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How To Fight Diabetes Fatigue With Homeopathy

Diabetes can lead to many health issues and one important among them is fatigue. Fatigue means a feeling of exhaustion, tiredness, and lack of energy all the time. People having diabetes can have intense fatigue that hinders day-to-day life activities. Fatigue is different from tiredness as it is persistent and does not get better from rest, unlike tiredness. The tiredness in diabetes results from an increase in blood glucose levels either due to lack of insulin or inability of insulin to work effectively to use sugar for energy. Insulin is required to transport glucose from blood into cells to be used for energy. When the sugar from the blood is unable to enter into cells either due to insufficient insulin or when insulin is not working, then we do not get the required energy and feel tired. Fatigue in diabetes may also arise from use of certain medicines (as for example – corticosteroids, statins, metformin). Another reason for fatigue here can be dehydration that results from passing urine frequently in diabetics. Next, sleep disruption at night from frequent waking up to urinate or drinking water often affects the quality of sleep and can contribute to fatigue. Sleep disturbance from peripheral neuropathy symptoms (like tingling, pin needle sensation, burning sharp pain in feet, hands, arms or legs) that can occur in diabetics might also result in fatigue. Weight loss occurring in diabetic people may also contribute to fatigue. Kidney disease in diabetes is also related to fatigue. Other symptoms seen in diabetics besides weakness include increased thirst for water, increased appetite, and frequent urge to pass urine. There may also occur numbness/tingling in the hands or feet, dryness of the skin and blurred vision. Long-term infections and slow wound healing can also be there.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for managing fatigue in diabetes. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s natural healing powers to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines can manage many complaints related to diabetes including fatigue, weakness and tiredness. These medicines help to boost the body’s energy levels effectively and safely without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines are suitable for people of all age groups. Homeopathic prescription for managing weakness in diabetes varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation. Self – medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Diabetes Fatigue

1. Phosphoric Acid – Top Recommended Medicine

Phosphoric Acid is a topmost medicine in homeopathy to manage weakness in cases of diabetes. There is an aversion to doing any sort of work due to this weakness. Those needing it have very frequent urination. There is almost a constant urge to pass urine. The urine passed is much more than the fluid intake. Urine frequency is more at night. Sleeplessness is also there. There is skin dryness. Weight loss is also present in addition to the above complaints.

2. Phosphorus – To Manage Weakness Along With Heaviness Sensation In Body

Phosphorus is the next highly suitable medicine for managing weakness in diabetes. There is a feeling of heaviness in the whole body along with weakness where this medicine is required. One feels so weak that even speaking becomes difficult. There is no desire to do any work. There is an aversion to moving and desire to lie in bed all the time. Exhaustion worsens after walking. The legs feel very weak and missteps occur while walking. This is accompanied by heaviness in the legs. Those needing it also feel depressed.

3. Arsenic Album – For Managing Fatigue Worse From Little Exertion

Another excellent medicine on the list to manage fatigue in diabetes is Arsenic Album. People who need it feel loss of strength and feel weak, and tired all the time. The weakness gets worse from little exertion.  There is weight loss. The weakness is so intense that it forces them to lie down all the time. Weakness is more at night. There is an excessive thirst for water. Weakness in the feet along with numbness is also prominent. There is marked weakness in the limbs. The limbs feel heavy as well. Burning pain in the limbs may be felt.

4. Lactic Acid – To Manage Fatigue And Weakness Of Limbs

Lactic Acid is a very beneficial medicine for managing tiredness and excessive weakness of the limbs. There is an aversion to do any work. There is intense tiredness with difficulty in standing. The whole body trembles while walking. Next, there is restlessness at night along with weakness. Pain is felt in the feet and legs that prevents sleep. Persons needing it also feel excessive weakness on waking attended with pain in the limbs. It feels as if they have not slept. Chilliness is felt in the limbs. They feel excessively thirsty with an increased appetite. The tongue is dry and sticky. The skin is also very dry and hard. There is frequent urination with passage of large quantities of urine.

