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Tendonitis – 8 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Treatment

Tendons are a cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue which attaches muscles to the bones. Tendinitis refers to irritation or inflammation of any of the tendons present in the body. Any of the tendons can be inflamed but most commonly affected are the ones around the knee, shoulders, elbows, wrists and heels. Homeopathic treatment for tendonitis helps to relieve the pain, soreness, tenderness and reduce the swelling and redness arising from tendon inflammation.  In tendinitis pain and tenderness appear around the affected joint and sometimes there occurs difficulty in moving the affected joint. 

Some of the names of tendinitis conditions are tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, achilles tendinitis, jumper’s knee and swimmer’s shoulder and De Quervain’s tendinitis as explained below:

Tennis Elbow

It is also known as lateral epicondylitis. In this condition pain and tenderness arise on the outer (lateral) side of the elbow and it is caused by overuse / repetitive stress on the tendons of the elbow. The pain from outside of the elbow may also radiate to the forearm or wrist in this condition.

Golfer’s Elbow

It is also known as medial epicondylitis. In this condition pain and tenderness occurs on the inner side (medial side) of the elbow from over stress of the elbow tendons.

Achilles Tendinitis 

It is a condition in which the achilles tendon gets inflamed. Achilles tendon is the tendon that connects the calf muscle in the back of the leg to the heel bone. In this, pain is experienced above the heel or at the back side of the lower leg. Swelling and tenderness at the back of the heel and tightness of calf muscle are some of its other symptoms. 

Jumper’s Knee

This condition is also known as patellar tendinitis. It arises from overuse of knee tendons and results in pain, swelling and tenderness of the knee.

Swimmer’s Shoulder

In this condition there occurs inflammation of narrow bony space in the top of the shoulder. The tendons that pass through space get irritated and inflamed. Pain in front of the shoulder appears in this condition.

De Quervain’s Tendinitis

This condition refers to inflammation of the tendons of the thumb. In this a person experiences pain at the base of the thumb. Pain worsens from movement of thumb or wrist. Swelling over the thumb side of wrist may also occur.


The most common cause of tendinitis is repetitive movement of a tendon that develops over time. Repetitive movement of particular tendon can occur in persons in some job or in playing sports, or those having some hobby that puts extra stress on the tendons and results in inflammation. The risk for tendinitis increases if a person use improper or incorrect technique in repetitive movements. Other than repetitive movement, tendinitis can also occur in elderly people (because in them tendons become less flexible making it prone to get injured easily) and as a result from an injury. Persons who participate in sports like tennis , golf, baseball, running are at high risk to develop tendinitis. People having a job profile that includes tasks requiring repetitive motions of a certain tendon are at risk. Medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes also increases the risk of tendinitis. Lastly use of some antibiotics (like quinolones) also predispose towards inflammation of tendons.


In case of tendinitis pain is felt around the affected joint at the point where a tendon gets attached to the bone. Pain can be felt in knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, heel depending upon which of the tendons is affected. The pain is experienced mostly on movement of the joint affected. It also worsens from touch. Swelling, redness and tenderness may attend pain in these cases. Cracking or grating sensation may be felt on moving the area affected. In some cases a lump is felt along the tendon. In severe cases degenerative changes may occur in the tendon and there are also chances of rupture of the tendon.

Homeopathic Treatment for Tendonitis

Homeopathy offers an effective treatment for tendinitis cases. These medicines help to reduce the inflammation of the tendons. The medicine used for its treatment are of natural origin so are very safe to use without any side effects. Following are some of the majorly indicated homeopathic medicines for tendinitis treatment. These medicines help in tendinitis cases but they have their limitations; in very severe cases with tendon rupture where one must take help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for treating cases of tendinitis. It is very effective when inflammation of tendons occurs from overuse, overstress or over straining of the tendons. It also works well when tendon inflammation results from blows or injury. It can be used for inflammation of any of the tendons in the body. There may be inflamed tendons of the knee. Here pain and  swelling on the knee is present. The pain gets worse during rest. The pain can be tearing or stitching in nature. It also worsens when rising from sitting. A burning sensation can attend this. Sometimes stiffness in the knee is present. Next there may be inflamed tendons of the elbow or wrist where it is required. In such cases pain is present in the elbow / wrist respectively  that worsen during rest and gets better by motion.

