What is abortion?
Abortion refers to expulsion of the fetus from uterus before the 20th week of gestation. When abortion occurs spontaneously, it is referred to as spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding occurring during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is referred to as threatened abortion. Bleeding varies from light spotting to heavy bleeding. This may or may not be attended with abdominal pain. Recurrent or habitual abortion refers to three or more spontaneous abortions occurring one after the other without any intervening pregnancy.
Risk factors for recurrent/habitual abortion, threatened abortion
The risk factors that predispose a woman to threatened abortion are age above 35 years, abdominal trauma, bacterial/viral infection during pregnancy, chromosomal abnormalities, multiple pregnancy (pregnancy with more than one fetus), growths in uterus like fibroids, problems with placenta, smoking. The various factors that predispose one to repeated abortion are malformation of uterus, cervical incompetence, hormone disorders including hypothyroidism, PCOS, diabetes mellitus, chromosomal disorders, endometritis, infections such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, coxsackie virus and measles. In addition, lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol and drugs intake also put women at a high risk of repeated abortion.
Homeopathy can treat tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion, threatened abortion
Homeopathy is a highly advanced science known to effectively treat many gynaecological and obstetric conditions. Homeopathy remains very successful in treating the tendency towards recurrent abortion and threatened abortion. Homeopathic medicines to treat these conditions are prescribed based on the individual symptom presentation. Each case and its symptoms are studied in detail before a prescription is decided. The month during which miscarriage occurred previously, the character of bleeding, accompanying pains, menstrual history are noted down. In case of threatened abortion, a gynecologist should be consulted while Homeopathic medicines play a supportive role. Homeopathic medicines to treat recurrent and threatened abortion should always be taken only after consulting a qualified Homeopathic physician. Self medication should be avoided at all cost.
Homeopathic Medicines for Tendency Towards Recurrent/Habitual Abortion, Threatened Abortion
Caulophyllum Thalictroides and Helonias Dioica – Effective Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion from uterine weakness
Caulophyllum Thalictroides and Helonias Dioica are top grade Homeopathic medicines for treating tendency towards repeated/habitual abortion from uterine weakness. Caulophyllum Thalictroides will work best where there is a tendency towards habitual abortion from uterine weakness and uterine atony. History of leucorrhea of acrid nature may also be present. Helonias Dioica will best treat habitual abortion where the uterus is weak, with a feeling of weight and soreness in the womb. During abortion, bleeding of dark, foul blood is present. Dragging in the pelvis may be observed. Other attending features include exhaustion, profound sadness and irritability.
Viburnum Opulus – Top rated among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in early months (first to third month)
Viburnum Opulus is one of the very significant Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in the early months, i.e. between the first three months. Cramping pain in the uterus, which extends down the thighs, is observed. Women who need Viburnum Opulus may also have a history of late and scanty menses. The menses last for a few hours only. Offensiveness in menses is noted. History of leucorrhea of thick, white nature, often blood streaked, may also be present.
Sabina Officinalis and Secale Cornutum – Best Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in third month
Sabina Offcinalis and Secale Cornutum are significant Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion occurring in the third month. Miscarriage is accompanied by bright blood mixed with clots. Along with this, pain from sacrum to pubis during bleeding is present. Women who need Secale Cornutum have a history of recurrent miscarriage with dark or blackish bleeding. There may also be history of brownish, offensive leucorrhea. Women prescribed Secale Cornutum have thin, cachetic and feeble constitution.
Apis Mellifica – One of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in fourth month
Apis Mellifica is the most suitable among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in the fourth month. Bleeding during abortion in the fourth month, with soreness and tenderness in the womb, is a sign Apis Mellifica will aid recovery. This medicine is also useful where there is a history of ovarian cyst with stinging pains. Case history will reveal short and scanty periods. Acrid, green leucorrhea at some point in the past may also be observed.
Kali Carb – Homeopathic medicine for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion at 5 months
Kali Carb is one of the most prominent Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion at 5 months. The symptoms narrated by women during such abortions include bleeding with back pain radiating down the hips and thighs. Kali Carb will also show great results in treating weakness arising from the miscarriage.
Sepia Succus – One of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion arising in the sixth or seventh month
Sepia Succus is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine for treating the tendency towards repeated abortion occurring at 6 or 7 months. Abortion in the sixth or seventh month with bearing down pain in the uterus is a prominent symptom that decides on Sepia Succus as the best medicine. In a few cases, griping or burning pain in the uterus may be observed. Case study will reveal irregular menses, yellow/green leucorrhea and uterine fibroids.
Ferrum Metallicum – Homeopathic medicine for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion at the end of eighth month
Ferrum Met is very useful among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion occurring at the end of the eighth month. Women who need Ferrum Met will have a history of previous abortions with pale blood and shooting or labour-like pain in the uterus. Profound weakness and anaemia may also be observed among women who need Ferrum Metallicum.
Ferrum Met and Trillium Pendulum – Top Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in anaemic women
Anaemic women having a tendency towards repeated abortion will benefit greatly from Homeopathic medicines Ferrum Met and Trillium Pendulum. Ferrum Met is useful where women have had many miscarriages with pale and watery bleeding. This is attended with labour-like pains in abdomen and small of the back. Trillium Pendulum is the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for tendency towards recurrent/habitual abortion in anaemic women who have had early miscarriages with gushing bright blood. The bleeding worsens with the slightest movement. The bleeding is attended with pain in the hips and back.
Arnica Montana, Erigeron, Crocus Sativus, Sabina Officinalis – Significant Homeopathic medicines for treating threatened abortion
Arnica Montana is one of the well indicated Homeopathic medicines for treating threatened abortion from trauma, falls or injuries. Erigeron is considered when there is threatened abortion from exertion. Crocus Sativus will best treat threatened abortion with dark and stringy blood. Sabina Offcinalis shows best results in case of threatened abortion with marked pain from sacrum to pubes.
मुझे 6 से 7वे हफ्ते तक बच्चे के दिल की धड़कन न आने के कारण गर्भपात करवाना पड़ता है, ग्रोथ भी नहीं होती बच्चे की क्या कारण हो सकता है,होम्योपैथिक में कोई उपचार है इसका,मेरी उम्र 40 वर्ष है,2 गर्भपात इस कारण ही करवाने पड़े क्या मै कभी भी मां नहीं बन पाऊंगी
I’pregnent (20 days). Due to health disorder I want abortion by homoeo medicine. Which medicine can I use?
मुझे 8 माह का एक बच्चा है,लेकिन मेरी पत्नी फिर से 3 सप्ताह गर्भ से हो गई हैं,
हमें गर्भपात के लिए होम्योपैथी दवा बताइए
मेरी पत्नी की उम्र 26 साल है और कोई बीमारी नहीं है और बच्चा नॉर्मल डिलीवरी से हुआ था
कृपया मदद करें
Marriage life — 8 years and my age– 31
1st and 2nd pregnancy– No heart of the baby.
3rd pregnancy– Heart beat came and went after a week.
4th pregnancy– No heart beat
5th pregnancy– only sac and no further development/growth.
Recurrent missed abortion 5 times with history almost same.