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10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Tinea Capitis

Tinea capitis is a ringworm/fungal infection of the scalp and hair shafts. It is a highly contagious infection. Tinea capitis is caused by fungi called dermatophytes. These fungi attack the outer layer of skin on the scalp and the hair shaft. Ringworm spreads through direct skin to skin contact with an infected person. It can also spread through contact with objects like homeopathic medicines for tinea capitis towels, bed sheets, combs, caps, etc that are infected with this fungus. Apart from the above, it can also pass from infected animals to human beings. Homeopathic medicines for tinea capitis help prevent the spread of fungal infection and heal the existing patches of ringworm on the scalp. 

Signs and Symptoms of Tinea Capitis

The main feature of tinea capitis is round itchy patches on the scalp. The patches tend to slowly expand or enlarge and maybe one or multiple in number. The hair may become brittle and break off from these patches resulting in bald spots. Black dots may be seen on the scalp where the hair has broken off. Patches of scaly skin may be present in some of the cases of tinea capitis. Tender, painful areas on the scalp may be present. In severe cases, crusts form on the scalp that drains pus. There is a risk of scarring and permanent hair loss in few cases of tinea capitis.

Homeopathic Medicines for Tinea Capitis

Tinea capitis can be treated with homeopathy medicines in an excellent manner. They also help to manage itching, tenderness, crusty eruptions and hair loss associated with infection. The top grade homeopathic medicines to treat tinea capitis include Sepia, Tellurium, Arsenic Album, Mezereum and Calcarea Carb.

1. Sepia – Top Medicine for Tinea Capitis

Sepia is a top grade medicine for treating cases of tinea capitis. In cases needing Sepia, there are circular ringworm patches on the scalp that are mainly isolated. There is violent itching in the ringworm spots. The scalp may also be tender to touch. There may be an eruption on the top or back part of the scalp with itching and tingling/stinging sensation. After scratching they feel sore. Sour smelling sweat on the head may be present. Bald spots on scalp also indicate the use of Sepia. The spot may be covered with dry scales in most cases.

2. Tellurium – For Multiple intersecting Ring-Shaped Lesions on Scalp

Tellurium is a significant medicine to treat tinea capitis with multiple intersecting ring-shaped lesions on the scalp. The ring lesions are elevated. There is itching with continual scratching. Stinging sensation on the skin may be present. Skin is dry and hot.

3. Arsenic Album – When Ringworm Patches are Covered with Scales

Arsenic Album is well indicated for tinea capitis when ringworm patches on the scalp are covered with scales. Marked burning and itching attend. This gets worse in the evening time. Ringworm infection on the scalp with vesicular or pustular eruptions is also suggestive of using Arsenic Album. These eruptions may destroy the roots of the hair. Circular patches of hair loss with rough and dirty skin surface on the scalp may also be noticed where Arsenic Album is indicated.

4. Mezereum – For Thick Leather-like Crusts on Scalp

Mezereum is prepared from fresh bark of a plant named Daphne mezereum commonly known as Spurge Olive of the natural order Thymelaceae. Mezereum is beneficial to treat tinea capitis cases with thick leather-like crusts on the scalp. Under the crust, white pus may collect. Hair may be glued together and may come out in handfuls in some cases. The crusts may extend to the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Burning, biting and itching on the scalp may be felt. Itching worsens mostly at night time.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Lesions Covered with Yellow Scabs

Calcarea Carb is indicated to treat tinea capitis lesions covered with Yellow Scabs. The scab lesions mainly appear on the top of the head and tend to bleed when picked at. Excessive sweating of head may be present especially in the evening time. Itching along with biting and burning sensation on the scalp may appear. Scratching worsens the itching. Yellowish-white scales on the scalp may be present in few cases needing Calcarea Carb.

6. Graphites – For Dry Scab Eruptions

Graphites is a useful medicine for tinea capitis with dry scabby eruptions. The eruptions are large and dark in color. There is itching on scalp. Burning sensation, especially on the top of the head, is felt. Ringworm lesions with scales are also treated well with Graphites. In some cases requiring Graphites, there is falling out of hair with bald places on the scalp that are perfectly smooth and shining.

7. Hepar Sulph – For Tender, Painful Areas on Scalp

Hepar Sulph offers help for tinea capitis when tender, painful areas on the scalp are there. The scalp is sensitive to touch. It is accompanied by burning and itching. It is also indicated for sore painful pimples on the scalp with large bald spots. Cold sweat with sour smell may be present on the scalp.

8. Sulphur – For Eruption filled with Pus

Sulphur is prominently indicated for tinea capitis with eruptions on the scalp that are filled with pus. The eruption appears mainly on top of the head. They are painful to touch. After drying they get covered with honey like scabs. The eruptions have severe itching and burning in them. Itching mainly gets worse in the evening time.

9. Phosphorus – To treat tinea capitis with bald spots on the scalp

Phosphorus is suitable medicine to treat cases of tinea capitis with bald spots on the scalp. Bald spots on the scalp are clear and smooth. Scalp remains dry with heat. Clammy perspiration also appears on the scalp. The scalp is itchy too.

10. Dulcamara – For Tinea Capitis that gets worse from Change of Weather

Dulcamara is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of plant Solanum Dulcamara. This plant is commonly known by the name of woody nightshade or bittersweet. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Dulcamara offers help in cases of tinea capitis that gets worse from a change of weather. The symptoms for using Dulcamara are thick brown crusts on the scalp. They have reddish borders and bleed when scratched. Hair also falls out from the infected area.

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  1. What homeopathic medicine is used for tinea capitis?

  2. ThnkU 💝


    Is times capitis curable through homeopathy?
    How time it should take?

  4. My son is 14 years old he had fungal on his head please suggest

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