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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease – Homeopathic Medicines can Work Wonders

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the women’s upper genital tract including the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Pelvic inflammatory disease is mainly caused by sexually transmitted bacteria that ascend the genital tract from the vagina and cervix. The homeopathic medicines that help treat pelvic inflammatory disease include Sepia Succus, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Sabina Officinalis, Medorrhinum and Kreosotum.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Many bacterial infections can cause PID, but the most common ones include Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. In some cases, bacteria that are usually harmless and present in the vagina can cause PID. This can occur after abortion, miscarriage or childbirth. There are certain risk factors for PID. These risk factors include an of age less than 25 years, having more than one sexual partner, or having intercourse without the use of a condom.

Homeopathic Treatment of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

There is an excellent scope of treating many gynecological conditions including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in the homeopathic system of medicine. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s natural defense mechanism to fight with the infectious agents and clear up the infection to treat PID naturally. These are selected individually for every case of PID.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Sepia Succus – Natural Medicine for PID with Pain in Lower Abdomen/ Pelvic Area

Sepia Succus is an excellent homeopathic medicine for treating PID with marked pain in lower abdomen or pelvic area. Along with pelvic pain, a prominent bearing down sensation in the pelvis assist. In some cases needing Sepia Succus, burning or griping in the uterus is present. Vaginal discharge of yellowish or greenish may also arise that may be offensive.

Merc Sol – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for PID with Vaginal Discharge

Merc Sol is a natural medicine for PID with excessive vaginal discharge. The symptoms that indicate the need for Merc Sol include acrid, excoriating, and itchy discharges that cause a burning sensation in the vagina. The discharges may be purulent, yellow or green. The discharges tend to get worse upon urination.
In some cases, a stitching uterine pain may be present. Additionally, there may be a stinging ovarian pain.

Phosphorus – Natural Remedy for PID with Bleeding from Uterus between Periods

Phosphorus is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for treating PID cases where there is bleeding from the uterus between periods. The uterine bleeding tends to be profuse. Weakness usually follows the menstrual bleeding. Other symptoms include ovarian pain (specifically left-sided). The ovarian pain is felt the most during menses. Leucorrhoea of white or watery mucus may be present. A weak sensation in the abdomen may be present along with leucorrhoea.

Sabina Officinalis – Effective Homeopathic Treatment for PID with Heavy Periods

Sabina Officinalis is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for pelvic inflammatory disease with heavy periods. The periods are profuse and gushing in nature. The bleeding is bright red colored with dark clots in it. The blood may have an offensive odor. Motion tends to worsen the blood flow. Pain in the sacral back extending to pubes is a primary accompanying symptom. This remedy is also recommended for inflammation of uterus and ovaries that may occur following childbirth or an abortion.

Medorrhinum – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for PID with Painful Periods

Medorrhinum is a significant homeopathic medicine for PID where the woman experiences intensely painful periods. There is an excruciating pain the pelvic area along with ovarian pains that get better with pressure. The menstrual bleeding is copious, dark and offensive. Vaginal discharge of acrid nature and a fish-like odor is also present in some cases.

Kreosotum – Natural Treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with Pain during Intercourse

Kreosotum is a natural medicine PID when there is pain during intercourse (dyspareunia). Burning in the genitalia is felt along with pain. Kreosotum is also useful in cases of pelvic inflammatory disease where there is bleeding after intercourse. Along with the above symptoms, there may be offensive, itching, corrosive leucorrhoea. The leucorrhoea worsens in between menses and often leaves a yellow stain on clothes.

Symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

In many cases of a pelvic inflammatory disease, there are no symptoms and the condition goes undiagnosed. When the symptoms of PID do arise, they include pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area, pain/bleeding during intercourse, and vaginal discharge of yellow/green or offensive nature. Other symptoms include uterine bleeding in between periods and painful urination. In some cases heavy, painful periods are present. Sometimes fever with chills and nausea/vomiting may be present along with above-said features. The above symptoms vary from mild to severe from case to case. Some other complications related to PID include infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and the formation of an abscess in the fallopian tubes or ovaries and long-term pelvic pain.

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  1. Irshad khan says:

    we have suffring from pid 5 month please give sugest

    • Amrita Bashyal says:

      मेरी उम्र 40वर्ष है। मुझे लोअर abdomen और लोअर बैक में दर्द रहता है लेफ्ट साइड में। फीवर सा रहता है। शोल्डर्स और हाथो और पैरों में दर्द रहता है। पीरियड्स भी सैम टाइम पर नहीं आते कभी 24 तारीख को आते है तो अगले महीने 18 फिर 9 या उससे पहले ही आ जाते है। पहले 3 दिन तो नॉर्मल से ज्यादा ब्लीडिंग होती है। और दर्द भी ज्यादा होता है। और बाकी के दो दिन नॉर्मल दर्द रहता है। कभी कभी पीरियड्स आने से पहले व्हाइट डिस्चार्ज भी होता है।

  2. Asha Parekh says:

    Can pid occur after menopause.n kindly suggest homoeopathy best medicine for pid

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