  1. Ruta – For Tendonitis following Injury or Over Straining of Tendons

This medicine is prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens having the common name garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. This is next well indicated medicine for cases where tendonitis occurs from injury or over straining of the tendons. It is an effective medicine for inflamed tendons in the elbow joint. It top listed medicine for tennis elbow cases. It also works well in cases of inflamed tendons of the wrist. Apart from above it is a great medicine for cases of achilles tendinitis. 

  1. Arnica – When it Follows Injury or Trauma to Tendons

This medicine is prepared from plant Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a leading medicine to treat cases where complaints follow injury, trauma to the tendons. For using it sore, bruised pain around the joint is present. There is fear of touching the joint due to tenderness. It helps to reduce inflammation of the tendon and promotes its healing along with relieving its associated pain and soreness.

  1. Bryonia – When Pain around Affected Joint Worsens from Motion

It is another beneficial medicine for complaint of tendinitis. It is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. This medicine is firstly indicated when there is pain around the shoulder that worsens on touch and motion. The pain is mostly tearing type. It is accompanied with redness and swelling over the shoulder joint. Next it is helpful for pain in the elbow worsening from motion. With this swelling around the elbow is present. Other than this it is useful for pain around the knee joint especially stitching type. It is worse from motion. Around the knee swelling and redness are also there.

  1. Causticum – For Inflamed Tendons around Elbow, Knee, Achilles Tendon

It can be used when there is pain around the elbow joint. Along with this a gripping clawing around the elbow is felt. Other than this it is indicated when there is pain around the knee joint with sensation as if tendons of the knee are too short. A tensed feeling in the hollow of knees is also there. It is worse when sitting and better by walking.  Lastly its use is considered for cramping pain in the achilles tendon. There is tearing or boring pain in the lower leg with movement in such cases. A tensed sensation in heels appears with this.

  1. Zincum Met – For Inflamed Achilles Tendon

It is a very beneficial medicine for cases of inflamed achilles tendon. In cases needing it tearing or drawing pain in the achilles tendon is felt. The achilles tendon feels contracted along with pain. The pain tends to get worse when the heel touches the ground. Along with above symptoms stiffness is felt in the calf muscles while walking. 

  1. Calcarea Phos – For Shoulder, Elbow or Knee Pain

Person needing it may experience pain around the shoulder of sore aching, bruised, shooting and tearing nature. Next they can have shooting pain in elbows. It is also helpful for persons who complain of knee pain when walking. With this, the knee is swollen. There is a sensation of shortening of tendons in the hollow of the knee.

  1. Rhododendron – For Shoulder, Wrist Pain

This medicine is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhododendron Chrysanthum commonly known as yellow snow rose. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This is indicated where pain in shoulder or wrist is felt. This pain gets worse from rest in cases requiring it. In case of shoulder pain relief is felt by pressure and warmth application. It is also indicated for pain in achilles tendon while stepping. 

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  1. Uma Kant Pandey says:

    I am 72 and suddenly I have pain and swelling in ankle of right leg.Please advise medicine.

  2. Hi, I’m 47 and started playing tennis 1-2x/week about 3 months ago. I think I developed tendonitis in my knee. I found a recommended remedy of combining RhusTox 30 and Symphydom 200. I take it twice daily and before and after playing tennis. That helped for a while, but now my knee hurts all the time. Would you recommend I increase the RhusTox to 200?

  3. I recently had CMC arthroplastie with an APL to FCR tendon transfer. It’s been almost six weeks but the spot on the underside of the wrist is still extremely tender. Which would be the best homeopathic option?

  4. Hello
    I have had posterior tibial tendon dysfunction in my feet for several years. Can you recommend any meds to ease the pain?
    Also I have had a recent op for a fistula, can you recommend and meds to prevent recurrence?
    Many thanks

  5. Chelian Thillai ganesh says:

    hi, I am 37 years old. I have tendonitis since last 1 year .across multiple spots, in my body due to flouroquinolones.

    Plantar fascia, golfers elbow, shoulders and knees mainly.

    Is there a treatment for this in homeopathy ?

  6. Alka Mittra says:

    I am 61 years and having achilles-tendinitis since 1 year. Pls advise which medicine will help me. I have inflammation, pain in heels, stiffness in calfs, vericose veins in legs . Don’t get proper sleep because of discomfort in the legs.

  7. Basanti Ghosh says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma I am suffering from shoulder pain for last eight months. Doctor diagnosed as tendenitis. I have tried so many homeopathy medicines like rhustox,Ruta,arnica,caustucum. No relief.

