Prolonged coughing, difficulty in breathing, mucus expectoration, pain in the chest, all these symptoms may indicate the initial stages of a respiratory disorder Bronchitis. This respiratory disease is characterized by the inflammation of bronchial tubes. Air passes from the trachea to the lungs through the bronchial tubes. The acute inflammation of bronchial tubes (Acute Bronchitis) usually follows an episode of cold or influenza caused by viral agents. The cold and influenza affect the upper respiratory system, including nose, sinuses, and larynx. In cases of maltreated or neglected cold or influenza, the infection travels in a downward direction and leads to inflammation of bronchial tubes, producing varying symptoms.
Homeopathic Treatment
Natural medicines serve as a very reliable and safe treatment to get rid of Bronchitis. They are free from any side effects and there is absolutely no chance of suppression of symptoms in the homeopathic treatment of Bronchitis. Remedies for Bronchitis are natural medicines that help in the easy exit of the mucus from the bronchi. As the mucus is effortlessly thrown out with the help of properly selected medicines, the cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing also begin to subside and almost finish consequently.
Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis
1. Bryonia – For Dry Cough
Bryonia is the best medicine for managing dry cough. Persons needing it have cough due to irritation in the throat. While coughing, pain is felt in the chest and head. The cough gets worse after eating or drinking. It also increases from movement and talking. Besides, sneezing and scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. Fever with chills can also accompany.
When and How to use Bryonia?
Bryonia should be considered in the early stages of Bronchitis when there is dry cough along with pain in the chest and head. This medicine is recommended in 30C potency. Bryonia 30C can be taken three to four times a day at a three-hour interval.
2. Spongia – For Dry Cough With Difficult Breathing
Spongia is another effective medicine for dry cough. This medicine can be used when dry cough is accompanied by difficult breathing. Cough is extremely dry, hard and continuous. Eating or drinking makes the cough better. Cough is attended with fatigue. One may feel pain and a heated sensation in the chest. At times, a feeling of fullness is felt in the chest.
When and How to use Spongia?
Use of Spongia should be considered when dry cough occurs along with difficulty in breathing in mild intensity. Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is best to start with low potencies like 30C. Spongia 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per intensity of the symptoms.
3. Antimonium Tart – For Bronchitis With Loose Rattling Cough
Antimonium Tart is natural remedy for Bronchitis with loose rattling cough. The bronchial tubes are overloaded with mucus and mucus is heard rattling in the chest on coughing. The mucus does not expel easily and if it does get coughed out, the quantity is meagre. Antimonium Tart is of great help in aiding the expectoration of the mucus present in bronchial tubes. Whistling in chest and a feeling of heaviness in the chest occurs along with the above symptoms.
When and How to use Antimonium Tart?
It is the first medicine to be prescribed when cough is loose and rattling sound is heard while breathing due to the excess mucus lodged in bronchial tubes. Whistling in the chest may occur. This medicine helps to relieve cough, aids expectoration and clears off the mucus from bronchial tubes. Antimonium tart can be taken once or twice a day in 30C potency.
4. Arsenic Album – For Cough, Breathing Difficulty And Wheezing In Chest
Arsenic Album is highly recommended for cases in which there occurs cough with difficulty in breathing and wheezing /whistling in the chest. In most cases needing it, the cough gets worse at night. The phlegm is frothy white or thick yellow, may be blood streaked in some cases. During cough, soreness is felt in the chest, which may also feel tight sometimes. Following an episode of cough, one feels very weak.
When and How to use Arsenic Album?
Arsenic Album can be used in cases presenting with cough, difficult breathing and wheezing in chest when the complaint is of mild intensity. It is usually given in 30C potency once or twice a day. Its higher potencies are also used in some cases for which homeopathic doctor’s advice is a must.
5. Ipecac – For Rattling Cough With Vomiting
Ipecac is another medicine for cough that is similar when Antimonium Tart is recommended. But Ipecac is considered when cough with rattling of mucus in bronchi is followed by vomiting. It is suggested when there is coughing with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes and constant coughing does not seem to expel the mucus from bronchial tubes. Ipecac helps in expelling the mucus out with the least effort. Slight blood can be noticed in the coughed out sputa. Shortness of breath and a constricted sensation in the chest may be present. Wheezing (breathing noisily), sneezing and cold may accompany the above symptoms.
When and How to use Ipecac?
