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6 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema

Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is an inflammatory disorder of the skin characterized by inflamed skin with rough, red, itchy rash. The rash may be dry and have cracks without any eruptions. In other cases, eruptions may arise in the form of papules (small eruptions without any fluid), vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) or pustules (pus-filled eruptions), or skin peels. Eczema may cover a small area or may spread all over the body. Itching, with mild or severe intensity, may be felt. Upon scratching, the skin may bleed.

There is an outstanding treatment for eczema in homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies help to reduce skin inflammation by optimizing the overactive immune system and work in restoring the skin barrier to retain skin moisture. Simultaneously, they focus on healing the rash and eruptions on the skin extremely well along with managing attending signs and symptoms like itching, burning, tenderness, pain, dryness, flaking and bleeding. Further, these remedies control the progression of eczema and function to treat the root cause of eczema that provides long-term relief rather than temporary alleviation of the symptoms. Homeopathy also helps in reducing reliance on harmful topical creams like corticosteroids, hydrocortisone ointments and immunosuppressants prescribed in conventional medicine. External, medicated creams only remove the outer manifestation and cannot cure eczema, rather they cause harm by driving the disease into some important, centrally-located organ in the body and manifest itself in a more harmful way (asthma, for example).

Safe and effective treatment

Homeopathy offers safe and effective treatment for eczema in persons of all age groups. Homeopathy assures zero side effects of its medicines which are prepared from naturally-occurring substances.

Homeopathy heals with oral medicines

Homeopathy believes in the doctrine that skin ailments are an outward expression of some internal disturbance in the body. So that kind of medicine that can heal internally, rather than externally (like ointments) is offered by homeopathy. Homeopathy mostly recommends medicines taken orally (by mouth) that treat the internal turmoil in the body that is being expressed on the skin. Once the internal system attains a state of balance, the eczema also goes away.

Homeopathy considers case-specific symptoms

It is the totality of symptoms that helps in the correct diagnosis in every individual case and is the sole guide in selecting the most suitable homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy does this by a thorough case-taking followed by deep evaluation to come to the conclusion regarding the prescription to give the best results. So, one should always use any homeopathic medicine for eczema after consulting a homeopathic physician having expertise in homeopathy. Self-medication may not help as a person not well acquainted with homeopathic laws does not know how to prescribe the medicines, select the potency, dosage, and repetition.

Homeopathy offers relief without suppression

Homeopathic remedies are non-suppressive which means they do not suppress the symptoms of eczema, rather they follow an approach to cure it from its origin. With suppression, there are always chances of some graver manifestation in the body internally. Homeopathy medicines provide natural cure without suppression.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema

The top six medicines for the treatment of eczema are Graphites, Sulphur, Natrum Mur, Petroleum, Psorinum and Mezereum.

1. Graphites – Top-grade Medicine For Eczema

Graphites is a renowned homeopathic medicine to treat eczema. It works well in case of both, dry eczema and moist eczema. The key symptoms to recommend in dry eczema are excessively rough, dry skin along with intense irritation. Cracks may develop on the affected skin.

In moist eczema, it should be used when the skin oozes moist, sticky fluid in any part of the body-bend, such as the elbow, behind the knees, behind the ears, on one’s face (especially around the mouth, chin, and nose), on one’s hands, between fingers, eyelids, and scalp.

When to use Graphites?

It is an excellent choice of medicine for treating eczema which is dry with rough skin or cracks as well as moist eczema with discharge of sticky fluid.

How to use Graphites?

In the majority of cases, it works well in low potencies. Initially, it can be taken in 3X potency once or twice a day depending on the intensity of the complaint.

2. Sulphur – For Itchy Eczema

Sulphur is the best medicine for itchy eczema. It can control itching in eczema patches very effectively. Those who need it, complain about worsening of itching in the evening and night. Warm temperatures worsen itching which leads to scratching followed by a burning sensation. Upon scratching, a person is relieved of itching in the affected part but it appears in some other part of the body. Sulphur can also be used for the symptoms of moist eczema when there is a discharge of yellow fluid from eruptions. Sulphur is also the most appropriate choice when eczema cases have been treated with ointments in the past with no relief.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur should be used to manage itching in eczema rashes that get worse in the evening and night.

How to use Sulphur?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is safe to take this medicine in 30C power initially. Its dosage should not exceed one dose a day. Do not use its high potencies without a physician’s consultation.

3. Natrum Mur – For Eczema on the Margins of the Hairline

For eczema on the edges of the hair, Natrum Mur is a highly recommended medicine. There is marked redness and inflammation on the edge of the hairline. The rash may ooze fluid. It may also damage the hair.

