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Best Homeopathic Treatment for Mood Swings

Sudden, abrupt or rapid change in mood to extreme levels is known as mood swings. Everyone experiences mood swings. People are often happy and energetic for some part of the day, and during the same day, they may feel sad and tired. In ordinary people, these changes are not extreme and don’t interfere with day to day life. But in some people, these changes are so abrupt and severe that they interfere with daily life. Such people get sad and happy in quick succession, disrupting their lives as well as of those around them. In these cases, professional help is needed for the management of the patient and to determine the cause of such extreme behavior. Homeopathic medicines for mood swings offer a natural and safe way to manage such patients by moderating their mood swings. The major advantage of using natural medicine for mood swings is that it does not become habit-forming. Homeopathy does not have any side effects and can be gradually stopped once the person gets well.  homeopathic medicines for mood swings

What are the Causes of Mood Swings?

In some persons, an extremely sensitive nature may be the reason for mood swings. These mood swings make such individuals respond to a particular situation intensely and vigorously. Mood swings may also be a part of some mental illness. These conditions include bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and major depression. Other conditions where mood swings are noticed include ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, and PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. In females, hormonal changes that arise during pregnancy, menopause, or premenstrual syndrome also leads to sudden mood swings. Thyroid related complaints are another reason for mood swings. Apart from these reasons, mood swings are also noticed in persons suffering from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. Other factors that may lead to mood swings include stress, anxiety, changes in sleep pattern, drug use, alcohol intake, and eating excessive sugar.

Homeopathic Medicines for Mood Swings

To prescribe medicine for mood swings, a detailed analysis of the case as well as the constitution of the patient is required. The top listed remedies for treating mood swings are Ignatia Amara, Crocus Sativus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Arsenic Album, and Sepia. Homeopathy for mood swings should be taken only after consulting a homeopath and self-medication should be avoided.

1. Ignatia Amara – For the Treatment of Mood Swings

Ignatia Amara is a very effective medicine for mood swings. It suits people who have sudden mood changes – from sadness to happiness, and from weeping to laughter. These patients experience uncontrollable emotions with a sudden alteration in mood. Ignatia also works well for persons with mood swings who are depressed. Such patients tend to dwell on some disagreeable events in the past, and may also have sleeping problems. Ignatia helps patients with mood swings who have a history of emotional shock or grief.

2. Crocus Sativus – For Treating Mood Swings

Crocus Sativus is a beneficial medicine for mood swings. Patients needing Crocus Sativus suffer from a rapid change in mood. One moment they are happy and in the next moment angry. Repentance rapidly follows anger, sadness shortly follows cheerful behavior, and tears suddenly arise after laughter. Listening to music makes the moods worse. Mental symptoms alternating with physical symptoms also point to the need for Crocus Sativus.

3. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Mood Swings in People with a Sensitive Nature

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a well suited treatment for mood swings in people with an extremely sensitive nature. These individuals display a sudden change in mood. They alternate between tears and laughter easily. They are oversensitive and get offended quickly. Such patients look for consolation and feel better when consoled. Being in the open also makes them feel better. In such cases, very often, a history of silent grief may be found.

4. Arsenic Album – For Treating Mood Swings in Anxious Personalities

Arsenic Album is a highly beneficial treatment for mood swings in people with an anxious personality. Sudden mood changes along with anxiety, mainly about health and the future, are key symptoms. Extreme restlessness, both on the mental and physical plane, is another symptom. Sometimes these patients suffer from fears – like the fear of catching an infection or the fear of financial loss. Another characteristic constitutional symptom found among them is fastidiousness and the demand for cleanliness and order in everything.

5. Sepia – For Menstruation-related Mood Swings in Women

Sepia is a top-ranked medicine for mood swings in women caused due to hormonal changes, mostly arising before menses or around menopause. Along with mood swings, other notable symptoms include a lot of irritability, getting offended easily, and indifferent behavior toward family members and friends. They also suffer from low energy levels. Along with this, there is also a lack of interest in doing any sort of work.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Abdul Habib Gazi says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am 38 years, feeling mind swing, easily angered, lack of energy, no intensest in any activity, too much emotional, easily get heart & cry, I am very short temper. Depressed.One moment I am happy and in the next or same moment angry
    Pls suggest remedy..

  2. Dear Sir,
    one of my close friend age @ 38 years, feeling moon swing, easily angered, lack of energy, no intensest in any activity, too much emotional, easily get heart & cry, she look exhausted every time..
    Pls suggest remedy..

  3. Dr. Abdul Subhan Adil says:

    Dear Dr Sharma,
    I am above 80 years old with New, Innovative Product Development & Research Scientist. I am keenly interested in realities and facts. My general impression about daily life, response and attitude of people around me, including relatives, have disappointed me, very seriously into a severe negative mode, to an extremity of committing “suicide”.
    I shall be extremely obliged for an effective cure, if possible.
    Dr Subhan Adil,

    D.O.B. 04.05.1942
    Mob: +92 3004640172

  4. Peter okereke says:

    This patient of mine have sleeplessness
    Eats too much and yet skinny
    Mood swings (excitement/ dancing and singing to quietness/lonely).