Ipecac can be given in case of loose rattling cough with vomiting. It can also be used in cases of cough with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes but difficult expectoration. It can be used in varying potencies varying from 6C to 200C. Ipecac is generally used in 30C potency two to three times a day
6. Hepar Sulph – For Loose Cough With Yellow Sputum
It is a well indicated medicine for cases having loose cough with yellow sticky sputum. The expectorated phlegm is abundant. Cough gets worse from exposure to cold air or from drinking cold water. In some cases requiring it, blood stained mucus is expectorated. While coughing, burning in the throat and chest are felt. Sneezing may occur.
When and How to use Hepar Sulph?
This medicine is most helpful for cases of loose cough with yellow expectoration. It is mostly recommended in 30 C potency twice or thrice a day as per severity of the problem. Its higher potencies like 200C, 1M are also available but they should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.
7. Pulsatilla – For Cough With Thick Yellow Or Green Expectoration
Pulsatilla is an ideal herbal medicine for Bronchitis when cough is attended with thick yellow or green mucus expectoration. The sputa may have bitter, salty or a bad taste. Cough gets worse in the morning and also in a warm room, while it gets better in open air.
When and How to use Pulsatilla?
Pulsatilla is the best choice of medicine for cough with thick yellow or green phlegm expectoration. Pulsatilla 30C once or twice a day gives good results.
Note: Use of the above medicines is recommended only in mild to moderate cases of bronchitis as per symptoms. After matching the symptoms, one may take these medicines for about one week if the condition improves. To continue these for more than one week, or if there is no visible sign of improvement, consult a homeopathic doctor. In severe cases like high fever, extreme difficulty in breathing, chest pain or pneumonia, it is strictly advised not to self-medicate with any of the above medicines, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.
Causes Of Bronchitis
1. Acute Bronchitis: It commonly arises from viruses that cause common cold and flu (influenza). These viral infections are the cause behind 85-95 percent of all the acute bronchitis cases in adults.
Rarely, acute bronchitis can result from bacterial infections like chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, etc.
2. Chronic Bronchitis: The common reason for chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking in about 90% of the cases. Passive smoking also increases the risk. Prolonged exposure to polluted air, dust or chemical fumes may also be one of the reasons. Repeated bouts of acute bronchitis also may turn into chronic bronchitis. Those having asthma or allergic tendency are also predisposed to chronic bronchitis.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Bronchitis?
1. Cough is the main symptom. Initially, the cough can be dry. Afterward, the cough becomes productive which means loose cough with production of mucus. The mucus can be clear, white, yellow, green, grey in colour. At times, mucus is even blood-stained though very rarely. Cough may last from one week to three weeks.
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Fever and chills
4. Wheezing or whistling sound from chest on breathing and chest congestion/discomfort /tightness
5. Weakness, fatigue
6. In acute bronchitis, symptoms like runny nose, blocked nose, sore throat, headache and body aches may be present.
Types of Bronchitis
Acute bronchitis (chest cold): It generally lasts for one week to ten days, but the cough may linger for two to three weeks in some cases.
Chronic bronchitis:Bronchitis is termed chronic, when cough along with mucus lasts for minimum three months in a year with recurrence at least in two consecutive years.
Risk factors
Though anyone can get infected by bronchitis, infants (babies less than one year of age), young kids (under 5yrs) and elderly people are at the highest risk. Other risk factors include low immunity, cigarette smoking, excessive exposure to dust, chemical fumes, air pollutants and acid reflux (where stomach acid back-flows in upward direction to throat and causes irritation predisposing a person to develop bronchitis)
In some cases, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs that get filled with fluid) may occur as a complication. It can be life threatening and required immediate medical attention.
Hello Dr. My son 4.5 year old has chronic Bronchitis due to allergy during weather changes. Now due to wheat harvesting his condition aggravated . At night he has dry cough i gave him bryonia and it stops how long i can gave him this medicine?? As nebulized alot almost 10 days in September and then in may and that also stops working now . Allergy due to pollution weather change also in parents and grandparents . In winter he was fine with homeopathy regular medicines but September attack and april end attack of dry cough followed by ear infections treated by allopathy nebulizers. Allopathy Dr. Told to gave daily anti allergy medicine for one month and i dont want to give allopathy now. Please suggest dosage of bryonia and how long should i continue .
Dear Dr,Ur way of helping us is commendable! Keep it up!
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