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Best Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Bleeding from the inside of the nose is called epistaxis. There is a rich supply of blood to the nasal mucosa by the arteries. Rupture of blood vessels of the nasal mucosa leads to nose bleeding. There are various causes of epistaxis. Amongst the major causes are trauma, nose picking, dryness of nasal membranes, inflammation resulting from chronic sinusitis or chronic rhinitis, and hypertension. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, leukemia, and use of anticoagulant medicines are some other causes of epistaxis. Homeopathic treatment for epistaxis is very effective. Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Homeopathic Treatment for Epistaxis

Homeopathy is highly beneficial in removing the constant tendency of epistaxis in a person. For a complete cure, medicines aim at correcting the underlying cause that is leading to the nose bleed. Top grade medicines for the treatment for epistaxis are Hamamelis, Phosphorus, Arnica, Millifolium, and Carbo Veg.

1. Hamamelis – Top Medicine for Epistaxis

Hamamelis is a very good anti hemorrhagic medicine for epistaxis. It works well for bleeding from various orifices of the body, including nasal bleeding. Hamamelis offers a lot of help in epistaxis when the blood is dark and incoagulable. Along with nasal bleeding, there is a soreness in the nose. There is a feeling of pressure and tightness at the root of the nose. Patients in need of Hamamelis also show extreme exhaustion and weakness along with nasal bleeding.

2. Phosphorus – For Epistaxis with Bright Red Blood

Phosphorus is among the best medicines to control bleeding from various body parts. It is an equally effective anti hemorrhagic remedy as Hamamelis. Phosphorus is prescribed for bright red nasal bleeding. Phosphorus helps in reducing the tendency towards recurrent epistaxis episodes. In cases of bleeding from nasal polyps, Phosphorus is often used because of its ability to help the patient recover completely. Phosphorus works well in cases of nasal bleeding from chronic nasal catarrh.

3. Crocus Sativus – For Dark or Black, Stringy Blood

Crocus Sativus is another very effective medicine for epistaxis with dark or black, stringy nasal bleeding. Crocus Sativus works well in epistaxis where the nasal blood is dark or black with viscid strings that hang down the nose in the form of thread or rope. Along with nasal bleeding, there is extreme physical weakness and weariness. Patients requiring Crocus Sativus may also faint. Epistaxis episodes appearing in summer or hot weather are treated successfully with Crocus Sativus. It helps to control acute nasal bleeding as well a person’s tendency to have recurrent epistaxis spells experienced in hot weather.

4. Arnica – For Epistaxis Following an Injury or Blow to the Nose

Arnica is a highly reliable and efficient treatment for epistaxis caused by an injury. Arnica, also known as Leopard’s Bane, is a natural medicine for cases of injury. It is an anti-trauma remedy found in the first-aid kits of all homeopaths. In epistaxis from injury, a fall or a blow to the nose, Arnica must be given without hesitation as it is a highly competent hemorrhage controlling medicine. It can be repeated frequently at short intervals. Arnica works well when there is a sore and bruised feeling in the nose. Apart from epistaxis due to injury, Arnica is also recommended for nasal bleeding during typhoid fever.

5. Carbo Veg – For Epistaxis that Appears on a Regular Basis

Carbo Veg is an ideal treatment for epistaxis for patients suffering from frequent episodes of nasal bleeding. Due to blood loss, the face of the patient appears pale. The body is cold and sweaty. Other symptoms include low vitality and exhaustion, and sometimes the patient may even collapse due to excessive blood loss. The patient feels better when in cold air. Carbo Veg helps put a check on frequent epistaxis attacks and also contributes to regaining vitality and energy levels lost due to daily nasal bleeding.

6. Meliliotus – For Congestive Headaches Relieved by Nasal Bleeding

Whenever nasal bleeding brings relief from congestive headaches, Melilotus is the most appropriate homeopathic prescription. Individuals requiring Melilotus suffer from violent, throbbing, congestive headaches. Along with a headache, there is a redness and flushing of the face. When nasal bleeding appears, the headache and flushing of the face vanish. In such cases, there is a lot of bright red blood.

7. Lachesis – For Epistaxis with Black and Thick Blood

Lachesis is a significant anti hemorrhagic remedy used for treating various bleeding tendencies. Lachesis works well for epistaxis in cases where there is a discharge of black, thick blood from the nose. The blood may also be offensive. Some patients may also complain of acridity in the blood which irritates and corrodes the lips and nostrils.

Other Important Medicines

1. For Epistaxis with Bright, Red Blood

Among the most suitable treatment for epistaxis of bright red blood are Phosphorus, Ipecac, and Millifolium. Phosphorus works well for bright red nasal bleeding either from nasal polyps, chronic nasal catarrh or otherwise. Ipecac is useful for profuse, bright red nasal bleeding when accompanied by nausea. Millifolium is excellent for painless, profuse bright red nasal bleeding.

