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Homeopathic Medicines Can Help Avoid Varicose veins Surgery

Varicose veins refer to enlarged, twisted, or engorged veins. Varicose veins can develop in any part of the body but most commonly appear in the legs and feet. Varicose veins in the legs develop as a result of the pooling of blood due to improper functioning of valves in the veins of the legs.     homeopathic medicines for varicose veins

Homeopathy has an excellent scope for treating varicose veins. It can effectively manage its symptoms like pain, cramping, tiredness, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Homeopathy works on strengthening the valves of the veins in the legs, reducing blood engorgement to give symptomatic relief in the varicose veins. One of the biggest benefits of using these remedies for varicose veins is that they cause no side effects. These medicines are made of natural substances and are highly diluted, yet potent, and they work to prevent the backflow of blood in the veins.

The conventional treatment for varicose veins usually involves techniques like sclerotherapy, laser surgery, endoscopic vein surgery, and endovenous ablation therapy. Despite an invasive surgery, the chances of recurrence of the problem are common. On the other hand, homeopathy can treat varicose veins gently and prevent surgical interventions in most of the cases having mild to moderate intensity. Homeopathy works to restore the internal healing mechanism of the body. This helps address the medical condition naturally and effectively. Unlike conventional treatment, homeopathy offers long-term relief from varicose veins. Once homeopathic treatment for varicose veins has been successfully administered, the chances of the condition recurring are rare or maybe none.
Homeopathic prescription for varicose veins is done based on the law of individualization. This means the characteristic symptoms in every individual case are studied in detail to decide homeopathic prescriptions for any case of varicose veins. Such individualized medicines work best to treat varicose veins. There is an excellent scope to treat mild to moderate cases of varicose veins in homeopathy. However, severe cases and cases having associated complications require conventional treatment as homeopathy has its limitations in helping such cases.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Varicose Veins

The top nine homeopathic medicines for varicose veins include natural medicines like Hamamelis Virginiana, Pulsatilla NigricansCalcarea Fluor, Fluoric Acid, Arnica Montana, Carbo Veg, Calcarea Carb, Vipera Berus, and Lachesis Muta.

1. Hamamelis Virginiana – For Tiredness/Aching in Legs

Hamamelis is prepared from a plant commonly named witch–hazel. This plant belongs to the family Hamamelidaceae. Hamamelis Virginiana is a highly effective remedy to reduce engorgement of blood in veins in cases of varicose veins. Its most prominent symptom indication is tiredness or aching in the legs. Along with this, a tense feeling in the legs may be present. The varicosities may look like hard and knotty swellings in the legs. A dragging sensation in the legs may be present. Pain in varicose veins from the slightest motion is another feature. Soreness of varicose veins may also arise. Hamamelis Virginiana can help to reduce the engorgement of blood in veins and its related symptoms. Deep-rooted, circular ulcers with stinging, pricking pain and high sensitivity are other prominent features of using the homeopathic medicine Hamamelis Virginiana.

When to use Hamamelis Virginiana?

This medicine is most recommended to manage varicose veins with tired, aching feeling in legs along with pain from the slightest movement by working to reduce engorgement of blood in veins.

How to use Hamamelis Virginiana?

One may take this medicine in 30 C potency one to three times a day depending on the severity of pain.

2. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Varicose Veins that are Painful

Pulsatilla Nigricans for varicose veins in women when the symptoms worsen during menses and for varicose veins on lower limbs, forearms, and hands.

When to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?

It is a wonderful choice of medicine for varicose veins with pain of drawing, cramping type worse from hanging down limbs when sitting

How to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?

Its use is advised in 30 C potency once or twice a day.

3. Calcarea Fluor – For Hard, Knotty Varicose Veins

Calcarea Fluor is a highly recommended remedy for varicose veins. It is a biochemic medicine for varicose veins that works wonderfully in reducing the engorgement of blood in veins and improving blood circulation. A few indications for using Calcarea Fluor are enlarged veins, hardened veins, and knotty veins on lower limbs. The attending features are dry, cracked skin on the legs.

When to use Calcarea Fluor?

One may opt for its use in cases of hard, knotty veins on legs that can be attended by dry cracked skin on legs.

How to use Calcarea Fluor?

Its use is preferred in 6X potency and can be taken three to four times a day.

