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Sulphur – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Sulphur is an element that occurs in nature as a brittle crystalline solid. The homeopathic medicine is prepared from brimstone. To obtain the medicine, “Flowers of Sulphur” are triturated (a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared). Use of this remedy as a medicine dates back to many years. It is said by Dr. Hahnemann that Sulphur has been used to treat itching since 2000 years ago. As a homeopathic medicine, it is majorly used to treat skin complaints, hot flushes, early morning diarrhoea and piles.   homeopathic medicine Sulphur

The ‘Sulphur’ Constitution

It is a suitable medicine for people who are lean, are untidy and have stoop-shoulders, who walk and sit in a stooped position and do not like to stand for too long. It is suited to those with a greasy skin, matted hair, and who are prone to skin affections. People having complaints from suppressed eruptions and who are warm blooded having frequent hot flushes all over body can be treated with Sulphur.

Drug Action

This is a deep acting medicine and has marked action on almost all the organs of body out of which skin remains prominent.

It has a marked action on circulatory system and helps to relieve flushes of heat and treat piles wonderfully. Next, it helps check inflammatory conditions with marked redness, congestion and heat. It acts on the skin and helps to heal a number of skin lesions attended with itching and burning sensation. Use of Sulphur is also thought in cases where a well-indicated remedy fails to act.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Skin Complaints

This remedy leads the chart of homeopathic remedies to treat a huge number of skin affections.

It offers great help to treat skin itching. Persons needing it have an intense burning on the skin along with itching. Most times the itching is  worse at night and from warmth of bed. They complain of sleeplessness from itching. They usually explain that itching is wandering in nature that shift from one place to another. Burning on the skin is also complained by them after scratching. Sometimes they have bleeding from skin after scratching. Affected skin areas also gets sore and painful from scratching. The skin is dry, rough and scaly along with above symptoms. Prickling sensation in the skin is also prominent. The common skin complaints that are treated effectively with Sulphur are scabies (contagious itchy skin condition caused by burrowing mites called Sarcoptes scabiei), eczema, urticaria (raised itchy bumps on skin from an allergic reaction), skin ulcers, boils (infections with pus filled lumps on skin), and pimples.

2. Headache

This is a useful medicine for treating periodical headaches that occur every week or every two weeks. Persons needing it feels throbbing all over head but especially on top of the head (vertex). Top of head is very sensitive to touch. Heat on the top of head is marked, and the forehead and eyes are tensed. There is rush of blood to head with heat. Tingling sensation may also appear on head and headache leads to weakness. They may specifically have increase in the pain from walking and going in open air. A roaring or humming sound in ears may be experienced by them along with headache.

3. For Itching and Burning in Eyes

Sulphur works very well to manage itching and burning in eyes. Person needing it also have sensation of sand in eyes. Other complaint that they have is watering from eyes. This gets more in open air. It is very suitable to treat inflammation, swelling and redness of eyes.

4. Rectal Complaints 

When it comes to treating complaints of the rectum, Sulphur offers major help in cases of constipation, diarrhoea, piles and anal itching. Use of tis remedy is considered in cases of constipation when stool is hard, dry and seems as if burnt. This is attended with frequent and ineffectual want to evacuate especially at night time. Stool is unsatisfactory with sensation as if some still remained in the rectum. Heaviness on the top of head is felt along with constipation. It is also a well-indicated medicine for prolapse of rectum, especially when passing a hard stool.

Next, it is very useful to correct complaint of early morning diarrhoea. In such cases urgency is marked and person has to rush immediately to pass stool without any wait. There is rumbling and rolling in the rectum and stool drives the person out of bed in a great hurry. Redness about the anus is marked.

Other indication to use this medicine is a complaint of piles. For using it the piles are large, swollen and painful. Persons requiring it have throbbing, shooting, stitching, smarting, burning pain in the piles both during and after stool. Soreness, itching, stinging and swelling in anus is also prominent. The person has a constant desire to scratch parts. Sometimes there is exudation of a viscid, slimy fluid from piles. They also have constipation and stool is hard that appear once in two to four days. Along with this they feel fullness in the rectum. violent bearing – down pains from small of back towards the anus are also felt. Other symptom experienced by them is pulsating pain in anus felt throughout the day. It is also indicated in bleeding piles when blood is dark in colour.

Apart from above one can use this medicine to relieve itching at anus which is intense and intolerable. It is most worse at the night time. Itching makes the person sleepless. Along with itching, a sore feeling of anus and burning are marked. Itching from piles and from worms is managed well with this medicine. It is helpful to treat worms including thread-worms, ascarides and taenia.

