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Treat your Stiff Neck With Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicine for stiff neckA stiff neck can be the result of an injury or strain on the muscles and ligaments of the neck. A neck strain is the result of damage to the tendons and muscles or the ligaments that connect the muscle to the bone. A neck sprain, on the other hand, occurs as a result of the tearing of ligaments. Homeopathic remedies for neck stiffness work by treating the root cause of the problem. The top homeopathic treatments for a stiff neck include Rhus Tox, Cimicifuga, and Arnica.

Neck injuries include sports injuries, repetitive strain injuries, brachial plexus injuries and more. Poor posture is also a major contributing factor towards neck pain.

Homeopathic Medicines for Stiff Neck

Rhus Tox – Natural Treatment for Neck Pain

Rhus Tox is a top listed homeopathic remedy for treating neck pain. It works very effectively to treat general neck stiffness and pain resulting from neck strain, overuse of neck muscle, wear and tear of structures of the neck, repetitive stress on neck muscles, muscles spasm in the neck, injuries to the neck (whiplash injury) and carrying heavy weights on shoulders. There might be marked stiffness in the neck along with a pain in the shoulders. Rhus Tox also helps in cases where a stiff neck results from sleeping wrong. People needing Rhus Tox may feel relief by moving the neck and feel discomfort while at rest. For them, warm applications or a gentle neck massage may help relieve the pain.

Cimicifuga Racemosa – Effective Natural Cure for a Stiff Neck

Cimicifuga Racemosa is prepared from the root of a plant named black cohosh. This plant belongs to natural order Ranunculaceae. Its use is highly suggested when marked stiffness attends neck pain. The neck feels tensed and contracted. The neck is also sore and sensitive to touch. Pressure tends to worsen the symptoms. The motion of the head aggravates the neck pain. These symptoms that tend to result from degeneration or wear and tear in the neck structures are treated well with Cimicifuga.

Arnica – Natural Medicine for Neck Pain from Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant called ‘Leopard’s Bane.’ This plant belongs to the family Composite. It is highly suitable for neck pain that arises from an injury, fall, and blows or overstraining of the neck muscles. The neck feels sore and bruised and is highly sensitive to pressure. The cervical muscles are often weak in such cases. Arnica helps manage neck pain, soreness and aids recovery from neck injuries and neck strains.

Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic Remedy for Stiff Neck that Worsens from Movement

Homeopathic Medicine Bryonia Alba is prepared from tincture of roots of a plant called Wild Hops of the family Cucurbitaceae. In cases where neck pain or stiffness worsens with movement and touching the neck worsens the pain, this remedy works well to help alleviate pain.

Guaiacum – Homeopathic Medicine for Stiff Neck

Guaiacum offers great help in cases of a stiff neck. In a majority of the cases needing Guaiacum, stiffness from the nape of neck extends towards the shoulders and scapulae. In some cases, the stiffness may extend down to the lower back. Stiffness worsens from cold. Neck pain is present on both the left and right side and extends to the head.

Lachnanthes – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Wry Neck

Lachnanthes is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a plant named ‘Spirit Weed’ of the natural order Hemodoracae. As a remedy, it effectively treats a stiff neck. It also works well in cases where the neck gets drawn to one side- Wry Neck (also at times referred to as Torticollis). The pain and stiffness are felt from the neck and in the whole head, and bending the head backward worsens the pain.

Kalmia – Effective Natural Medicine for Neck Pain Extending Down the Arms

Homeopathic medicine Kalmia is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named ‘Mountain Laurel.’ This plant belongs to natural order Ericaceae. Kalmia is well indicated for neck pain that extends down the arms. The pain also extends to the fingers, particularly to the fourth and little finger. Sensations such as weakness, prickling, and tingling in the arms may be felt. The neck muscles feel sore and tender to the touch, and the pain worsens from neck movement. Neck pain worsening at night is also indicative of Kalmia.

Gelsemium – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Neck Pain with Headache

Gelsemium is a natural remedy prepared from the bark of the root of a plant called ‘Yellow Jasmine.’ The natural order of this plant is Loganiaceae. Gelsemium remains highly effective for cases of a stiff neck with a headache. Muscular pains in the neck are marked, and the neck and shoulders feel sore. The neck may be sensitive to pressure, and a contracted feeling is present. Some people also experience dizziness.