4. Fluoric Acid – For Varicose Veins Worsened By Warmth

Fluoric Acid is a valuable remedy for varicose veins treatment. The most characteristic feature of using Fluoric Acid is painful varicose veins in the legs that are made worse by warmth. Fluoric Acid is used to treat long-standing, obstinate cases of varicose veins. Apart from the above symptoms, Fluoric Acid is useful for varicose ulcers with red margins. Pain in ulcers is intense, and warmth worsens the pain while cold application relieves the pain.

When to use Fluoric Acid?

Fluoric Acid is suitable to treat varicose veins on legs when the condition gets worse from any kind of warm application externally. Besides, it is also beneficial for managing varicose ulcers with red borders attended with pain.

How to use Fluoric Acid?

Among various available potencies of Fluoric Acid, it is best to start with its 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of the problem.

5. Arnica Montana – For Varicose Veins with Soreness

Arnica Montana is prepared from the plant ‘Leopard’s Bane’ which belongs to the natural order Composite. Arnica Montana is a valuable remedy for varicose veins accompanied by extreme soreness. A fear of touching the legs is present as a result of the soreness. Exertion worsens the complaint. An aching, bruised sensation in the legs is also felt in some cases. A bruised feeling in the legs as if beaten may also be present. The skin of the legs may also be swollen, red, and hot.

When to use Arnica Montana?

This medicine can be selected for managing varicose veins attended with marked soreness means pain on touching.

How to use Arnica Montana?

It is most commonly used in 30 C potency. Arnica 30C can be used twice or thrice a day.

6. Carbo Veg – For Spider Veins

Carbo Veg is a prominently indicated remedy for spider veins. The veins appear reddish bluish. The skin feels cold and sweaty, and the person may experience itching that gets worse during the evening. Varicose ulcers that bleed easily also indicate the need for Carbo Veg.

When to use Carbo Veg?

It is a highly preferred medicine for spider veins with a reddish bluish appearance.

How to use Carbo Veg?

It has proven to be effective in 30C power that can be taken one to two times a day.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Painless Varicose Veins

Calcarea Carb is an excellent remedy for varicose veins. It is useful for varicose veins that are painless and appear only as prominent veins on the legs. Burning sensations in veins may be present in a few cases. A marked coldness in feet, excessive sweat on feet (sour-smelling), and varicose veins on the legs and thighs are well-treated with Calcarea Carb.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine can be used in cases of varicose veins without any sort of pain.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency only once a day.

8. Vipera Berus – For Bursting Sensation in Legs

Vipera Berus is a well-indicated remedy for varicose veins with a marked ‘bursting’ feeling in the legs. A pain of an unbearable nature that gets worse on hanging down the legs is present. Elevating the legs brings relief. Severe cramping pain in the legs is also present. Swollen, tender veins and blueness of overlying skin are highly indicative of using the medicine Vipera Berus.

When to use Vipera Berus?

Vipera Berus can be prescribed in cases of varicose veins with a prominent bursting sensation in the legs and pain in the legs which gets worse in the case of hanging legs and better by elevating the legs.

How to use Vipera Berus?

Its use is done on an infrequent basis like one dose once or twice a week in 30 C power.

9. Lachesis Muta – For Varicose Ulcers

Lachesis Muta is an important medicine for treating varicose ulcers. People needing Lachesis Muta have ulcers with bluish-purplish surroundings. There is a thin, offensive discharge from the ulcers. Pus discharges may also be there in a few cases. Bleeding may arise from the ulcers, and an intense burning sensation may be present. There is extreme pain and high sensitivity to touch on the ulcer. Applying warmth to the ulcers helps relieve the pain. Itching that gets noticeably worse after sleeping is another characteristic feature.

When to use Lachesis?

Lachesis is an excellent choice of medicine indicated for managing varicose ulcers having bluish-purplish margins with a thin, offensive discharge with a burning sensation.

How to use Lachesis?

It is a strong medicine so should not be taken frequently. It is advised to use Lachesis 30C one dose once in a week only.

What are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins may not cause any symptoms in most of the cases and only appear as dark/purple-colored prominent veins in the leg. General symptoms include aching, tired or heavy feeling in the legs, throbbing and cramping in legs, and worsening of pain from sitting or standing for extended periods.
Color changes, swelling/inflammation, and ulcers on the legs may be indicative of severe changes like phlebitis (inflammation in a vein) and venous ulcers and should be addressed promptly.

