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Do you have Chest Congestion with Difficulty in Breathing? Try Homeopathy

Chest congestion refers to accumulation of excessive mucus in the bronchi (airways that lead from trachea to lungs) and the lungs. This results from an overproduction of mucus when mucus membranes get irritated and inflamed from a viral or bacterial infection. Production of excessive mucus is the body’s way to expel the infectious agent from the body. In some cases, chest congestion can be attended with breathing difficulty. Other accompanying symptoms can be cough, mucus expectoration (that varies in color and can have offensive smell), chest pain, wheezing (a whistling sound from the chest occurring during breathing usually deep breathing), chest tightness, fatigue (tiredness) and fever.

Chest congestion with breathing difficulty can result from different reasons. First among these is cold and flu. Flu and cold are respiratory infections that are usually caused by virus. Flu occurs when a person is infected with influenza virus. Cold occurs from different virus infections, for example rhinovirus and parainfluenza virus.

Other causes of chest congestion include asthma and bronchitis. Asthma refers to a respiratory condition in which there is narrowing of airways along with swelling and production of mucus in excess. It results in breathing difficulty, wheezing sound from the chest and coughing. Bronchitis indicates inflamed lining of the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Chest congestion with breathing difficulty can also arise from allergies like, dust allergy and pollen allergy.

Another reason can be pneumonia (the inflamed air sacs of lungs with fluid build-up resulting from an infection). Further reasons include emphysema (a condition resulting from damage of the air sacs of the lungs) and bronchiectasis (permanent widening and thickening of the bronchial tubes of the lungs that allow bacteria and mucus to get accumulated in lungs). Apart from respiratory illnesses, heart complaints can also result in chest congestion along with breathing difficulty. For example, in some cases, congested chest and difficult breathing might be symptoms of a heart attack which is a medical emergency that needs urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for managing cases of chest congestion with breathing difficulty. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances that can be very beneficial for such cases. Homeopathic medicines work on the root cause of the health issue to bring excellent results. They help to reduce the intensity and frequency of this complaint gradually. Along with this complaint, they can manage other accompanying signs and symptoms like cough, wheezing, expectoration and chest pain. These medicines are very safe to use without any side-effects. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self – medication should not be done in any case. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In cases having severe intensity of this complaint and when it arises from some serious cause like pneumonia, heart issues, homeopathy is not recommended and an immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has a limitation in helping such severe and serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Chest Congestion With Breathing Difficulty

 1. Arsenic Album – Top Grade Medicine

Arsenic Album is a top recommended medicine to manage cases of chest congestion with breathing difficulty. In cases needing it, the chest feels constricted. Wheezing (whistling sound from chest) is also felt. The chest oppression and breathing difficulty gets worse at night on lying down. It is attended with marked anxiety and restlessness. There is cough also. Along with this, frothy expectoration also occurs. At times thick yellow, grey or green expectoration is observed varying from case to case. Sometimes, vomiting also occurs soon after consuming any food or drink. Burning sensation is felt in the chest along with above complaints. One feels a load on the upper chest. It is one of the best medicines for managing asthma and bronchitis cases. A general weakness is well marked along with above signs and symptoms.

2. Hepar Sulph – With Thick Yellow Expectoration

This medicine is very effective when there is thick yellow expectoration with congested chest and difficult breathing. The phlegm expectorated has bad smell. Difficulty in breathing is worse when lying on the left side.  Tightness is felt in the chest. There is marked rattling cough. It gets worse from exposure to cold air and consuming cold drinks. Cough gets better by wrapping up warmly. A sensation of dust is felt in the throat.  Wheezing is also there along with above symptoms.

3. Antimonium Tart – With Rattling Cough And Excessive Mucus In Chest

Antimonium Tart is the best choice of medicine when there is rattling cough with excessive build-up of mucus in the chest. In cases requiring this medicine, the lungs seem to be full of mucus but only a small quantity is expectorated. The expectorated phlegm is very thick and white. There is difficulty in breathing. Cough gets worse after eating. Pain in the chest may occur with these symptoms. Cough and breathing difficulty is relieved by lying on the right hand side. Breathing also gets better by burping. Antimonium Tart is the most prominent medicine for managing bronchitis cases.

4. Ipecac – With Chest Constriction Worse From Least Movement

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine when there is a constricted feeling in the chest which gets worse from the least movement. This feeling is accompanied with difficult breathing. There is gasping for air and the sufferer rushes to open a window for breathing. There is suffocative cough. It is attended with nausea and vomiting. There is vomiting of white mucus. In some cases, ropy mucus is expectorated. Cough occurs after a meal. While coughing, pain is felt in the abdomen, chest and the head.

5. Silicea – With Chest Pain On Deep Breathing

Silicea is useful when there is chest pain on deep breathing along with chest congestion and breathing difficulty. A stitching pain is felt in the chest in cases needing this medicine. Tight feeling is felt around the chest. There is cough with thick and yellow lumpy phlegm expectoration having an offensive smell. The phlegm may also be like pus and sometimes blood-stained. Cough gets worse on lying down. It is also bad while talking, and from taking cold drinks. Difficulty in breathing is worse when lying on the back and also when walking fast.

6. Pulsatilla – With Yellowish Green Expectoration

This medicine is of great use when there is yellowish green expectoration. The expectoration is worse in the morning. In cases needing it, there is chest congestion and breathing difficulty along with the above complaint. Breathing difficulty worsens when lying on the left side. The person needing it feels worsening of the complaint in a warm room and has a desire for fresh open air to get relief.

7. Bryonia – With Chest Pain

This medicine is indicated for cough, breathing difficulty, chest congestion along with chest pain. The chest pain gets worse from movement, coughing and deep breathing. The person needing it holds the chest when coughing. Chest pain gets better by applying pressure. Breathing difficulty is worse after eating or drinking any thing. Person has to sit up due to difficulty in breathing. Expectoration like lumps of jelly may occur along with the above symptoms.



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Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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