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What Causes Painful Erections and its Homeopathic Remedies

The erection of penis is never painful and if pain occurs during erections, then it needs medical help to rule out the cause, and proper treatment at the right time. In case of painful erections, the pain can occur in the whole penis or a part of it. The intensity of pain may vary from mild to severe. Pain can be felt every time an erection occurs or just during erections at night. In some cases, immediate treatment is required. There are multiple causes for painful erections. The first reason behind painful erections is Peyronie’s disease. It is the most common reason behind painful erections. This condition results when scar tissue occurs in an area inside penis resulting in an abnormal curve of penis. This results in pain during erection. The reason behind this condition is not clear but it is thought to be arising from some injury to the penis that leads to formation of scar tissue as a part of healing of the injury.

Peyronie’s disease can also arise without any history of injury to penis. Having family history of this condition, diabetes, erectile dysfunction (inability to attain or maintain an erection strong enough to have sexual intercourse) and surgery of prostate cancer increases the risk of Peyronie’s disease. This condition affects men aged 40 yrs or above. It has been estimated that about 65% of persons suffering from this disease face issues of painful erection.

Other reasons include an injury to the penis or pelvic area, urinary tract infections (UTI), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), penile fracture (rupture of membrane that surrounds corpora cavernosa, means the erectile tissue, which is a medical emergency), use of some medicines like certain medicines for treating high BP, use of recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana and alcohol, benign penile tumour (non-cancerous tumour forming on the blood vessel or nerve of the penis).

Another reason could be a condition called priapism. It refers to persistence of an erection for several hours in the absence of sexual stimulation. This is of three types. First is ischemic priapism that is the most common type. In this type, blood is unable to withdraw from penis after an erection. The reasons might include use of recreational drugs, certain medicines, blood cancer, cancer of penis. Second type is intermittent/stuttering priapism which is a variant of ischemic priapism that is usually linked with sickle cell disease that affects the shape of red blood cells and makes them crescent-shaped that slows down or blocks the blood flow. Last is non-ischemic priapism in which the body keeps on pumping excessive amount of blood in penis leading to engorgement. This type usually results from an injury to perineum (area between anus and scrotum) or the penis. Painful erections happen in cases of ischemic priapism and not non-ischemic type.

Priapism is a medical emergency when erections last for 4 hours or more with increasing pain. The blood accumulated in the penis tends to lose its oxygen that leads to damage of tissue of penis that can be permanent. This can result in erectile dysfunction, change in penile appearance, scar tissue formation in tissues of the penis, infertility and rarely gangrene. So, priapism should be treated promptly because priapism can cause permanent damage to penis if not treated early.

Last reason for painful erections is SRPE (sleep related painful erection), a rare condition that refers to occurrence of painful erection during sleep but normal erections when awake.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in cases of painful erections. Homeopathic medicines give excellent results by treating the root cause behind this complaint. Homeopathy is recommended only for mild to moderate cases and not serious and severe ones. Before prescribing any homeopathic medicines, several factors (like frequency and intensity of problem, the reason behind it, duration for which the erections with pain last) are taken into consideration and evaluated. After this homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually in every case only after making sure that the condition is not serious. Homeopathic medicines should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic physician and in no case should self-medication be practiced.

Homeopathy is recommended when case is of mild to moderate intensity and when painful erection lasts only for a very short time. In any case the condition seems serious, or there are prolonged erections usually 4 hours or more than that, it is a medical emergency and should be immediately attended to by conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has limitation in helping severe cases or when occurring from some serious cause (like priapism, penile injury).

Homeopathic Medicines for Painful Erections

1. Cantharis

Cantharis is a very effective medicine to manage cases of painful erections. Males needing this medicine may get erections at night attended with sore pain along the urethra. They have an increased sexual desire. It tends to disturb sleep at night. After coition, burning may be felt in urethra. The glans may be swollen and painful to touch. This medicine is also a top remedy for urinary tract infections and its associated symptoms. Cantharis is also specifically indicated for cases of painful erections occurring without sexual stimulation in cases of gonorrhoea.

2. Argentum Nitricum

This medicine is well indicated when there occur painful erections along with difficulty in passing urine. These erections may occur without any sexual stimulation. Cutting type of pain can be felt in the urethra with painful erections. There can be a reduced desire for coition. Like Cantharis, this medicine is also indicated for painful erection in gonorrhoea cases.

3. Caladium

Caladium is an important medicine for painful erections without sexual desire. Mostly this occurs in morning time. The glans can be very red. The foreskin is swollen and very painful. Biting pain is felt in foreskin when urinating. This medicine is also indicated when painful erections occur after coition.

4. Cannabis Sativa

This medicine suits males who feel a stretching sort of pain in penis during erections. There is increased sexual desire. In some cases, swelling may appear in penis, glans and prepuce (foreskin). The glans and prepuce may be red. Besides above symptoms, soreness can be felt in penis when walking.

5. Capsicum

Capsicum is a highly beneficial medicine for painful erections occurring at night. This can be attended with a cream-like discharge from the urethra. Sometimes the discharge contains blood too. Pain may be felt in urethra, that can be cutting or stinging type. While urinating, a burning type of pain may be felt in the urethra. The urethra may be painful to touch.

6. Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is a useful medicine for cases of painful erections in the morning, though erections are weak and not strong enough. There is an increased desire for sex in those needing this medicine. They may also have complaint of involuntary discharge of semen during sleep with dreams. It is attended with backache, irritability and weakness.

7. Cannabis Indica

This medicine works well when painful erections appear without any thoughts about sex. It can occur when walking or sitting. Burning sensation in the penis and urethra may be there. This is attended with frequent urge to pass urine.

8. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is a valuable medicine to help case of painful erection with an increased and irresistible urge for coition. Frequent erections occur along with pain. There may be involuntary semen discharge at night.


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  1. Dear Dr. Sharma,

    I discovered your website while reading your informative article titled “Understanding the Causes of Painful Erections and Exploring Homeopathic Remedies.” I have been experiencing painful nighttime erections, specifically after ejaculating in the evening. I suspect that I might be dealing with SRPE (Sleep-Related Painful Erections) and am interested in seeking your professional guidance and consultation on this matter.


Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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