Paris Quadrifolia – Natural Treatment for Stiff Neck with Numbness of Fingers

Paris Quadrifolia is prepared from a plant called ‘One Berry.’ The natural order of this plant is Trilliaceae. Use of Paris Quadrifolia is highly recommended for neck pain attended with numbness of fingers. The neck feels painful, stiff and swollen, and the person feels as if there is a heavy load on the head. These symptoms extend across the shoulders and fingers. Exertion tends to worsen the complaints, while rest offers relief.

Hypericum – Homeopathic Medicine for Stiff Neck due to Whiplash Injury

Hypericum is a plant remedy prepared from a fresh plant called ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to family Hypericacea. Hypericum yields wonderful results in neck pain that results from whiplash injury. The key features that indicate its use are – intense pain in the neck with extreme tenderness. Neck and upper limbs are also sensitive to touch, and the slightest movement of arm or neck intensifies pain.

Causes of Stiff Neck

Stiff Neck due to Sports Injuries

During an intense physical activity, the muscles and ligaments in the back, neck, and shoulders can get strained or sprained. This is more likely in cases of jerky movements (as in tennis), if it is a new activity, or if the player stretches an arm too far. Sportspersons who are involved in contact sports like football are also vulnerable.

Stiff Neck due to Brachial Plexus Injury

The brachial plexus is a complex network of nerves responsible for sending signals from the spinal cord to the hand, arm, and shoulder. A brachial plexus injury occurs when these nerves get compressed, stretched, or torn apart. A minor injury of the brachial plexus can cause an electric-shock-like feeling in the arm, a burning sensation shooting down the arm or weakness and numbness. These sensations often begin near the shoulder and can aggravate neck pain.

Whiplash Injury Leading to a Stiff Neck

A whiplash injury occurs on the soft tissues of the neck. It can cause pain and stiffness in the neck as well as the shoulder and arm. Headaches following a whiplash injury are also common. Such an injury is usually noted in cases of high-impact road accidents or an impact that leads to a forceful, sudden movement of the neck and head. The severity of such an injury can vary from slight stiffness and tenderness to restricted movement or temporary loss of sensation.

Repetitive Strain Injury and Stiff Neck

Repetitive movements of muscles can lead to pain in the surrounding muscles, tendons, and nerves. This condition is known as a repetitive strain injury. These usually occur due to repeated movements performed on a regular basis like during exercise, lifting objects, improper support on the arm, sitting in one position for too long, overuse of a hand, etc. It is also commonly known as a work-related upper limb disorder. It can cause long-term damage to the muscles and tendons if not treated on time.
An RSI mostly affects the upper body parts like the wrists, hands, shoulder, elbows, forearms and the neck.
The main symptoms of an RSI include throbbing, pain, tenderness, and cramps.

Neck Spasm

When the muscles of the neck contract involuntarily, it leads to a neck spasm. Neck spasms can cause stiffness and pain in the neck.
Some of the most common causes of neck spasms are prolonged or repetitive movements of the neck, using a computer or laptop for an extended period, turning awkwardly while sleeping, putting excessive weight on one shoulder or balancing a phone without using hands.

A Stiff Neck as a Result of Poor Posture

Posture directly affects the working of the neck and spine muscles. The most common cause of a stiff neck is straining of the neck muscles. There is a thin muscle known as the levator scapula muscle (found at the back and side of the neck) that connects the top of the cervical spine to the upper part of the shoulder. Two cervical nerves – C3 and C4 control this muscle and it is responsible for a wide range of neck movements like tilting the head or rotating it from side to side.
A poor posture, like slouching or hunching, over a period of time impacts the cervical curve and pulls the spine out of alignment.

The most common postures that lead to a stiff neck include excessive use of handheld devices like mobiles, tablets, laptops and more, which make a person tilt the head forward. This strains the muscles connecting the head and the neck.
Using pillows that are too thin or too high can also lead to stiffness since the neck is in one position and not well-supported.

