Hoarseness is a symptom, not a disease that refers to abnormal voice changes. Due to hoarseness, the voice sounds strained, deep, breathy, harsh, raspy or weak. There may also be changes in the pitch of the voice. It may be attended with throat dryness and scratchiness in the throat.
The complaint of hoarseness of voice can be treated effectively with homeopathic medicines. They help treat the problem by aiming to treat the root cause behind it to bring great recovery naturally. It gives excellent results in both acute, as well as chronic cases of hoarseness of voice. Along with a hoarse voice, any attending symptoms like dryness in throat, any related cough or throat pain also get treated with appropriately selected homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathy helps to treat cases of hoarse voice by fixing the root cause behind it like allergy, any infection, GERD, causing it. This provides long-term results and cure in most of the cases. By taking a proper homeopathic treatment under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor, complete recovery takes place in the majority of the people. Self-medication may not help as improper selection of medicine, potency and dose might not give expected results.
Homeopathy is a symptom-based science. So homeopathic medicines for hoarse voice are prescribed taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. The selection of potency of the medicine, dosage and repetition of the medicine is also done individually for every case.
As homeopathy makes use of natural remedies to treat hoarse voice, there are no chances of any side effects. Homeopathic medicines are given in highly diluted forms to ensure natural recovery with no adverse reactions.
Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Hoarse Voice
The top listed medicines for treating hoarseness of voice include Causticum, Phosphorus, Argentum Met, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Arum Triphyllum and Spongia.
1. Causticum – For Hoarseness Worse In Morning
Causticum is a highly beneficial medicine for hoarseness of voice that gets worse in the morning. There is an inability to speak loudly. A scraping sensation is felt in the throat. There is rawness in the throat in the morning. The larynx is sore to touch and there may be a pressive pain along with dryness in the larynx. Cough and irritation in the larynx with a frequent need to clear something out of the larynx is also marked. Causticum is a top-listed medicine to treat laryngitis.
When to use Causticum?
Causticum is highly recommended to manage hoarseness of voice in morning along with a scraping sensation in the throat.
How to use Causticum?
This medicine works wonders in 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day.
2. Phosphorus – For Hoarseness of Voice Worse in the Evening
Phosphorus is very useful for treating cases of hoarseness of voice that gets worse in the evening. In cases needing Phosphorus, the voice is hoarse, rough, husky attended with rawness and pain in the larynx. Stitching pain, soreness and a feeling of something heavy is felt in the larynx. While speaking, a tickling sensation is felt in the throat. Talking is difficult due to pain in the larynx. A dry, hacking cough attends the above symptoms. Talking and laughing worsens the cough.
When to use Phosphorus?
This medicine can be used for cases having hoarse, rough voice with pain in the larynx that gets worse in the evening.
How to use Phosphorus?
Phosphorus can be taken in 30C power once a day.
3. Argentum Met – For Hoarseness Arising from Overuse of Voice
Argentum Met is a very suitable medicine for treating hoarseness of voice that arises from the overuse of the larynx. People who have to use the throat for long hours (like singers, teachers, public speakers, etc) suffer from hoarse voice for whom this medicine is very beneficial. Voice gets very hoarse with an inability to speak loudly. While speaking, they have to hem and hawk and clear the throat frequently. There is also alteration in the voice quality. Constant tickling is felt in the throat that leads to coughing. A gelatinous, viscid, jelly-like mucus, grey in color is expectorated. Larynx feels rough and sore while coughing.
When to use Argentum Met?
Its use is suggested for cases of hoarse voice resulting from overuse of larynx as from singing, public speaking, etc.
How to use Argentum Met?
Though it can be used in different potencies, it is advised to start with 30C potency. It can be taken one to two times a day in 30C potency.
4. Belladonna – For Hoarseness With Pain In Throat
Belladonna is very helpful in relieving hoarseness of voice attended with pain in the throat. The voice becomes hoarse, husky and rough, sometimes feeble. There is difficulty in speaking. The larynx is painful, especially while talking. There is excessive soreness in the larynx that may also feel constricted. Sometimes, scraping sensation is felt in the throat. In many cases, dry cough with tickling in the larynx also appears prominently.
When to use Belladonna?
Belladonna is an excellent choice of medicine when it comes to treat hoarse, husky, rough voice accompanied with throat pain.
How to use Belladonna?
It can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day. It can also be used in 200C potency but only under supervision of a homeopathic physician.
5. Calcarea Carb – For Painless Hoarseness
Calcarea Carb is a well-indicated medicine for painless hoarseness of voice. The voice is very rough, hoarse with the complaint aggravating in the morning. Hawking somewhat helps relieve the complaint. Besides, the larynx also feels dry and rough. An intense burning sensation in the throat, a prickling sensation, and a sensation of dust may also be felt in the larynx. Cough with little expectoration may arise that get worse at night. The expectoration is of thick mucus that may be yellow or grey colored.
When to use Calcarea Carb?
