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Top Grade Homeopathic Medicines for Gingivitis

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of gums resulting majorly from non-maintenance of oral hygiene. Other risk factors include diabetes, tobacco use, advancing age, poor nutrition. Poor dental hygiene leads to plaque formation on the teeth. The plaque finds a resting place in between the teeth gaps and along the gum lining. And this plaque, if not removed by brushing daily, hardens and irritates the gum line leading to gum inflammation. The symptoms arising therefrom are swollen, bleeding, painful gums. The gums appear dark red/purple, soft and puffy with a receding gum line. Halitosis (bad breath) and caries of teeth often accompany this condition. If not treated well in time, the disease advances, eventually leading to the falling of teeth.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

The Homeopathic mode of treatment is very effective in treating gingivitis. It can treat gingivitis of both recent and chronic nature. The swelling, pain and bleeding are wonderfully controlled with Homeopathic medicines. These medicines, if started well in time, help treat the acute symptoms of gingivitis as well as prevent complications like periodontitis. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism to eradicate the disease at the root and prevent recurrence. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe for use among all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines for Gingivitis

The recommended Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis are Merc Sol, Kreosote, Carbo Veg and Alumen. Merc Sol is effective where gums are bluish red, swollen, painful and tender. Kreosote is a good choice among Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis in cases where the gums are bluish in appearance along with intense swelling. The gums are also puffy and protruding. Carbo Veg is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis where bleeding gums predominate. The bleeding gets worse on cleaning the teeth. Alumen is considered the best prescription where the teeth get loosened from chronic gingivitis.

Merc Sol, Kreosote and Lachesis – Best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with swollen and painful gums

The most effective Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with highly inflamed and painful gums are Merc Sol, Kreosote and Lachesis. Merc Sol is indicated where the gums have turned bluish red, painful, swollen and spongy. The gums recede and bleed in such cases and usually accompanied by increased salivation. Kreosote is one of the best selected Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis where the gums are bluish in appearance, painful, tender, protruding and puffy. Putrid odour from the mouth is another symptom in such cases. Lachesis works well in cases where the gums are dark purple in appearance, with pain and swelling. The person complains of a sour and peppery taste in the mouth.

Phosphorus and Carbo Veg – Top grade Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bleeding gums

Phosphorus and Carbo Veg are rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bleeding gums. Phosphorus is one of the effective Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis cases where the gums bleed easily. The gums are sore, painful and tender to touch in such cases. Pain in the gums gets worse from cold, heat and also while eating. Carbo Veg is prescribed when gums are swollen and they bleed while brushing the teeth. The gums are scorbutic with oozing of blood. Offensive mouth odour is also prominent in cases where Carbo Veg will provide relief as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bleeding gums.

Thuja and Kreosote – Top Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with tooth decay

Helpful Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with tooth decay are Thuja and Kreosote. Thuja is excellent among Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with tooth decay next to the gums affected with gingivitis. The gums are dark red, retracted and swollen, with decayed and crumbling teeth. Homeopathic medicine Kreosote works well where tooth decay appears with puffy, spongy, bleeding gums. The person usually complains of a bitter taste in the mouth.

Merc Sol, Kreosote and Silicea – Best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bad mouth odour

Valuable Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bad odour from the mouth are Merc Sol, Kreosote and Silicea. Merc Sol is useful where offensive/putrid odour from mouth accompanies gingivitis. The mouth is moist with excessive saliva. Thirst may also increase. Kreosote is recommended in cases where horribly offensive odour from the mouth is present with gingivitis. The gums are puffy, swollen and bleeding. The condition leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Silicea is the most helpful of Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis where offensive mouth odour is worse in the morning. The mouth feels dry, the gums are swollen and painful. Cold air and cold water worsen the pain in gums.

Calcarea Fluor and Alumen – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth

Significant Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth are Calcarea Fluor and Alumen. Both are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth where the gums are swollen and inflamed. The teeth get loose in the sockets from long-standing gingivitis. Homeopathic medicines Calcarea Fluor and Alumen strengthen the tooth holding structures in the mouth to provide the teeth a firm holding.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Iftikhar ali says:

    Hi I am from Pakistan the gingivitis at last stage my teeth pain and bleed. Plz advise me best medicine . Thank u

    • M L Maini says:

      My a single teath loose the gum and while taking food, food goes to the gums cavity. Gum swollen and pained. Advise homoeopathic medicine


    Dr. Ramesh Kumar sharma BHMS Doing now

  3. Ashwin Arora says:

    What medicine and potency should be used in Adults for gum bleeding and tooth decay?

  4. Good day Dr. Sharma

    I am hoping to find out what is needed for tender gums that bleed when I floss or brush my teeth. It’s also solen and more pink and red than blue or purple in colour.