The Link Between Stress and a Stiff Neck 

Stress and anxiety lead to increased inflammation and tension in the muscles. The shoulder muscles tend to react to physical as well as emotional tension, leading to a strain on the neck. Stress causes the muscles to contract and tighten in an attempt to protect the body, and so a stiff neck often follows an episode of stress, fatigue or anxiety.
A general lack of rest and relaxation, consistently poor sleep, increased inflammation due to a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits like smoking and a poor diet can also contribute to the condition.

General Wear and Tear

With age, almost all joints and muscles tend to weaken. Similarly, the neck joint also begins to wear down with age. Cervical problems, osteoarthritis, and other degenerative conditions can cause stiffness in the neck.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Purnima Gupta says:

    Dr. Sharma,
    I am 58 years old. I have stiffness in the nape of neck and shoulders and the top of spine. It is there when I wake up in the morning and many times during the day too. It aggravates with weight lifting, heat, making rotis. If I don’t rest in time then it shoots up into migraine. Yoga teacher has advised me to exercise throwing my head back and keeping it in that position for some time. Then shaking and rotating my shoulders back and in front as many as three times a day or whenever I feel the heaviness in the shoulders. And this gives immediate relief to prevent the headache and migraine. While I always cover myself while lying down in bed, I am comfortable in temperatures 18-19 degrees. I do not have a tendency of constipation. I do not feel thirsty but as a matter of habit remember and drink water because it was suggested that dehydration could also be a cause of migraine and shoulder pain.
    Can you please suggest a remedy. Thanks and Regards. Purnima.

  2. md izhar khan says:

    Pain in spine at neck , right shoulder, upper right arm, below elbow & hand?

  3. Cp shukla says:

    Sir i am 50 years old man iam suffering from ankolising spondylitis last ten years in my neck cervical spondylitis and vetrebree3 & 4 become degenerat in mu both hand became less numb i also feel sensation in foot pl suggest me for medicine thx

  4. Gopakumar says:

    Respected Doctor,

    I read your reply for a post for cervical spondylosis with pain and numbess in arm. You have recommended to take Paris Quadrifolia 200.

    I am 38 years and have cervical spondylosis for 3 years with similar symptoms. Kindly guide me on how to take Paris Quadrifolia 200 CH liquid dilution and also on dosage and timings.

    Thanking you,

    M Gopakumar



    I am suffering from cerival spondlities last one and half year systems are neck stiffness , shoulder pain and vertigo , morning time nausea
    please suggest me for better life

    thanking for your kindanticipation

  6. sagar chinchpure says:

    I M 20 year old I M stragling the shoulder and neak problem.
    Plz hepl

  7. I am 74years old and have developed diabetes which noone in the family have. /. Am tall and thin Despite. this have blood pressure also Bp rises high and is 160/80 normally For diabetes I take a tablet called jentim met and for blood pressure 3tablets. Exforge, Concur and Calan 240sr Please could you guide me

  8. Keith Jordan says:

    I hve constant pain ans stiffness in my shoulders and neck. The pain is worse during the night and when I get up in the morning. Due to the stiffness I have difficulty in getting my arms up and reaching for objects as well as getting my arms into clothing like coats and jackets.
    I have undergone osteopathy exercise but the relief is only temporay or at times hardly noticeable.

  9. hemant kumar says:

    Neck pain & both side arm musscles pain.i am43 years old.

  10. Hi, I am a computer engineer, having neck pain , stiffness and severe burning sensation. Pain increases as I work on computer. Pain reduces significantly over the weekend when I don’t work. Lying down on bed is the most comfortable position for me. I am going through physical therapy but also wanted to explore some homeopathic options. I am 41 years old and in very good health other than this neck issues. Can you please suggest some homeopathic medicine for me.

  11. Dear doctor,
    I am 30 years old. during my first pregnancy I had lower back pain and due to that sometimes I couldn’t get up from bed . My baby is now 3 years, that back pain is still there. recently it stared to effect my neck also .. some days its very difficult to getup from bed. I cant lookup also because neck pain. when I lookup I feel extreme pain upper back like some nerve is pulling from back..
    I am a housewife. No heavy lifting .. last one and half year I stayed in New York , now moved to California.
    Can you suggest medication for my condition.. do I have to check for any specific disease..?