Spider Veins are Not Varicose Veins

Spider veins are dilated clusters of tiny (<1mm diameter) superficial blood vessels developing close to the surface of the skin. They are also called telangiectasias. Spider veins appear as thin, red, blue, and purple lines or as web-like networks of blood vessels on the surface of the skin. These look like a spider’s web. They mostly appear on the face, legs, and feet. They don’t usually cause any problems and are mainly considered to be a cosmetic issue. These are generally common in older adults.

Varicose Veins – How Do They Develop?

The veins in our legs contain one-way valves. These valves of the veins in the legs allow only one-way blood flow (from the legs to the heart) when the muscles squeeze the veins in the leg.
When the muscles contract, the valves open and blood from the legs pushes upwards to reach the heart. When these muscles relax, the valves close to prevent the reverse flow of blood back into the legs. In case these valves don’t function properly, it results in a reverse flow of blood and stagnation of blood in the leg.
This causes the veins to become enlarged, twisted, and engorged, and they are known as varicose veins.

Factors that Contribute to Varicose Veins

Obesity: Obese people often develop varicose veins without any knowledge, as the veins are not visible beneath the layers of the skin (due to accumulated fat). With time, the pressure from the leaking veins causes damage on the surface of the skin, and the problem becomes visible. This also puts many overweight people at a higher risk of developing leg ulceration.

Standing/Sitting for a Long Time: Sitting or standing for long durations causes leads to poor blood circulation in the legs. When we sit, it becomes harder for the veins to move the blood to the heart. Over time, this can cause swelling in the ankles, blood clots, and varicose veins. Sitting with the legs crossed or bent for long durations can make the problem worse.

Old Age: With age, the veins lose elasticity and cause them to stretch. This causes the valves in the veins to become weak. As a result, the blood that should be moving towards the heart starts flowing backward.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, it is very common for a woman to develop varicose veins since the volume of blood in the body increases, but overall, the flow of blood from the legs to the pelvis decreases. Varicose veins often develop or become worse during the later stages of pregnancy since the uterus starts to exert increased pressure on the veins in the legs. This condition often improves post pregnancy within three to twelve months.

Age: The chances of developing varicose veins increase with age. Aging causes the wear and tear of the valves in the veins, allowing blood to flow back into the veins where it gets collected.

Gender: Females are more likely to develop varicose veins due to hormonal changes they experience throughout their lifetime. Pregnancy, pre-menstruation, menopause, hormone replacement therapy, and the use of birth control pills all cause hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Female hormones are known to relax the walls of the veins.

Family History: A family history of varicose veins makes a person susceptible to developing the condition.

Complications Related to Varicose Veins

1.Bleeding: Veins that are close to the skin may rupture and bleed. The bleeding may occur spontaneously or be the result of a minor injury.

2.Venous Ulcers: A venous ulcer is a painful sore that develops on the skin of the inner side of the leg, immediately above the ankle in case of varicose veins. Swelling of the leg, ankle, and heaviness in the leg, foul-smelling discharge from the ulcers, itching, burning, and pain of varying intensity may be present. A high fever may also be present in cases of infection.

3. Varicose Eczema: Varicose eczema (also known as stasis / gravitational eczema) is another complication of varicose veins. It affects the lower legs, where the skin gets dry, red, itchy, scaly, and flaky.

4. Superficial Thrombophlebitis: Superficial thrombophlebitis refers to an inflammation of the veinnear the surface of the skin caused by a blood clot.

5. DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis): Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) refers to the development of a blood clotwithin a vein deep inside the body (usually in the leg). DVT may lead to severe complications like pulmonary embolism (when blood clots in veins break and travel via the bloodstream to lodge in the lungs) which is an emergency condition needing immediate medical help. Common symptoms of pulmonary embolism include sudden shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, rapid pulse, and spitting of blood.


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  1. Kashinath Nag says:

    I wrote to you yesterday. I have painless varicose vein.burning sensation on feet,heaviness of legs, weakness of nerves,Less sleep etc.
    I do accupressure, excercises of legs, do not use any medicine.

    Please give me dose of calcarea carb and frequency of taking nthe medicine

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