2. For Epistaxis with Dark Blood

Lachesis and Hamamelis are the most prominent remedies for epistaxis with dark blood. Lachesis works well in cases of dark, black and thick nasal bleeding. The blood may also be acrid and offensive. Hamamelis is selected when nasal blood is dark, accompanied by tightness on the bridge of the nose. In such cases, there may also be extreme exhaustion from nasal bleeding.

3. For Epistaxis with Clotted Blood

For dealing with epistaxis with clotted blood, medicines Crocus Sativus and China are the best choices. Crocus Sativus works well when nasal bleeding is tenacious, clotted and stringy. It may hang down from the nose in the form of threads. China works well when the person loses vitality due to excessive nasal bleeding. The person seems completely exhausted, debilitated, and may even faint with epistaxis.

4. For Epistaxis from Trauma

Homeopathic medicines Arnica and Hamamelis are the best homeopathic remedies to deal with epistaxis caused by trauma. These medicines give great results when controlling nasal bleeding from injury, trauma or a blow to the nose. They can be used alternatively for best results.

5. For Epistaxis with Anemia

Ferrum Met and China are the most appropriate medicines for epistaxis with anemia. Ferrum Met is a highly suitable medicine for controlling hemorrhages in anemic patients. Ferrum Met works well when nasal blood is bright red. In such cases, along with epistaxis, symptoms of anemia are also present. Homeopathic medicine China is equally effective as Ferrum Met and is prescribed when epistaxis appears with anemia and a noticeable loss of body strength. Extreme exhaustion, weakness, and debility are also present.

6. For Epistaxis from Dry Nasal Crusts

Ammonium Carb and Kali Bichrome are useful medicines for epistaxis from nasal crusts. Patients requiring these medicines have nasal bleeding because of the peeling of nasal crusts that get formed due to dry nasal catarrh. These medicines have to be used for some time for complete recovery.

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    I frequently suffer from cold and catarrhal conditions now aged 76. In winter seasons, when I go outdoors in sun when sunrays fall in angles, I get troubled with symptoms of catching cold and parietal headache on the left side. At present in such conditions, I am suffering from nasal discharges frequently with a feeling of congestion on head and inside nose. Mucous has to be discharged on bloing nose. Mucous has different characters, sometime white, sometime yellow, sometime very stringy very difficult to bring out and sometimes thin as in acute condition. Along with this, there is occasional pain on the left parietal side. On bloing, blood streaks are found in mucous frquently. What homoeopathic medicine should I be prescribed?

  2. AZEIM MALIK says:

    Dear Dr Sharma
    I have gone through all above but find myself unable to fit any of the symptoms above. My nose bleeding is painless, no irritation, no burnings from left nostril always at night at a gap of 10 to 15 days and sometimes after 25 days in sound sleep. Last bleeding was last night at 2.45 am sticky thick and like course thread from left nostril. My nose bleed started in January 2020. Before I never nose bled. I’m 73 heart surgery before 8 years taking High bp medicine with ecospirin 150 alternate days. Please diagnose and suggest a medicine for my permanent cure. Thanks
    Tell me if there is any consultation fee please

  3. Hi dr Sharma. My mom had a nose bleeding from last 10 days. She is 80 years old. Every day evening between 2.00pm to 6.00pm she het a nosebleeds. She had open heart surgery 20 years ago and she is taking ‘Atorvastatin 20mg, lisinopril, biostolic and aspirin 81mg. So pl let me know which homeopathic medicine is best for her

  4. Dr. (Vet) Ajit Singh, PhD says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma. My 2y9m grandson has started daily episodes of epistaxis for past one week. The blood is red colored, with some clotted strings toward the end of bleeding. Sometimes, he also has nasal crusts that he tries to peel off by inserting his finger. His father also had epistaxis problem during his childhood, upto age 10y or so. He was successfully treated by a renowned homeopath in my town, Hisar, Haryana. Due to lockdown, we are not moving out of our house. Could you please advise on the condition of this child?
    Hope to receive a response
    Thanking you

  5. Nabin Khatri says:

    Hi Doc,I’m 42 Yrs old male.I get this posterior epistaxis for 2 months.previously I get it sometimes,in summer when I put finger inside the nose.I drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee,but in summer normally don’t.Now I’ve stopped drinking it for 20 days.Also if I take gud( unprocessed suger) I get nosebleed.I usually run 10k 5 days in a week.Nowadays I get nosebleed even a tender touch or blow nose in the morning.
    I hope you can help me to get over it.

  6. Abdul Qadir Sajid says:

    Hi, my head feels hot and then I feel slightly pain in back or top of my head and then my nose bleeds. And if I use any treatment, it’s start bleeding from rectum. Some time profuse bleeding and some time few drops. I’m using Ferr Phos 200, Millifolium 200 and hammemalis Q

  7. B SRINIVASULU says:


  8. Gordon Cook says:

    I have hereditary hemophragic talengiesia commonly known as HHT can a homeopathic remedy help me.

  9. Hello.

    My elementary age son has experienced 7-8 nose bleeds in the past two weeks (or slightly less).

    I have an ENT appointment scheduled for next week, but want to arm myself with information and holistic approaches, as they seem to expect the need for cauterization.

