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Effective Homeopathic Remedies For Esophagitis

Esophagitis refers to inflammation of the esophagus (a tube through which food and drink passes from mouth to stomach). It can lead to damage of tissue of the esophagus, alter its structure or cause problems with its normal function. Homeopathic Remedies for Esophagitis help to reduce the inflammation of esophagus and effectively manage its symptoms.

CausesHomeopathic remedies for Esophagitis

It can have various causes. The most common cause behind it is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). In this condition there is backflow of stomach acid in the food pipe that can irritate its lining and lead to inflammation. Next it can arise from infections. Another reason behind it is use of certain medicines (NSAIDs , some antibiotics, steroids). 

Apart from this risk factors for it includes alcohol abuse, excessive cigarette use, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, chemical injury by alkaline or acid solutions, physical injury, weak immune system, stress, allergies, crohn’s disease (an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damage to gastrointestinal system), chronic vomiting, obesity, hiatal hernia (condition in which stomach bulges out from hiatus opening in diaphragm into chest),  intense use of Vitamins and supplements, surgery in the chest area. 

Types of Esophagitis

Reflux Esophagitis

This type usually results from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). In this disease there is backflow of stomach acid upwards in the food pipe. There is a valve known as LES – lower esophageal sphincter, that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach and prevents its back flow. This valve opens only when food has to enter the stomach from the food pipe and is closed at all other times. When this valve opens at times other than eating or doesn’t close rightly then the stomach contents can get back in the food pipe. If this occurs frequently for a long time then acid content from the stomach can inflame and damage the lining of the food pipe and this condition is known as reflux esophagitis. There are some factors that increase the chance of GERD and inflammation of esophagus due to stomach acid. This includes taking excessive alcohol, coffee, chocolate, smoking, eating excessive fat and going to bed immediately after eating.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

This type occurs from an excessive number of eosinophils (a type of WBC – white blood cell that plays a role in allergic reactions) in the esophagus usually from an over reactive response to an allergen or acid reflux. There are some of the common food triggers for it, for eg, foods such as milk, eggs,  soy, peanuts, wheat and shellfish. It can also result from inhaling an allergen like pollen.

Lymphocytic Esophagitis

It is a rare type that occurs from an excessive number of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells) in the esophageal lining. Crohn’s disease, GERD are some diseases associated with it.

Drug-Induced Esophagitis

This results from taking some of the oral medicines with a very little amount of water. It increases the contact time of medicine with the lining of the food pipe.  Some of the examples of these medicines include pain relievers (aspirin,ibuprofen), antibiotics (tetracycline), bisphosphonates, quinidine and potassium chloride.

Infectious Esophagitis

It is rare and can occur from a bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infection in the esophagus. This type mostly affects people having weak immune systems. Among infections fungus called Candida albicans is common cause of this type. These fungal infections are common in people with low immunity, people who are diabetic, have cancer or those who use steroids.


Its symptoms include difficulty swallowing, pain while swallowing, heartburn, pain in the chest behind the breastbone while eating, food getting stuck in the food pipe. Other symptoms that can occur includes nausea, vomiting, decrease in appetite, epigastric pain, sore throat, hoarse voice and cough. Young children may have feeding difficulty and failure to thrive.


If not treated well in time there can occur changes in the structure and function of the esophagus. Firstly it can lead to scarring, narrowing (stricture) in the esophagus. Next there can occur ulcers in the esophagus. Another complication is tearing or perforation of the esophagus. Lastly it can lead to Barrett’s esophagus (it is a precancerous condition in which there occurs damage to esophageal lining and changes in cells that line the esophagus which increases the risk of esophageal cancer).

Homeopathic Remedies for Esophagitis

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of esophagitis. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the inflammation of esophagus and effectively manage its symptoms. Symptoms including difficult swallowing, painful swallowing, heartburn, sensation of food getting stuck in the food pipe, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain can be well managed with these medicines. In mild to moderate cases they can be used as per the symptoms present. But in severe and complicated cases one must consider use of conventional treatment.   

