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8 Remedies for Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

Inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs due to different infections is called pneumonia. The infection may be bacterial, viral or fungal. Pneumonia arises when an infectious agent crosses the defense mechanism of the upper respiratory system and the alveolar macrophages, reaches the lungs, and causes inflammation. Pneumonia which affects the entire lobe of a lung is known as lobar pneumonia. Pneumonia affecting small areas in several lobes of the lungs is called bronchopneumonia. Although pneumonia can affect people of any age group, but children aged two years or younger, and individuals who are 65 years of age or more are at the highest risk. Homeopathic treatment for pneumonia is very beneficial for affected patients. These medicines help in providing symptomatic improvement from pneumonia and resolve the inflammation of the alveoli of the lung. In each case of pneumonia, homeopathic medicines need to be carefully selected based upon the individual symptomatic presentation.

When prescribed as per the prominent symptoms, homeopathic medicines have the ability to help in complete recovery from pneumonia. Homeopathic medicines that are highly effective for treating pneumonia are Bryonia, Arsenic Album, Phosphorus, Antimonium Tart, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac, Carbo Veg, and Senega.

Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

1. Bryonia – Top Grade Medicine for Pneumonia with Chest Pain

Bryonia is an important treatment for pneumonia. It works well when chest pain accompanies pneumonia. The pain is stitching in nature. Chest pains get worse on coughing and deep breathing. While coughing, the patient needs to hold the chest because of the intense pain. Expectoration of rust or brick colored sputa is another characteristic feature. Along with these symptoms, there is difficulty in breathing, and there may be fever accompanied by chills.

2. Arsenic Album – For Pneumonia with Difficulty in Breathing

Arsenic Album is a suitable medicine for pneumonia when difficult breathing and shortness of breath are prominent features. Along with this, cough with scanty frothy phlegm is present. Arsenic Album is also an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pneumonia from consuming chilled food items. Pain located specifically in the upper third of the right lung is another guiding symptom for the use of Arsenic Album. Another feature is a suffocating feeling, which gets worse on lying down or while sleeping.

3. Phosphorus – For Pneumonia with Chest Oppression

Phosphorus is a highly useful medicine for pneumonia. Phosphorus is indicated for pneumonia when accompanied by chest oppression. There is a heaviness in the chest and respiration is also quickened. There is also a dry, hard, racking cough. Along with this, bloody or purulent sputa may also occur. Phosphorus is very suitable for pneumonia of the left lower lung. In such cases, lying on the left side worsens the symptoms.

4. Antimonium Tart – For Rattling Mucus in the Chest

Antimonium Tart is an effective treatment for pneumonia when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Lungs are full of mucus which is not expectorated. Short and difficult breathing accompanies this. Antimonium Tart works well in the last stages of pneumonia. Another important indication for using Antimonium Tart is the occurrence of jaundice with pneumonia.

5. Hepar Sulph – With Purulent Sputa

Hepar Sulph is a highly effective medicine for pneumonia when the sputa are purulent. The pus in such cases may be offensive. Hepar Sulph is basically a homeopathic medicine for pneumonia in the suppurative stage. There is a loose cough with a rattling of mucus. Patients needing Hepar Sulph may have a fever with chills accompanying the above symptoms.

6. Ipecac – For Pneumonia Accompanied by Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac is a good treatment for pneumonia in cases where nausea and vomiting accompany other respiratory symptoms. The respiratory symptoms include a suffocating loose cough without expectoration, shortness of breath, and constriction in the chest. The cough is spasmodic and often ends in vomiting. Along with this, bubbling rales in the chest are present. Bloody sputa may also arise.

7. For Pneumonia in Infants and Children

Most common treatment for pneumonia in infants and children are Antimonium Tart, Ipecac, and Bryonia. Antimonium Tart should be used when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Along with this, rapid breathing is present. The pulse rate is also rapid and weak. Ipecac works well when there is a cough with bubbling rales in the chest. The child turns stiff and blue. Vomiting with a cough may arise. Bryonia is recommended when there is a cough with rust colored sputa.

8.For Pneumonia in Older People

Top treatment for pneumonia in older people are Carbo Veg, Senega, and Phosphorus. Carbo Veg works well for pneumonia with a cough and quick, short, labored breathing. Yellow and sticky expectoration may be present. A burning sensation in the chest is another accompanying symptom. Senega is useful when the chest feels sore along with coughing. The sputa are very tough and expectorated with much difficulty. Phosphorus works well when there is a cough along with oppressed breathing and bloody sputa. It is also recommended for threatened paralysis of the lung from pneumonia in older people.

Causes of Pneumonia

Micro organisms including bacteria, virus, and fungi can cause pneumonia. The common bacteria for pneumonia include streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza, and klebsiella pneumoniae. Influenza virus causes pneumonia of viral origin, and adenovirus and rhinovirus pneumonia from fungi affect immuno-compromised patients. Fungi such as candida albicans, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Apergillus fumigates, are the fungi that are involved in causing pneumonia. Cigarette smoking, asthma, COPD, liver disease, and a weak immune system are risk factors for pneumonia.

Symptoms of Pneumonia

The symptoms of pneumonia include a productive cough, chest pain on taking deep breaths or while coughing, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, fever, and chills. The phlegm may be rust colored, blood stained, purulent, yellowish or greenish. Other attending symptoms are nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

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  1. Rakesh Garg says:

    Dr. Sharma, please suggest suitable medicine for pneumonia which is persisting for the last 6,years when he met an accident and is having Anox Brain injury, lot of sputum generate in his lungs and has to be cleared by suction by catheter. He is having canula in his throat.
    We’re in USA, therefore it’s not possible to come to your clinic, we are hand to mouth, hence I request you to help us, it will be big obligation and help to us.
    Thank you.