  10. My son is getting nose bleeds at least twice a month. He is 7 yes old. What should I do?

  11. DrAnil Kumar Gupta says:

    Dr. I am a vet & have got a diploma in homeopathy. I have treated many animals with these wonderful dilutions. Your wonderful information will be a guiding force for me in treating many complicated cases but sometimes l do fail due to nonselection of a specific medicine needed for treatment.

  12. Ikshu kore says:

    Sir is arnica useful for bleeding horses I have a horse which bleeds with mucus after gallop earlier he got injured while scooping and lots of blood was lost after that he’s getting mucus discharge from nose and when worked fast his mucus discharge becomes pinkish please let me know I you can help me

  13. Arvind Kumar says:

    Respected sir,
    My 9 year daughter is suffering from nose bleeding since last 3 years.Initially it happened once or twice in a year in summer season, but now it happens once or twice or more in a week. I have started her homeopathic treatment since 3 week ago.The medicine given by the doctor are Hamamelis 30 for one week then after Millefolium 6c for 15 days,but not much better is the condition.Kindly advise me for better and soon recovery.

  14. Lynda kinsella says:

    My son got a blow to his nose. It’s sore swollen and bleeding. I have arnica. What else can I give to him. He is 19yrs old

  15. Rabindra Kumar Das says:

    My grand daughter,going to complete 12 yrs on 2nd Oct,had fever for 3 days followed by cold, dry cough and throat irritation. She was given paracetamol, multivitamin, cough syrup and antiallergic tablets. Yesterday there was bleeding from left nostril at 11 am and at 1 pm from the right. The bleeding stopped automatically. Today she also had bleeding from the left nostril at 11 am and at 5.30 pm and the bleeding stopped suo-moto. Please advise homeopathy medicine for her. Regards.

    • Rabindra Kumar Das says:

      My grand daughter,going to complete 12 yrs on 2nd Oct,had fever for 3 days followed by cold, dry cough and throat irritation. She was given paracetamol, multivitamin, cough syrup and antiallergic tablets. Yesterday there was bleeding from left nostril at 11 am and at 1 pm from the right. The bleeding stopped automatically. Today she also had bleeding from the left nostril at 11 am and at 5.30 pm and the bleeding stopped suo-moto. Please advise homeopathy medicine for her. Regards.

  16. Dear Dr.Sharma,
    My 6 year old boy is having nosebleed twice a day for 3 days now.he never had it before.He lost quite an amount of blood.
    Please advise.

    Thank you.

    • Mr. Subhas says:

      Nasal bleeding occurred frequently specially in time of bathing. Red blood flow and coagulated after 1 minute. Sometimes occurred when sleeping at night and through out the day by glimpse of throat. Feeling bad in thinking. Feeling pressure in the head. Sometimes virtigo . So what should I have to do.

  17. Deb Fink says:

    Dear Dr Sharma
    My 13 yo daughter had two nosebleeds yesterday that we’re unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. She has had a cold so I assume dryness and/or inflammation was a factor. The first nosebleed came on very quickly and lasted for over an hour. It was gushing blood (we were shocked at how much) for a lot of that time and there were some large gel-like blood clots near the end. The second nosebleed was in the evening and was similar but had more clots and only lasted 20 minutes. I have read about the many remedies for nosebleeds and am confused as to what we should try. I’m mostly looking for something that will help with clotting when the bleeding starts (since this is not an ongoing issue that happens without a cold, at least not yet). Thank you in advance for your help! – Deb

    • Sandip Kumar Bhoi says:

      My son aged 11 is a patient of chronic ITP since 9yrs. He has nose bleed occasionally 5 to 10 times in a month. He has low platelet count about 50000to 1 lakhs. Pls advise me

  18. Rakesh Dullu says:

    92 year old healthy adult male…repeated episodes of left sided profuse nasal bleed 15 days duration……..same episode 3 yrs back n also 20 years back….miks hypertension …..clinically stable….pl suggest effective remedy. Thanx

  19. Bhupendra Yadav says:

    Hello Doctor Sharma,

    I am suffering from nose bleeding since last 8 months.
    It was started in last year August 2016, i visited one of good ENT hospital in my area.
    After all test and report doctor told me that there is one small knot in left nose and blood due to dryness
    and blowing and smoking.
    Yes i was blowing my nose hard and cleaning with finger to keep clean and tidy.
    So i got some antibiotic he told me follow for some days i used and that time good , as i left all smoking, cleaning with finger and blowing.
    Now whenever i go to gym and do suryanamaskar next day i see some blood out of nose.
    But now i dont want to follow alopath medicine becase whenever i use alopath i got constipation after some time with acidity.
    can you please tell me some good homeopaty medicine for same.

  20. Hi

    I’m Zahid from Bangladesh. Suffering a lot
    of nasal polyps. Here’s few symptoms badly
    *Both nasal is blocked. * Take breath from mouth
    *Post nasal drainage * dull headache
    *When rainwater falls into the head, sneezing starts immediately

    Pls help get relief from this problems

    Year :42, unmarried

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