Nausea is a sensation of uneasiness where a person feels the urge to vomit. Nausea can appear with or without vomiting. Nausea is not a disease, but a symptom arising due to a number of causes. Primary causes of nausea are stomach infection, indigestion, food poisoning, morning sickness during pregnancy, migraine headaches and travel sickness which includes car sickness, air sickness, and sea sickness. Homeopathic treatment for nausea is safe, natural and effective. Natural medicines for nausea are capable of dealing with nausea arising from various causes. Nausea from a stomach infection, indigestion, or a migraine can be managed easily with remedies. Motion sickness is also very well treated with these remedies. This mode of treatment is a safe option for dealing with morning sickness during pregnancy.
Homeopathic Treatment for Nausea
Recommended remedies for nausea are Ipecac, Arsenic Album, Cocculus Indicus, and Sepia. Ipecac is a good medicine for nausea that is constant. Arsenic Album is used for nausea caused by a stomach infection or by food poisoning. Cocculus Indicus works well for treating car or air sickness. Sepia is a recommended treatment for nausea during pregnancy.
1. For Nausea from Stomach Infection or Food Poisoning
Top medicines for effective treatment for nausea arising from a stomach infection are Arsenic Album and Nux Vomica. These two remedies give excellent results when nausea appears due to food poisoning. Arsenic Album is used for nausea accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Nux Vomica is useful when nausea with ineffectual urging for ?? and abdomen pain are present.
2. For Nausea During Pregnancy or Morning Sickness
Natural remedies effectively manage nausea during pregnancy. Good remedies for morning sickness are Sepia and Symphoricarpus Racemosa. Sepia works well for nausea in the morning, or when nausea is aggravated by the smell or sight of food. Vomiting after eating may also occur. Symphoricarpus Racemosa is a good choice when nausea occurs along with an aversion to all kinds of food. In such cases, persistent vomiting is also a feature.
3. For Nausea During a Migraine
Remedies for nausea accompanied by a migraine are Iris Versicolor and Cocculus Indicus. Iris Versicolor is an excellent choice for treating a headache accompanied by nausea. A headache is felt in the frontal and temporal region. In such cases, acidity may also appear. Cocculus Indicus is useful when vertigo and headache accompany nausea. The headache is mainly centered in the back of the head. Loss of appetite, vomiting, and fainting may also occur.
4. For Nausea during Travelling or Motion Sickness
Motion sickness includes sickness caused while traveling by car, air or sea. Remedies for car sickness and air sickness are Petroleum and Cocculus Indicus. Tabacum is used to deal with sea sickness.
5. For Nausea with Indigestion
Remedies for nausea with indigestion are Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla. Nux Vomica works well when nausea and retching appear with indigestion. Pressure is felt in the abdomen after eating. The person considers vomiting to feel better. In such cases, constipation may also occur. Pulsatilla works well for nausea and indigestion arising from eating heavy food like fats, pastries, and cake. In such situations, there is an aversion to all food. Dyspepsia and flatulence may also appear along with nausea.
6. For Nausea Caused by the Smell or Sight of Food
Colchicum is a good homeopathic medicine for nausea caused by the smell or sight of food. Nausea in such cases is very intense and may lead the person to faint. Vomiting may also appear. Colchicum is very helpful when the very thought of food nauseates a person.
7. For Nausea Caused by Eating or Drinking
Effective medicine for nausea caused by eating or drinking are Cocculus Indicus and Pulsatilla. Along with nausea, vomiting may also occur. In such cases, acidity along with distress may be felt in the abdomen.
8. For Constant Nausea
Ipecac is a beneficial medicine for nausea that is constant. Nausea in such cases is very intense. Ipecac is the most frequently used remedy for persistent nausea, irrespective of the cause. Vomiting may also appear along with persistent nausea. The vomit is bilious or consisting of white, glairy, mucus. The patient does not feel any relief after vomiting. Profuse salivation may also accompany nausea.
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