5. Kali Phos – To Manage Fatigue On Both Physical And Mental Level

Kali Phos is the next important medicine to help cases of weakness in diabetes. It is indicated for fatigue with excessive appetite but weight loss. Weakness is present at both physical and mental levels in persons who require this medicine. They feel exhausted all the time and show lack of energy. Even a little task seems huge to them. It is one of the great homeopathic tonics to boost energy levels. Other than the above indications, other complaints that can be present include numbness in the fingertips, pricking sensation in the hands and feet, pain in the limbs that becomes worse during rest, and sleeplessness.

6. Argentum Met – For Weakness And Weight Loss In Diabetes

Argentum Met is a very helpful medicine to manage weakness in people having diabetes and also weight loss. They feel very exhausted, which forces them to lie down. They have disturbed sleep at night due to the frequent need to urinate. The urine passed is profuse. There is marked swelling on the feet. On waking up in the morning, one feels very tired, and the arms and legs feel very weak.

7. Gelsemium – To Manage Weakness With Dullness, Drowsiness, Dizziness

Gelsemium is a great medicine in general to manage cases of weakness. The most characteristic feature to use this medicine is dullness, drowsiness and dizziness. Those requiring this medicine feel exhausted all the time along with excessive sleepiness. They wish to sleep all the time. There is heaviness and tired feeling in the limbs along with the above complaints. Headache, muscle pain, concentration issues and dullness of the mind can occur as well in addition to the above.

8. China Officinalis – To Manage Fatigue When Sitting, Walking

It is yet another useful medicine for managing cases of fatigue. It is indicated when weakness is felt while walking or even while sitting. Due to weakness, there is no desire to do any work. Along with weakness, the skin becomes cold. There is trembling in the body along with fatigue. Heaviness and numbness are felt in the limbs.



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Relieve Skin Problems In Diabetes With Homeopathy

Among the various body organs that can be affected by diabetes, skin is one of the prominent ones. In some cases, symptoms start appearing on the skin in the pre-diabetic stage. Diabetic people are prone to a wide range of skin problems. Some common ones are explained here. The first among these is dry skin. The second complaint can be itchy skin resulting from dryness of the skin and poor blood circulation. Though dry and itchy skin is not a specific condition occurring in diabetes and can occur in non-diabetics too if one has diabetes, he/she is more prone to suffer from skin problems. The third condition is acanthosis nigricans in which there is darkening and thickening of the skin in the skin folds. It happens from insulin resistance and tends to affect the armpits, neck fold and groin area. Another skin condition in diabetics may be foot ulcers which refer to an open sore on the foot that is usually painless. It begins with a small wound. Due to nerve damage and poor blood circulation, wound healing becomes difficult. Another condition is diabetic dermopathy, also known as shin spots, which refers to brown or red round spots on the skin. These form on the front side of the legs (shins). Another skin condition due to diabetes is diabetic blisters, also known as diabetic bullae, that form on the lower legs and feet and can also develop on the toes, hands, fingers, and arms. These look white and are painless. The blisters that form are irregular in shape and have a clear fluid. They usually occur in clusters and can be itchy. One more skin condition is digital sclerosis. In this condition, there is thickening of the skin on the back of hands, fingers or toes. Thickening may also occur on the shoulders, arms and upper back. Besides the above, some skin conditions can occur in any person (whether diabetic or non–diabetic) but diabetic people are more prone to these conditions. Such conditions include fungal infections like oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections, athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock’s itch and fungal infection with candida albicans. Oral thrush refers to fungal infection in the mouth. Vaginal yeast infections refer to fungal infection in the vagina resulting in vaginal discharge, irritation or itching in the vagina. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the feet which usually begins in the area between the toes. Ringworm is a fungal infection causing ring-shaped lesions on the skin. Jock’s itch is a fungal infection in the groin area i.e. crease where the lower abdomen and thighs join. Other skin conditions may include bacterial infections like boils and abscesses which are lumps containing pus. Cellulitis is a serious bacterial infection involving deep layers of the skin.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment can help in the supportive management of some skin conditions in diabetes like dryness, itching, skin pigmentation, brown spots on the skin, abscess, boils, fungal infections, blisters, etc. One can opt for homeopathic medicines for safe, natural healing of skin issues along with conventional treatment. Diabetes needs to be properly managed to control blood sugar levels with proper medicines, diet, and lifestyle changes. Along with proper management of blood sugar levels, homeopathic medicines can be used side by side for managing skin problems. The homeopathic medicines are selected as per the individual’s signs and symptoms in every case after detailed case evaluation. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for mild to moderate cases. In severe cases, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Problems In Diabetes

1. Graphites

This medicine proves very effective in managing cases of rough and dry skin. There may be itching in different skin areas. The itching is severe, it gets worse at night. On scratching, eruptions may form on the skin. In cases needing it, the tendency to skin ulcers can also be present.

