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20 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Nightmares

What are Nightmares?

Nightmares are horrifying and disturbing dreams which rattle you awake from deep sleep. They are often so scary that a person wakes up screaming, with a pounding heartbeat. Nightmares or bad dreams mostly occur during rapid eye movement sleep, also known as REM sleep. REM period of sleep is very long and progresses with the night. The nightmares also come on late in the night or early morning. These nightmares are often related to post traumatic stress which a person undergoes through his life or during early childhood. These past, traumatic experiences continue to haunt the person. The person is affected at a deep level, both mentally and physically. Adults, children and elderly persons are all equally likely to experience such dreams.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines stimulate the self-healing processes of the body in a safe and natural manner. The person finds the inner strength to recover from his post traumatic stresses. Homeopathic medicines help wash away the unpleasant impressions of the past, putting an end to the nightmares and bringing permanent relief for the person. The medicines are rightfully considered an effective and curative system of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Nightmares

Some top grade Homeopathic medicines for nightmares are Hydrogen, Arsenic Album, Kali Phosphoricum, Sepia and Staphisgaria. Hydrogen acts well for nightmares full of dead bodies, thoughts of death and dreams of loved ones dying. Nightmares of being poisoned, fear of disease, germs and viruses is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album while Kali Phosphoricum is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares with marked moaning and sighing. Sepia is recommended as one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of sexual abuse and nightmares where a person feels he’s being pursued by a knife. In case of nightmares of sexual abuse where a person screams, calls out for his mother and wants everyone to go out Staphisgaria is the best medicine.

Calcarea Carbonica, Aloe and Phosphorus – Best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares in children

Top grade Homeopathic medicines for nightmares in children are Calcarea Carbonica, Aloe and Phosphorus. One of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares, Calcarea Carbonica works best in children who dream of monsters and have strong fears of being observed. Homeopathic medicine Aloe is very helpful in bad dreams of danger where the child is so terrified he is unable to cry. The child has dreams of soiling himself. Phosphorus is the most remarkable among Homeopathic medicines for nightmares in children with restlessness over work they could not finish during the day. Sleepwalking is also effectively treated with Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus.

Cannabis Indicus, Gelsemium, Nitric Acid and Kali Phosphoricum – Known Homeopathic medicines for nightmares soon after falling asleep

The most prominent Homeopathic medicines for nightmares that come on soon after falling asleep are Cannabis Indicus, Gelsemium, Nitric Acid and Kali Phosphoricum. Cannabis Indicus is one of the top indicated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares immediately after falling asleep where they are accompanied by jerking of limbs, waking the person from sleep. Gelsemium works best where a person has night terrors from the nose being blocked and dry. Nitricum Acidum is an equally effective option among Homeopathic medicines for nightmares with similar symptoms while Kali Phosphoricum works well where the bad dreams are accompanied by sighing and moaning sounds.

Hydrogen, Equisetum Hyemale, Arsenic Album, and Calcarea Fluorata – Top Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of death of near ones

The popular Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of people include Hydrogen, Equisetum Hyemale, Arsenic Album, and Calcarea Fluorata. Hydrogen is a remarkable Homeopathic medicine for dreams of death of loved ones, especially children. Where a person has nightmares of crowds of people surrounding him, Equisetum Hyemale is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares. Arsenic Album is the most suitable prescription for dreams of death or dead people. Calcarea fluorata is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of death of relatives.

Calcarea Carbonicum, Graphites and Lycopodium – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of misfortune

Calcarea Carbonicum, Graphites and Lycopodium are well indicated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of misfortune. Calcarea Carbonica has shown remarkable results in case of dreams of misfortune, disasters and groundless fears of financial loss. In case of persistent thoughts where the person is haunted by unpleasant issues and dwells on disagreeable occurrences of the past at night, Graphites has shown the best results. In case of bad dreams about losing power, Lycopodium is one of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for nightmares.

Arsenic Album, Kreosotum and Kali Nitricum – Best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of being poisoned

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of being poisoned are Arsenic Album, Kreosotum and Kali Nitricum. Where a person has persistent fear of disease, germs, viruses, of being harmed by poisoning, Arsenic Album will heal best. Kreosotum is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of being poisoned, feeling pain in the limbs and sleeplessness which gets worse before midnight.  Kali Nitricum works extremely well in case of nightmares where the constant dreaming is interrupted by episodes of waking up. The person is chased by uneasy dreams of being poisoned or being in dangerous situations.

Cenchris contortix, Sepia and Staphisgaria – Most effective Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of sexual abuse

The best indicated Homeopathic medicines for nightmares of sexual abuse are Cenchris Contortix, Sepia and Staphisgaria. Homeopathic medicine Cenchris Contortix is prescribed for nightmares of sexual abuse and rape. It shows great recovery in persons having constant nightmares of committing rape as well. Nightmares of rape, of being pursued, chased by a knife and waking with screams at night from frightful dreams are treated well with Sepia. Staphysagria is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for nightmares where the persons wakes up extremely frightened, pushes things away, wants everyone to leave his room and often calls for his mother.


– Avoid use of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, especially during bed time

– Practice yoga and meditation as these have the power to relax the body and mind

– Maintain a healthy and regular waking-sleep schedule


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  1. Vikas kumar says:

    नमस्ते 🙏 मेरी समस्या यह है कि मुझे रात भर नॉर्मल सपने ही आते रहते हैं। गहरी नींद नहीं आती। जब आंख लगती है तभी से सपने आने स्टार्ट हो जाते हैं और नींद खुलने तक जारी रहते हैं। इस कारण सुबह उठने पर बहुत आलस्य रहता है, सारा दिन सुस्ती छाई रहती है। काम करने को मन नहीं करता। मन उदास रहता है। ऐसा आठ दस वर्षों से हो रहा है। मेरी आयु 41 वर्ष है। कृपया किसी दवा का सुझाव दें 🙏

  2. My 11 year old grandson has night terrors where he wakes up screaming and needs to get in the shower to wake himself up. These occur in the early part of the night after going to sleep. He also kicks in his sleep.
    Please recommend a few remedies we might try. Thank you, Gail Shaw

  3. Maja Stonič says:

    My doughter has a nightmares, constantly, someone kill her in dreams. Otherwise šhe has problem with inflammation of the abdominal lymph nodes. I am thinking about gelsemium, while she has reddnes on her face also

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