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What Causes White Spots/ Patches On The Face And Its Homeopathic Remedies

White spots refer to spots on the face that look lighter compared to the surrounding skin on the face. They may be seen as small or large patches on the face. White spots may also appear on the skin of other body parts besides the face in some cases depending on the reason behind it. There are different reasons behind white spots on the face. The first among these can be vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which there are white patches on the skin and it may also affect the hair. This occurs when the melanin-producing cells in the body either cease to function or die. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune cells of the body start to destroy the melanocytes i.e. the cells that produce melanin pigment that imparts color to the skin. Persons with a family history of this condition or those who are already suffering from some other autoimmune disorder are at risk. Certain factors like stress, skin injury, sunburn, chemical exposure are some of the triggering factors behind vitiligo. The second reason behind white spots can be pityriasis alba. It is a type of eczema/dermatitis (skin condition causing inflamed, itchy patches on the skin) that tends to affect children and adolescents. Initially, red patches appear on the skin covered with scales. When these patches improve, patches of light color as compared to skin are left behind in their place. It generally affects the skin on the face, shoulders, arms and abdomen. The exact cause behind this condition is unknown. However, there are some factors that may predispose a person towards it. These include excessive sun exposure, overuse of corticosteroids on the skin, and sensitive skin. Persons having family history of atopy or are themselves suffering from atopy (genetic tendency to allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and asthma) are at greater risk.  Another cause is pityriasis versicolor. It is also known as tinea versicolor. It is a fungal infection of the skin. It is caused by overgrowth of a skin fungus malassezia globosa that is normally found on healthy skin without causing any harm. This fungus can overgrow in some persons from various triggering factors like excessive sweating, warm humid environment and oily skin. The white spots that appear in this condition may be covered with fine scales. Itching can attend these spots but is mild in nature. There is worsening of this condition by sun exposure and warm humid weather, while relief is noted in cold weather.

Next cause can be milia. Milia refers to a skin condition causing tiny white bumps on the skin usually on the face. They appear mainly on the cheeks, forehead, eyelid and under the eyes and nose. Besides the face, they may appear inside the mouth, arms, legs, chest and genitals. They appear in clusters. Itching may sometimes be felt in some cases but it is not painful. Milia develops from trapping of dead skin cells under the surface of the skin. The dead skin cells are shed from the body from time to time and new cells replace them. When dead skin cells do not get shed but get trapped under the new skin instead, then they tend to form milia. Skin damage from injury, exposure to sun, burns, blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) on the skin and prolonged use of creams containing steroids predispose a person to formation of milia. In some cases, milia is present right from birth which is known as congenital milia. Further causes include some forms of nevi like nevus depigmentosus, piebaldism and idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. Nevus depigmentosus, also named nevus achromicus, is a congenital disorder with hypopigmented spots on the skin. Piebaldism is a genetic condition where white patches develop on the skin and hair due to absence of melanocyte cells in the affected area. In majority of the cases, a patch of white hair develops near the forehead. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is a condition in which round or oval patches of hypopigmentation appear from genetic factors, exposure to ultraviolet rays, skin trauma, autoimmune activity or changes in the skin that occur with advancing age. Next, yeast (a type of fungus) infections can sometimes cause white spots. Apart from the above reasons, deficiency of certain vitamins (like B12, D and E) and calcium can also lead to white spots on the face.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves very effective in treating numerous skin complaints including white spots on the face. Homeopathic remedies halt the further progression in the number of white spots on the face and also stops the size of these spots from increasing. These medicines help in gradually pigmenting the spots already present, in addition to halting their progression. Homeopathic medicines also manage itching if present in the white spots which may occur in case of fungal infection. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for treating every case of white spots on the face. Though these medicines are safe to use, it is advised to take any medicine after getting your case completely evaluated by a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For White Spots On The Face

1. Calcarea Carb – Top most Medicine

Calcarea carb is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing light spots on the face. It is also recommended for milky white spots with dark borders on the skin. There may be swelling on cheeks near the light spots. The face can be cold to touch. Face is oily in most cases. This medicine is well-indicated for tinea and vitiligo cases. There is a general tendency to increased sweating where this medicine is required.

2. Arsenic Album

Arsenic Album is the next well-indicated medicine for managing white spots on the face. In cases needing it, the skin is very dry and rough. Scales may be noted on the spots on skin. Itching can also be present along with the above features. In some cases, burning and stinging is felt in the affected area.

3. Natrum Carb

Natrum Carb is another medicine in the list for treating white spots on the face. A heated sensation may be felt on the face where this medicine is needed. The cheeks may be swollen. Face may be pale with blue rings around the eyes. Itching can be felt on skin. The skin becomes rough, dry, and cracked in general.

4. Silicea

Silicea is beneficial for treating white spots when the face is also pale and oily. A burning sensation is felt around the mouth. The skin on the face may develop cracks. There may be itching and pricking on the face. The skin may be painful and sensitive. There is a  tendency of increased sweating.

5. Arsenicum Sulf Flavum

This medicine is a top-ranking medicine to treat white spots caused by vitiligo. In cases needing it, the skin can be scaly and dry with cracks developing on the skin. One feels itching on the skin.

6. Sulphur

Sulphur is an effective medicine to manage white spots and itching on the face which becomes worse at night. Washing the face worsens the itching. After scratching the affected part, burning is felt on the face. The skin is dry and scaly in general. A heated sensation in different body parts can be present along with the above complaints.



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