  1. Arsenic Album – Top Grade Medicine

Arsenic Album is a leading medicine for treating cases of esophagitis. Persons needing it have marked burning in the food pipe (heartburn). Burning is felt when swallowing the food. The burning is so intense as if esophagus is made raw by an acidic substance. Along with this nausea may attend. They may also have stinging sensation in the esophagus as from a splinter. Another complaint that they have is very difficult and painful swallowing. They also have a sensation as if everything swallowed gets lodged in the esophagus. Soreness of the throat and pain in the throat may also be felt by them. Vomiting may also be present in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Iris Versicolor – To Manage Heartburn, Nausea, Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant commonly named Blue flag. This plant belongs to the family Iridaceae. It is a highly recommended medicine for managing heartburn. In cases needing it there can also be continuous nausea. Vomiting is there which is sour, acrid in nature. 

  1. Robinia – To Manage Heartburn, Acid Reflux

This medicine is prepared from plant Robinia Pseudoacacia. This plant belongs to family leguminosae. It is a very suitable medicine to manage heartburn and acid reflux. Persons who need it mainly get heartburn at night time on lying down. They also have nausea. Another important symptom that is present is vomiting of intensely sour fluid. 

  1. Causticum – When There is Sensation of Food Lodging in Esophagus

This medicine is beneficial for the cases when there is sensation of food lodging in the esophagus. Other than this there is nausea during or after a meal in cases that require this medicine. Next attending symptom is vomiting of acidic water or food. In many cases pressive, cramp – like pains or shooting type of pain is felt in the abdomen in the epigastric region.

  1. Phosphorus – For Burning in Esophagus

Phosphorus is another prominent medicine for these cases. It is indicated when the esophagus is there. Along with this there is difficulty swallowing liquids. Nausea and vomiting may also be present along with this. It is also a medicine for managing cases of stricture of esophagus.

  1. Alumina – For Painful Swallowing

Alumina is a beneficial medicine to manage painful swallowing. Persons needing it have difficulty in swallowing solid food. They can take food in small pieces only. They feel taking warm drinks help to relieve this complaint. They also feel pressure pain in the region of esophagus as if it is contracted or compressed. This occurs mostly during swallowing. 

  1. Carbo veg – With Heartburn and Pain in Epigastrium

Carbo veg is helpful for managing heartburn and pain in epigastrium. The pain in epigastrium can be aching or burning type. The pain gets worse after eating. Epigastric region is also very sensitive. Sensation of rawness in the food pipe and stomach are also felt. 

  1. Belladonna – For Difficult and Painful Swallowing

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is very effective to manage complaints of difficult and painful swallowing. Persons needing it have to swallow water to move down the solid food. They also feel burning, stinging and dryness in the food pipe. Sometimes contraction in esophagus  is also felt. Along with this, pain in stomach, nausea, vomiting may also be present.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Difficult Swallowing

It is a significant medicine for cases having difficulty swallowing.  In such cases there is difficulty and pain in swallowing solids. When food reaches a particular point in the food pipe it gets difficult to go down further from inflammation at this point. This medicine is also indicated for managing cases of esophagitis occurring after corrosive substances.

  1. Veratrum Viride – With Nausea and Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of a plant commonly known as American White Hellebore also called as Indian Poke. It belongs to the family melanthiaceae of the Liliaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is nausea and vomiting in these cases. Along with this burning is marked in the food pipe with constant desire to swallow. It is most helpful for acute cases of esophagitis. 

  1. Gelsemium – With Sensation of Something Lodged in Esophagus

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. The main indication to use this medicine is sensation of something lodged in the esophagus. Pain attends to this. Cramping sensation is also felt in esophagus. Another accompanying symptom is burning in esophagus that can extend to the stomach.

  1. Iodum – For Inflammation and Ulcers of Esophagus

This medicine is prominent for cases in which inflammation and ulcers of esophagus are there. Persons needing it have a sensation of burning and scraping in the food pipe. They also feel pain in the food pipe. Swallowing is also difficult among them.

