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Top Rated Homeopathic Medicines for Foot Pain

What is Foot Pain?

Foot pain can be caused by various reasons. The major among these are bone spurs, achilles tendinitis, gout, peripheral neuropathy and plantar fasciitis. Pain in the foot may affect ligaments, tendons, fascia, bone and joint.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a large number of effective medicines to deal with foot pain. Homeopathic medicines provide complete treatment in foot pain, whether of recent or chronic origin. Foot pain from high uric acid, inflammation of tendons and fascia, bony outgrowths and pain of nervous origin respond very well to Homeopathic medicines. These medicines are natural and therefore, safe from harmful side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Foot Pain

Homeopathic medicines recommended for foot pain are Rhus Tox, Colchicum and Aranea Diadema. Rhus Tox is best indicated where repeated stress and strain leads to pain in the foot. Colchicum is a wonderful medicine for gouty pain in the foot, while in case of pain due to bone spurs, Aranea Diadema works as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for foot pain.

Aranea Diadema, Ammonium Mur and Calcarea Fluor – Top Grade Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from bone spurs

Bone spurs are sharp, pointed bony outgrowths. Bone spurs in the feet are mainly present in the heel, causing severe pain while stepping, standing, walking and running. Effective Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from bone spurs include Aranea Diadema, Ammonium Mur and Calcarea Fluor. Aranea Diadema is a top grade medicine for the boring, digging kind of pain from bone spurs in the heel. Ammonium Mur works well in case of stitching, tearing pain in the heel due to bone spurs. It is also indicated when heel pain worsens from walking. Calcarea Fluor is an excellent Homeopathic medicine to reduce heel pain as well as dissolve the bony spur, making it one of the best Homeopathic medicines for foot pain.

Rhus Tox and Ruta – Best Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is the inflammation of the achilles tendon (a tendon that connects the calf muscle in the back of the leg to the heel). The cause behind achilles tendinitis is excessive stress and strain on the achilles tendon. Top rated Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from achilles tendinitis are Rhus Tox and Ruta. Rhus Tox is one of the most recommended medicines when swelling and pain in the achilles tendon appears from over straining. The pain is felt in the back of the leg above the heel. Tenderness and stiffness are also felt along with the pain. The symptoms are worse in the morning after rest. The symptoms improve with activity and motion. Ruta is another highly effective medicine for tendon complaints. It is used when severe pain is felt in the achilles tendon, together with soreness.

Colchicum and Benzoic Acid – Top Homeopathic medicines for foot pain due to gout

Gout is a condition where the joints get swollen and inflamed due to high uric acid levels. The main target area of gout pain in the feet is the big toe and heel. Colchicum and Benzoic Acid come highly recommended as Homeopathic medicines for foot pain due to gout. Colchicum shows great results in gout of the big toe and heel. The affected part is swollen and very painful. The pain worsens with the slightest touch and motion. Benzoic acid works well for persons with gouty diathesis. Gouty deposits with nodes in joints are observed in such cases. The nodes are very painful. Complaints include tearing pains in the feet.

Kali Phos and Phosphorus – Effective Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy results in pain, numbness and tingling in the feet from damage to peripheral nerves. The pain is burning, sharp and stabbing in nature. The condition mainly results from diabetes, alcoholism and nerve trauma in the feet. Top rated Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from peripheral neuropathy are Kali Phos and Phosphorus. Kali Phos works best for prickling pain in the feet with numbness. Phosphorus is prescribed when a tingling sensation, formication accompanies the pain in foot. The feet may be icy cold in such cases where Phosphorus will prove the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for foot pain.

Pulsatilla and Rhus Tox – Wonderful Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from plantar fasciitis

Plantar fascia is a tissue connection between the toes and heel at the bottom of the feet. The main symptom is heel pain and inflammation that worsens in the morning while taking few initial steps, from standing and rising from a seat. Homeopathic medicines for foot pain from plantar fasciitis are Pulsatilla and Rhus Tox. Pulsatilla is highly valuable among Homeopathic medicines for foot pain for plantar fasciitis where pain in the heel gets worse when rising from the seat. It is also indicated when heel pain gets worse while taking the initial few steps when beginning to walk. Rhus Tox is indicated when plantar fasciitis has resulted from repeated stretching and tearing of plantar fascia. The main symptom is pain in the heel that gets better with walking.

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  1. Patricia assing says:

    I have pain in mu left foot but on the sides of the foot which worsend the more time I am on my foot what will help this pain go away?

  2. Pain of top foot when walking
    Age 50

  3. Hi
    My mother is having severe pain in her feet during the night. She complains that her feet become very stiff and painful so she could not sleep well. She is 70 plus, has diabetes and blood pressure along with hepatitis which is not active, had done the recommended course of medicine for that. Her blood sugar fluctuates and she takes insulin and medication for blood pressure too.
    She had an operation for gallbladder removal 30 years ago.
    Could you please recommend any Homeo medicine for her as she is very frustrated with the feet aching. She told me she had something hard pins like thongs in her feet too.
    I tried to write details as much as possible.
    Thank you very much in advance

  4. Hi,
    I have been having pain in my feet for a very long time.Whenever I try lying and try to sleep my feet feel restless and I feel like tying it,it’s mostly my toes which have the pain.Can you tell me any medicine for it in homeopathic.


    I am 77 years. I have backache for nearly 30 years after a fall. Managing with the prescribed exercises. For the past about 4 years, walking a kilometer results in pain in both the feet. There is no problem to climb up 4-5 storied building. Tried alopathy and ayurvedic medicinse and found no improvement. HbA1C is 6.1 with no symptoms of diabetics. NIMHANS, Bengaluru advised me to consult an Endocrinologist after several tests. Gabantin was prescribed by the Endocrinologist and took the medicine for about an year. No improvement is observed.

    Is there any homeopathy treatment? If so, please advise me medicines. Also advice me reliable brand of Homeopathic medicines.


Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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