This medicine can be opted when hoarseness of voice occurs without any pain in the throat.
How to use Calcarea Carb?
It is advised to use Calcarea Carb 30C once a day.
6. Arum Triphyllum – For Hoarseness With Change In Pitch Of Voice
Arum Triphyllum is a prominent medicine for hoarseness of voice and a constant change in the pitch of the voice. The voice gets high, shrieking and then becomes low, scarcely audible alternately. It is also effective for hoarseness arising from overuse of voice by professionals like singers, actors, orators.
When to use Arum Triphyllum?
Arum Triphyllum suits well cases of hoarse voice with constant change in pitch of voice between low to high.
How to use Arum Triphyllum?
This medicine can be taken once or twice a day in 30 C potency. Its higher potencies can also be used afterwards under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.
7. Spongia – For Hoarseness With Dryness Of Larynx
Spongia is valuable for treating hoarseness of voice attended with dryness in the larynx. The voice becomes hoarse, cracked, low, weak, husky and unclear. The larynx is sensitive to touch. A sensation of plug and pressure is felt in the larynx. The larynx is inflamed and is painful while talking and singing. Irritation, tickling, burning, scraping and roughness are felt in the larynx. Cough accompanies the above symptoms. An expectoration of yellow mucus in lumps may appear.
When to use Spongia?
This medicine is of great help when there is hoarse, weak, low, husky voice along with marked dryness in the larynx and a dry cough.
How to use Spongia?
It is advised to use this medicine in 30C potency once or twice daily.
Causes of hoarse voice
The most common reason for hoarseness of voice is laryngitis (inflammation of larynx i.e. voice box) that mainly arises from a viral infection. Other reasons include vocal cord nodules/polyps, allergies, irritants like smoking, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease, where stomach acid comes up and irritates the vocal folds), injury to voice box (larynx) or vocal cords, thyroid issues, cancer of larynx and neurological disorders like Myasthenia Gravis (an autoimmune disorder causing muscle weakness), Multiple Sclerosis (an autoimmune disorder in which the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves). Overuse of voice, speaking loudly, screaming, yelling, prolonged singing also predisposes a person to hoarseness of voice.
मुझे बोलते बोलते आवाज फसना शुरू होने लगता है। हमे होम्योपैथिक में Gelsemium sempervirens 30 दिया गया था। यह दावा मै करीब दो वर्ष से खा रहे है, गर्मी के मौसम में आवाज कुछ ठीक था, लेकिन ठंड होते ही आवाज बोलते बोलते फसने लगता है, हमे समझ में नहीं आता है, कि कौन दावा से एक दम ठीक हो जायेगा। हमे व्हाटशैप करके सही दावा का नाम बताएं। हमारा no है 9934158547
Hoarseness in the voice increases
after waking up or staying silent for long hours
I had fever two weeks back. I had no cough or congestion. Later I got a hoarse voice. As if some thing is stuck in my throat. Every time I have to clear my throat before use of voice. Also my voice is breaking some times
Subrata Mittra
I am a lyrical singer, and am suffering from aphonia, and laryngitis. Are the above remedies recommended for this condition, please?
میری آواز کافی خراب ھے. صاف نھیں ھے. اور الرجی ھے گلے کی۔ ساتھ ساتھ slivery stone
بھی ھے۔ in floor of the mouth
Dr Sharma My mother has parkinsons due to which voice and words are clear but the voice has gone hoarse and she complains of throat being dry.
Nasal tone appears in the voice and unable to articulate properly. Probably due to heaviness of tongue. Unable to the tongue properly.
आवाज में नासिका स्वर आता है और ठीक से बोलने में असमर्थ हो जाता है। शायद जीभ के भारीपन के कारण. जीभ ठीक से न बोल पाना।
Dr Sharma iam facing anxity, disorder, hoarseness voice ,insomania,,hypothyorid ,depression, and costing patients, from long time please.sugges me homeopaty medicene
Hoarseness of voice after taking icecream
voice become horace during tb treatment (Brain tb)… I completed my Tb medicine (18 month full treatment) )but it not cure…
Dr. Sharma, I have nodules on my vocal chords and Uts because of misuse and overuse of my vocal chords. Is there any Homeopathic mods that can help heal these without surgery
Good afternoon, My son age is 8 years and 2 months. He has been suffering from vocal cord problem from two years. In the mean time I have appointed many Ent Specialist in Dhaka, Bangladesh. They gave me medicine and advised me to do the FOL test. Tried to do the FOL test but could not do the test due to son vomiting. From then I have been taking Causticum which Medicine of Homeopathic, but not cure completely. As a result his study Seriously hampered. He is studying in madrasa. In this situation what can I ? If you advice me from your experience, Pls I will be grateful to you.
Hi,I have hoarse voice due to overuse of my voice.I am a preacher,so I speak for a long period.which is the best medicine and How can I get it? I am from Kenya mombasa city
Custicum 1m weekly for 4 week