  8. Kripa Singh says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma,
    My wife has swelling at the bottom on her left thumb and it pains , when she move the thumb or something hit at the bottom of the thumb. Which med should I give her only Rhx Tox or some other meds as well?

  9. Swarnendu Maiti says:

    My right hand thumb finger and left hand’s little finger hitted by ball during a catch. I take Arnica 200 and it almost gone, but sometimes it feel little tingling sensation. What should I take?

  10. My right hand thumb I am unable to bend, initially it use to bend but like a trigger, I get releaf when I put my hand in warm water

  11. Vassiliki says:

    I have a permanent pain at the base of my left chest which is intensified by some movements. It probably comes from overuse of the computer keyboard because of my job. What would you suggest me?

  12. Leslie zucker says:

    Hi a cat was attacked by an animal and has an Acl tesr. Any recommendations please?

  13. Linda pineda says:

    Dr. Sharma my brother is a dentist and an active athlete that is now 60 years old. Severe pain in his shoulders and neuropathy in both feet. I need to find homeopathic remedy for him. Can you give me some guidance on what products are the most effective and a reliable company to purchase from. Thank you for your support and expertise.

  14. I’ve suffered with high hamstring tendinopathy for YEARS due to a hamstring injury. It’s awful. High hamstring stays tight where it inserts into groin. I’ve had countless PT and it doesn’t help. Is there a homeopathic remedy that would help? I’ve tried Rhus Tox (30c). That doesn’t help. Ruta doesn’t seem to help either. I’m so exhausted from this pain

  15. Suzy Adams says:

    I have a horse that has a club foot. This means that the deep digital flexor tendon that runs down the back of the leg is shortened and it pulls the toe of the hoof down and the heel up. This causes the horse to land toe first vs. heel first which is the normal way to land. The coffin bone or bone in the hoof is then not parallel to the ground and it hurts when he walks and he likes to have the foot back when he grazes. It is his left front. Is there a remedy that you think can help with this condition? Suzy Adams

  16. Ruth Yates says:

    Husband, age 82, in excellent health contracted COVID two weeks ago. Current symptoms: chest and brain irritation. The brain fog is clearing gradually; but, the chest pain is slow to respond. Hurts with motion.
    Tylenol helps reduce pain. Full ER work-up all vitals, blood work and EKG, etc. wnl’s.
    Initially the anxiety was chief complaint along with the chest pain and brain fog. Anxiety more under control.
    Allopathic Doctor prescribing Ivervectin and HCG. Catnaps during the day and night. Appetite fair.
    Unable to return to work to data. Worried about losing job. Seems to have hit a plateau in progress.
    Other dx.: RA of hands several years

  17. Elizabeth Skiba says:

    Hello Dr.Sharma

    My name is Elizabeth and I’m suffering from shoulder/arm pain for about 5 years due to a small accident.
    I was taking laser treatment and it helped, but now I start having problems again…
    The x-ray said “ Mild narrowing of the glenohumeral joint space”…
    Heterogeneous, with increased fluid around the tendon…

    I’m using Dr. HO muscle therapy but I’m not sure if that’s help

    What homeopathy therapy would be best to deal with my problem?

    What would you recommend as a homeopathy therapy that would help?

    I would appreciate your advice

    Thank you…


  18. Tatjana Bozinovski says:

    hi Dr Sharma
    my son got jumper knee. He is a soccer player. He has this enjure for over a year now. It would be great help if your can advice us about what to do. We truyed fysio exercise and all. It is depressing for a young boy as he is
    thanks in advance

  19. hi dr sharma , i injured my shoulder and wrist 5 months ago from a fall on concrete floor,
    had an mri on soulder 2 months ago stating “significant increased signal in the rotator cuff tendon consisted with tendonitis or partial undersurface tear with no complete tear ”
    still feeling constant pain and inflamation in shoulder ,
    which remedy is most suitable and at what potency ?
    thank you!

  20. Adityanarayan Ramshiromani Panday says:

    Hi Dr. SHARMA,

    Consult to many allopathic doctors but didn’t got reliefs.

    Patient: Female, 33 years
    CONCLUSIONS: (MRI dated 16-Dec-2018)

    2. Tendinosis in posterior fibres at musculo-tendinosis junction of SUPRASPINATOUS muscles under type ||| acromion process.
    3. Mild edema underneath the insertion of infraspinatous tendon
    4. Mild fluid in subacromial and subdeltoid bursa

    Requesting you to kindly guide us.

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