    • Rakesh Garg says:

      Dr. Sharma, please suggest suitable medicine for pneumonia which is persisting for the last 6,years when he met an accident and is having Anox Brain injury, lot of sputum generate in his lungs and has to be cleared by suction by catheter. He is having canula in his throat.
      We’re in USA, therefore it’s not possible to come to your clinic, we are hand to mouth, hence I request you to help us, it will be big obligation and help to us.
      Thank you.

      • শুভেন্দু প্রামানিক says:

        খুশ খুলে কাশি হচ্ছে জোরে জোরে শ্বাস নিলে বুকের ডান দিকে ব্যাথা করছে
        গলায় আভ ঘিডলে ব্যাথা করে
        এর প্রতিকার

  2. میرا بیٹا جو کہ دس ماہ کا ھے اسے بھی نمونیا ھے اور تین ماھ ھو ے ھیں اسکو 4 دن کے بعد دوبارھا بخار جاتا ھے ٹیسٹ کروانے کے اسکو الرجی ھے دوائیاں دے کر اور انجکشن کی وجہ سے کافی کمزو ر ھے

  3. नित्यानंद डोभाल says:

    मुझे बांयी छाती में डाक्टर ने न्यूमोनिया बताया है मुझे घरघराहट के साथ रात के समय या लेटने पर अधिक होता है मेरी उम्र 55 बर्ष है, कृपया उचित सलाह दें

  4. Avijit paul says:

    My father is 80years old lung infection all time caugh and mucus main at night very caugh problem please help me

  5. Jan Chsntry says:

    73 yr old female. I am on week 7 of mold detox protocol due to mold in home. I’m out of mold environment now but developed pneumonia five days ago. Green phlegm, deep coughing, painful chest, weakness and chills. Which remedies can you recommend please. Thank you

  6. You don’t clarify the recommendations in homeopathic remedies in different types of pneumonia.
    These remedies listed seem to be for viral but what about bacterial pneumonia??

  7. Antony Varghese says:

    Is there any contact number in UK, especially in Glasgow, If so then let me know

  8. My husband gets affected by bacterial lungs. Now he is suffering to breath and get pain in left hand along with neck.
    Which medicine can I get him to get relieve.

  9. Pneumonia – full lung, patient later stages of early onset Alzheimer’s.
    Thinking Lachesis for throat muscles and antimonium tart for pneumonia – No coughing just work working to breathe deeply open mouth breathing

  10. K.V. Ramana Rao says:

    I was asthmatic and was in ICU for a week with septic shock with pneumonia in 2014/december. I was also hospitalised for Pneumonia in 2018 and 2019 due to pneumonia and shortness of breath for less PO2 and high CO2. I used inhalers like duolin, seritide, forocart and tiova.

    Presently, I do not have cough and fever or phlem for the last one year, but only have shortness of breath and uneasy/inconvenient chest all day long and am 58 years old now. I live in Delhi and am doing Govt service in Administration. I can not walk fast nor can i ascend stairs with ease. I do not get feaver or cold, but only shortness of breath all day long and continuous uneasiness in the chest. I am now using ASPIDOSPERMA and and ARS ALB 30/200.

    I feel CALC. Carb 14 which I had taken earlier was bitter in taste and worked well. I should take very bitter homeopathic medicine I feel to cure my remaining pneumonia. I read above medicines Bryonia, Arsenic Album, Phosphorus, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac but they are for severely infection I think. Please suggest bitter and effective homeo medicine for my day long shortness of breath, tiredness, sleepiness. Other wise I am very active person with good sleep. I also have Bipap machine and Odygen Machine, but for the last one Year I am not using them. Please some bitter, effective medicines to kill pneumonia germs in my chest and to get normal.

  11. Tarun tiwari says:

    I have diagnosed hyper sensitive pneumonia chronic
    Kinrly suggest best remedy

  12. RAJKUMAR JOSHI says:

    Please, suggest left side pain in paasli

    Patient :- sushila (49)

  13. Mary Dabill says:

    Hi, I am breathing shallowly, no fever, nausea, wheezy, rattly sounding, yellow mucous, chills sometimes, weak, run out of wind easily. Am 67, woman. Hard to get phlem up now. Sometimes Hurst when breathe deep. What can I take? Do?

  14. Christine Haenschel says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma
    My cat has pneumonia and I took her to the vet couple of days ago. She is doing a little better with Azithromycin 11.4 ml daily.
    I have tried to get Bryonia here in Camp Verde AZ but none of the store seem to have it.
    Is it possible to order from you?
    Christine Haenschel
    928 451-5944

  15. Azhar Yar Khan says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have severe pneumonia for over a month. My right lung has been constantly affected due creation and accumulation of excess water and air while I have been treated at the hospital with all the antibiotics of the doctor. A tube was also inserted in my chest to remove water and air from my lungs due to which water kept coming out from the lungs but now still my pneumonia didn’t cure. Yellow mucus is constantly growing in the lungs incessantly, with excessive cough and chest pain. Please arrange top effective medicines for me to get proper cure from pneumonia because I don’t want further any severe or surgery treatment for my lung.

    Best regards

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