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Myristica Sebifera: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Myristica Sebifera is derived from the plant ‘Brazilian ucuba’. The gum of the bark of this plant undergoes potentization ( process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused). Following this process, we get homeopathic medicine Myristica Sebifera of great clinical importance. It is a renowned medicine in homeopathy to effectively deal with medical conditions in which formation of pus (medically known as suppuration) occurs, and is also a great antiseptic (that prevents infection in an injured area).

Drug Action

Its major and most widespread action is on the skin. Myristica Sebifera occupies a special place in homeopathic therapeutics to treat numerous medical conditions accompanied by pus formation. It hastens the process of pus formation to aid quick recovery. The other body parts where it acts well include ears, rectum, joints and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Abscess, boils, carbuncles, suppuration (pus formation), fistulas, panaritium, whitlow, paronychia, ulcers, injuries, joint disorders, arthritis (joint inflammation)

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Complaints (Boils, Abscesses, Carbuncles, Paronychia, Panaritium, Whitlow)

Myristica has a well-defined action to treat various skin problems. The most striking words that signifies its use in skin complaints is ‘pus formation’. Numerous skin issues attended with pus formation can be effectively treated with this medicine. It is such a powerful medicine for treating pus-related issues that its timely use often prevents surgical intervention in most of the cases.

Firstly, it is a magnificent medicine for managing abscesses, boils and carbuncles. In all these conditions, there is pus formation. Among these an abscess is a painful mass filled with pus resulting from a bacterial infection. An abscess can form under the skin (skin abscess) or in an organ (internal abscess). Boils refer to pus-filled lumps under the skin caused by bacterial infection of hair follicles. It begins as a painful, tender lump followed by pus collection after which it ruptures and pus drains out. Boils are also known as furuncles.



Carbuncle refers to cluster of boils connected together under the skin. Myristica works by speeding up the process of pus formation and drainage, and shortens healing time in these conditions.  Its use is also indicated for abscesses arising from splinters, mainly caused by iron nails, leading to infection, pain and pus formation.

It has proved successful in treating panaritium, paronychia, whitlow and  ingrown toenails. Paronychia means infection of skin around the nails usually at the base or sides of the nails. It begins with pain, swelling, redness in this area around nail followed by formation of pus filled pockets.



Panaritium is an infected or inflamed tissue near a fingernail. Whitlow is an infection of fingertip in which a painful abscess forms on fingertip on palm side. Whitlow is also called felon. In an ingrown toenail, the side or corner of toenail intrudes into nearby skin. This causes swelling, hardness and tenderness of skin near nail. If it gets infected then redness, bleeding and pus follows. Myristica is an outstanding medicine for each of these cases.

Other than these, it is an excellent antiseptic. It is of great service to prevent infection in an injured area. Additionally, it helps to reduce inflammation of skin and cellular tissue.

Key indicating features

Skin conditions accompanied with pus formation

Abscess, boils, carbuncles

Ingrown toenails

2. Rectum (Anal Fistula, Mucus In Stool)

It has shown great clinical improvement in case of anal fistula which is a small tunnel that runs from anal canal to skin near the anus. In cases of anal fistula, it gives remarkable results by controlling excessive pus formation as well as aiding pus absorption. Besides, it is well-indicated to manage mucus discharge with stool. It works well when yellow mucus passes with stool.

Key indicating features

Anal fistula

Yellow mucus in stool

3. Ear (Abscess, Middle Ear Inflammation)

Myristica Sebifera is mainly indicated for managing cases of abscess in external meatus in ear. Its use is also considered when there is inflammation and pus formation in middle ear.

Key indicating features

Abscess in external meatus

Inflamed middle ear along with pus formation

4. Joints And Limbs (Inflamed Bones And Periosteum, Inflamed Joints With Pus Formation)

Next noteworthy action of Myristica is on joints and limbs. It has a special affinity for managing inflammation of joints accompanied by pus formation. Firstly, it is effective for managing inflammation and pus in knee joint. There is also swelling on the knee that extends to the entire lower limb. Myristica can be used for the management of inflammation of shoulder joint attended with pus collection. This medicine offers help to reduce joint swelling and pain, and controls pus formation. It is also useful in treating cases of inflamed periosteum (membrane that covers the outer surface of bones) and inflamed bones. Another complaint where it is helpful is pain in hands, along with stiffness. Besides, it is indicated to manage pain in fingernails with swelling in fingers.

Key indicating features

Inflamed joints with pus formation

Pain in fingernails with swelling of fingers


This natural medicine works well in both low and high potency. Its potency needs to be selected based on individual requirement. The low potencies like 30C can be taken often but high potency like 200C, 1M should be taken in infrequent doses.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Myristica can be compared with some other homeopathic remedies, these include Silicea, Calcarea Sulph, Sulphur, Nux Moschata and Pyrogenium

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  1. Hi Dr. Sharma

    I have a anal fistula. Is the myristica sebifera used as an ointment and put on the the affected area topically?

    Thank you

  2. phenicia says:


    I know that Pyrogenium and Hepar sulfur can be taken together with 1 hour apart.

    I am trying to find if you can take MYRISTICA SEBIFERA with Hepar and Pyrogenium but I cannot find the information. Are they ok together and do they cancel each other?

    thank you in advance for your answer and best wishes

  3. brad barth says:

    how to use for anal fistula is it in ointment form

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