When to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine can be prescribed when eczema is specifically located on the margins of the hairline with excessive redness and inflammation.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the severity of the symptoms.

4. Petroleum For Eczema with Deep Cracks on the Sskin accompanied by Bleeding

The foremost indication to use petroleum in eczema is when you see deep cracks on the skin, accompanied by bleeding. Where eczema hits, the skin is dry, hard, and rough. This medicine helps reduce the dryness of skin and heals cracks most effectively and gently.  Although cracks can develop on the skin in any part of the body, hands are the most affected which may feel the burning sensation and itching. In many cases, eczema tends to get worse in winters, for which petroleum is the most frequently prescribed medication.

When to use Petroleum?

The key feature for using it is eczema with deep cracks and bleeding. It is also one of the best homeopathic medicine to soothe flare-ups of eczema in winter.

How to use Petroleum?

It can be taken in 30C potency twice a day.

5. Psorinum – For Eczema in Bends (folds of skin)

Psorinum is a very effective medicine when eczema appears in the bends or the folds of skin. Rashes may occur in the bend of the elbow, armpit-folds or area behind the ear. In case of eczema behind the ear, a discharge may ooze out, the rash may be itchy which disturbs sleep as it gets worse at night.

When and How to use Psorinum?

It is recommended to use this medicine when eczema occurs in bends/folds of skin like elbow, armpits.

How to use Psorinum?

It is advised to use it in 200C potency and even potencies higher than this. It is advised not to use this medicine without consultation with a homeopathic doctor as it is a strong medicine and the dose varies for every individual and is usually not to be repeated very frequently.

6. Mezereum – For Thick, Crusty Eruptions with Pus Underneath

Mezereum is an important medicine for managing cases of eczema having thick crusty eruptions with pus underneath. It is attended with intolerable itching. At times the eruptions may bleed when touched. In case of eczema on scalp gluing / sticking of hair

When to use Mezereum?

The characteristic feature guiding its use in eczema is eruptions covered with thick crusts and pus collection underneath.

How to use Mezereum?

The suggested dose of this medicine is Mezereum 30 C once a day. Take homeopathic doctor’s advice before using its higher potencies like 200C.


One may consider using these medicines for about two-three weeks. For prolonging their use and switching to high potencies, consultation with homeopathic doctor is important.

What causes Eczema?

The exact cause of eczema is not known. A combination of genetic and environmental factors is believed to play a major role. Persons with a family history of eczema or any other allergy (over-reaction of the immune system to something that does not have any effect on the majority of people) such as nasal allergy, asthma, etc. are at higher risk of developing eczema. According to research, those suffering from eczema do not produce adequate protein filaggrin, which is responsible for keeping skin moisturized and healthy.

There are a few environmental triggers that can flare up eczema. These include irritants (like soaps, and detergents), certain food products (like dairy products, nuts, eggs, and wheat), extreme temperatures (either very hot or very cold), low humidity (dry air), increased sweating, allergens (e.g. dust mites, pet dander), synthetic fabric, wool, and stress.

What are the various Types of Eczema?

Various types of eczema include atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, and venous/stasis eczema.

1. Atopic dermatitis

Characterized by skin inflammation with a dry, itchy rash, this disease runs in the family and starts during childhood. Atopy means a genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases. Asthma and hay fever are often reported in addition to eczema in atopic dermatitis. The signs and symptoms vary as per the age group. In kids up to 2 years of age, the rash mainly appears on the scalp and face, especially on the cheeks. In 3-18 years of age, rashes occur frequently in the bend of the elbow or knees, wrist, ankle, or neck. In adults, the rash mainly is seen in the bend of the elbow, knee, and neck and sometimes may cover the entire body.

2. Contact dermatitis

It is mainly of two types – allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. In allergic contact dermatitis, the allergic reaction appears on the skin when exposed to a foreign substance, like metals (nickel, gold) or cosmetics. Irritant contact dermatitis arises when the skin comes in contact with a toxic or irritant substance, such as detergent, bleach, or battery acid.

3. Seborrhoeic dermatitis

It mainly affects the scalp, face, and eyelids. It will show up as flakes or as greasy/ crusty eruptions. In infants, thick, crusty eruptions appear on the scalp and are referred to as cradle caps.

4. Dyshidrotic eczema

It is mainly visible on the soles and palms. It is characterized by the presence of vesicles (fluid-filled bumps)

5. Venous/stasiseczema

It mainly develops on the lower limbs due to poor blood circulation and varicose veins. There is a tendency to develop leg ulcers in such cases.

