album in asthma is shortness of breath that gets worse after coughing. Other symptoms are wheezing and suffocative cough with frothy mucus. Asthma that gets worse around 12 am-1 am is also treated well with this medicine. Another important guiding feature for using Arsenic Album is asthma which alternates with skin rash or eczema.

When and How to use Arsenic Album?

Great difficulty while breathing, with whistling and cough getting worse at midnight calls for use of Arsenic Album. If the symptoms match, it can be administered in 30C potency, which can be repeated 2 times in a day. If there is no improvement at all with low potency, then it is advisable to consult a good homeopath before taking 200C or 1M potency.

2. Spongia Tosta – For Short, Panting Breathing  With Dry Cough

Spongia Tosta works well for asthma with short and tough respiration, and panting. Along with difficult respiration, whistling from the chest on inhalation is noted. The cough is attended with extreme dryness of all the air passages. The cough, in this case, is deep, dry, barking, hacking type. In most cases, warm drinks bring relief from cough.

When and How to use Spongia Tosta?

Breathing is troublesome, difficult and panting along with suffocative (dry) cough are the explanatory indications for this remedy. It is best to start in 30C potency, and can be taken once or twice in a day. It can also be taken in high  (200C) potency. But one should clearly observe the symptoms before taking in high potency.

3. Antimonium Tartaricum – For Asthma With Shortness Of Breath And Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tartaricum is an excellent remedy for asthma with rapid, short and difficult breathing as if gasping for air. The suffocation worsens on lying down, with a need to sit up. The cough is loose, there is excessive rattling and the lungs feel full of mucus. Mucus from the lungs comes out with much difficulty. Sometimes there is dizziness present along with cough. It gets better by lying on the right side and worse from cold and damp weather.

When and How to Antimonium Tart?

Its therapeutic use is symptoms such as shortness of breath, suffocated and supressed breathing with excessive rattling of mucus. It is used in 30C potency and can be used once in a day. Normally higher potencies, 200C and 1M are not recommended. It is best to consult a homeopathic physician if there are no desired results after taking the medicine.

4. Natrum Sulphuricum – For Asthma In Damp Weather

Natrum Sulphuricum is the most helpful medicine for difficult breathing in damp weather. The cough with thick, ropy, green phlegm is present. Natrum Sulphuricum also works well in humid conditions and when asthma worsens around 4 am and 5 am. Natrum Sulphuricum is also among the top-grade remedies for treating asthma in children.

When and How to use Natrum Sulphuricum?

It is helpful in cases with shortness of breath, tickling in throat with greenish expectoration. It is commonly used in biochemic form in ‘6X potency’ and is taken in tablet form. The frequency and number of tablets depend on the severity of symptoms.

Unless recommended, it can be taken 3-4 times  a day. It is advisable to contact your homeopathic doctor if there is no noticeable improvement after taking medicine. It is also well indicated where there is a strong family history of asthma cases.

5. Blatta Orientalis – For Asthma Triggered by Dust Exposure

Blatta Orientalis remedy is for asthma triggered by dust. Blatta Orientalis is prescribed for shortness of breath, suffocative cough with difficult respiration and yellow, pus-like mucus. It can also be given for asthma triggered in rainy weather.

When and How to take Blatta Orientalis?

It is the perfect remedy for those whose asthma is accompanied by labored breathing with obstructive cough. Mother tincture is best to start with, which can be repeated 1-2 times a day. But can be taken in 30C and 200C if there are not many changes. Usually, 1M potency is not recommended, until prescribed by an experienced physician.

6. Hepar Sulphur – For Asthma In Cold Air

Hepar sulphur acts wonderfully in asthma attacks, difficult respiration, whistling, wheezing, and preventing sleep at night with copious mucus expectoration. Yellow or whitish dirty mucus can also be present. Ailments get worse by cold air or slight draught of air and gets better from covering up and heat/warmth.

When and How to take Hepar sulphur?

The main characteristic symptoms are difficulty in breathing with deep, wheezing along with choking cough. Potency and dosage depend on age, causative factors and symptoms of patient. In majority of cases, it can be administered in 30C potency 3-4 times in a day. 200C can be taken once or twice in a day. 1M is used in very rare conditions. We strongly recommend consulting a homeopathic doctor for that.

7. Ipecac – For Difficult Breathing And Cough Ending In Vomiting

Ipecac is used to treat repeated attacks of asthma with difficult shortness of breath and gasping for air. There is wheezing cough with mucus which is not easy to expel, though chest seems to be full with an inclination to vomit.

When and How to take Ipecac?

It can be assisted in cases where wheezing type of cough is present. This remedy is particularly helpful in gagging cough tough to bring up and expelled only by vomiting. Chiefly, it works well in low potency i.e. 30C; normally repetition of dosage is limited to once to twice  a day. Higher potencies are not recommended until discussed with a physician.

