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Voice Hoarseness From Overuse Of Vocal Cords? Try Homeopathy

Voice hoarseness medically refers to a voice that is rough, weak, husky, strained and unclear. This may happen from different reasons and is not a serious condition. One of the most common cause behind it is the overuse of vocal cords. The problem may be faced by professionals like teachers, actors, singers, salespersons who have to speak a lot as part of their jobs or this may happen from excessive yelling or shouting. Voice overuse tends to strain the vocal cords and result in hoarseness of voice. Other reasons for hoarse voice besides voice overuse include upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), allergies, acid reflux and nodules/cysts on the vocal cords. Hoarseness of voice can be attended with pain in the throat when speaking or swallowing, dryness in the throat, a lump sensation in the throat, throat clearing and cough.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can prove very beneficial in cases of voice hoarseness that results from the overuse of voice. Homeopathic medicines are natural and very powerful remedies to help these cases. They manage cases of hoarse voice with zero side effects. Such medicines are highly effective for recent or long-term cases of voice hoarseness. These medicines also help in managing any attending symptom if present like dryness in the throat, cough, pain in throat, etc. For the most suitable homeopathic prescription for these cases, a detailed case evaluation is required by a homeopathic physician. Hence it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for any case of hoarse voice for the right prescription of medicine, its potency and repetition. Self-medication should be avoided in all cases of voice hoarseness.

Homeopathic Medicines For Voice Hoarseness

1. Arum Triphyllum – Top Recommended Medicine

Arum Triphyllum is an excellent homeopathic medicine to manage voice hoarseness that is due to the overuse of vocal cords from prolonged speaking or singing. In cases needing it, the voice becomes hoarse along with constant hawking. There is pain in the throat while clearing the throat. Throat may be swollen as well. The voice is uncertain and cannot be controlled. It keeps changing its tone, it sometimes becomes high and sometimes low.

2. Causticum – For Hoarseness Worse In Morning

This medicine is highly effective for managing hoarseness from overstraining of the vocal cords as may happen with public speakers. In most cases needing this medicine, the hoarseness of voice is worse in the morning. A person is not able to speak loudly. Rawness and scraping sensation is felt in the throat. There is pain in the voice box while blowing out the nose. Besides, cough with a tickling sensation is felt in the throat pit.

3. Rhus Tox – For Hoarse Voice Worse In Evening

Another prominent medicine on the list for the management of hoarse voice from overuse is Rhus Tox. Not only hoarse voice from overstraining, Rhus Tox is in general a great homeopathic medicine to manage complaints that arise from overuse/overstraining of muscles and tendons in different body parts. The complaint is worse in the evening. The throat feels sore and stiff after overstraining. Warm drinks help in relieving the soreness. A characteristic feature that can be present is excessive hoarseness when starting to speak, but after talking, a little improvement is noticed and hoarseness reduces. Dryness is felt in the throat along with the above complaints where this medicine is needed.

4. Argentum Met – For Hoarseness With Inability To Speak Loudly

Argentum Met also works well in cases of voice hoarseness. Persons needing it are unable to speak loudly. There is a worsening of hoarseness after speaking for a while. While reading, there is a need to hem and hawk often for voice clearing. The quality of voice keeps changing. Tickling is felt in the throat which excites cough in most cases. The larynx feels raw and constricted. Grey jelly-like mucus is expectorated in some cases. This medicine is also indicated for loss of voice occurring in professional singers.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Voice Hoarseness And Roughness In The Throat

This medicine is well-indicated for voice hoarseness and roughness in the throat. A scraping sensation is felt in the throat. The voice is weak and toneless. Irritation is felt in the larynx. There is pain at a particular spot in the larynx. It gets worse while speaking, on applying pressure and also on coughing. Stitching pain occurs in the larynx. Hoarseness can be attended with cough in the morning on waking up. There is sensitivity to cold air where this medicine is indicated.

6. Capsicum – For Hoarseness With Tickling, Crawling In Larynx

Capsicum is a valuable medicine to manage hoarse voice and a tickling, crawling sensation in the larynx. A dry cough may attend. The problem aggravates in the evening. Cough is attended with a fetid breath. Bad taste is felt in the mouth. Besides, roughness is felt in the throat. Burning sensation is also present in the throat. There is pain and dryness in the throat.

7. Carbo Veg – For Deep Rough Voice With Roughness In Larynx

This medicine works well when there is a deep rough voice along with roughness in the larynx. Hoarseness of voice is felt more towards the evening. There is an urge to clear the throat frequently in the evening. This leads to soreness and rawness in the larynx. There may be coughing, along with pain in the larynx. Other than these complaints, sometimes loss of voice happens in the morning in cases that need this medicine.

8. Merc Sol – With Burning Sensation In The Larynx

This medicine is recommended where there is burning sensation in the larynx along with hoarse and rough voice. Tickling sensation is felt in the larynx. There is dry cough along with long-term inflammation of the larynx. There is increased salivation in the mouth, along with excessive sweating sometimes. This medicine is also indicated for complete loss of voice due to overstraining.

9. Phosphorus – For Hoarse, Rough, Husky Voice In The Morning

This medicine is also suitable for hoarse, rough, husky voice in the morning. Along with this, there is rawness in the larynx accompanied by cough. The larynx feels sore and dry as well. Cough with a little expectoration might attend it. Pain in the larynx is felt too when speaking.  A sensation of weight in the larynx can be there in some cases along with above complaints.

10. Natrum Mur – For Hoarseness In Morning With Mucus In Throat

This medicine is helpful when there is hoarseness in the morning with mucus in the throat. The person is unable to talk. There is a sensation as if there is a need to swallow over a lump present in the throat. Pain may be felt in the larynx, especially on the right side.

11. Spongia – For Hoarseness With Dry Larynx And A Dry Cough

This medicine can be used when there is dryness in the larynx and dry cough along with hoarse voice. The voice sounds cracked and weak. The person needing this medicine speaks with difficulty. A plug sensation is felt in the larynx. The larynx is painful while speaking and painful to touch.



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Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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