 5. Urinary Tract Infections

In cases requiring Sulphur for UTI, burning in the urethra during urination is main symptom. Along with this redness and inflammation of orifice of urethra is there. Stream of urine is also thin, weak. Sometimes urine stream is intermittent. In some cases urine passes slowly in drops. In addition to above symptoms, there is constant desire to urinate and  marked urgency to pass urine. Discharge of mucus or blood in urine may be there in some cases. Itching in urethra is yet another complaint. 

 6. For Male Complaints

This is a significant medicine to treat cases of weak erections. Males needing it have weak sexual power with coldness of penis. Weakness in back may be attending feature. They may also have complaint of quick discharge of semen during coition. Sometimes they have involuntary discharge of semen with burning in urethra.

Secondly, this is a beneficial medicine to relieve itching on male genitals. It also helps to reduce any associated burning and redness of parts. Any sort of eruptions also heal with its use. Offensive sweat on genitals may be felt along with above symptoms. It is also indicated to treat itching ulcers on male genitals. Such ulcers may be covered with crust with discharge of pus from underneath.

Next, it is indicated for treating chronic gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In these cases it helps to manage discharge of white or yellow mucus from urethra. It also helps to relieve associated shooting burning pains in urethra.

7. Female Disorders

This is a significant medicine to treat a number of female complaints. These mainly include vaginal discharges, itching in genitals, hot flushes and cracked nipples.

It is a very valuable medicine to treat chronic vaginal discharges in women. The females needing this medicine have very profuse, milky, yellow or greenish yellow vaginal discharge. The discharge tend to get worse at night time. It is excoriating in nature that lead to soreness, smarting and burning sensation in vagina. They have a desire to scratch parts till they bleed.
Secondly, it has a great scope to manage itching in female genitals. Females requiring this medicine also have burning in vagina along with itching. There may also be pimples on vulva with itching.

Next, it has proven to be highly effective medicine to treat hot flushes in women at their menopausal period. They mainly suffer from intense heat in head, hands and feet during their menopausal period.
Other than these, Sulphur is a magnificent medicine to heal cracked nipples. It also helps to ease associated stinging pain and burning in the  nipples. Women having bleeding from the nipples when nursing are also benefited with it.

8. Back Pain

In ancient times some countries used a bag filled with flowers of sulphur to relieve back pain. Such bag when applied heated to the back  promptly helped relieve the pain. In homeopathy its use is made in backache located in the lower back which is worse on stooping. It makes a person unable to walk erect as a result he have to walk bent over. In some cases pain in back is felt on rising from a seat or from heavy lifting. Back also feels stiff.


Sulphur is recommended in both low and high potencies. Since it is a deep acting medicine so should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica Aloe and Psorinum. These medicines can be used after Sulphur  to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Antidotes are Camphor, Chamomilla, China, Nux Vomica and Sepia. These antidote medicine can be used to neutralize the action of Sulphur in case it has aggravated the problem due to high sensitivity towards it.

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  1. Sulpher 6 ch din me kitne time or kitna drop lena chiye

  2. Dear Dr Sharma

    please give how to prepare the Sulphur solution for treating itching eyes and headache

    Thank you


  3. Akpomedaye Idogho says:

    Can sulphur be used to treat knee pain?

  4. Hello I am a nursing mother using Sepia 200 twice a week while my nearly two year old is taking Sulphur 200 daily to treat chronic eczema. Should I be concerned with the Sepia I am using antidoting his Sulphur?

  5. Thank for your help as I have limited knowledge in homeopathy . I have deal with sleep apena which drives my blood pressure so high. They want to put me on a 4th med and yet I still don’t get get quality sleep. C pap is difficult to get use to. I am so tired most of the time. What can you suggest?

  6. Hi! Dr. Sharma,
    Thank you for being with us here always. I was diagnosed with duodenal erosion few months ago and took 2 months proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics but it seems to be not working well and still I feel a dull pain in a specific spot and a lot of flatulence especially at night. I feel nausea and keep doing frequent burps and moderate constipation . I lost around 7 kg weight in 2 years. But there is no chance in food taste and I can eat well. Please help me out.

  7. Relationship to Other Remedies
    Complementary medicines are Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica Aloe and Psorinum. These medicines can be used after Sulphur to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

    Antidotes are Camphor, Chamomilla, China, Nux Vomica and Sepia. These antidote medicine can be used to neutralize the action of Sulphur in case it has aggravated the problem due to high sensitivity towards it.

    I have a question regarding the content. Nux Vomica in this case is a complementary or a antidotes? As it appeared in both fields. Thank you .