What Are The Causes Of Asthma?

Allergies: Allergens such as pollen, animal dander, dust mites can raise risk of developing asthma.

Environmental factors: Exposure to substances like allergens, toxins, fumes can irritate the airways making the person prone to develop asthma.

Genetics: If there is a family history of asthma or allergic disease, the risk of developing asthma is more.

Previous infections: People may be more prone to  acquiring this ailment if they have had a history of severe viral infections in infancy, such as respiratory syncytial viral infection (RSV)

Hygiene hypothesis: According to this notion, babies whose immune systems aren’t exposed to enough microorganisms during their early months and years won’t have the capacity to fend off asthma and other allergy disorders.

What Triggers Asthma Attacks?

It refers to the substances that irritate the airway and can bring on an asthma attack. Common triggers include:

1. Airborne allergens, such as pollen, dust mite, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste

2. Respiratory infections, such as common cold

3. Physical activity, exercise

4. Cold air

5. Air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke

6. Certain medications like aspirin and beta blockers.

7. Anxiety and stress

8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids rise up into your throat

9. Cold and humid weather

 What Are The Symptoms Of Asthma?

The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person. The person can have symptoms at certain times called infrequent asthma attacks or have symptoms all the time. The most common symptom of asthma is wheezing. This is a squealing or whistling sound that occurs when you breathe.  Other symptoms may include:

1. Coughing, especially at night; while laughing, or during exercise

2. Tightness in the chest

3. Shortness of breath

4. Difficulty in talking

5. Anxiety or panic

6. Fatigue

7. Chest pain

8. Rapid breathing

9. Frequent infections

10. Trouble sleeping

Signs of an asthma flare-up may include:



throat clearing

difficulty in sleeping

chest pain or tightness


What Are The Various Types Of Asthma?

Based on severity of symptoms, the types of asthma are of the following types:

Intermittent: In this type, asthma comes and goes, one feels normal between the asthma flares.

Persistent: Asthma symptoms are present most of the time. The symptoms in this type can be mild, moderate or severe.

Based on causes, asthma can be of the following types:

Allergic: Allergic asthma refers to asthma attacks triggered by allergens like pollen, pet dander, etc.

Non-allergic: Exercise, stress, weather and illness may cause an asthma flare.

Other types include:

Occupational asthma is asthma that arises from exposure to some substance at the workplace. Some examples of occupation-induced asthma are seen in chemical workers, welders, cotton factory workers and coal miners.

Cough variant asthma refers to asthma where the only symptom is persistent dry cough without any mucus expectoration. Wheezing and shortness of breath are absent in such cases. This type of asthma is common in children.

Exercise-induced asthma is commonly seen in athletes, cyclists and swimmers.

Medication-induced asthma can be triggered by medicines such as ibuprofen, aspirin and beta blockers.

Nocturnal asthma is asthma that gets worse at night.

Pathophysiology Of Asthma

In asthma, there is chronic inflammation of airways (bronchi and bronchioles). Airways are the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. In asthmatic persons, these airways are highly sensitive and respond strongly to inhaled substances such as allergens. This leads to bronchospasms (constriction of muscles around the airways), resulting in narrowing of airways.  As a result of the inflammation and bronchospasms, the airways get obstructed, leading to reduced air flow to the lungs.

Mucus production: During the attack, your body produces more mucus. This thick mucus clogs airways.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know I have asthma?

Characteristic symptoms that point toward asthma include episodes of cough, chest wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Allergies could be a symptom. Spirometry and peak flow meter test aid diagnosis.

What is an asthma attack?

Asthma attack refers to acute symptoms of cough, wheezing and chest tightness from sudden bronchospasm. Bronchospasm or a bronchial spasm is the tightening of muscles of airways due to a trigger, whether allergic or non-allergic.

What is wheezing in asthma?

Wheezing is a whistling sound arising in the chest while breathing due to obstruction of the airflow in air passages.


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  1. Mr.Ronald Keith says:

    I’m 56 and i have asthma and iam terrified of getting a asthma attack and be treated for something else what can i use regularly in all seasons to prevent an asthma attack.

  2. Dr. Sharma,
    My cat, Sir Frederick, approximately 6 year old, is a loveable stray who came to us 8 months ago.
    Fred was starving only 5 1/2 lbs and had lung worm and was coughing and rapid breathing, resting breaths 58 a minute.
    A lung worm treatment and a steroid Predinsolone 5mg was finished in March. Fred is now 13 lbs and very good vitality, very active. The high heat and humidity in June reactivated his rapid breathing 58 resting breaths pre minute and Fred is back on Predinsolone 5 mg , and staying in the air-conditioning on hot humid days. Our vet says he has feline asthma. Please help and suggest. We live in Pennsylvania USA.
    Thank you

  3. Maria Millholen says:

    I am 74 years old. I’m an ex smoker who smoked for 45 of those years. I’ve had a chronic cough for over 20 now and my pulmonary doc diagnosed me with allergic asthma but no one has ever found that I’m allergic to anything. Of course with age it gets worse. I also have chronic bronchitis which doesn’t help.

