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Drosera Rotundifolia – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Drosera Rotundifolia is a natural homeopathic medicine derived from plant round leaved sundew. It belongs to the family droseraceae. Drosera is prepared from this active fresh plant through a process of potentization (it is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance). It is a top grade medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of cough particularly dry, irritative cough.

The ‘Drosera Rotundifolia’ Constitution

This medicine prominently suits persons having a tendency to cough, mainly dry cough and those affected with tuberculosis. It is also suitable for children who mainly suffer from nocturnal cough (cough at night). 

Drug Action 

The utmost and most wide action of this medicine is seen on the respiratory tract and larynx. Other than this it also acts on other body parts though not as extensively as above mentioned areas. Such body parts where it has limited action includes throat, joints, limbs, skin, nose, face, neck and back.

Clinical Indications

Cough, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, hoarseness of voice, haemorrhages (bleeding), measles, joint pain, bone pains, writer’s cramp, cold, nose bleeding, facial pain, back pain, neck pain.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Respiratory problems (cough, asthma, bronchitis)

Pre-eminently this medicine has the most prominent action on the respiratory system to deal with various problems related to it. Drosera is very effective for managing cases of cough. Majorly it helps out cases of dry, irritative cough. It is a deep, barking sort of cough. The cough occurs in fits at rapid intervals. The main characteristic is worsening of cough from talking, singing and laughing. It stands out as a dominant medicine for spasmodic cough in which cough ends up in vomiting. It is a top listed medicine to manage cough in children. The peculiar feature to use it here is coughing in children worsening at night as soon as the child lies down. Another specific indication is cough form constant tickling in the larynx, feels as if there is a feather in the larynx which is causing cough. 
It is also effective for cases of asthma where asthma worsens from talking. There is a contracted sensation in my throat from talking. There is difficult breathing and vomiting of tough mucus. Bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs) cases also respond well to this medicine. It is particularly an important medicine for managing bronchitis in elderly people. In such cases there is a cough worsening on lying down and at night with expectoration of yellow mucus. Another complaint where this medicine seems to be of help is chest pain when coughing or sneezing.  This medicine can be given for managing complaints of cough with blood spitting. Last indication to use it is cough with blood spitting or cough with vomiting in tuberculosis cases.

Key indicating features

Dry, irritative, deep barking type of cough
Cough in fits occurring at short intervals
Cough from talking, singing and laughing
Spasmodic cough when cough ends up in vomiting
Cough in children that worsens at night as soon as child lie down
Cough excited from tickling in the larynx
Asthma worsening from talking with contracted sensation in throat from talking
Bronchitis in elderly people
Cough with blood spitting

  1. Throat (sore throat, laryngitis)

This medicine also acts well on the throat. Cases of sore throat when there is redness, dryness, and roughness in the throat can be wonderfully managed with it. There is difficulty in swallowing solid food, person feels stinging pain when swallowing. There may occur yellow, greenish phlegm. It can successfully handle cases of Clergyman’s sore throat (Sore throat in those who overuse voices like public speakers). It is well indicated for laryngitis (inflammation of larynx or voice box) cases when there is a deep, hoarse voice. Sometimes the voice is cracking, husky, having no tone and the person has to put efforts to speak. A feather sensation in the larynx is prominent. Crawling and tickling can be felt in the larynx that excites coughing.

Key indicating features

Clergyman’s sore throat means sore throat in persons who overuse voice like as in public speakers
Laryngitis with deep, hoarse, cracking, husky or toneless voice
Feather sensation in larynx
Crawling and tickling in larynx that excites cough

  1. Limbs (joint pain, bone pains, muscle pain, writer’s cramp)

With its action on limbs it can be of great help to manage joint pains, bone pains, muscle pain and writer’s cramp. Its use is recommended for hip joint pain on the right side. It is a laming sort of pain that makes the sufferer limp when walking. Its use is  considered for ankle pain on the right side along with stiffness. The pain occurs when walking. There is stiffness in the joints of feet. 
It is beneficial for bone pain in the long bones, mainly for stitching type of pain. It worsens from motion and is somewhat relieved with rest. For muscles generally it is useful when there is stitching pain in muscles of upper and lower limb felt in every position.
Specifically, it is indicated for pain in muscles in the back of thigh, it is worse when stooping and also from pressure. Another indication is pain in the calf muscles of the right side when it is cutting stitching type, and occurs when sitting. Lastly it is valuable medicine for cases of writer’s cramp (a condition affecting fingers, hands, forearms in which there occurs involuntary contraction of muscles when doing activities with hands like writing, typing, instrument playing with hand and similar activities). There is contraction and rigidity of fingers when a person grasps anything when this medicine is required.

