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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Dysentery

Dysentery is an infection of the intestine that causes severe diarrhea with mucus and blood. Tenesmus (constant urge to pass stool) is a characteristic symptom of this infection. An infected person may experience mild to severe abdominal pain. It can affect people of any age group but is more common in children. Top homeopathic medicines for dysentery are effective in treating both acute and chronic cases of dysentery. They also eliminate the recurring tendency of the infection.    homeopathic medicines for dysentery
There are two main types of Dysentery – Amoebic and Bacillary Dysentery. The symptoms of the infection may last from a few days to weeks. The typical symptoms of dysentery include tenesmus, diarrhea with mucus and blood, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and weakness. It usually spreads from eating or drinking contaminated food or water or by coming in contact with an infected person.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Dysentery

Homeopathy treatment of dysentery includes a comprehensive treatment plan that works to treat both chronic and acute cases of the infection. These medicines for dysentery work according to the symptoms that manifest due to the infection.

For Dysentery with Tenesmus

The medicines used to treat dysentery with a constant feeling to pass stool (tenesmus) are Mercurialis Corrosivus, Asclepias Tuberosa, and Mercurius Solublis.

1. Mercurialis Corrosivus – For scanty mucus and blood

Mercurialis Corrosivus is a medicine used to treat dysentery with little mucus and blood, but with extreme tenesmus.

2. Asclepias Tuberosa – For ‘stream of fire’ sensation

Asclepias Tuberosa is a medicine used to treat dysentery where the stools are soft and fetid, and tenesmus is constant. There is a sensation of a stream of fire passing through the abdomen when stools are relieved.

3. Mercurius Solublis – For Tenesmus in the Bladder

Mercurius Solublis is a medicine used to treat dysentery where there is tenesmus in the bladder and rectum.

For Dysentery with Mucus

4. Aloes – For dysentery with Jelly-like Stools

Aloes is a medicine used to treat dysentery with jelly-like stools with excess mucus. The rectum feels sore after passing stools. The texture of the stools is small, brownish, half-fluid, and they move easily.

5. Capsicum – For Dysentery with Bloody Stools

Capsicum is a medicine used to treat dysentery with bloody stools that have a lot of mucus. There is also excess burning and tenesmus.

For Dysentery with Bloody Stools

Cantharis and Senecio Aureus are the medicines used to treat dysentery with bloody stools.

6. Cantharis – For Scrapings-like Dysentery.

Cantharis is a medicine used to treat dysentery where stools feel like scrapings of the intestine and burn on passing. Tenesmus of rectum and bladder is also present.

7. Senecio Aureus – For Dysentery with Thin, Bloody stools.

Senecio Aureus is a medicine used to treat dysentery with thin, bloody stools, coupled with tenesmus. There is strain while passing stools which are intermingled with hard lumps of feces.

For Dysentery with Abdominal Pain

Colchicum and Erigeron are the medicines used to treat dysentery with abdominal pain.

8. Colchicum – For Dysentery in Damp Weather

Colchicum is a medicine used to treat dysentery coupled with agonizing pain that remains long after passing stools. This medicine is used to treat dysentery that occurs during the autumn season and in damp weather.

9. Erigeron – For Dysentery with burning in Bladder

Erigeron is a medicine used to treat dysentery coupled with frequent, severe pain in the umbilical region. Stools are small and streaked with blood.

For Dysentery with Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac and Arsenic Album are the medicines used to treat dysentery with symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

10. Ipecac – For Dysentery with Constant Nausea

Ipecac is a medicine used to treat dysentery coupled with constant nausea that does not get relieved even after vomiting. The stools are fetid and contain mucus.

11. Arsenic Album – For Dysentery with Extreme Weakness.

Arsenic Album is a medicine used to treat dysentery wherein there is extreme prostration (state of being very weak and exhausted). The affected person cannot bear the smell and sight of food. There is food poisoning along with nausea and vomiting.

For Dysentery in Children

Aloes, Magnesia Carbonica, and Baryta Carbonica are the medicines used to treat dysentery in children.

Aloes is a medicine that works well to treat dysentery in children who have jelly-like stools and a rumbling pain in the abdomen.

Magnesia Carbonica is a medicine to treat dysentery in children who have frothy, greenish, watery stools along with tenesmus. Sour smell from the child’s body and vomiting is present.

Baryta Carbonica is a medicine used to treat dysentery where there is a pain in the abdomen immediately after a meal, and bloody stools.

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    My wife is facing problem of AAO (Pechis) but blood does not come and no loose motion

    Only Latrine comes little bit not fully.

