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Loose Stool Along With Mucus And Blood, Try Homeopathy

If you notice mucus and blood along with loose stool, do not ignore it. You need to consult a physician for diagnosis of the medical condition and its timely treatment. There may be several reasons behind loose stool along with mucus and blood. The most important reason behind it is IBD i.e. inflammatory bowel disease. IBD is a gastrointestinal disorder of autoimmune origin that includes two disorders, named Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn’s disease, inflammation is noticed in the GIT (gastrointestinal tract) anywhere from mouth to the anus. In cases of ulcerative colitis, inflammation and ulcers are present in the large intestine and/or in the rectum.  The second cause includes proctitis that refers to the inflammation of lining of the rectum.

Another cause could be gastroenteritis which indicates an infection in the intestines caused by consuming contaminated food or drinks. It generally results from infection with noroviruses. Dysentery is another reason. Dysentery indicates gastrointestinal infection occurring from certain bacterial or parasitic infection. There are two types of dysentery. First is bacillary dysentery that occurs from infection with certain bacteria like shigella, E.coli (escherichia coli), salmonella and campylobacter. Second type is amoebic dysentery resulting from infection with parasites like entamoeba histolytica, balantidium coli, etc. Besides the above mentioned reasons, loose stool with mucus and blood may occur in cases of colorectal polyps i.e. small growths forming on the inner lining of colon or rectum.

Lastly, it may occur in cases of radiation therapy given to treat cancer of the lower abdomen or pelvis that may cause damage to the rectum lining. In cases of loose stool, with mucus and blood, some other symptoms can also attend depending on the cause behind it. These include abdominal pain/cramps, rectal pain, urgency to pass stool, a feeling that bowels have not emptied completely, rectal tenesmus (a constant urge to pass stool even when the bowels are already empty), nausea, vomiting, weakness, weight loss and fever. In some cases, dehydration can occur as a complication. In cases of signs of dehydration, one should immediately contact a physician as dehydration is a serious condition that can prove fatal if not treated well in time. Some of the signs of dehydration include dryness of mouth or skin, dark-colored urine, decreased urination, weakness, dizziness and confusion.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for managing cases of loose stool with mucus and blood. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances that prove highly effective for treating such cases. Homeopathic medicines tend to treat the root cause behind this complaint to bring excellent results. They gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of this complaint. Along with this complaint, they also help in managing the accompanying signs and symptoms like abdominal pain/cramps, rectal pain, urgency to pass stool, rectal tenesmus, nausea, and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after detailed case evaluation in every individual case. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided in any case. Homeopathy is recommended only for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In cases having severe intensity of symptoms or when attended with complications like dehydration, marked anemia, or weight loss, the use of homeopathy is not recommended due to its limitations in handling serious cases. Immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken in such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Loose Stool With Mucus And Blood

1. Merc Sol – Top Recommended Medicine

Merc Sol is a leading medicine to manage cases of loose stool with mucus and blood. In cases needing it, the stool is frothy. It is foul or sour smelling and may contain undigested food particles as well. Tenesmus means a constant urge to pass stool. A feeling as if the stool is not completely passed appears and a never-get-done sensation predominates. Before passing stool, cutting or pinching type of pain is felt in the abdomen. Nausea can attend it. While passing stool, there is pain and burning in the anus. Nausea and vomiting can occur as well. Exhaustion may follow passing of stool. Merc Sol is an important medicine to manage cases of inflammation of the intestines and rectum. Use of Merc Sol is also indicated for cases of dysentery. In such cases, there is passage of mucus and blood in the stool with griping pain in abdomen, burning pain at the anus and constant urge to pass stool, fever and loss of appetite.

2. Colchicum – For Jelly Like Mucus In Stool Along With Bleeding

Colchicum is best indicated for jelly-like mucus in the stool along with bleeding. White shreddy particles may also pass in the stool. Sour smell emanates from the stool. Stool is frequent and watery. At times, cutting pain is felt in the abdomen. Anal pain, burning and itching may also be present. Protrusion of the anus occurs in some cases. Before and during passing stool, excessive gas passes from the anus. While passing stool, vomiting may occur. Sometimes there is involuntary passage of the stool. In cases needing it, there may be intense nausea from the smell of food being cooked along with the above indications.

3. Merc Cor – With Burning Pain In Abdomen

This medicine is useful for loose stool with mucus and blood along with burning pain in the abdomen. Burning pain occurs in well-defined spots in the abdomen. Cutting colicky pain may be felt in the abdomen. There is frequent passage of stool with a very offensive smell. The stool may contain shreds of mucus membrane. Undigested food particles can also pass in the stool. There is a constant urge to pass stool even though the bowels are empty. Anal prolapse occurs sometimes. Along with bleeding with stool, vomiting may occur.

4. Capsicum – With Passage Of Sticky Mucus And Blackish Blood In Stool

Capsicum is well-indicated for cases of loose stool with passage of sticky mucus and blackish blood. With this, burning sensation is marked in the rectum. The stool can be greenish and frothy. This gets worse at night. Before passage of stool, gas accumulates in the abdomen causing pain. While passing stool, cutting pain is felt in abdomen. There is burning sensation at the anus after the passage of stool.

5. Nux Vomica – With Constant Ineffectual Urge To Pass Stool

Nux Vomica is a very effective medicine when there is a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. Tenesmus (urge to pass stool frequently even when bowels are completely emptied) is the most prominent symptom. A never-get-done sensation persists. Jelly-like mucus streaked with blood passes in the stool. Cutting pain is felt around the navel. Abdomen feels hard and swollen.

6. Podophyllum – For White Slimy / Greenish Mucus And Blood In Stool

Podophyllum is a suitable medicine for managing cases of watery stool with white slimy or greenish mucus and blood. The stool gushes out, passes out suddenly with great force. Stool smells sour and passes with excessive gas. The stool may get passed involuntarily with the passage of gas, but there is no pain. There is sudden urge to pass stool. Nausea is felt before passing stool. Heat is felt in the anus while passing stool. After passing stool, there is pain in the lower back accompanied by weakness.

7. Ipecac – With expulsion of excessive gas

Ipecac is of great help when stool passes along with expulsion of excessive gas. The stool has a very offensive smell. White mucus and blood also get passed in the stool. There is marked nausea, vomiting and stomach pain along with the above complaints. The tongue is absolutely clean.

8. Phosphorus – With Lumps Of White Mucus And Blood In Stool

This medicine is useful when loose stool gets passed with lumps of white mucus, blood and undigested food particles it. Loose stool may alternate with constipation. Stool may pass involuntarily sometimes. There is pain in the abdomen before passing stool. There is burning sensation at the anus and weakness after passing the stool.



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