Key indicating features

Hip joint pain on right side causing limping when walking
Pain and stiffness in right sided ankle when walking
Pain in long bones
Stitching pain in muscles of upper and lower limb that is felt in every position
Writer’s cramp

  1. Skin (itching, measles and ulcers)

When it comes to skin, it helps manage complaints including itching, measles and ulcers. In cases needing it the itching occurs particularly while undressing. If scratched the skin peels off. Itching is accompanied with prickling, stinging and burning sensation. The itching is better from rubbing skin. There may occur sore painful eruptions as well. For ulcers it is selected when skin ulcers have burning, cutting pain, and pus or bleeding is present. This complaint is worse from the warmth of the bed and better from cold. This medicine is also considered for measles cases management. Lastly, it is an important medicine for treating black pores on the chin and nose.

Key indicating features

Itching while undressing, better from rubbing
Itching with prickling, stinging and burning sensation
Skin ulcers with burning, cutting pain, and pus or bleeding
Black pores on chin and nose

  1. Nose (cold, nasal bleeding)

By acting on the nose, Drosera offers benefits to manage cases of nasal bleeding. It is used when bleeding from the nose arises from blowing nose or from coughing. In some cases nose bleeding specifically occurs in evening time.  It is useful for a cold with a runny nose in the morning, accompanied with sneezing.

Key indicating features

Nose bleeding in evening
Nose bleeding from blowing nose and on coughing

  1. Face (pain, eruptions)

If we talk of face this medicine is well indicated to manage facial pain. To use this medicine the main feature is pain in the face that increases from touch and pressure. Prickling sensation and burning in cheeks may be felt. The face is red and hot. It also gives good results in case of pus filled (pustular) eruptions on the face, when stitching sensation is present in these. Touch worsens this complaint.

Key indicating features

Facial pain that worsens from touch and pressure
Pus filled (pustular) eruptions on face with stitching sensation 

  1. Neck and Back (pain)

Drosera is indicated to settle a few complaints related to neck and back. The first indication here to use it is pain and stiffness of neck which is worse from motion. Neck is painful to touch as well. Another indication is pain in the back specifically felt in the early morning. 

Key indicating features

Pain and stiffness of neck, worse from motion
Pain in back specifically in the early morning.


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from lying down, talking, singing, laughing, after midnight

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in open air, sitting up in bed, from pressure and being quiet

Drosera Rotundifolia Dosage

This medicine works equally well in both low and high potency. In low potency it can be repeated frequently but in high potency its frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphora

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Conium, Cina, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Veratrum Album

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  1. मेरे घुटनों में जकड़न तथा दर्द रहता है दाहिना घुटना मुड़ नही पाता है तथा कमर में दाहिने साइड के एक प्वाइंट पर दर्द रहता है
    सौच के लिए घुटनों के बल बैठ नही पाते
    मेरी उम्र 68 साल की है और वजन 81 KG है
    तेज चलने या जल्दबाजी करने या थोड़ा मेहनत करने या पेट में गैस बन जाने पर मेरे गले में हंसुली के बीचो बीच तेज दर्द होता है फिर बनावटी डकार लेता हूं तो गले का दर्द कुछ ठीक हो जाता है
    मुझे शुगर नार्मल है BP की दवा TELMA 40 लेता हूं
    कृपया होम्योपैथिक दवा बताएं

  2. S p KHOT. says:

    दोन वर्ष पासून एलर्जी खोकला आहे. कप सिरप किंवा एलर्जी गोळी घेतल्यावर तेवढाच कमी येतो. खोकला लागल्यानंतर मला खूप त्रास होतो. कमरे भोवती खास सुटते. पोटामध्ये गॅसेस तयार होतात. कृपया रामबाण इलाज मला सुचवा. माझा हा आजार मुळा सहित जाण्यासाठी उपचार करा. तुम्हाला हात जोडून विनंती आहे.

  3. डा राजीव पाराशर says:

    सर नमस्कार
    मेरे शरीर पर लाइपोमा की गांठें है। जो पिछले 10 साल से है। हाथों में और जांघों में विशेष रूप से है। पिछले 2 वर्षो से काफी इलाज भी कराया है। आयुर्वेदिक एवं होम्योपैथिक परन्तु कोई लाभ नहीं हुआ। यदि आपके पास कोई होम्योपैथिक उपचार है तो कृपया बताने की कृपा करें। आपकी अति दया होगी। धन्यवाद

  4. H. L. Yadav says:

    Sir, my wife is suffering from severe cough specially at night for the last one and half years. Got allopathic treatment after all tests including chest x ray but all in vain. Consulted a homeopath who prescribed Justicia and treatment done for three months with no relief . cough is wheezing and barking sound. During cough very often there is vomiting of watery and diluted cough. She is feeling irritating problem in throat after coughing. Kindly help me in this regard by prescribing suitable homeo medicine. With a lot of thanks and regards- H.L.Yadav, Prayagraj U.P.

    • H. L. Yadav says:

      Sir, my wife is suffering from severe cough specially at night for the last one and half years. Got allopathic treatment after all tests including chest x ray but all in vain. Consulted a homeopath who prescribed Justicia and treatment done for three months with no relief . cough is wheezing and barking sound. During cough very often there is vomiting of watery and diluted cough. She is feeling irritating problem in throat after coughing. Kindly help me in this regard by prescribing suitable homeo medicine. With a lot of thanks and regards- H.L.Yadav, Prayagraj U.P.



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