  5. Feel Gums are spongy..
    Uncomfortable while eating specialy goroundnut or dry fruits or anything crispy…
    Please advise suitable homeo medicine

    • Arjunlal says:

      Right upper gum swollen st the root of tooth,
      Please suggest effective homeo med with potency and frequency of administration.
      Stay blessed

  6. Kiranmaye T N says:

    Good day Doctor, Could you please suggest a homeopathic medicine for my teeth: there is one loose tooth that bleeds while brushing, and sometimes swelling, inflammation around it. Painful too, almost near to the jaw, extending sometimes to the ear and throat. Unable to chew too anything on this side,.the left jaw. A litle teeth erosion too. A recedimg gum line, with sometimes faint odour also there. Thank you.

  7. Kiranmaye T N says:

    Good day Doctor, Could you please suggest a homeopathic medicine for my teeth: there is one loose tooth that bleeds while brushing, and sometimes swelling, inflammation around it. Painful too, almost near to the jaw, extending sometimes to the ear and throat. Unable to chew too anything on this side,.the left jaw. A litle teeth erosion too. Thank you.

  8. M.S.Akbar says:

    Hi Dear Doctor kindly prescribe best Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth & Gums,
    As well as sensitive gums and teeth when drinking room temperature water or mild hot tea or coffee sometimes bleeding while brushing teeth.

  9. Muhammad Irfan Mirza says:

    My wife, Nighat Irfan, is your patient, currently have gums issue and inflammation due to which she can not take any spicy food and want to ask if your treatment can help
    My phone :+16472068797
    Can someone call?

  10. A good knowledgeable essay. But it’s too lengthy. Confusing and uninteresting for the common people. Try to reduce it to some main symptoms and top using remedies. Thank you very much

    • 73 yo woman active suffering from gout and only one kidney. Suspected autoimmune disease hair loss skin peeling nerve pain, clothing even causes pain and eyes will swell in the sun.

  11. Asha Aggarwal says:

    Gums mai cheese ho rahi hai

    • Rajnath singh yadav says:

      मसबूढो में सूजन है ऊपर जो दात दो है और दात भारी है

    • Amaresh Ghosh says:

      How to use those homio medicines, is it orally or some other ways!

    • Dianne Bassett says:

      Greetings from Canada,

      I have gum disease and one very loose tooth. I floss twice a day and brush every day, the dentist says it might be genetic and he feels it is rather hopeless.

      How often to take Mercuris, Alumen and Calc Fluor. Times/day, how many days, months, etc.

      To happy and healthy days, Dianne

  12. Danth hil rahe hai aur masuro me blood a raha hai

  13. Sunil Desai says:

    Hi Dr.Sharmaji,

    pls provide complete name of below medicine for loose tooth with required potency and also mention how to take and for how many days/months.

    Calcarea Fluor and Alumen – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth

    So that I can get it from Amazon.
    There are so many similar name medicine on Amazon and shows for different use so I confused.
    Really very appreciate for this article and Thank you so much in advance for your help’

  14. I have loose tooth and bleeding gums and bad odour. I also have cracked teeth. Please suggets.. Thank you.

    • Sunil Desai says:

      Hi Dr.Sharmaji,

      pls provide complete name of below medicine for loose tooth with required potency and also mention how to take and for how many days/months.

      Calcarea Fluor and Alumen – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with loose teeth

      So that I can get it from Amazon.
      There are so many similar name medicine on Amazon and shows for different use so I confused.
      Really very appreciate for this article and Thank you so much in advance for your help’

  15. Dr.umar farooq says:

    I have benefited a lot from your SITE. Thanks for providing so much valuable information

  16. Amin Kotadia says:

    I have developed pain and swelling in gums of last molar tooth from few days,I have searched that ,kreosote,merc Sol and lachesis are best drugs for it,but in what potency and dose are they to be taken, there is no bleeding in gums

  17. Bindiya Gadiyar says:

    Hello doc

    I would like to know whether there is permanent cure for gingivitis

    I have been doing cleaning at dental clinic for a period of one year but still gums are swollen and red

    Homepathy can resolve this issue ? And how long does it take



  18. Jose luis beltran says:

    I have receeding gums and loose teeth, what is the best way to stop it

  19. Julie C Huppi says:

    Dr Sharma, I am studying homeopathy with Joette Calabrese. 7 mos ago I stopped using regular toothpaste because I felt it was drying my moth out to much. Since then been using at times plain water, or a homemade powder if soda and bentonite clay. Gums no longer swelling or bleeding but definitely receeding. I have about 130 diff homeopathic remedies at my home. What do you recommend?

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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