How to diagnose Eczema?

A doctor can easily diagnose a case of eczema by looking at the skin eruptions/rash and reviewing its attending symptoms and the medical history of the patient. A family history of eczema adds to the likelihood of its presence. There are no specific lab investigations required for eczema diagnosis. However, in some cases, a doctor may recommend tests to check for skin allergy. It includes a patch test to find out specific allergens that might be triggering the symptoms. In this test few allergens after being put on a patch is applied to the skin. In case any of these allergens are triggering the complaint that area will become inflamed.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. At what age is eczema likely to appear?

In a majority of the cases, eczema starts early, before five years of age. However, eczema can show up in the teenage years and adults as well.

2. Which part of the skin is more vulnerable to eczema?

Eczema can develop on the skin anywhere from head to toe but may vary with the age group. In children, common areas are the face, scalp, and chest. Adults are more likely to get eczema at the elbow bends and behind the knees.

3. Why does my child have eczema?

The answer could lie in his genes. If a child has eczema, there is a chance he has atopic dermatitis. Atopy is a term applied to a genetic predisposition toward developing allergic diseases like hay fever, dermatitis, and asthma. But, there are chances that your child’s eczema will go away as he gets older. However, the age at which a child will start to show improvement varies though most children do start to get better by the age of three years.

4. Is eczema an allergy?

There are cases of eczema that are allergic in origin, but not every case is an allergy. In allergic eczema, the skin reacts to coming in contact with an allergen. A few common allergens are poison ivy (a plant), nickel, cosmetics, and antibiotic creams.

5. Can eczema spread from skin contact?

No, eczema is not contagious. It does not spread from one person to another via the skin.

6. Is eczema related to weather?

Eczema can occur irrespective of the weather conditions though it usually gets triggered in cold weather.




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  1. Hi Dr Sharma, thank you for this helpful information. My child age 13 has dyshidrotic eczema and I am going to try these homeopathic remedies – graphites and when it is itchy sulphur. Is there anything with a diet that can improve the protein filaggrin which is lacking as mentioned above? Thankyou

  2. Anil kumar says:

    Hi sir Naa Peru Anil Kumar naaku mochi paina meda daggara right saide left saide rendu vaipula ring worm vachhi Baga jilaga vundi ye medicine vadali ,

    Thq sir

  3. Glen Kellner says:

    What can be used for pustules psoriasis?

  4. Anju Gupta says:

    मेरी बेटी को एक्जीमा है, एक साल से होम्योपैथी इलाज चल रहा है अभी तक ठीक नहीं हुआ क्या करे ं

  5. Christopher R. says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma,
    Thank you for the interesting and helpful article. Eczema developed on one finger a few years ago and it has now spread to the majority of three fingers. I would categorize it as dry but I have had symptons of the wet at times. I have been to 2 different dermatologists over the past few years and nothing that they subscribe helps. I will definitely be trying some of your suggestions. Thank you again for the article.

    Christopher R.

  6. Dr, Sharma,
    I believe I have eczema on my forehead, moving down to my nose and face. I have flaky skin that is itchy and irritated. Also, I notice I am wheezing. and my breathing feels compromised. iI have been diagnosed with asthma in the pass. The write up about taking arsenic album fit me perfectly. What dose do I take?
    30C, 200C, or another dose? I appreciate your time in this matter.

  7. Manoj Rabidas says:

    Dear sir,
    Namaskar.I am Manoj Rabidas suffering from eczema to long time.I believe that this symptoms is genetically comes from me.My both legs are suffer from this cause time to time.So kindly advice to me.

  8. Muhammad Azam says:

    I Have skin allergy allongwith chest allegy since last 5 years skin allergy come in summer season in shining of sun light and ches allergy raised fast in winter season kindly guide me well for both combination to ger ride from chronic diseased my whatsapp Number is +923008944910

  9. Amardeep kumar says:

    Namaste sir,I am a handicapt person .age 35yers.2012 se mere slip disc me problem hai.mai nurologist se dikhakar medicine par hi chal raha hu.nuro sergon safdarjang Delhi me dikhaya to MRI karne ke bad unhone bataya ki aapke slip disc ki 2-3 haddi nikalni padegi .isme risk hai.kya mere liye koi homoeopathic medicine hai

  10. Anup kumar das says:

    বয়স 11 বছর । 5 বছর থেকে পায়ের হাঁটুতে ও হাতের আঙ্গুলে সুকনো একজিমা । কোন হোমিও medicine এ সারবে জানাবেন

  11. Ms. Gwen says:

    I need to speak with you via this format. Is that possible?

