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Tellurium Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Tellurium Metallicum is derived from the metal Tellurium. In crude state, this metal is inert. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a significant homeopathic medicine Tellurium Metallicum. Among various health concerns that it treats well – ringworm, otitis media, ear discharges, and sciatica top the list.

Drug Action

As a medicine, Tellurium mainly acts on the skin. Next, it also is a great medicine for issues pertaining to the ears and the back. It also acts well on the face, mouth, and the nose.

Clinical Indications

Ringworm, eczema, eruptions, itching, otitis media, otorrhoea, earache, sciatica, herniated disks, spinal irritation, backache, barber’s itch, twitching, cold, post nasal discharge are other issues it relieves a person of.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Skin Problems (Ringworm, Eczema, Itching)

Its use is highly recommended to manage various skin issues. It is mostly helpful medicine to treat cases of ringworm. The striking feature for its use is ring-shaped lesions in intersecting rings over the whole body. Its use is also indicated to treat ringworm spots which may have become worsened over a period of time condition on the face and lower limbs. The ring-shaped lesions are attended with marked heat of skin. This medicine is also very effective to treat eczema cases — circular patches of eczema, small red pimples occur which along with tiny vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions). Its use is prominently suggested in cases of eczema that occurs behind the ears. There is thick crust formation behind the ears in such cases. Further, its use is considered to remove itching of hands and feet. Those who need it are the ones whose itching gets worse in cool air. Offensive smell occurs from affected parts.

Key Indicating Features

Ringworm with ring-shaped lesions in intersecting rings over whole body

Ringworm worse on face and lower limbs

Circular patches of eczema with small red pimples and tiny vesicles

Eczema behind the ears with thick crust formation

Itching of hands and feet worse in cool air

2. Ear Complaints (Otitis Media, Ear Discharge, Earache, Mastoiditis)

Tellurium acts well on the ears as well. It is a brilliant medicine in cases of otitis media (inflammation or infection of middle ear). It is well indicated when there is fetid, irritating discharge from ear that smells like brine. It is also quite helpful when there is pain in the ears. It can be administered for dull, throbbing pain in ears accompanied by thin, watery ear discharge. The pain is present 24 hours. It can be administered in cases of itching and swelling in external meatus along with painful throbbing. On some days, ear discharge which is watery and smell like fish pickle follows. This discharge causes vesicle (fluid-filled bumps) wherever it touches the skin. Other than this, it is indicated to manage long-term mastoiditis (infection of mastoid air cells surrounding inner and middle ear).

Key Indicating Features

Otitis media with fetid, irritating discharge from ear that smells like brine

Dull, throbbing pain in ears accompanied by thin, watery ear discharge

Itching and swelling in external meatus with painful throbbing followed by watery ear discharge smelling like fish pickle

3. Back Problems (Sensitivity Of Upper Back, Neck Pain, Sciatica)

Its action is also seen on the back. It proves very effective in cases of a sensitive upper back. The back — specifically between last cervical vertebra (cervical vertebra are seven bones stacked one over the other in the neck) to fifth dorsal vertebra (dorsal vertebra are 12 stacked bones in upper back immediately below last cervical vertebra) is sensitive to pressure, and touch.

It is a well-indicated medicine for herniated disks (means pushing out of the soft jelly-like center of disks through a tear in rubbery external part of disk). This medicine also works well in cases of neck pain that goes to shoulder and in between the scapulae (triangular bone in upper back one on the either side also known as shoulder blade). Its use is noteworthy in cases of sciatica (pain travelling along the path of sciatic nerve starting in lower back and radiating down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet). Its use is mostly preferred in case of sciatica of the right side. It gets worse upon lying on the affected side. It is also suitable for pain in the lower back in sacral region going into thigh. It gets worse from coughing, laughing, and while straining at stool.

Key Indicating Features

Sensitivity of back between last cervical vertebra to fifth dorsal vertebra to pressure and touch

Neck pain going to shoulder and in between the scapulae

Sciatica gets worse from lying on the affected side

Lower back pain in sacrum going into thigh, worse from coughing, laughing and when straining at stool

4. Facial Problems (Ringworm, Twitching)

Tellurium’s action is also marked on the face. It is of great help in cases of ringworm on the face. Its use is highly considered for cases of barber’s itch (ringworm of beard). It can help to settle complaints of twitching in facial muscles. It is especially helpful to treat cases of twitching in the left side facial muscles. There is drawing up of the left corner of the mouth while talking. For those who need it, may feel heat in the face, and sudden redness of face.

Key Indicating Features

Barber’s itch (ringworm of beard)

Twitching in facial muscles on left side with drawing up of left corner of mouth when talking

5.  Mouth Concerns (Ulcers, Bad Mouth Odour)

It can be used in cases of ulcers in the mouth. The ulcers can be present on the tongue, gums, mouth or palate. Dryness of the lips and the mouth may be present. Next, it can be administered in cases of excessive salivation. With this, there is metallic taste in the mouth. Its use is further indicated in cases of bad mouth odor like that of garlic.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth ulcers with dry mouth

Garlic-like odor from the mouth

6. Nasal Complaints (Post Nasal Discharge, Cold)

If we talk of nasal complaints, it is primarily useful for cases of PND- post nasal discharge (means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat). Tellurium suits well when dried yellow red mucus drips from the back of nose into the throat. It tastes salty in morning. Use of this medicine is suggested for cold with fluent discharge from the nose, watery eyes and hoarse voice. There is relief in open air. This complaint may be attended with short cough along with itching in the nostrils. Nasal blockage may also be felt.

Key Indicating Features

Post nasal discharge of dried yellow red mucus

Cold with fluent nasal discharge, watery eyes and hoarse voice which gets better in open air

7. Perspiration (Foul-Smelling Sweat)

Lastly, Tellurium is of great benefit in managing offensive sweating. It is well suited when there is profuse sweating of the feet. It is extremely foul smelling. It is also of great service for offensive sweating in the armpits. This sweat smells like garlic.

Key Indicating Features

Profuse foul-smelling sweat on feet

Offensive garlic like smelling sweat in armpits


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in cold weather, in morning, at rest, when lying on painful side, from touch and from coughing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by lying on the back


This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. In low potencies, it can be repeated often but in high potencies it should not be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Nux Vomica

It can be compared with homeopathic medicines Sepia, Bacillinum and Natrum Mur in complaint of ringworm.


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  1. Good day Dr
    I am a practicing alternative care person since 1980..
    I was rear- ended over a year ago which started severe drbilitating sciatica and hamstring pain… right side… i was stopped at a yield sign and turned very far to left to see oncoming traffic… with right foot on the brake..
    I have a dx of sciatic/ hamstring injury…
    The glut atea has many trigger points as does piriformis
    I have lessened the pain in half with various modalities.. what do you recommend?
    The pain gas aged me greatly

    • Just a side observation that few today are truly well hydrated and many avoid salt which is vital to allow H2o into the cells… Research WaterCure dot com it surely worked a miracle to add a good mineral rich sodium back to my life and a profound effect on PAIN (even bone on bone vetebrae and disc malformation!) Chronic pain is #1 sign of chronic dehydration. All remedies work better when hydrated!

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