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  1. Hello,
    My partner has diagnosed eosinophillic esophagitis.
    He generally sticks to a low dairy and wheat diet and had asthma as a child. He also has bad hay fever sometimes.
    Tonight, after a special dinner, he has had a bad attack and is in much pain. Retching and vomiting for 2.5 hours. Usually there is a feeling of stuck food, but not tonight.
    His specialist has suggested Dailey medication and dilation procedure after diagnosing with endoscopy.
    Can you help us with more natural remedies?
    I am very worried. Thank you

  2. Shashank Kapoor says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma, I have Esophagitis and It’s been 2 years that I’m facing it every day. I was taking Esomeprazole 40, till the time, I was taking it, I was feeling good and when I stopped it. The acid again started flowing back into my esophagus. I’ve read that homeopathy has a cure of it. Could you please help which medicine I should take?

  3. Mayuri Srivastava says:

    I have acid reflux and esophageal (chest pain) problem since one year

    • Mayuri Srivastava says:

      I have acid reflux and esophageal (chest pain) problem since one year .
      Please suggest any effective remedy in homeopathy.

  4. Parimal Trivedi says:

    I have been suffering from esophagitis. As per doctor’s my food pipe valve remains open so acid comes up. Continuous pain in food pipe is observed. Earlier swallowing was too difficult. Esophagus lining was damaged and erosions were noted.
    It’s has been 12 months now. problem persists.
    Though swallowing has become normal but pain is persistent in food pipe. It daily changes it status specially when I get up at morning.
    It feels there is a scar in food pipe . I feel the pain as some cut is there inside.
    In endoscopy inflammation is present at valve area.
    My contact no is 6392132898.
    I am taking argentum met 30 ( 2 drops thrice a day)and robinia 200(2 drops alternate day once).
    I feel present medicine is not able to overcome daily acid erosion.
    Kindly prescribe medicines

  5. Dilshad says:

    I hv been diagonised with moderate Esophagitis in my Endoscopy report and it’s also written dyspepsia.
    I feel burnning sensation in lower part of stomach.
    I hv to eat something in every two hrs otherwise it starts burning very badly.
    Any treatment you can suggest.

  6. Edythe Iversen Martin Prevel says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma,

    My husband has a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. I think he got chilled. I gave him Mercure Sol combination table 2 tablets so far, and belladonna 3 little pills 9 ch. Can I mix them? He is afraid he won’t be able to swallow in his sleep. He is also taking Echinachae. His stomach is sensitive so I don’t want to give him too much. Please Advise?

  7. Nosheen naseer says:

    Hi I have 3 type of achalasia and narrow lower oesophagus very difficult for eating if i an nọt eating all of citrus fruits and vegetables I feel better but still have this problem which medicine you cẳn prescribe me

  8. Katherine Y Williams says:

    I have been on protonix for over a year. It got to where it was not working. I have terrible heartburn. I quit taking the protonix five days ago. I am a 59 year old female. I was diagnosed one year ago with asthma which sounds crazy to me. I never had asthma before this. I was placed on montelukast (which I also quit taking four days ago). I was doing research and found that heartburn can cause asthma and montelukast can cause heartburn. I am so sick of Dr’s. Anyway I am looking to change to homeopathic medicine. When I lay down at night I wake up coughing with trouble breathing and heartburn. I have tried acidil from borion. I also sometimes feel like my food gets stuck and I have to force nyself to relax to get it to go down. I am currently scheduled to see a gastroenterology Dr. But I wish to switch to homeopathy. Sometimes my voice also gets course and I get a sore throat. Any advice would be much appreciated

  9. Maryam Rahman says:

    My son is 3 years old now .Since I started his weaning at the age of 7months he used to vomit occasionally after meal . Meat , spice , butter , cheese or anything but heavy makes him vomit . Since 8 months his vomiting have become quite frequent . Even empty stomach in morning he shows retching sometimes . And mobility worsens his symptoms , he becomes breathless & vomits if allowed to run after meal . Nights have frequent wakings because of something coming to throat I feel & also pain abdome & gas . Please help a very worried mother

