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ALMOST everyone experiences an occasional bout of abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhoea or constipation. However, if you are having either of these problems very frequently or if it has become chronic, chances are that you may be suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is one of the most common gastro-intestinal disorders and although it is not a serious one, its impact on one’s life can be tremendous. Chronic and recurring symptoms of IBS can disrupt personal and professional activities, upset emotional well-being and limit individual potential.

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is not a disease. It is a functional disorder, which means that the bowel (large intestine) is not functioning properly, though physically there is nothing wrong with it. With IBS, the nerves and muscles in the bowel are extra-sensitive. For example, the muscles may contract too much when you eat. These contractions can cause cramping and diarrhoea during or shortly after a meal.

The exact cause of IBS is not known. Symptoms appear to result from a disturbance in the interaction between the gut, the brain, and the nervous system that alters the regulation of the bowel motor or the sensory function. IBS is not caused by stress. However, because of the connection between the brain and the gut, symptoms can be exacerbated or triggered by stress. Certain things like milk and caffeine are also known to have a disturbing effect on IBS patients.

IBS is characterised by abdominal pain or discomfort and the abnormal bowel function, which may include chronic diarrhoea, chronic constipation, or an alternating pattern of both. Patients may feel the sensation of not being able to fully empty their bowels. Other symptoms may include gas formation, bloating as well as nausea.

IBS is a spectrum disorder, which means that there can be a great variety of symptoms and also that their intensity can range from very mild to severe. Primarily, homeopathy is a method where the individual symptoms of patients are given more preference than the labels of the disease and are matched with those of the drug. Thus, treating diseases like IBS with homeopathy in an effective manner becomes easier. However, it may take a while before appreciable results are achieved. One must keep in mind that the goal is not to have a temporary relief but a permanent one.

Homeopathic medicines like Nux Vomica, Colocynth, Aloes, Sulphur, Carbo Veg, China and Lycopodium are among the very effective ones that are often employed by experts for treating irritable bowel syndrome. However, please make sure that such conditions are not treated without the help of a professional homoeopath

Managing IBS

Experiment with fibre

When you have IBS, fibre can be a mixed blessing. Although it helps reduce constipation, it can also lead to diarrhoea, gas formation and cramping worse. The best approach is to gradually increase the amount of fibre in your diet over a period of weeks.

Avoid problem foods

If certain foods make your symptoms worse, don’t eat them. Common culprits include alcohol, chocolate and caffeinated beverages such as coffee and sodas.

Eat at regular times

Don’t skip meals and try to eat about the same time each day to help regulate the bowel function.

Beware of dairy products

They usually are the biggest culprits in IBS. If you’re lactose-intolerant, try substituting yoghurt for milk.

Exercise regularly

Exercise helps relieve depression and stress, stimulates normal contractions of your intestines and can help you feel better

Write To Dr . Sharma

Write to Dr. Sharma and get a reply on how homeopathy can help you in treating your disease condition .



  1. Major Chander Dhawan says:

    Dear Dr Sharma,
    For some time now gas traps in my stomach and does not exit. I can hear the rumblings. After some time I start getting cramps which are quite severe. They last for 2 to 3 hours and I start vomiting which gives me great relief. I may have two or three vomits at times. Sometimes one of two loose motions even.
    I got all tests done like sonography, blood and stool tests, cndoscopy and stomach CT scan and all has been found normal. Even a biopsy after the CT scan was normal. Biopsy was advised by the gastroenterologist since there were a few very small small nodes outside the intestines, on the Mesentry.
    I have taken homeopathy medicine for some time. I took China 30, Lycopodium 30 and Carbo Veg 30. These gave relief for some time but not now. Almost a year I had no problems but now again occurring since last 45 days.
    Can you suggest a course of treatment. I am 70 years old.

  2. Amit Mani says:

    Irritable bowl syndrome problem take better homeopathy medicine

  3. sanjit das says:

    Sir I took lots of allopathic medicine to get cure from my stomach problem they said that i have functional bowel disorder along with generalised anxietie disorder. Now I having problem like loss stoll sometimes with foam gas bloating less appetite and now I los my weight. I start taking homeopathy medince consult with dr. Dilip ghoshal at guwahati but god knows whether I will get well or not. Can u tell me how long it will take to get cure if doctor giving right medince

  4. MD. Asaduzzaman says:

    Dear sir, I am Asaduzzaman Mezba 37 years old. I am Bangladeshi & I am serious suffering IBS 10 years long. From Last month I taking IBS treatment from India . Doctor prescribed me – capsule: Meva-c, Tab D-Veniz & Tab. Sompraz. Please help me by any better suggestions for curing this IBS.

