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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Relief in Muscle Twitching

Muscle twitching refers to repetitive, involuntary muscle contractions. Another term used for muscle twitching is muscle fasciculation. Our muscles are controlled by the nerves and if there is any damage, impaired function of the nerve or excessive stimulation of the nerve happens, it can give rise to muscle twitching. The reasons behind muscle twitching could be minor or serious. It may simply arise from overexertion, improper sleep, decreased water intake and lack of nutrients like Vitamin D, Vitamin B, calcium, magnesium or it may arise from some underlying nervous system-related health condition. It may also occur from stress, anxiety, excessive intake of caffeine and tobacco, and use of certain medicines like corticosteroids, antidepressants and diuretics (medicines that increase urine production). Minor twitches that occur occasionally and tend to resolve on their own or with some lifestyle changes, and are usually not something to worry about. However, if they occur frequently or persist, then it needs to be evaluated by a physician for the right diagnosis and treatment. Twitching can be accompanied by other symptoms as well according to the cause behind them, including muscle weakness, pain, cramps, tingling, numbness and loss of muscle mass (medically known as muscle wasting).

Various medical conditions that can cause muscle twitching are as follows:

1. Pinched nerve in the spine – This occurs usually from slip disc (pushing out or protrusion of the intervertebral disc i.e. soft cushions between two vertebrae, from its place). This may cause muscle twitching along with other symptoms of pain, numbness and tingling sensation.

2. Neuropathy – This results from nerve damage usually in the hands and feet. It may lead to twitching, numbness or pain in the affected parts.

3. Multiple sclerosis –It is a condition of the nervous system arising from damage to the protective myelin sheath of nerve fibers by a mistaken response of the cells of the immune system. This causes problems in communication between the brain and rest of the body parts. It results in stiffness of the muscles, twitching of muscles along with other symptoms like numbness or weakness in the limbs, tingling sensations, unsteady gait, lack of coordination, dizziness, vision loss, weakness, slurred speech, cognitive issues and blurred or double vision.

4. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) also called Lou Gehrig’s disease – It is also a nervous system disorder that affects the functioning of the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord resulting in lack of muscle control. It may lead to muscle twitching, muscle weakness and loss of muscle mass, problem in walking, slurred speech, difficulty in swallowing and muscle cramps.

5. Isaac’s syndrome – It is a neuromuscular disorder in which nerves cause overstimulation of muscle fibers. This results in twitching even at rest, trouble relaxing muscles, stiffness/cramping of the muscle and excessive sweating.

6. Lupus – It is an autoimmune disorder occurring when immune cells attack healthy body tissues out of a 6. misdirected response causing inflammation in various body parts. Muscles may be inflamed resulting in muscle twitching.

7. Hoffmann syndrome – It is a rare complication resulting when hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is left untreated for very long time. It causes painful muscle spasm, muscle cramps and muscle weakness.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing muscle twitching. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that are entirely safe to use with zero side effects. These bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Gradual improvement occurs in such cases and results vary from case to case as per the intensity and duration of the complaint. Along with twitching, homeopathic medicines also help in managing associated symptoms like muscle weakness, pain, cramps, tingling and numbness. There is no specific medicine in homeopathy for these cases and the suitable medicine has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. Some cases of muscle twitching may be occurring from serious nervous system disorders so it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor and take medicine under supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Muscle Twitching

1. Zincum Met – Top Recommended Medicine

Zincum Met is on top of the list of homeopathic medicines to manage cases of muscle twitching. Firstly, this medicine is effective in managing twitching of the eyelids. Secondly, it offers help in twitching of the facial muscles. It is also useful for managing the twitching on the upper lip particularly of the left side. Further, it is beneficial to manage twitching in the left arm and thigh muscles. In cases requiring this medicine, twitching in the left arm is worse in the morning hours during sleep. This medicine can be used in case of twitching of the limbs (legs and arms) at night.

2. Cuprum Met

Like the above medicine, Zincum Met is also used for twitching in multiple body parts. It is indicated for twitching in the eyelids on the left eye. This can be attended with sensitivity to light (photophobia). Next, this medicine is indicated for twitching in the fingers extending to hands and arms. It gets worse from anxiety and overexertion. The twitching in the arm gets better by lying down. Its use is further suggested for twitching in the limbs attended with tingling sensation. A key indication for its use is twitching which begins in the fingers and then spreads to the entire body.

3. Agaricus

This medicine is recommended for twitching in the eyelids attended with excessive eye watering. It is also prominently used for relief in twitching of facial muscles. The twitching is felt usually in the right cheek. Tearing or drawing pain is felt in cheeks. Besides, throbbing is felt in the cheeks. This medicine can also be considered in cases of twitching of arms that gets better while doing some work with hands. Another indication for its use is twitching in muscles of upper and lower limb, along with trembling and restless feeling. In cases needing it, the twitches worsen from doing voluntary movement of affected muscle. The twitching goes away completely at night. Twitching occurs in the muscles of different body parts and keeps shifting from one place to other.

4. Belladonna

Belladonna proves effective in cases of twitching in the face and limbs. Along with facial twitching, there may be nerve pain in the face. The face appears red and flushed. In case of twitching limbs, cramping can also be felt in the limbs. Sometimes, shooting pain is felt in the limbs. The limbs may feel heavy as well. Additionally, there may occur trembling in the limbs.

5. Mygale

This medicine is firstly of great use when there is twitching in the arm and leg of the right side. This puts hindrance in standing and walking. Secondly, it is very helpful when there is constant twitching in the muscles of face. Lastly, it is effective for twitching in the muscles of the back.

6. Opium

Opium is a valuable medicine for managing twitching in the face especially at the corners of the mouth. The mouth appears distorted with twitching. A very characteristic feature for its use is twitching at corners of mouth after some sort of fear. Trembling of face may occur along with twitching. This also works well in cases of twitching in arms, hands and head. Body movement tends to offer some relief in twitching.

7. Cicuta

Cicuta can be used in cases of twitching of facial muscles causing distortion of face. The face may appear flushed attended with headache. Next it can be considered in cases of twitching of fingers and arms. Jerks may occur in  the left arm the entire day. Cramps can also be felt in arms.

8. Ignatia

This medicine is useful when twitching occurs due to grief or fright. The affected parts may also tremble. Twitches may occur in limbs, eyes, face or the corners of the mouth in cases needing Ignatia.


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  1. Rose B. says:

    Thank you for having this medicine available . I am on iron medication and it’s having side effects. Especially,?with twitching on different parts of my body. I am hoping it’ll go away soon.
    Thankfully this product helps me.
    Thanks again,

  2. Dawn Weeber says:

    Hello, My mom had a fall and sense then she has started twitching which makes it very difficult to stand and move her. I am not sure which of these I should take. She also has dementia as a diagnosis. Mygale sounds most like what I should use along with some Potassium and Magnesium

  3. Savita Tuli says:

    Which medicine can cure Parkinson Tremors in hand and legs, muscles twitching and spasms.

  4. Hello: I had Omicron in March 2022 and in the aftermath developed fasciculation in my whole body, including my gut. Is there a remedy you suggest for this since none of the ones listed seem to fit my condition. Thanks so much!

  5. How can i contact to you.?

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