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6 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Athlete’s Foot

What is Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s foot is a contagious skin condition also known as ‘tinea pedis’. It is mainly a fungal infection and can easily spread via contaminated towels, clothing or floors. It is easily transmissible in common places such as swimming pools or the common locker rooms where a person walks barefoot. Athlete’s foot commonly occurs in persons who wear tight fitting shoes and have sweaty feet. The main sign and symptom of athlete’s foot are rashes between the toes with itching, scaling, flaking and blister formation. The rashes may extend to the soles and sides of the feet. The person experiences intense itching as soon as he removes the shoes and socks. Athlete’s foot may spread further to the other foot or even the hands if a person continuously keeps scratching the infected area.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines have shown remarkable results in treating athlete’s foot. Homeopathy is a wonderful science of healing with medicines which are made up of natural substances. It offers a wide spectrum of treatment that is safe. Homeopathic medicines that boost the body’s own immune system to heal the disease rather than suppress symptoms have the ability to prevent recurrence of the disease. They fight the infection at the root level and completely eradicate the condition, promising great treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Athlete’s Foot

Top grade Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot are Graphites, Thuja, Silicea, Baryta Carbonica, Nitric Acidum and Petroleum.

Graphites – One of the top Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with cracks

Graphites is one of the most popular Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot where the condition is accompanied by cracks. The person complains of dry, rough skin along with cracks between the toes. Moist and crusty eruptions which ooze out a sticky exudation are treated well with Homeopathic medicine Graphites. Also, in cases where the eruptions in the folds break easily and are very slow to heal, Graphites is the best among Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot to prescribe.

Thuja – Top rated among Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with eruptions only on covered parts

Thuja is another of the selective Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot cases with eruptions only on the covered parts. The person has dry skin, which is very sensitive to the touch. The eruptions are accompanied by violent itching or burning. Scratching and cold bathing makes the condition worse. Athlete’s foot with needle pricking sensation will also respond well to Homeopathic medicine Thuja.

Silicea – One of the most prescribed Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with boils

Athlete’s foot with boils is treated well with Homeopathic medicine Silicea. Silicea acts well on boils coming out in crops along with foul pus on the feet and toes. Intense itching, especially during the daytime and evening, is also well attended well with Silicea, making it one of the highly rated Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot.

Baryta Carbonica – Remarkable among Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with intolerable itching

Baryta Carbonica has shown the most remarkable results in athele’s foot cases with intolerable itching, making it one of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with these symptoms. The person feels a peculiar burning sensation and needle-like pricks with violent itching. Excoriating and oozing athlete’s foot cases with difficulty in healing are also treated best with Homeopathic medicine Baryta Carbonica.

Nitric Acidum – One of the most useful Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with splinter-like pains

Nitric Acidum is one of the most useful Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with splinter-like pains. Other symptoms for prescription of Nitric Acidum are unhealthy skin with pus formation where crusts form and fall, along with severe pain. The person may have dry skin, eroded and cracked at every angle. Another prominent symptom is violent itching, especially on undressing.

Petroleum – Prominent among Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with marked rough and cracked skin

Petroleum is rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot with marked rough and cracked skin. The person complains of deep cracks in the skin folds, especially in the toes. The skin gets hard and raw, and the cracks bleed easily. Thick greenish crusts with marked burning, itching and bleeding are usually seen in such cases where Petroleum will show the best results among Homeopathic medicines for athlete’s foot.



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  1. CA RS Maheshawary says:

    Suffering from fungal ailments for last many years. Took silicea and graphites for quite sufficient time but did not produce desired results. Suggest due treatment.

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