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Iritis: Top Homeopathic Medicines for Relief and its Causes

Iritis refers to the inflammation of iris which is the colored part in the front of the eye around the pupil. Iritis is also known as anterior uveitis (Uveitis is inflammation of middle layer of eye called uvea and iris is present in its front area, which means anterior part of uvea). Iritis can be acute that appears all of a sudden in some hours or days or it can be chronic which occurs gradually and remains for more than three months. Iritis may affect one or both eyes, though it is usually one sided. The signs and symptoms include redness of eye, pain in eye, sensitivity to light, eye floaters, eye watering, abnormally shaped pupils, blurred vision and headache.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries great scope to manage cases of iritis. Homeopathic medicines address underlying cause of iris inflammation to bring excellent results. These are natural remedies that gradually decrease the inflammation of iris and halt further progression of the complaint. Besides, they manage wonderfully its signs and symptoms like eye redness, eye pain, light sensitivity, eye watering, headache and floaters before eyes. Homeopathic medicines for managing iritis are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side-effects. They are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no associated complication is present. Homeopathic prescription for iritis varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms, so one should take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Iritis

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine

Merc Sol is a leading medicine to manage cases of iritis. In cases needing it, there is pain in the affected eye that can be of varying type. It can be a cutting, tearing or boring kind of pain. Pain may spread around the eye and side of the head. The eye is sore to touch. There is intense sensitivity to light along with the other symptoms. Besides, heat and pressure are felt in the eye. The eyes also become red.

2. Belladonna – With Eye Redness

Belladonna is a prominently indicated medicine for managing iritis. It is used when there is marked redness in the eye. Besides, pain is felt in the eye, especially when closing the eye and on eye movement. There is sensitivity to light. Sparks or flickering (shining with light) before eyes may be felt. There may be dimness of vision.

3. Merc Cor – For Iritis With Marked Eye Pain

This medicine is suitable to manage iritis with marked pain in the eye. The pain is mostly burning type. It is worse at night in most of the cases. Persons needing it may also have excessive sensitivity to light. There is also redness in the eye.

4. Rhus Tox – In Case Having Joint Inflammation Or Injury

Firstly, Rhus Tox is recommended for a person suffering from iritis who has joint inflammation as well.  Secondly, it is also indicated when iritis follows an eye injury. In cases needing it, there is pain in the eyes. The pain may be pressive or sharp in nature. Pain from the eye may shoot to the back of the head. It gets worse at night. Eyes become red and there may be light sensitivity. In some cases, inflammation may reach choroid layer of the eye leading to choroiditis.

5. Euphrasia – With Eye Watering And Dimness Of  Vision

This medicine is indicated when there is eye watering and dimness of vision in iritis cases. Besides, there is a constant aching in the eye. Darting type of pain occurs in eyes occasionally. Mild redness may be visible in the eyes. Euphrasia can also be considered when there is inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) along with iris inflammation after an injury. Here, pain is marked in the eyes which can be stitching type or burning in nature along with excessive eye watering.

6. Arnica – For Iritis After An Injury

Arnica is a suitable medicine for managing iritis that occurs due to an injury. It is useful when there is redness along with shooting or tearing type of pain in the eye. It is attended with excessive watering from the eyes. Sensitivity to light also occurs. The complaint is relieved by applying gentle pressure over the eye.

7. Apis Mellifica – To Manage Eye Pain And Light Sensitivity

This medicine is effective in managing pain in the eye and light sensitivity in cases of iritis. The pain can be aching, shooting, burning, stinging or pressive type. Pain can be felt in and around the eyes. Pain gets worse from eye movement. Pain may also occur in the forehead. Eyes are red. There may occur watering from the eyes that causes a burning sensation.

8. Argentum Nitricum – With Sore Eyes

This medicine is helpful in cases where the eye is sensitive to touch. There is pain and heat in the eyes. It gets worse from movement and touch. There is a sensation of fullness in the eye, along with dryness. This medicine is also recommended for managing inflammation of the cornea and iris, with pain emanating from top of the head to the eye.

9. Pulsatilla – For Burning Heat Sensation In Eye

Pulsatilla is a medicine beneficial for burning heat sensation in and around the eye. There is also sensitivity to light. It is attended with stitching pain in the eyes. Sometimes tearing or shooting pain is felt in the eye. Dimness of vision can be there. There may be excessive watering from the eyes in open air. Persons needing it may see fiery circles in front of the eyes.

What Causes Iritis?

1. An infection from a virus, bacteria or parasite. Some examples of infections include herpes zoster (a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus characterized by painful rash/ blisters on the skin), fever blisters (it is caused by herpes simplex virus that leads to tiny blisters on the lips or around the mouth), tuberculosis (an infection of lungs caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis).

2. An injury to eye

3. Some form of arthritis (joint inflammation) may lead to iritis. It firstly includes ankylosing spondylitis (a type of arthritis beginning from sacroiliac joint and then moving up to involve the joints of the spine). The second kind of arthritis is reactive arthritis (it refers to joint inflammation that occurs after an infection in some other body part like genitals, urinary tract). Next is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (joint inflammation for more than six weeks in children aged 16 yrs or younger) and psoriatic arthritis (arthritis occurring in some persons suffering from psoriasis which is a skin condition with red spots covered with silvery white scales).

4. Any autoimmune disease in which body’s disease fighting cells known as immune cells start damaging body’s own healthy tissues by mistake. For example, sarcoidosis (disease in which small clumps of inflammatory cells grow in different body organs leading to its inflammation). Other examples are ulcerative colitis in which inflammation and ulcers occur in colon and rectum, multiple sclerosis (a disease that causes damage to myelin sheath of nerve cells) and psoriasis (skin disease with red spots on the skin covered with silvery white scales).

5. Use of certain medicines like cidofovir, rifabutin

6. Behcet’s disease, a disease that lead to inflammation of blood vessels all over the body

7. Weak immunity, genetic predisposition and tobacco smoking are some of the other risk factors.


If iritis is not rightly treated on time, some complications may arise that can cause vision loss. These includes glaucoma (an increased pressure in the eye that can lead to vision loss), cataract (clouding/opacity of lens in eye), swollen retina, irregular shape of pupil and calcium crystal build up on the cornea.


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  1. M. Ann Penny says:

    my iris control was damaged during cataract surgery. The pupil does not contract properly with light. Is there anything I can do?

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