  12. SHASHI JAIN says:

    Sir, My finger skin has been peeling off in thumb and in next two fingers in both the hands. There were skin cuts in these areas earlier for the past 6 months. The new skin is not being formed , so the redness of the blood appears. no itching. Could it be ECZEMA ? Would you please suggest the cure for this. I am 68 years old. Mrs SHASHI JAIN

  13. Hi sir,
    I have eczema from last 10 years
    I have gone through many types of medications but no use.
    From last 3 years i used homeopathy medicine but no use. So much mony was wasted but no cure.
    With one of the article in google, i seen a medicine of sulpur 200CH (SBL Company), As of now i am using this medicine as 3 times a day with 5 drops each dose from last 15 days. I ddnt seen any improvment.
    Can u plz suggest any good medicine which can cure my serious eczema.

  14. Hi Doctor
    My baby got Eczema since last two years on both feet.
    She is bit un-tidy.
    Itching is much with burning,sometimes bloods coming.
    Angry in nature.
    Going for sleep late.
    Skin rough.
    Taking homeopathy for long but no improvement.
    Kindly advice the best medicine.

  15. Javed Arif says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma
    I feel sever itching on my hands ( outer side not on palms) on my knees outer side as well as inner side, on my groin and hips and on my toes. my age is 50 years and I had never eczema before. my other family member had this. I guess it is nummular eczema. I guess its medicine is MEZEREUM. To what extant I am correct and if so what will be dose and power of this medicine.
    I will be very thankful to you for sparing a few minutes for me.

    Javed Arif

  16. S. Mishra says:

    My wife is 62 years old.
    She has eczema for 39 years along the shin and around the ankle, where the eruptions stated 39 years back.
    She has a slim constitution. Weighing around 45 kg.
    Her skin and hair are extremely dry.
    Brinjal is the triggering allergy.
    This is the 6th time she is suffering. Each earlier time she was cured of eczema by mainly using Sulphur along with some other remedy, as per symptoms. She used to get cured in a matter of 2-5 months. There were no symptoms for 16 years before recurrence last time.

    It again appeared violently on taking a dish having brinjal.

    But this time, no remedies used earlier helped and aggravation and suffering has been on the increase over last three years. Losing hope on the regular homeo doctor, we took help of more experienced homeo doctors. After no amelioration, we tried best of Allopathic , followed by Ayurvedic doctors, but in vain !

    Presently, I m treating her myself, after a great deal of study of the disease. After using a dose of Sulphur 1 M last week, there is further aggravation. The Weeping stage has recurred, having thick and fetid fluid oozing out of the inflamed, cracked and chaffed angry skin !

    It’s my earnest request to advise me what drug would be appropriate for her at this

    S Mishra

  17. Vinayak Athavale says:

    Hello Doctor,
    My wife has eczema problem to her feet and having issue of dryness of skin and thus itching.
    Kindly suggest a good medicine for the same.
    Best regards,
    Vinayak Athavake

  18. Anil asnani says:

    I am 45 year old and suffering from allergic eczema ie rough skin, dryness and too much itching last 07 years doctor suggest levocitrazine 5mg every day but not cure what we do pls suggest me

  19. Aris DeNigris says:

    Dr. Sharma, my husband is in his 95th year having just completed 94. he has had eczema for so many years and has been treated with steroid creams and shots). e stopped those when he fond out what they do to the skin. He is now, back on a cream, triamcinilone, in desperation , but it is not helping. He has terrible itching, has had to be sent to hospital because the itch is so intense. They, of course, tell him to think good thoughts, color with pencils, etc. etc. He scratches his body constantly, although nights are the worse. How he bears all of this at his age, especially, is amazing. He weeps at times because he itches so ,and it breaks my heart to see him, at this time in his life when he has never had any kind of skin problem, ever. We’ve gone through the dermatologists, went to Boston even, tried light treatments. I believe he has food allergies and I try to watch for them. Also, I’m pretty certain that his immune system has been damaged and am giving him vitamins D-3 and B Complex. So I am now looking for a doctor who, taking all of this in mind, can help the poor man-. Thank you, I am

  20. Hi Doctor,
    My Daughter is 6 years old and has atopic Dermatics. She has eczema symptoms on her leg and hand folds. She is currently taking 1 drop of Sulfur and Graphites 30 CH on alternate days. Her condition is stable but still has itching problem. Kindly advise homeopathic treatment for him.
    Thanks and God bless you.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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