What is Scalp Folliculitis?
Inflammation and infection of the hair follicles on the scalp are known as scalp folliculitis. The medical term for scalp folliculitis is acne necrotica miliaris. The scalp is one of the major sites for folliculitis as the follicles on the scalp are the densest. The primary feature of this condition is the formation of red colored itchy pimples or pustular eruptions on the scalp. This situation needs an early diagnosis and treatment as it carries the risk of permanent damage to the hair follicle and resultant hair loss. Homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis is very beneficial. Homeopathic medicines are mild and gentle to use, especially for the treatment of skin disorders. They have no side effects because the preparation of homeopathic medicine for scalp folliculitis is with natural products. These medicines help to prevent the spread and progression of the condition. It also helps in the management of the symptoms like itching and burning. With homeopathic medicines, the intensity and frequency of symptoms gradually decline. At the same time, they help to heal the eruptions. Homeopathic medicines boost the self-healing mechanism of the body and fight the infection. They also manage hair loss.
Why do We Get Scalp Folliculitis?
Scalp folliculitis can occur because of two reasons. The first is bacterial infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus, fungal infections, yeast infections, viral infections and infections by mites. The second is non-infectious, in which scalp folliculitis develops due to over production of sebum and oil resulting in clogging of hair follicles.
What Factors Put You at Risk?
People having skin diseases like acne or dermatitis are more prone to developing scalp folliculitis. Medications like antibiotics or steroids may contribute to this condition. It can also develop due to irritation caused by certain hair products. Any wound or surgery to the scalp leading to skin damage makes a person prone to scalp dermatitis. Factors like wearing tight skull caps that increase heat, and sweating on the scalp also make the person prone to this condition. Bathing in poorly maintained hot bathtubs or swimming pools is another contributing factor. Shaving the head with infected tools can also cause scalp folliculitis. Apart from the above factors, certain medical conditions like diabetes mellitus, leukemia or HIV/AIDS can make a person prone to developing scalp folliculitis.
How do I Know if I Have Scalp Folliculitis?
The main symptom in scalp folliculitis is the development of red pimples or pustules on the scalp. The eruptions are very itchy and contain clear or yellow fluid. A crust develops over the eruptions. Burning, pain, soreness or tenderness accompanies these pimples. In severe cases, cases with a delay in treatment, or badly managed cases, there may be permanent follicle damage, scarring, hair loss or bald patches.
Homeopathic Medicines for Scalp Folliculitis
1. Sulphur – Beneficial Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Red Pimples
Sulphur is a very effective homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where pimples appear on the scalp. In such cases, there is dryness, itching and burning on the scalp. Symptoms get worse in warm environments and on washing the scalp.
2. Silicea – Highly Recommended Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Pustular Eruptions
Silicea gives great results in cases of scalp folliculitis where pustules develop. It is a very good medicine for folliculitis conditions with suppuration. It helps in absorbing pus and quick healing. The eruptions may be itchy, and the itch worsens during the day. Patients may also see an increase in sweating.
3. Calcarea Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Yellow Discharge in the Eruptions
Calcarea Sulph is a great homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the outbreaks are painful and ooze yellow discharge. The eruptions heal slowly and form a yellow crust. This remedy is beneficial for scalp folliculitis in children.
4. Graphites – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis when Discharge is Sticky
Graphites is a useful homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the primary feature is sticky discharge from the eruptions. The eruptions are moist rather than dry. These eruptions may also be very itchy. Washing the scalp may give temporary relief.
5. Mezereum – Prominent Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Thick Crust
Mezereum works wonders in cases of scalp folliculitis where the unique feature is the formation of thick crusts on the scalp. Thick discharge may get collected under these crusts. It may also have intolerable itching and ooze a gluey discharge. The patient’s hair may get matted due to the discharge.
6. Mercurius Sol – Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Blood Stained Discharge
Mercurius Sol is an excellent homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the eruptions have an offensive, blood stained discharge. There may be intense itching on the scalp. In most cases, symptoms get worse at night.
7. Oleander – Suitable Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Burning
Oleander is a very effective homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis in which burning of the scalp is a prominent feature. Soreness is felt with even slight friction in the scalp.
8. Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Painful and Sensitive Scalp Folliculitis
Hepar Sulph is a very beneficial homeopathic treatment for scalp folliculitis where the major complaint is eruptions on the scalp along with pain and sensitivity. The pain gets worse with the slightest touch. The scalp is sensitive to cold.
9. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Scalp Folliculitis with Hair Loss
Arsenic Album works well in cases where hair fall occurs with scalp folliculitis. Hair fall is in circular patches, and dandruff occurs as dry scales.
Hi doctor
My name is Muneer Sulaiman and I’m working in UAE now. I am suffering with scalp folliculitis for past 1 year i tried allopathy medicines ayurveda medicines and lot. But it is not curing. It will start to henerate if the medicines stop. My hairs are also falling day by day
So please give me a solution for this to cure it out completely.
Thank you