    My cough can get so bad, my stomach convulses and I throw up. Most times it’s just flem but if it’s in the morning it’s the coffee I had or if it’s after I eat it’s the food I ate.

    I live in Florida and of course there’s always something blooming here. We ‘re going through a horrible pollen issue now which is difficult for me as it is for many others.

    Any suggestions? Oh, my doctor did a bronchoscpy last year and found nothing but some fluids which is normal And last year in January and February I had bronchitis (had it 4 times last year where I normally get it maybe twice) and also pneumonia which I’ve never had. I had the two bouts of bronchitis and the pneumonia before we were all aware of COVID-19, so possibly I had it?

  4. Raviranjan sharma says:

    My mother is having asthma since last6 months
    Unable to talk and walk due to it
    Taking inhaler nebulizer and deriphilin300 without appreciable benefits. Suggest homeopathic treatments.
    R RSharma

  5. Joanna Minos says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma my boyfriend is 4 weeks into the corona virus, H’es better now no more fever just very very weak. But now his asthma symptoms seem to be coming out? he has Shortness of breath and coughing and wheezing. What homeopathic medicine do you recommend?

  6. Hi

    I seem to have nasal drip which causes congestion in my chest and lungs. Which medicine should suit me best with mucus build up in my lungs and having to cough up to clear it.
    Kind regards

  7. Niladri Bhattacharyya says:

    Respected Sir,
    Myself Niladri Bhattacharya from WB, age 37 want to get your valuable suggestion about my present illness. I’m in Allopathic Medicine Marketing Job for last 12 years. I’ve serious Seasonal Bronchospasm in the time.of Weather Change or in Humid weather conditions. It began in my Childhood & after Homeopathic treatment , I’ve recovered completely. But from last 2 years I’m suffering from same problem. In my Family only my elder uncle was chronic COPD Patient & Nobody including my Parents has such history of disease. I’ve already began with homeopathy & my Doctor Rx me to take Blata Orientalist (Mother Tinc) 7 drops with water for 3 times daily & Bacillinum 200, 2 Drops direct for once in a weak. I’ve already avoiding Cold water, drinks, Icecream etc. Anything more i need ? Kindly recommend. Waiting for your valuable Suggestion.

  8. Tracy Chabala says:

    Hi there,

    My asthma is growing increasingly bad due to CA fires and Los Angeles poor air quality I believe. Though I smoked for 10 years on and off and had some mild asthma during adolescence, only made worse with bronchitis and colds and flus, the problem got extremely bad during a nine-month stay in Armenia, which has poor air quality. Once I returned to the states, it got better, though it was triggered by *heavy* cardio exercise (not so much with lower cardio activities like walking or the elliptical).

    It has gotten increasingly bad during the last two weeks, and the air quality has become atrocious in CA due to the fires. I got a purifier and it’s barely helping. I am open to moving from LA, but in the meantime, doctors want to prescribe prednisone. This is not good. I cannot be on maintenance treatment for asthma as I am at great risk for osteoporosis due to family history and I also have bipolar disorder and it can cause mania.

    I am hoping there are alternatives for maintenance.

    • Subrata Das says:

      Nomoskar Dr Madam. 20.02.2021

      I am Subrata Das , an assistant teacher of a High School From West Bengal . I am suffering bronchial asthma from 20 years ago, now I am 35 yrs old . I can feel very bad in winter season at night and early morning . So madam please suggest me appropriate medicine for my disease as soon as possible. I am waited for your valuable answer.

      Thanking You Madam.

  9. Ajay Kumar says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am 65+. I have Asthma and Dust Allergy since childhood. Any type of dust/smell/smoke etc. resulting sneezing and water comes out from nose and eyes(except winter season). My father was also an Asthma patient. From childhood, I can walk but I can’t run due to breathing problem. I am a mountain lover and I love trekking in Himalaya. During trekking, I felt breathing problem everywhere . It took double days to complete the destination from others. For last 2 to 3 years, breathing problem, whistling sound coming from chest, coughing, Respiration problem has been increased. At the time of sleeping in the midnight, coughing was also there. I have noticed that Attac k like breathing problem occurs during cycling and carrying 5Kgs. or more vegetables from the market. After taking rest for half any hour or more, the problem decreases.I have treated the sneezing problem, cold and cough, but, I never went to any doctor for the treatment of Asthma. 3 weeks ago, I have again an attack of Asthma, my family took me to Hospital and the doctor diagnosis ECG, Chest X-Ray and MRI – Chest. Now I am feeling better after taking inhaler and other medicines. But, I don’t want to continue the inhaler and high doses Allopathy medicines. Kindly provide me Hameopathy medicine to cure the asthma problem.
    Sincerely yours,

  10. Venkatachalam.ks says:

    Sir…I have take treatment for allergic asthma in homeopathy last 2 months.but now I am suffer wheezing &short breath in midnight.what to do?? before 2 years I had treated in psg hospital in covai.