2. Petroleum

This medicine helps manage dryness of the skin attended with cracks. Cracks may occur in the skin folds. Blood may ooze from the cracks. It gets worse in winter. Petroleum is also helpful in cases of hardening and thickening of the skin. Apart from these, this medicine is also indicated for brown spots on the skin. Petroleum is also a helpful medicine to manage fungal infections on feet between the toes.

3. Sulphur

Sulphur is a highly-recommended medicine to manage itching on the skin. In cases requiring this medicine, itching can occur all over the body. It affects one skin area and after sometime appears in another skin area. The itching gets worse mostly at night. Burning sensation is also felt on the skin. On scratching, there may be bleeding from the affected skin area. Pain may be felt on the skin after itching. There is marked burning sensation on the hands and feet, along with the above-mentioned concerns in most cases that need this medicine.

4. Thuja

Thuja is a well-indicated medicine to manage the cases of darkening of skin. This medicine is also helpful in cases of brownish spots on the skin. The skin is dry and looks dirty. Further, this medicine is important to manage itching on the skin which feels like pricking needles. Itching may be felt on the back, arms, legs and abdomen. There is relief in itching by scratching. However, burning remains even after itching is relieved. Thuja is also a prominent medicine to manage fungal infections on the skin.

5. Arsenic Album

This medicine is highly suitable for managing skin ulcers on the foot. In cases requiring it, the ulcers have elevated edges. Fetid-smelling discharge oozes out from the ulcers. Thin blood-stained pus can appear in some cases. The ulcers are flat with redness on the margins. At times, burning sensation may be felt in the ulcers. Itching gets worse at night and also in cold air. Other than the above, this medicine can be used for managing dry and scaly/flaky skin.

6. Sepia

This medicine is a helpful medicine for managing pigmentation on skin and brownish spots on the skin. This medicine is also the best choice to manage cases of ringworm, which is a type of fungal infection characterised by ring–shaped rash with itching. It is indicated when ringworm lesions appear in isolated (single) spots and not multiple rings joined together. Sepia can also be used in cases of skin itching. It does not get better by scratching.

7. Hepar Sulph

This is a very important medicine to manage cases of boils and abscess on the skin. In cases needing this medicine, pus oozes out from the boils or abscess. The pus is scanty and can be blood-stained too. Throbbing pain can be felt in the lumps. The pain usually worsens at night. Cold exposure also worsens the pain. This medicine helps to speed up pus discharge and aids healing of boils/abscesses.

8. Natrum Mur

This medicine is well-indicated to manage blisters (fluid-filled lumps) on the skin. Initially, there is a burning sensation on the skin in some spots. This is followed by blister formation that contains clear watery fluid. The blisters burst followed by the formation of flakes on those spots.



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Homeopathic Medicines for Diabetes – A supportive Role

Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus

DiabetesHaving high blood sugar levels over a long period is an indication of Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus. Frequent urination and increased thirst and hunger are the basic symptoms of Diabetes. This metabolic disease is a result of the pancreas not producing enough insulin, or body cells not responding properly to the insulin produced. Diabetes can assume serious proportions and complications, and results in life-altering body changes. Shifting to a diabetic diet is essential for the treatment of Diabetes, along with exercise and weight reduction in most cases. Homeopathic medicines for diabetes can only provide supportive role – these medicines are not a substitute for the conventional allopathic medicines . The Homeopathic medicines for diabetes mellitus are made of natural substances and are free from side effects.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Diabetes Mellitus

Abroma Augusta:One of the  Best Homeopathic medicines for Diabetes with loss of flesh and weakness

Abroma Augusta is the top natural Homeopathic medicine to treat Diabetes Mellitus. Its use is highly recommended in those patients who are losing flesh and suffer from extreme weakness due to Diabetes Mellitus. The patients who can greatly benefit from this Homeopathic medicine have an increased thirst with dryness of mouth. They also have an increased appetite and the urination is very frequent day and night. Excessive weakness is felt after urination. Homeopathic medicine Abroma Augusta is also of great help in treating sleeplessness in a person with Diabetes. Another sphere in which this Homeopathic remedy yields good results is skin complaints like boils and carbuncles in a diabetic patient. Burning sensation in the whole body is a prominent general symptom that can be found in persons requiring Abroma Augusta.

