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7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriasis

homeopathic medicines for psoriasisPsoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder characterized by well-defined red patches on the skin covered with silvery-white scales. In psoriasis, skin cells proliferate at a speed higher than normal. Skin cells normally grow and are shed every 28 to 30 days. In psoriasis, the skin cells start growing more rapidly – every 3 to 5 days. The skin is not able to shed the excessive cells as quickly as they appear on its surface. The result is a build-up of cells on the skin referred to as plaque.

Homeopathy offers the best natural treatment for autoimmune skin conditions including psoriasis. It has certain distinct advantages including the absence of any side effects and non-suppression of psoriasis. In psoriasis, a patient requires treatment that can control the indiscriminate skin cell proliferation. Homeopathy can successfully treat it exactly this way by optimizing the over-active immune system, hence curing it at its origin. In the traditional approach, corticosteroids are used topically and orally that might give an early result by suppressing active lesions but have side effects. Their use makes the condition more complex as on leaving these medicines, symptoms may reappear with severe worsening of the condition. So homeopathy can be a safe line of treatment for psoriasis as it uses non- suppressive medicines. It not only reduces the frequency and intensity symptoms like itching, flaking, cracks and aid healing of eruptions, but also prevents further spread of eruptions. It can also help in managing joint pains that can occur in cases of psoriasis. To attain desired results, one needs to understand that homeopathy works gradually and one has to be patient, as it is the key to curing such obstinate chronic autoimmune diseases.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Psoriasis

The top-ranked homeopathic medicines for psoriasis are Arsenic Album, Graphites Naturalis, Arsenic Iodatum, Sulphur, Petroleum Oleum, Sepia Succus and Antimonium Crudum.

1. Arsenic Album –For Dry eruptions with Silver Scales

The chief indicator for using Arsenic Album is the presence of dry, rough, red papular eruptions with scales on it. The scales are silver colored. The eruptions cover most parts of the body, except face and hands.

The eruptions spread rapidly and are accompanied by itching. Cold worsens the itching in most cases, while warmth seems to relieve it. Pain on the affected skin arises after scratching the eruptions. Bleeding spots also appear on the skin following scratching.

Restlessness is another symptom that may be present. Yet another symptom is marked anxiety that accompanies itchy eruptions.

Arsenic Album also works well in cases of guttate Psoriasis. In guttate Psoriasis, small rose coloured spots with scales appear.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine is prominently indicated to manage dry, rough eruptions covered with silver scales.

How to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be taken just once a day in 30 C potency.

2. Graphites Naturalis – For Dry, Cracked Skin

Cases where Graphites Naturalis works well tend to have patches of sore, dry, rough skin with scales. An inclination to develop cracks on the surface may also be there. Following scratching, stickiness on the skin may appear.

Graphites Naturalis is also useful for cases of scalp Psoriasis. In such cases, eruptions with scales appear on the scalp. The scalp may be sore to touch, with distressing itching. One may also feel a burning sensation on the top of the head.  Eruptions on the scalp can also spread behind the ears. In cases of nail Psoriasis, the characteristic features are rough, thick and deformed nails.

When to use Graphites Naturalis?

This medicine is great choice for cases having dryness, roughness on skin with cracks.

How to use Graphites Naturalis?

The recommended dose of this medicine is Graphites Naturalis 3 X one tablet twice a day.

3. Arsenic Iodatum – For Shedding of Large Scales

Arsenic Iodatum is used when there is shedding of large scales from the skin eruptions. The skin is covered with inflamed patches with scales on them. There is persistent itching in the patches and the shedding of the scales leaves raw skin behind.

When to use Arsenic Iodatum?

Arsenic Iodatum is suggested for psoriasis with shedding of large scales.

How to use Arsenic Iodatum?

It is advised to take Arsenic Iodatum 30 C one time daily.

4. Sulphur – For Intense Itching and Burning

Sulphur helps in cases with severe itching and burning in the psoriatic skin lesions. A violent itching attends, and the person goes on scratching the skin until it bleeds. A burning sensation follows scratching. The itching is wandering, and changes place frequently. The skin is rough, scaly and gets painful after rubbing as if denuded. The symptoms tend to get worse in the evening and at night, when in bed. Sleep is disturbed because of the itching and burning sensation. Other accompanying symptoms are pricking, biting and sticking sensation in the eruptions. Sulphur is also a remedy for skin ailments with a history of excessive use of ointments in the past.

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine can be opted in cases of itching and burning in psoriasis cases.

How to use Sulphur?

Sulphur 30C should be taken in infrequent doses once or twice a week.

5. Petroleum Oleum – For Deep Cracks

Petroleum Oleum is a very suitable remedy for Psoriasis where deep cracks appear on the skin. There is a burning sensation and intolerable itching on the affected skin. Bleeding may also be present in the cracks. The skin is intensely sore, painful, hard, fissured and slow to heal. A crawling sensation on the skin may also attend over and above the given symptoms. Petroleum is also topmost on the list of most effective remedies for treating psoriasis cases that worsen during the winter.

When to use Petroleum Oleum?