  2. Dinabandhu Ray says:

    6/11/24 সকাল থেকে পেটব্যাথা সহ দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত semisolid পায়খানা শুরু হয় ।দুপুর থেকে জ্বর সহ পায়খানা ।জ্বর সর্বোচ্চ 103 সাথে গা ব্যাথা।আমার পরিচিত ডাক্তারের পরামর্শে rus toxic ও baledonaখেয়ে7/11/24 সকালে জ্বর একেবারে সেরে গেছে, আর জ্বর আসেনি। কিন্তু আধঘণ্টা অন্তর পেটব্যাথা সহ পায়খানা হচ্ছে। কয়েক ফোঁটা গাজা সহ জেলার মত সামান্য মল।গাজা বের হয়ে গেলেই পেটব্যাথা বন্ধ।এইভাবে আধঘণ্টা অন্তর চলছে।nux30 খেয়েছি। কোন উপকার হয় নি।এখন ও পায়খানা চলছে।দয়া করে ঔষধ বলে দিন।

  3. Dr sahib Mera pet saaf nahi hota tha to Mai ek dr sahib ke yaha gaya to unhone mujhe ibs bataya aur ilaj Shuru kar diya aaram to hai lekin latrin me aav bahut aati hai aur kamjori aati hai kabhi kabhi khoon aata hai mai 25 Salo se pareshan hoo aap fees ki fikra na kare aap mujhe bilkul sateek dawa bata dijye mai bahut pareshan hoo 6262055072 vineet kumar yadav mai gutka bhi khata hoo

    • अजय कुमार पाण्डेय says:

      मल में ऑव आने पर बायोकेमिक दवा क्या है ?

  4. Shruti pandey says:

    Dysentery, fever, sir drd, pet drd ka homeopathic medicine

  5. Narendra kumar says:

    मेरी पत्नी को कई दिनों से मल त्याग से पहले पेट में मरोड़ होती है

  6. Mitesh kumar singh says:

    2.5 year old baby girl suffering from greenish dysentery. With abdominal pain

  7. Hey doctor
    I’m suffering from dysentery with abdominal pain with periods.
    What is your suggestion? Plz let me know…

  8. শান্তিরাণী চক্রবর্তী says:

    আমাশয়ে পেট কনকন।একটু করে মিউকাস।দুর্বল। ওষুধ কি হোমিওপ্যাথি ।বয়স 84.দুবার পায়খানা।

  9. Piyush guha Thakurta says:

    I have been feeling to poop after eating breakfast & lunch and sometime in the evening I go to toilet at least 8 times and everytime maximum Quantity takes place it is semisolid. Please advise me medicine.

  10. भारती says:

    पहले पेट दर्द होता है मल के साथ चिपचिपा तरल पदारूथ मल के साथ आता है मल त्यागने के बाद पेट मे दर्द कुछ देर रहता है मुझे थारायड भी है जहा थकान और कमजोरी रहता है

  11. प्रतिमा says:

    मॅम नमस्कार
    मी ulcerative colitis ki patient hu
    Mai ayurvedic medicine le Rahi hu
    Muze bahut acidity ho rahi hai, आंव भी हो रही है aur muh ka swad हमेशा कडवा रहता है जैसे की करेला खा लिया हो
    Please muze batayein Mai kya Karu

  12. Ujjwal Chatterjee says:

    I am a cardiac patient and regularly taking medicine Rosuvastatin and clopidregel. For last two days I am suffering from fever, left abdominal pain and diarrhea with white mucus. Today,after taking medicines as advised by the allopathic physician I notice blood (red) in stool. Please prescribe suitable medicine.

  13. kaliprasad says:

    symtoms are chronic dysentry, indigest, acidity, sugar, nerve of toe, intenal piles, gastritis, duodinitis, colitis, internal piles, prostate proble etc.

    • Parul Modi says:

      Sensation of passing stool ,but no stool ,extreme weakness ,pain in abdomen in 86year old woman .Diarrhoea on eating fatty food n food with roughage ,udad dal channa dal.

  14. Chandradeo Prasad says:

    My son 24 yrs, hemophilia patient is suffering from dysentery since last four days. He is going to latrine every 15 minutes with severe mamora/cramps and no or little stool in black color. He became very weak and feeling unconscious.Pl advise for him correct homoeo medicines

    • Parul Modi says:

      Sensation of passing stool ,but no stool ,extreme weakness ,pain in abdomen in 86year old woman .Diarrhoea on eating fatty food n food with roughage ,udad dal channa dal.

      • Abdul jabbar abbasi says:

        chronic diarhea , dysentery , abdominal pain, nausa since last 30 years. age is 57 years. general weakness , high motility , IBS (Irritible Bowl Syndrome) diagnosed by doctors.
        please tell a simple homopethic remedy.

  15. Pritampal says: pain but mucus present.3-4times latrine and acidity

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