  5. Meena Malhotra says:

    to recover from depression by improving their mood and relieving anxiety and tension. Alternate of allopathic medicine Parona CR 12.5 Tablet

  6. S l kaushal says:

    Dr.Sharma,this is regarding my wife.I am retired senior citizen, her age is 74 yrs.from last few years she has severe mood swing problem.Her behavior with family members is totally unpredictable which was not so during her young days.I am a big fan of homeopathy & practice it as hobby. Please advise me medi for 9910130577.Regards

  7. Hi Dr. I have son he is 19 he just went through the breakup since then he is not happy at all talk really depressing like I don’t want to live . I will talk to u in detail later …. My phone number is 6466068948 my name is Rea

  8. Jeanine Prest says:

    I am a nurse usually a urology surgical nurse but since COVID they made my unit into a COVID ICU.. I usually take the patients on Opitiflow or simple bipap but noticed the lack of leadership in my facility has made me very moody and taking care of these pts leaves me stressed triggered more migraines.. I am 56 post menopause what is my best choice to help improve my mood. I work full time thank you

  9. Gina Williamson says:

    Hi I am suffering with my hormones and after reading the different types of medicines I think sepia best describes me how long will it take for them to start working?

  10. My daughter is suffering from terrible anxiety and dumb mood swings especially around her menstrual days. She was on the pill for over 10 years and it really messed her up. Would sepia remedy be a good one for her? Also should she start out with 30 C or 200 C or 1M. Please help

  11. ALOK AGARWAL says:

    my dauther age 27,unmarried is suffering from mood swing problem approx last 7-10 yrs.
    what we should to do ?
    we are very anxious for her future
    please tell & help us.
    Thanx !

    • Ignatius pereira says:

      My son suffering from delusion for 10 years.he is using olenze5mg any homeo medine apt for this

  12. Vishnudas KS says:

    My son 18 year old boy.. he is suffering mood we can start homeo medicine

  13. Good Morning
    My father aged 86 years (diabetic and heart patient) was having anal discharge. So he started reducing food. And now i think his mind set is to avoid food. He is taking bread two slices in the morning and evening. In the afternoon little kanji quarter cup (liquid). He just say ‘NO’ to food. I think its a sort of depression. How to bring him out. He is responding in all the ways. Becoming very weak

  14. Liliana says:

    Good afternoon,

    I really need help through any of these natural medications, I’ve been having mood swings my whole life due to childhood trauma. They improved throughout the years by meditation, Reiki, psychotherapy, etc but Now I’m approaching menopause and they came back again in low intensity mostly during my period days. Please help!

  15. Deb Kumar Kundu says:


    I have beeb suffering from bipolar depression since last 30 years. Now I am 64 years old. I have consulted many eminent psychiatrists and homeopathy doctors. Allopathic medicines give some relief for a limited perod of time but no homeopathy doctor is able to give me any relief though they give me assurances and vocal tonic. I think they are unable to choose appropriate medicines. I have taken the medicines which you have mentioned in this context but I have got no relief. Is there no medicine in homeopathy to come out from this psychiatric illness for which my family life is hampering very badly. Kindly advise.

    • SABYASACHI SEN says:

      These people are using this site to get your details for their database. Waste of time. They will tell you only when you pay them.

  16. Bhumi Sharma says:

    Hi Sir

    I had written to you earlier also..I am in a habit of repeating things in mind…I feel lack of energy and moodless most of the time of the day..I had thyroid so I’m taking thyroidium3x and calarea carbonica 3x…
    Can you suggest any medicine for lessening brain fog and feeling Happy ???

  17. Rajesh Mitra says:

    Dear Doctor,

    I belong from Kolkata. My mother is suffering from some serious mental problems. Last October, for the 1st time she suddenly stopped taking all kinds of food, water and medicine. She doesn’t have any such types of mental disorders complaints in the past. None of her ancestors or relatives have suffered from any type of mental disorders.
    Docs said that it is not fully mental disorders.
    She didn’t have any food till that night. Her complaints were that she could not swallow and what ever she is eating is not going to the stomach. She is having a deep sleep but the next morning she was telling that she didn’t slept. She have some constipation problem. We use to give her Nux 200 and another medicine prescribed by local doc. With that she is having her bowels cleared on alternative days, but then also used to say that she have not passed any stool.
    After long hospitalization she was released. Doctor gave her mood elevator drugs like Mirnite 7.5, a vitamin and bowels clearance drugs.
    She improved initially. Now again she started telling that she was not taking her full food saying that she could not eat as her bowels are not cleared. But she is going to latrene 1 or twice daily.
    Please advise some medicine.

    • Ignatius pereira says:

      My son suffering from delusion for 10 years.he is using olenze5mg any homeo medine apt for this

  18. MKRaghu says:

    My better half gets upset on minor issues.
    May start weeping . She is over sensitive and sentimental.She is 57.
    Pl as suggest some good homoeopathic medicine (s).

  19. K.Ramasubbu says:

    This is Ramasubbu .Before i saw the more comments from your website but now a days it is hidden.why?I am affected by this disease above 20 years.but now relieve fully from disease.already i took the treat in homeopathy.i ask one questionto u homeopathy give the permanently solution for this disease? Because homeopathy doctor collect huge money from i changed my medicine to another but it is strongly and permanently cured?

  20. Naseeb ali says:

    Sir mujhe haidorocle

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