It is beneficial for managing deep cracks on skin in psoriasis cases.

How to use Petroleum Oleum?

One may take this medicine in 30C power once or twice a day.

6. Sepia Succus – For Large Oval Lesions

Sepia Succus is a beneficial medicine for Psoriasis characterised by the presence of big oval lesions on the skin. The lesions are reddish papules and are isolated. There are shiny, whitish and adhesive scales present on the papules. Itching arises in the eruptions. On scratching, a burning sensation on the skin follows. The eruptions are present over the face, chest, back, arms and legs. In the case of limbs, the extensor surfaces are mostly involved.

When to use Sepia Succus?

Use of this medicine can be considered when there are large oval spots with shiny white scales on skin in psoriasis cases.

How to use Sepia Succus?

It is suggested to take this medicine in 30C potency once a day.

7. Antimonium Crudum – For Psoriasis of the Nails

Antimonium Crudum is an important remedy where the characteristic features are distorted and out of shape nails with discoloration, pitting or ridges on the nails. The nails are brittle and tend to break often. The skin underneath the nails is also painful and very sensitive.

When to use Antimonium Crudum?

Antimonium Crudum is suitable for cases of nail psoriasis with discolored nails or ridges on nails.

How to use Antimonium Crudum?

Antimonium Crudum can be repeated twice a day daily.

What causes Psoriasis?

In psoriasis, the body’s immune cells target the skin, majorly T cells, that causes skin inflammation and triggers rapid skin cell growth. A positive family history of psoriasis puts a person at high risk of developing the same condition. A few of the well-known triggers for psoriasis are stress, obesity, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, skin trauma and infection including strep throat. These triggering factors also worsen the symptoms of existing psoriasis.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

The major symptom of Psoriasis is the appearance of red, inflamed papular eruptions on the skin surface with adhesive silvery-white scales covering them. The spots have well-defined borders. In some cases, cracks that bleed often appear on the skin. An itching and burning sensation accomanies the eruptions, the intensity of which varies from case to case. Psoriasis often runs a relapsing and remitting course. In case of nail psoriasis, the nails get discolored, deformed, brittle, crippled, and may fall out. In a few cases of psoriasis, the joints may get inflamed and become painful.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there only one kind of psoriasis?

No, psoriasis has various types. These are – plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, scalp psoriasis, nail psoriasis and pustular psoriasis. In plaque psoriasis, the skin gets covered in dry spots with a large number of silvery white scales. The major sites for plaque psoriasis are scalp, back, knees and elbows. Guttate psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of small, water droplet-like skin lesions covered in fine scales. Guttate psoriasis is often triggered after a bacterial infection, mainly strep throat infection. The lesions are mainly found on the legs, arms and trunk. Psoriasis lesions that appear in folds of skin – under the breasts, in groin area, armpits for example – are referred to as inverse psoriasis. The skin lesions in inverse psoriasis are in the form of smooth, red inflamed patches. In scalp psoriasis, red, inflamed, itchy lesions covered in thick white scales appear on the scalp. In nail psoriasis, psoriatic lesions arise in the nails of the fingers or toes. The nail may get discolored, thickening of skin under the nail may arise, pitting on nails may be present and in extreme cases, the nail may crumble and fall out. In pustular psoriasis, pus-filled eruptions arise on the skin that is surrounded by redness and tenderness.

2. Is psoriasis contagious, can it spread by touch or other means?

No, psoriasis is not a contagious disease and hence, does not spread from person-to-person contact.

3. I have chronic psoriasis, Now, my joints have started to hurt, why?

If you have had psoriasis for a long time and now your joints are in pain, then there is a good chance you have developed psoriatic arthritis. In approximately 30% of the psoriasis patients, joints may get inflamed and become painful. In psoriatic arthritis, the immune cells start to destroy and inflame the joints due to a misdirected immune response besides the usual rapid cell growth symptoms of the disease. Genetic and environmental factors play an important role in causing psoriatic arthritis.

4. I have had psoriasis for a long time and now, my joints are inflamed and in pain. Please suggest a medicine.

Homeopathy can definitely treat this condition. In my clinical practice, Rhus Tox has shown great results in cases of psoriatic arthritis. Highly inflamed, painful, swollen and stiff joints in psoriasis are the guiding symptoms for use of this medicine.

5. Is there a link between psoriasis and vitamin D?

Yes, there is a link between psoriasis and vitamin D. Improving vitamin D levels in psoriasis seems to decrease the severity of psoriasis condition. Vitamin D plays a role in decreasing excessive cell production and therefore helps treat psoriasis.

6. Will exposure to sunlight be of help to psoriasis patients?

Yes, evidence suggests that sun exposure helps to heal psoriasis, though to a mild degree.


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  1. Anjum shaikh says:

    Hi I could see small lesions increasing on my foot and shin I am taking homeopathy since 6 months but I could see it is increasing
    Initially only elbow was afeected with small lesion but now 10-15 lesions I could see on rigt and left shin and both foot itching increases afer water contact some times bleeds I am applying chrysorbinium ointement
    Please suggest me some medication

  2. Sir jnab
    Psoriasis is half during
    Disease dendaruf,eczema
    Plz guide me sir
    I m speak urdu national language…..

