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Is mucus in your chest troubling you? Try out these Homeopathic remedies

Mucus is normally made in our body daily in certain amounts. Mucus produced by the respiratory system is called phlegm/sputum that keeps the respiratory tract moist and functions to save us from bacterial and viral infections by trapping infectious agents (like virus, bacteria). In case excessive mucus is produced in lungs, it causes chest congestion that could be indicative of a medical issue which needs to be addressed and treated. Some of the reasons for excessive mucus in the chest are bacterial and viral infections, common cold, flu, asthma, acid reflux, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), allergies, smoking and cystic fibrosis. It can be attended with cough (wet productive cough) and expectoration (spitting out mucus) produced in the respiratory tract. The color of the mucus varies from case to case depending on the cause behind it —breathing difficulty, wheezing, chest congestion, chest pain, fever, stuffy nose, sneezing, fatigue, body aches.

The phlegm expectorated may also vary in colour. Mostly clear phlegm indicates allergies, yellow or green mucus indicates a viral or bacterial infection and red mucus may arise from bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer.

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective to help clear mucus from the chest. These medicines act as natural expectorants which help to thin out and loosen the mucus from the chest making it easier to be coughed out. The homeopathic medicine for mucus in chest is selected individually for every case depending on case presentation.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mucus In Chest

1. Antimonium Tart – Top Grade Medicine

Antimonium Tart is the leading medicine to deal with cases of mucus in the chest. The key indication to use it is cough with excessive rattling of mucus in chest. Rattling gets worse when lying down and better when sitting in an upright position.  There appears to be large accumulation of phlegm in chest. Cough occurs day and night but no or very little sputa gets expectorated. A suffocative sensation occurs with cough. Here, use of this medicine aids expulsion of thick and yellow phlegm from the airways. In cases needing it, cough may be attended with belching and even vomiting of watery slimy matter. Along with cough, pain in the chest of dull nature may accompany. Headache may be felt along with excessive exhaustion with cough. It is a great medicine for bronchitis cases.

2. Arsenic Album – With Wheezing Or Whistling From Chest

This medicine is very suitable when wheezing or whistling sounds occur from chest along with mucus in chest.  There occurs cough and expectoration of frothy mucus or sometimes thick yellow, green or grey mucus. Cough is preceded by anxiety and restlessness. Cough mainly occurs after eating or drinking. It gets worse at night more specifically after midnight forcing the sufferer to sit as soon as the cough starts. Cough is attended with soreness in chest and breathing difficulty. A weight is felt in the upper part of the lungs. Chest feels constricted. A burning sensation may also be felt in the chest. Arsenic Album is very effective for cases of asthma and bronchitis.

3. Ipecac – When Cough With Vomiting Attends

Ipecac is an ideal medicine for mucus in chest when there occur cough with vomiting episodes. A fit of cough from tickling in the larynx occurs followed by vomiting.  Vomiting may contain white mucus or food. At times in the morning, expectoration of mucus and blood or ropy mucus might occur. A rattling noise is heard in the chest while breathing. Difficulty in breathing may arise from the least exercise. Episodes of suffocation arise and one feels better in open air. There is constriction in throat and chest with wheezing noise.

4. Hepar Sulph – For Pus-Like Mucus In Chest

Hepar Sulph is a well-indicated medicine when pus-like mucus is expectorated. It is a most prominent medicine for cough and mucus arising from exposure to cold air. Expectoration occurs only in the morning time of pus-like mucus that tastes sour or sweet. It has foul smell. There is difficulty in breathing which prevents sleep at night and the sufferer has to get up for relief. Also, one feels relief during the day. While coughing, burning is felt in the throat and chest. Fever may occur along with chills.

5. Pulsatilla – When There Is Yellow Or Green Mucus

It is a great choice of medicine when yellow or green-colored mucus is expectorated. This medicine speeds up drainage of mucus and affects speedy recovery. In the morning, there is loose cough while in the evening and night, the cough is dry. Shortness of breath may attend. Complaints are worse in a warm room.  A desire for fresh air in the open is marked which relieves complaints.

6. Kali Bichrome – For Stringy (Thread-Like), Sticky Mucus

Kali Bichrome is one of the best medicines for stringy, sticky mucus in the chest. In such cases, Kali Bichrome loosens the yellow-colored mucus making it easier to cough it out. In cases needing it, there is coughing which gets better by expectoration. Wheezing is noted at night.

7. Phosphorus – For Blood-Stained Mucus

Phosphorus is an excellent medicine for blood-stained mucus. In cases requiring it, cough arises from tickling in the throat. Talking and cold air worsens it. Cough may also be triggered by strong odors. There is breathing trouble arising from even the slightest motion.

8. Silicea – For Thick, Yellow Lumpy Mucus

Silicea acts as a great expectorant for cases where thick yellow lumpy mucus is present. It has a foul smell. Silicea makes the mucus thin and easier to cough out. In cases needing it, loose cough occurs day and night. Cough worsens on lying down. Shortness of breath occurs on running, coughing and lying on the back.

9. Causticum – When Mucus From Airways Rises Up But Slips Down Again

This medicine is of immense use to increase expulsive power of airways to get rid of mucus. In cases needing it, the mucus from airways comes up to the throat and then slips back and swallowed. The cough is worse in the morning and at night. It gets better by drinking cold water.

10. Natrum Sulph – For Thick, Ropy, Greenish Pus Like Phlegm

This medicine is indicated for cases having thick, ropy, greenish pus-like phlegm. Cough is attended with soreness in chest. It is loose, arising from tickling in the throat. Pressure is felt in the chest like a heavy weight pressing against the chest. Stitching pain is felt on the left side of the chest which gets worse while breathing.

 Causes of Mucus in Chest

1. Infections

Viral or bacterial infection can lead to mucus in the chest. Infections such as cold, flu could be the main reasons. It arises when infection from the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, sinuses) reaches lower respiratory tract (bronchial tubes, lungs). COVID -19 though does not lead to mucus in the chest but can cause pneumonia that causes chest congestion.

2. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

It refers to a group of lung diseases, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, that make breathing difficult for a person. Inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs is called bronchitis. It can lead to excessive mucus production in the chest. In emphysema, air sacs in lungs are damaged causing shortness of breath

3. Pneumonia

Infection that causes inflammation of air sacs of lungs.

4. Asthma

A respiratory condition resulting from narrowing of airways and its swelling and excessive production of mucus giving rise to breathing difficulty, cough and wheezing from chest.

5. Allergies

Allergies can cause a range of symptoms from sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes to cough, chest mucus and chest tightness. Some common allergens include dust mites and pollen that can trigger the symptoms.

6. Acid reflux

It refers to the back flow of stomach acid into the food pipe and throat.  It may cause irritation of the throat, cough, and chest congestion.

7. Smoking

8. Cystic fibrosis

It is an inherited condition that leads to thick mucus production mainly in lungs and but may affect other organs as well like pancreas, kidneys, liver and intestine.


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  1. Mubashar Bashir says:

    I am suffering with allergies since childhood now my age is 35 and weight is 70kg,
    Allergy types: sneezing, nasal drip thick and then thin,asthma ,wheezing cough, watery eyes itching
    All together sometime….
    Sometime only nasal problems…

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