Phosphorus- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Diabetes with Weakness in Vision

Phosphorus is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for treating Diabetes Mellitus, though its use depends completely on the constitutional symptoms of the patient.  Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is a remedy of great help for weakness of vision in a diabetic patient.

Syzygium Jambolanum: Top Homeopathic medicines for reducing sugar levels

Syzygium Jambolanum is among the best natural Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. It acts promptly and efficiently in decreasing the sugar levels. Excessive thirst and excessive urination are always present in the patient. Homeopathic medicine Syzygium Jambolanum also gives wonderful results in treatment of long-standing ulcers in a diabetic patient.

Phosphoric Acid: One of the Homeopathic medicines for Diabetes with extreme weakness

Phosphoric Acid is an excellent natural Homeopathic remedy for extreme weakness, either mental or physical, in a diabetic patient. Such patients feel exhausted all the time. They have a weak memory and are forgetful. Some sort of history of grief may be found in patients requiring this Homeopathic medicine. For numbness of feet in patients of Diabetes Mellitus, Phosphoric Acid is the best Homeopathic remedy.

Gymnema Sylvestre: Homeopathic Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus with weight loss

Gymnema Sylvestre is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for patients of Diabetes Mellitus who are losing weight with weakness and exhaustion. In such patients, this Homeopathic remedy works as a tonic resulting in improvement of overall health. With Homeopathic medicine Gymnema Sylvestre,the patient puts on weight and feels energetic.

Best Homeopathic Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus

Homeopathic medicines for Diabetic Retinopathy (damage to eyes due to Diabetes)

Homeopathic medicines Phosphorus, Arnica, Belladona and Lachesis are equally good natural remedies to deal with eye complaints in diabetic patients. The most suitable Homeopathic medicine out of these is selected on the basis of symptoms described by each patient.

Homeopathic medicines for Diabetic Nephropathy (kidney damage due to Diabetes)

Natural Homeopathic medicines that can be very beneficial in the treatment of kidney damage are Lycopodium, Arsenic Album and Serum Anguillae. A complete case history is taken to select the suitable Homeopathic medicine out of these to deal with the kidney complications in diabetic patients. Homeopathy offers a small supportive role only in this condition and that too in early stages.

Homeopathic medicines for Diabetes with Neuropathy (nerve complaints like numbness in hands and feet)

To deal with the problem of numbness in feet and hands due to Diabetes,natural Homeopathic medicines Phosphoric Acid, Sulphur and Helonias are considered the best.

Homeopathic medicines for skin ulcers in diabetic patients

Skin ulcers is a very common complication in patients of Diabetes Mellitus. The diabetic skin ulcers are mostly formed on the feet. Natural Homeopathic medicines Syzygium Jambolanum and Secale Cornutum are excellent remedies to deal with ulcers in diabetic patients.

Homeopathic medicines for constipation in diabetic patients

For treating constipation in diabetic patients, Homeopathic medicines Carlsbad, Lac Defloratum and Natrum Sulph top the list. Which of these Homeopathic remedies best suits you is decided after taking note of the individual symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines for weak memory in diabetic patients

To improve the weak memory in patients of Diabetes Mellitus,  Kali Phos, Nux Vom and Phosphoric Acid are the natural Homeopathic medicines of great help.

Homeopathic Medicines for Diabetes Mellitus with extreme weakness

The best natural Homoeopathic medicines to improve the general health of diabetic patients with extreme weakness are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus, Phosphoric Acid and Carbo Veg. Any one of these Homeopathic remedies can be of great help depending upon the individual symptoms of the patient.Homeopathic Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus can also be very effective in treating Erectile Dysfunction, which can be one of the serious consequences of longstanding Diabetes.

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