  3. Shahid mehmood says:

    Sir im from pakistan and im suffering from psoraises please reccomend me the medicine i m in initial stage of paoraises

  4. Dr. Rajkumari Trikha says:

    Namaste Dr sahab. Your explanation of psoriasis is wonderful and very educative. Myself, dr Rajkumari Trikha, a retd. Professor D.U. I am suffering from arthritis as well as skin disease, which is diagnosed as fungal infection by my WUS skin specialist.
    I had knee replacement surgery in both knees 8/9 years back.
    For last 3/4 years, i am suffering from knotts in my fingers of both hands. The fingers have deformed, are painful and one finger has burning some time.
    I am given treatment for osteo arthritis, as blood tests are negative for rheumatic arthritis.
    Through internet i came to know that my symptoms show that I might be suffering from Psoriatic arthritis.
    I humbly seek your advice.

  5. Pradesh Goyal says:

    I have severe plaque psoriasis for many years. I consulted a dermatologist & sad on medication for few months as prescribed by him. However those medicines created lot of other problems & medicine has to be stopped. Within two weeks of stopping the medicine my psoriasis flared up much more. Doctor wants me to try another medication but I am now afraid of side effects. I understand Homeopathic medicine will not have any side effects. I now have scaling all over the body including hands & face as well. also I find my skin colour has changed at so many areas & looks quite bad. Can you please suggest what homeopathic medicine can I use to control this.


    • TARIQ IQBAL KHAN says:

      I have severe plaque psoriasis for so many years at my both feet and bottom of my both feet. I consulted a dermatologist & sad on medication for few months as prescribed by him. However after using those medicines for two or three months, medicine were stopped. Within two weeks of stopping the medicine my psoriasis flared up much more. Doctor wants me to try another medication but I am now afraid of side effects. I understand Homeopathic medicine will not have any side effects. I have no scaling all over the body. Can you please suggest what homeopathic medicine can I use to control this.

  6. ik chowdhury says:


    iam sufering from psoriasis for last 12 yrs. presently taking sulphur 1000 on every sunday morning 4drops once,merc sol 30 morning and night 4drops, graphites 200 on sunday morning 4drops, calceria sulph 6x and kali suph 6x each 4 tablets daily 4 times. my scalp psoriasis starte reducing but my patches on leg and elbow are not healing after taking these medicines for 15 days. are the medicines prescribed ok or u want to suggest more medicines. pls. help. my email

  7. I hav psorisis in arms and fingure. How to cure.

  8. Which homeopathy remedies are indicated for psoriasis of heels?

  9. Raja sekhara rao says:

    Sir, Iam suffering from PSORiATIC ARTHRITIES my doctor gave RHUSTOX and some twelve salts from three months please give a suggestion

  10. Soumya Banerjee says:

    i am fighting with psoriasis more than 9 years, when i dont know about this disease , i take alopathic medicines, after 2 and half years i am going to ayurveda , they cost me huge amount but my disease as usual, now i am treating with homeopathy but there no result of it.
    i am from a very poor family, only i know how i am arrange money for my ayurvedic treatment. i am vey grateful if you please suggest me a homeopathy Doctor, or a contact who can help me about Psoriasis,

    • Hi,
      Provide me your contact number, so that I can suggest a well known doctor in BangaloreWho treated me with permanent cure… My uncle with very reasonable cost very low.

  11. Ankit Kardam says:

    Food which can eat and which can not eat?
    Whey protein can be used in psoriasis or not?

  12. Nicely present. Keep it up. Stay blessed

  13. I am suffering from Psorises since last 8 years. How can I completely get rid off with this.

  14. i have used sulphur 1 m 7 drops in water only once
    I have a long standing skin problem in my groan area, now psorasis in my feet and am getting it on my hands

    Is this ok

  15. varun tiwari says:

    hello sir, i have been suffering from psoriasis for 11 years. I just want to know what are the foods that i should stay away from. I am taking Dr reckweg r65 and r21 are thee both good?

  16. Hi,
    I’m Faisal, from Bangladesh. I have psoriasis . psoraitic arthritis.. Plz..suggeste me..

  17. Rajnish Ranjan says:

    Dear Doctor,

    I am suffering from “Plaque Psoriasis” as I supposed since last one year. I went treatment under Hemeo Medicine and I got a very positive result and almost my all patches got vanished also. Recently I again observing the same type of patches coming up on the entire leg below the knee again.

    Please suggest a very effective medicine which can remove from the root level.

  18. Harsh Singh says:

    Which is the best medicine for putsular psoriasis?

  19. Arun Singh says:

    Psoriasis started about five years ago , two years I can not understand, but then I visit to doctors then I Know about this.
    Now I am suffering with this on whole body like scolp, elbow, nells ,back, chest, lower part of body, legs every where it is spreading rapidaly. What medicine I should use.
    I saw on internet a medicine name Ars. Brom. Q suitable for me but it is not available.
    Please suggest what to do ?

  20. Mam i have psorasis since 2 year is psorisis curable for long time

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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