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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair fall due to Folliculitis

Folliculitis refers to inflammation of hair follicles (pores in the skin through which hair grows) usually due to infection by bacteria, especially staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria get entrapped in the inflamed hair follicles leading to the formation of pus-filled bumps called pustules. It can affect any area of the skin where there is hair growth like the scalp (the most common area because of maximum number of hair follicles), armpits, beard, pubic area etc. When folliculitis affects the scalp and causes hair fall, then it is termed folliculitis decalvans. It causes patches of bald spots that can be round or oval shaped varying from case to case. The spots can be single or multiple in number.

Hair follicles that have been inflamed for long get destroyed which prevents new hair growth. When the hair strand falls off, scarring occurs that may cause permanent hair loss. The signs and symptoms of folliculitis may include pimples or pus-filled bumps around the hair follicles, when pustules break these get covered with scabs/crusts, pain, tenderness, itching and burning in the affected area. The exact cause behind this complaint is not clear. But it is thought to arise from infection with a bacteria known as staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria is normally present on the skin of every person but it does not cause any harm. In some persons, however, this bacteria may result in inflammation due to an abnormal response to this bacteria, the reason behind which is not clear yet. This inflammation can affect the hair follicle along with its destruction. With time, the hair strand falls followed by scar formation. That is why this hair loss is also known as cicatricial (scar formation) alopecia (means hair loss). Though this condition can occur in both males and females, men are more at risk.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective treatment for cases of hair loss due to folliculitis. These medicines primarily help to halt further progression of the inflammation of hair follicles and prevent hair loss. They also work toward managing the pimples or pustules on the scalp and it’s attending itching, pain and burning. Following the arrest of further progression of the problem and control of its associated symptoms, they help in hair regrowth. The results of hair regrowth vary from case to case as per the duration and intensity of the problem. Homeopathic medicines in these cases is decided after detailed case analysis based on the characteristic features in every individual case. So, one should always consult a homeopathic doctor for best homeopathic prescription after getting an in depth case evaluation done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall Due To Folliculitis

1. Silicea – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Silicea is a topmost medicine in homeopathy to help cases of hair fall due to folliculitis. Its use is highly recommended when pustules (pus-filled bumps) appear on the head. Attended with itching, these eruptions are followed by hair loss. There is excessive sweating on the scalp in cases needing this medicine. The sweat smells sour. In some cases, the eruptions appear specifically on the back of the scalp. These eruption ooze pus followed by scab formation. Burning sensation and itching are felt in these eruptions. Silicea works both ways –preventing further pus-filled eruptions and healing of already present eruptions, as well as controlling its associated hair loss.

2. Mezereum – With Crusty Eruption With Pus Underneath

This is the next highly effective medicine to manage hair loss from folliculitis. The key feature to use this medicine is crusty eruptions on the head with pus underneath. Hair comes out in handfuls, besides the other complaints. There is oozing of sticky fluid from the eruptions present. There is intolerable itching in the eruptions. Burning sensation is also felt in them.

3. Hepar Sulph – With Painful Pimples Painful To Touch

Hepar Sulph gives wonderful results when there occur painful pimples on the scalp causing hair loss. The eruptions are sore to touch. The spots of hair loss can be large in cases needing this medicine. The eruptions itch intensely in the morning on waking up. On scratching, there is burning and pain in the eruptions. Eruptions are covered with scabs. When scabs tear apart, bleeding raw surface can be seen underneath. Along with the above complaints, there is excessive sweating on the scalp. The sweat has sour smell.

4. Sulphur – With Itchy Small Fluid-Filled Bumps

This medicine is highly useful for itchy, small fluid-filled bumps on the head especially on the top of the head. They may be covered with yellow or brownish crusts. It is attended with hair loss patches. Besides, Sulphur is also indicated for small pus-filled bumps that dry up and get covered with honey like scabs. Next, it is indicated for offensive-smelling eruptions on the scalp that ooze thick pus along with bleeding. Burning sensation is felt in these eruptions. In general, the scalp is sore to touch in cases needing Sulphur. There is also violent itching on scalp in evening time.

5. Arsenic Album – With Itching And Burning On Scalp

Arsenic Album is another beneficial medicine to manage hair loss. This medicine can be used when there occur circular patches of hair loss that are rough and covered with dry scales. It is accompanied by itching and burning, especially at night. The scalp is sensitive to touch and even combing or brushing is painful. There are pus-filled eruptions present on the scalp or scabs/crusts on scalp.

6. Phosphorus – With Itchy Pimples With Bald Spots

It is a very helpful medicine when there occur itchy pimples on the scalp and bald spots that are smooth and look clear and white or scaly. Hair loss usually occurs in bunches where this medicine is required. The scalp is quite itchy. Scratching worsens itching. Dryness and heat are felt on the scalp in addition to the above-mentioned features.

7. Merc Sol – For Pus-Filled Bumps With Yellow Crusts

This medicine can be considered in cases of moist pus-filled eruptions covered with yellow crusts. These eruptions tend to eat away the hair. The eruptions ooze fetid fluid. These are sensitive to pressure. There is bad-smelling, oily sweating on the head along with the above complaints. The hair loss is mostly visible on the sides of the scalp.



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Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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