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Stool Incontinence: Homeopathy Offers An Effective Treatment

The involuntary passage of stool due to lack of control over the bowel movements is known as stool incontinence or fecal incontinence. A person may have a sudden urge to pass stool, that if not attended urgently, can lead to a leakage of stool. This condition is known as urge incontinence. In some cases, a person unknowingly passes stool, a condition that is known as passive incontinence. The severity of this condition varies from minor leakage of stool to entire loss of bowel control. Stool incontinence can be treated effectively with homeopathic medicines. Aloe, Podophyllum, Causticum, and Hyoscyamus are the top natural remedies for stool incontinence.

homeopathy stool incontinence

Homeopathic medicines for stool incontinence.

Homeopathic Treatment of Stool Incontinence

Homeopathic medicines help in aiding recovery in cases of stool incontinence by treating the root cause of it. Homeopathic medicines for treating stool incontinence are prepared from naturally occurring substances, hence are very safe and gentle to use. These medicines are highly suitable to treat stool incontinence in people of all age groups. There is a large therapeutic list of medicines in homeopathy to treat stool incontinence. Among them, the top listed homeopathic medicines include Aloe, Podophyllum, Causticum, Hyoscyamus, Sulphur, and China. These remedies should be used only under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines for Stool Incontinence

Aloe – Natural Medicine for Stool Incontinence with Loose Stool

Homeopathic medicine Aloe is prepared from a plant named Aloe Socotrina. The natural order of this plant is Liliaceae. Aloe is indicated in cases where there is an involuntary passage of stool attended with loose, watery stool. Sometimes mucus passes with stool. Stool passage on passing flatus also indicates the need for Aloe. It also works well in cases of stool incontinence in children and in cases of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

Podophyllum – Natural Remedy for Stool Incontinence on Passing Flatus

Podophyllum is an effective remedy prepared from a plant Podophyllum Peltatum commonly named as May-Apple. The natural order of this plant is Berberidaceae. Podophyllum is well-indicated in cases of stool incontinence accompanying the passing of flatus. on passing flatus. The person needing this medicine may have an offensive, green stool and marked urgency to pass stool. In some cases, rectal prolapse may be present.

Causticum – Effective Natural Medicine for Stool Incontinence in Cases of Constipation with Hard Stool

Causticum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for treating stool incontinence in cases of constipation with hard stool. The stool is tough and knotty and is passed with great difficulty. In some cases the first part of the stool is hard and the rest is soft. The stool is frequent with an unsuccessful desire to pass stool. Itching at the anus that is constant is also prominent. Applying cold water on the anus helps relieve the itching.

Hyoscyamus – Effective Natural Remedy for Stool Incontinence During Urination or Sleep

Hyoscyamus is a natural medicine prepared from the fresh plant of Hyoscyamus Niger, commonly named Henbane, of the natural order Solanaceae. Hyoscyamus is used to treat stool incontinence that occurs during urination or sleep due to a weak anal sphincter. This medicine helps strengthen the anal sphincter.

Sulphur – Effective Medicine for Stool Incontinence during Laughing, Sneezing or Passing Flatus

Sulphur is a natural medicine indicated for stool incontinence that arises while laughing, sneezing or passing flatus. The anus may be red, swollen and sore. Marked itching and burning at the anus is also a prominent attending feature.

China – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Stool Incontinence with Excessive Flatulence and Bloating

China is a natural medicine prepared from the bark of a plant named Cinchona Officinalis, of the natural order Rubiaceae. China is prominently indicated in cases of stool incontinence in people who complain of excessive flatulence and bloating. The flatus is obstructed, and the person may suffer from chronic diarrhea. The stool is frequent, thin, watery and attended with weakness.

Causes of Stool Incontinence

There are a number of reasons that can cause stool incontinence. Some of the most important include diarrhea (loose stool), constipation, rectal prolapse, piles, rectocele (rectum protruding through the vagina), and injury or damage (in some cases) to the anal sphincter during childbirth (from vaginal delivery) or any surgery that damages the nerves or muscles of the rectum or anus. Apart from this, stool incontinence can also arise in cases of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD – inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). Certain neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and stroke may also cause stool incontinence.

Risk Factors Associated with Stool Incontinence

Middle age and older adults are at a high risk to suffer from stool incontinence. People having diabetes mellitus are also at risk to develop stool incontinence. Females are more at a greater risk to develop stool incontinence as compared to males.

Symptoms that Accompany Stool Incontinence

Some symptoms that may accompany stool incontinence in some cases are soreness of skin surrounding anus, bloating, flatulence, loose stool, and constipated stool. Pain, anal itching (pruritis ani), irritation of the skin around the anus, perianal dermatitis are other attending complaints. People dealing with stool incontinence tend to feel dirty, embarrassed and frustrated, and also develop stress, anger, and depression due to the condition.

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  1. Mukesh Chandra Gaur says:

    मुझे मल की अनुभूति के साथ अपने आप मल बाहर आने लगता है मैं दो चार मिनेट भी रोक नही पाता हूँ।
    कृपया समुचित इलाज बताइये।

    एम सी गौड़

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