  10. Latif Kazmi says:

    A 53cm long segment of circumferential wall thickening seen involving the mid oesophagus at C5/6 to T1/2 level causing significant luminal narrowing and proximal dilation maximum wall thickness measures 11mm at 7 O Clock position. It is closely abutting the pericardium anteriorly and perivertibal fascia posteriorly. A small polypoidal intraluminal lesion seen just proximal to narrowing measuring 10mm. Appearances are suspicious of opmnious etiology histopathological correlation is warranted.

    Normal swallowing mechanism seen.
    There is 2.5cm long stricture in mid thoracic esophagus. Shouldering is present at both end. There is obstruction due to stricture resulting in moderate proximal thoracic esophageal dilation. The findings are suggestive of neoplastic lesion.
    Please Advise Homeopathic Medicine

  11. Yulia Bronipolskaya says:

    I just went through endoscopy that shows a very inflamed and irritated esophagus and upper part of the stomach. I would like like to start homeopathic remedy alone with pills that were prescribed by gastroenterologist. What would you recommend?

    • Change the Diet Pattern…

      Eat Yogurt,
      Eat Rice
      Eat lentil like cooked Green Gram
      Apple juice
      Raw veggies

      Avoid spices,
      Avoid Oily and Stuffy food..
      Avoid Lemons/Citrus fruits
      Avoid Meat from any Source…

  12. i would like to know for my self i have little inflammation of the esophagus, at times it is hard to swallow but just the sour taste, burning tongue, heart burn, indigestion.

    what is the best homeopath medicine to clear up the inflammation? what type of diet should a person be on?

    any Canadian links, homeopath doctors, web sites, any info and advice would be much appreciated. thanks

  13. Shellie Timmer says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma,
    I have recently been diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (biopsy diagnosed). Is there any homeopathic medicines you would recommend? I am currently prescribed topical steroids (swallowing Pulmicort) but I would prefer a drug-free remedy.
    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  14. सुरज कुमार पात्रे says:

    खाना खाने में अटकना उल्टी होना खाना नली मे कैंसर बता रहा है कृपया बताए क्या होम्योपैथिक से इसका इलाज संभव है या नहीं

  15. Irfan Khan says:

    I am suffering form esophagitis, gastritis, lake of sleep.what homoeopathic medicine is suitable.please suggest me.
    Thanks .

  16. Rajasekhar says:

    I have sudden chest pains /pain in esophagus and lasts atleast 30 minutes.
    Slow relief comes after I drink water slowly drop by drop , and relief comes that too after some time .
    This happens atleast three four times in a month Please suggest a good homeopathic medicine

  17. Kelsey Hynning says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma,

    I have been diagnosed with EOE for the past 8 years. It is not starting to act up again and I am looking for a homeopathic remedy routine to see of that will help my symptoms verses the PPI medications. I see above that there are certain things to take. How much do you recommend, which ones should be taken together? Thank you!

  18. Hi Dr, came across your page bc I have a 5 yr old with food allergies and all the symptoms of EOE. We have not scoped him due to previous trauma from epi pens and now covid but he has all the symptoms of EOE. He has been having issues eating solids even when they are sliced or steamed (although steamed is not as bad). He coughs a lot, chucking cough when eats. It would go on for days/weeks then he is in remission and doesn’t cough from the same foods. The last 3 days have been very much a struggle as he coughs from just regular food he eats and just had to give him rescue blue puffer but it didn’t help. I’m looking at your homeopathy for something to help him.

    • Sravanthi says:

      Good evening Sir,
      I am Sravanthi, age 46yeard
      Iam suffering with esofigutis since 8 to 9 years.
      Sir is there any medicine to cure this problem or atleast stop the back flow gas problems ?
      Kindly suggest.

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