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9 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Sinus Congestion

What is Sinus Congestion?

Sinus congestion is a very common condition which may occur due to a cold, flu or allergies. The membranes lining the nose and sinuses get inflamed and swollen. The person starts to feel stuffy due to the blockage. Sinus congestion may sometimes be accompanied by a runny nose that lasts for more than a week. The person feels sinus pressure pain behind the cheeks and the eyes. Severe frontal headache may be present when frontal sinuses are involved. Loss of smell and bad breath are frequent complaints among persons with sinus congestion. Post nasal discharges are also accompanied by a stuffy nose feeling. Sinus congestion affects a person’s day-to-day activities, leading to a feeling of discomfort and anguish.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is advisable for sinus congestion in both children and adults. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe and help eliminate the disease causing predisposition of the person. Homeopathic medicines help put a stop to recurring episodes of sinus congestion. They do not slow down the body’s processes or make a person feel dull and dizzy. In fact, Homeopathic medicines restore health by stimulating the body’s own immune system.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sinus Congestion

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion are Kali Bichromicum, Hydrastis and Sticta. Kali Bichromicum is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with pressure and pain at the root of the nose. Sinus congestion with post nasal discharges and with burning pain in the nose is well treated with Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis. Sticta is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine for sinus congestion with obstruction of nose which gets worse at night.

Ammonium Carbonica and Sticta – Best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with stuffy nose

The most remarkable Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with a stuffy nose are Ammonium Carbonica and Sticta. Ammonium Carbonica works best in cases where a person is unable to breathe through the nose. Blockage of the nose is more troublesome at night. Sticta is well indicated for sinus congestion with a stuffy nose along with fullness at the root of the nose. Painful dryness of the mucus membranes, accompanied by obstruction of the nose, is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Sticta.

Kali Bichromicum, Corallium and Hydrastis – Top Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal discharge

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal discharge are Kali Bichromicum, Corallium and Hydrastis. Kali Bichromicum is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with post nasal drip of thick mucus. Large mucus plugs make it impossible to breathe through the nose. Nasal discharge is thick, stringy and ropy in such cases. Where sinus congestion is accompanied by profuse secretion of mucus dropping through the posterior sinuses, Corallium is the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. Thick, white or yellow, tenacious nasal discharge with burning pain in the nose is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis.

Silicea and Mercuris Solubulis – Best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with facial pain

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with facial pain (maxillary sinusitis) are Silicea and Mercuris Solubulis. Silicea is the recommended medicine for sinus congestion with swelling of maxillary glands. Symptoms include a red face, along with tearing pain at the root of the nose and the malar bone. Mercurius Solubulis is one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for a stuffy nose with acrid nasal secretions and marked aching in the jaws. The symptoms to look out for are red, hot cheeks and puffiness under the eyes.

Spigelia and Belladonna – Most effective Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with a headache

Two of the most valuable Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion with headache (frontal sinusitis) are Spigelia and Belladonna. In cases with marked pain beneath the frontal eminence and temples, extending to the eyes, Spigelia is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. Congestive headaches with a red face and stuffy nose are treated well with Belladonna, making it the best rated among Homeopathic medicines for sinus congestion. The symptoms include pain and fullness, especially in the forehead, along with dryness of the nose and a red face.



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  1. Greetings, Dr. Sharma: I am working on replacing my OTC sinus meds with natural remedies, including homeopathic, to lower my high blood pressure (w/my doctor’s approval, though she’s not well versed in natural remedies). In combination with a BP Rx that I’ve been taking for years, but that has been less effective of late, it’s working. Is it a problem to take the remedies every day?

    Thank you for your time.

  2. Dr. Sharma,
    I have a very bad sinus infection. Frontal pain in forehead and cheeks and teeth. Achy neck, tears eyes. Nose is totally blocked for breathing, swallowing. Can’t blow my nose. I’ve tried Sinus Calm and it’s not strong enough. I can’t stand the pain. I do have ALS. Please help. Any suggestions which one to use? What about oregano?

  3. surinder pal singh says:

    my son 14 year have cold and sneezing mostly in morning and in AC warm place give him relief his problem is from last 2 years. mucus become

  4. Shivam Rani, 18years says:

    Interior swelling of both sides of nose. Regular dry cough and KHANSI. Problem by strongly smell & easily effect on season change by JUKAM. nose pain And eatching throught.

  5. Ramesh nath Mitra says:

    Smt Kaberi Mitra suffers from chronic sinusitis for yrs together. Niw it happens at least once in s month. Frequency has ben increased. Some times cinema hall noise factors, sometimes in absence of day sleep it happens, whereas even after day sleep, it may take place. Body wt 70 kg, clear stool. Takes place after evening. If problem starts, minimum relief can be had after vomiting. Gets relief after night sleep and without dinner. Sometimes sleeping pill has to administer. What remedy can be suggested?

  6. Somesh says:

    I have a problem of ear pressure ,I think it is due to nasal cogession ,but i don’t feel very much blockage of my nose sometimes i feel blockage .Can there ne any other reason of my ear pressure .
    Ear pressure means when I throw air through my nose i feel sensation in my ear .
    My e-mail ID is – and phone number is 9634108610

  7. Hello sir.l have sneezing prob in morning and nose very painfulad ear light pain..give me remedy.

    • Srikanta Ray says:

      Frequent cold cough feversore throat ,nose blockge&headache in hot sun .PL suggest homeo medicine for 17yrs boy.

  8. subir chatterjee says:

    my daughter aged 15 years old suffering from dry “Khasi”

  9. Safdar Kazmi says:

    Chronic sinusitis ,blocked nose ,clears nose but again filled,seems polen stricken ,throat inflamed
    Kindly advise

  10. Sir, I am suffering from sinusitis from last 7 years. my nose is remained block every time & breath differently is also coming because of per doctor nasal congestion is also present.pls provide the solution.i will be thankful to you


  11. S C Wahi says:

    मेरे गले में बहुत बलगम गिरती है
    इसकी कोई दवा बताएं

    S C Wahi
    Ambala City.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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