  5. praveen kumar says:

    sir i have IBS and GERD disease iam a student of btech 3rd year 21 years old i found different smells from my rectum in college continuosly please help me in curing this IBS

  6. muneeruddin says:

    hello sir,iam also suffering from IBS since last five years i was taking normaxin and stelbid and it was perfect combination and i was totally relieved on taking it.but stelbid is banned and simply normaxin alone is not giving relief so i request you to suggest me any other tablet like the stelbid that can give the relieve without causing the side effects.

  7. Hi,
    My husband is 40 yrs old , he was diagnosed with IBS Diaherria,is there a permanent cure for this

  8. Vivek Tiwari says:

    I long ibs d can disturb me i ok when i take vizylac but when i stop it problem remain the same i eat a very little and suffering from indigestion and sometimes ok with vizylac my stool doent even stict to pan but it is sometime yellow in colour and sometime semisolid

  9. sebastian says:

    relief from IBS-C – Eat rice and vegetable/chicken/fish curry at night. dring well water or Natural Mineral Water. NO wheat, sugar, alchohol, chinese foods, sauces, bakery, milk, yogurt, bottled drinking water.

  10. zaid alam says:

    Due to masturbation i am facing this 2 problems

    1. i got ibs from last 3 years and after every eating i have to go to stool 3 to 4 times

    2. with this sticky fluid comes of my penis even i think of a girl.

    i am very weak and thin ….plz suggest medicine ..i will be thankful to you….

  11. Excellent details , simple and can be understood by conman man. Thx

  12. S Veerapratap says:

    Respected Sir,

    Is possible IBS curing , please give suggest which treatment is best I mean Homeopathy or Ayurveda .

  13. sunil kumar singh sunil says:

    i m suffering from ibs from last two year. i m not so rich to afford high medical cost. on local lever i treated with many doctors. but no one really helped me by his good treatment. now i hv tried all alopathy, homeopathy and ayurvedic. pls help me. i will contribute as per my capacity .

    sunil kr singh west patel nagar nandni path

  14. didar singh says:

    Sir i m suffering ibs from last 2 years plz sir advise me how resolve my prblm

  15. suman kumar saurabh says:

    Dr.sharma i suman kumar saurabh live in BURDWAN west bengal and i am suffering from IBS last 7 years and i have seen many doctor .also i have take medicine ayurvedic and homeopathy but can’t be relief from this disease .presently i have facing access gas in abdomen,bloating,cramps,mucus in stool,foam type motion, headache,food not digest properly and many more and i have take pentodac20 and meva c with homeopathic medicine dr .sah mumbai is given to me three medicine,IBS, fissure in ano and anxiety disorder. finally i have not satisfied and relief from this disease so sir please suggest me what can i do because iam afraid. thank you

  16. jagjit singh says:

    My intestine persistal movement is very slow .I always feel stomach upset.canot eat heavy food. Take small proportion of food…if eat one chapati more my system totally becomes upset..age 34 yr…unmarried male. .when take multivitamin my intestine cannot absorb becomes upset.and also gas formation. …which homeopathic medicine should I use. Ihabe taken lycopodium it gives relief to me only some extent…but not completely

  17. Surender kumar verma says:

    I am of, 58yr age suffering from IBS problem. Kindly suggest the homeopathic medicine.

  18. R P Dhand says:

    I have been a patient of IB S For the last 30 years I am 68 years now . Please suggest some homeo medicine

  19. i am just 23years and i have ibs d and chronic dairrhea from 2 years ivisit experts gastrology but iam not get still relief

    • jagjit singh says:

      My intestine persistal movement is very slow .I always feel stomach upset.canot eat heavy food. Take small proportion of food…if eat one chapati more my system totally becomes upset..age 34 yr…unmarried male. .when take multivitamin my intestine cannot absorb becomes upset.and also gas formation. …which homeopathic medicine should I use. Ihabe taken lycopodium it gives relief to me only some extent…but not completely

  20. I have most probably what u refer as ibs because all the blood and stool tests have shown no abnormalities. Only i have been tested for h pylori positive by endoscopy and regular stool tests show as acidic. My homeo doctor here says aemeobisis and has prescribed a darkish bitter liquid with no 5 and no 7 of Reckeweg and says the bitter one can cure my symptoms. I hav tried the bitter one but causes a bit of discomfort so stopped it. Can u suggest .

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