  12. Stiff neck and upper shoulders. Light headed and dizzy. Have had problems with fluid build up with left ear when I get a cold. Went swimming a couple of weeks ago and got water in the left ear.

    Thank you!

  13. Arulmozhi says:

    Dear Dr. Vikas,

    I am getting pain from the bottom of my neck and extends till the right wrist from past 2yrs.
    There is also pain in my vertebrae.
    Can you please suggest?
    Thank you for your time and consideration and also for you kind advice.


  14. Madge. Germanus says:

    Dear Doctor Sharma,
    I have had a very bad injury in my neck. I have had a X-ray. The Doctor said I must never have a operation. The top of my neck I cannot turn to the left or right. The three verterbais are crushed ,
    I have pain all the Time. Is there any
    Homeopathic Treatment or Remedies I can do.

    Thanking You,
    Madge Germanus

  15. Hi Dr.
    Mujhe cervical neck pain ki problem h. Sir m kon sa treatment kron ki permanently theek ho jaye.
    Allopathic ya homoeopathy… Plz sugges me
    Thank u


    Dear Doctor

    I am 69 yrs. old, suffering from acute chronic Insomnia for the last three years or so. Sometimes I feel sleepy but can’t sleep, keep awake throughout night. Morning I don’t feel fresh.

    It probably started after my Allopathy treatment for IBS about 4-5 yrs. back when I was given medicine for anxieties too along with other medicines for a period not less than 7-8 months. No much relief, I shifted to homeopathy. I treated myself very effectively with China 30 and presently taking Robinia 6 to control acid reflux and also for constipation with very good result.

    For Insomnia I tried the following medicines with no effect at all :

    1 Acid Muriatic 30
    2. Plassiflora Inc. M.T.
    3. Kali Phos 6X
    4. Ferrum Phos 3X
    5. Ignatia 30

    Presently I am taking – Petril MD 0.5mg H.S. (viz. Clonozepam mouth dissolving tablet) with very little effect.

    I have hypotension with Avg. B.P. 60-70 mm Hg/90-100 mm Hg
    I like salty food. Also sometimes I add salt to food.
    I get rashes very frequently
    I am lean and thin, my height is 5-6″, body weight about 54 Kg.

    It will be great help if you suggest some medicine that works.

    With best regards

    S K RAY (Cell : 8170039965)

  17. Sara Botte says:

    Hi my husband has been getting pain in his neck for the last year so much so that it had now developed into a nervous tick. Would you recommend a homeopathic medicine?

  18. RK Sharma says:

    My Age is 65 years.I fell backward in the bath room – first back side right portion hit with wash basin, secondly neck hit the tap below the wash basin then thirdly fell on the right Arm. Got admitted in hospital got treatment for a week, after discharge from hospital undergone for physio for 10 seatings, still the neck pain is little bit less but he R/Arm pain is continue – right from sholder to arm down word thumb and 2 fingers. The pain repeats after some intervals almost through out the day, while laying on bed giddiness starts in all the three postures. When it come to end then only I am able to slip. While getting up sevier giddiness starts and get melted after a few minutse by putting hands on fore head. While in Hospital for 7 days Allopathy medicines including pain killer which continued for a week thereafter. At present I am not taking any medicine on cervical excercise. Pl. suggest some Homeo Medicines & Physio therapy to get ride of this problem. I having No Diabaties No BP.

  19. Subramanian says:

    Hello Dr
    I am getting frequent neck muscle spasm and severe pain restricting my movements and activities.
    I take any of the 3 medicines Lacnanthes or Rhus tox or Arnica.
    But no good relief.
    It takes more than to 3 days to become normal.
    Could U pls adv
    I am 55 years Male
    Business texxtile
    Erode , Tamil Nadu

  20. SUNDEEP NAGPAL says:

    Dear Dr. vikas
    Pain in neck to shoulder since last 1 week. Plz prescribe me a best medicine for me

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