  11. Shadrack says:

    Hi Dr. My child was diagnosed with touch of Athsma, she normally coughs sometimes oftenly, she is 4years old 6 months now. How can she cured completely?

    Concern Father


  12. Md Abul Kashem says:

    Hi ,doctor sherma . I am a C O P D patient from Bangladesh . I am 50 years old . I am suffering broncial Asthma fom 10 years . 2009 I was tiberculas patient . This time I full course alophatic medicine ( antibiotic) . After 6 manth I fully cured . But bronchities attach me highly . Now I am suffering cronich bronchities , Nasil Drip , large amount of mucous . Mainly rely night and sleep when it acumlates me very bad . The asthma is progressive worse when winter season . When caugh with up and start to bleeding with fever 100°-103° . When I start antibiotic the fever is stop otherwise not .I have been using 2 types of inhalar – 1) Salmeterol BP.25,fluticasone propionate BP. 25/250 . 2) Sulbutamol 100hg , Impratropium 200. 3) Montilucas10. 4) Antibiotic . Tab. Azith 500mg every other day . 5) Capsule with Convicap ~ indacaterol 27.5hg and glucopyrronium 15.6hg . Please suggest me and write which medicine I need to take .

  13. Harmeet Kaur 51yrs says:

    Asthma from a very long time 10yrs taking cal carb200 twice ,pothus. Blatant. Grindalia Aralia recimosa.all mother tincher and ipicac 30 all3 times 70 %relief in 20days still night problem Jhansi and wheezing

  14. zaka Ullah shahid says:

    Dr Sharma Sahib
    Assalm.O Alikam
    I am suffering from astha So I want to treatment this disies,Plz tell me Homoeo Medicine
    I Shaall be very Thankful to you,

  15. pleas advice gastrouble treatment

  16. Nancy E Wells says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma, I have open angle glaucoma and asthma. I do not want to use steroids. I take glaucoma drops Azopt, Bromadine and Zioptan. I am fine if I am sitting down. However, I can easily get shortness of breath when moving around. This also happen if I am anxious. I am highly sensitive and can get excited very easily. I am 84 years old. I have alway had lots of energy. I am a very prolific artist. Anyway, I need to find something other than steroids to use for the asthma. My doctor seems to have no other alternative. I do not want to go blind and I want to be able to move around more. This is not the usual me. Can you make some suggestions, Nancy

    • Hi doctor,
      My son 4 yrs old suffers from wheezing very frequently. Can we follow homeopathy treatment to avoid d cough n cold full y. He always coughs in the mid night. Full sweaty n he is not able to sleep

  17. Tina Flora says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma,
    My husband has asthma and the asthma is progressively worse when he runs. He is currently on Symbicort, Spiriva and takes Albuterol when needed. Is there something natural that he could take to relieve some of his symptoms so he can get back to being able to run comfortably?

    Thank You,

  18. asad baloch says:

    Dear sir im from karachi suffering asthama since last 8 years .its attacks especilly when i wake up after midnight.i stat coughing for 2 to 4 minuts.i fell like im dying .durring coughing i cant brrath well .when some mucus comes out from my lungs .then slowly i fell little better.plz sir any medicine for that

  19. Poshirul Islam says:

    Dear Sir, I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Please give me advice/treatment for the following disease.

    1. My son, age 14, has been suffering (severe) asthma for last 2 years in winter. What medicine is appropriate for him. At present his is taking medicine Montelucast, Inhaler (Mentionable here that his height 5’6″, white, slim figure).

    2. I have been suffering diabetes-2 for 10 years, high cholesterol & suffering pre-mature ejaculation (ED) problem. What medicine for my treatment for ED? Pls advise me urgently.

  20. Dear Dr. Sharma,

    I was hoping you could help me. My son and I have hyperacusus which as I am sure you know is a debilitating hypersensitivity to sound. He currently needs to be homeschooled. I believe we got it through both at different toiled needing intravenous antibiotics, both having TMJ due to jaw trauma and then, then acoustic trauma. Do you feel homeopathy can help our rare condition? We cannot go to loud places and we need to wear ear plugs as we go out to the small amount of shops we can go to. If there is something that can help us, could you advise how many times a day to take it and how many months or years there after? I have had this for ten years and my son for three. Thank you for your time and consideration. Your website is phenomenal!!!

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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