  8. Dhyanna Goulet says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma,

    I have thrush and possibly candida and learned that flowers of sulfur can get rid of it. I am wondering if the homeopathic flowers of sulfur will do the same and if so what dosage should I take?

    Thank you, Dhyanna


    Halo Dr. Sharma.I am 75 Yrs old , for the last 4-5 years suffering from burning itching on the whole back region along Spine.
    90 % of symptoms are governing my physique and Psych.Please suggest me suitable dose & potency of Sulphur to start with.
    With Regards.

  10. Hi, may you please advise on the dosage to treat, vaginal candida, especially when and after menstruatio. Sometimes after eating a meat, can meat be the cause

  11. Lesley Keen says:

    I have taken sulphur i a day for 3 days 30c – for very itchy burning face neck chin area – usually dry Eczema but at the moment behind ears and back neck feel abit weepy – always wore on waking – I have very dry skin – doesn’t feel any better yet – should I take it for a few more days or go to Graphites ? Please answer this Lesley

  12. Shafiq ur Rahman says:

    Hi Doctor,
    My Mrs is suffering from Endometriosis before marriage, didn’t conceived after marriage, we came to know after tests that she has chocolate cysts due to endometriosis and her both fallopian tubes are blocked. So doctors said it’s impossible to conceive naturally, for baby IVF suggested. That’s costly.
    Is there any cure to open fallopian tubes and chance of conceive with Homeopathic medicines. Thank you so much!

  13. I have given my 6-year-old dog a 1M dose of Sulphur on Nov.24th. I believe he has kidney disease. He was diagnosed with ehrlichiosis twice and heart worms. I gave him a 200c dose of Cina for the heart worms about the middle of October. He has boils on his paws mostly, a huge thirst, he will drink until he throws up, so I just put a half bowl of water down for him at a time. He will urinate for a long time. He scratches continuously until he is out of breath. He can’t rest because of the itch. His hair is falling out and he develops sores from the constant scratching. He is a very restless dog who travels all around our area for miles at a time. I have a Fi tracking collar on him, sometimes he gets so far away it takes him another day to get home. even though he is so restless, he is very mild-mannered dog who seems to like everybody and most other dogs. We live in a very rural area without a homeopathic veterinarian or doctor. It would be a major understatement for me to say I don’t believe in modern big pharma.

  14. Kathy Foran says:

    Dear Dr. Dharma,
    I would like to know the dosage and frequency of taking Sulphur for the intense itching of psoriasis.
    Thank you.
    Kathy Foran

  15. I have Barrett’s esophagus and need to treat itl with something other than protein pump inhibitors. Arsenicum Album? Sulphur? My bed is elevated at the head, also I avoid caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and spicy food.

  16. Henry milton says:

    Hi dr thank you for this opportunity to ask you a question.
    What is a good remedy to clear sticky black energy intrusions in the aura and pineal gland and repair the aura from its effects
    Thank you

  17. Jerry Goldberg says:

    Hi I have mapped out over 300 remedies and their relationship to the meridian system. Sulfur has an affinity for the large intestine meridian. It is additionally usefull for strengthening the meridian and is usefull for finger cramps, refer to Kent. Additionally I treated a woman in her 60’s who responded well to lycopodium and mag pho’s. Lycopodium supports the spleen meridian which supports the colon and renews the muscular layer. Additionally mag pho’s acts in a similar fashion and helps to relieve cramping. Thought you might find this information usefull.

    • Jerry I have wondered often about connections between remedies and meridians. Do you have a website or book or anywhere you have written these mappings down that you could share. I would be very interested.

  18. robert abro says:

    since 2007 i have allergy due to mold infection in my lungs and i got healing in my lungs but it appears in the form allergies in my whole body and i got Ayurveda medicine (KASHAYAM ) two times but some part of my body still i have skin allergy.Took homeopathy drops (CALCIUM CARBONICUM) -GERMAN NAME:But still in some parts of the body skin is not forming.Suggested to take Sulphur 200 not yet started. Request your valuable opinion. I am living in Germany and from Kerala, India.

  19. Elizabeth Clarke says:

    I have sciatica which is giving me a great deal of pain’ the pills I have been given cannot bu taken with painkillers. At the moment I am taking aconite 30 but I see sulphur might help is it worth giving it a try.

  20. Hi,

    I’m highly sensitive to sulfur and I started studying herbalism to help with this condition. I started taking herbs but noticed that i’m getting very constipated (which is a typical thing that happens when i ingest sulfur, i get constipated). So now i need to study every single herb for its sulfur content but I can’t find a good resource. Do you have any advice on where I can find a resource?

    thank you

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