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Trillium Pendulum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Trillium Pendulum is derived from a plant ‘lamb’s quarter’ also known as three-leaved nightshade and white beth root. It belongs to family Trilliaceae of the Liliaceae. The fresh roots of the plant are subjected to potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines) that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Following this process, we get a magnificent homeopathic remedy Trillium Pendulum. This medicine is principally indicated for managing certain female problems especially uterine fibroids, heavy menses and intermenstrual bleeding.

Drug Action

Among various actions of Trillium Pendulum, the top most action of this medicine is noted on female organs. The most important action of this medicine is to help control excessive bleeding accompanied with dizziness and faintness. Other sites of action of this medicine include mouth, nose, gastric system and respiratory system.

Clinical Indications

Uterine fibroids, heavy menses (menorrhagia), intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia), menopausal complaints, prolapse of uterus, leucorrhoea, epistaxis, hematemesis, diarrhea, dysentery, cough, blood spitting

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Female problems (fibroids, heavy menses, menopausal complaints, intermenstrual bleeding, vaginal discharge)

The chief action of Trillium Pendulum is centred on the female organs. It has a considerable clinical reputation in managing various female health problems. Among these it is a superb medicine to manage cases of uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids refer to non – cancerous growths in uterus. In cases needing it, there occurs gushing of bright red blood from vagina on the least movement. Dark clots may pass as well with this blood. The bleeding is attended with a peculiar feeling that the hips and the back are falling to pieces. It is relieved by tight bandages. Trillium is of great service in managing cases of heavy menstrual bleeding during menopausal period. It is accompanied by weakness and vertigo. Some other attending complaints include palpitations, dim eye sight and sinking feeling at the pit of stomach. It can also be given for frequent menses during menopause. The bleeding tends to appear every two weeks. Trillium is also prescribed for managing cases of prolapsed uterus. Here its use is suggested when there is great bearing down sensation in the pelvis. It occurs while walking and standing. Backache may also occur along with this. Besides these, it proves effective in cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The characteristic symptom for its use is profuse, yellow stringy discharge from the vagina. It may be blood- stained sometimes and is attended with marked weakness. Lastly, it is indicated to manage varicose veins occurring during pregnancy.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive uterine bleeding from uterine fibroids

Gushing of bright red blood from the uterus on least movement

Uterine bleeding with sensation as if the hips and the back were falling to pieces, better by tight bandages

Heavy menstrual bleeding during menopause with weakness, vertigo, palpitations, dim sight and sinking at pit of stomach

Frequent menses during menopause, bleeding occurring every two weeks

2. Mouth Complaints (Bleeding Gums, Bleeding After Tooth Extraction)

Trillium acts well on the mouth though not very widely. It is a well-indicated medicine to manage bleeding from the gums. It is also beneficial in managing bleeding after tooth extraction. Lastly, it is helpful in managing offensive taste in the mouth which is felt mainly on rising in morning. A greasy feeling on the tongue and the gums is felt. Profuse salivation is also noted.

Key Indicating Features

Bleeding from gums

Bleeding after tooth extraction

Offensive taste in the mouth mainly on rising in morning

3. Nasal Issues (Nasal Bleeding)

Its action is also noted on the nose. Here it is known to be helpful in managing cases of nasal bleeding (epistaxis). The bleeding is of bright red color. Bleeding is profuse. Its action on the nose is limited to treating nose bleeding.

Key Indicating Feature

Profuse bleeding of bright red color from the nose

4. Gastric Problems (Burning, Diarrhea, Dysentery)

With its action on the gastric system, Trillium proves helpful in treating cases of pain, cramping and burning in the stomach. Burning may rise up till the food pipe from the stomach. It also works well in managing cases of vomiting of blood (hematemesis). By acting on the rectum, it manages complaint of diarrhea (loose motion) well. In cases needing Trillium, the stool is thin, watery and tinged with blood. Lastly, it is well indicated for dysentery (an intestinal infection in which sufferer passes loose stool along with blood and mucus). In such cases, it is beneficial when blood is passed from the rectum.

Key Indicating Features

Burning in stomach rising up to food pipe

Vomiting of blood

Diarrhea when the stool is thin, watery tinged with blood

Dysentery with passage of blood from rectum

5. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Blood Spitting)

By acting on the respiratory system, Trillium is capable of managing cough attended with blood spitting. It is also helpful in managing excessive purulent (of pus) expectoration. Pain in the chest of shooting nature may also be present. It can be used for cases of suffocative attacks accompanied by sneezing. Lastly, it can be given for cases of continuous cough that arises from a feeling of a food crumb lodged in the larynx.

Key Indicating Features

Cough attended with blood spitting

Continuous cough arising from a sensation of crumb lodged in the larynx


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from motion, after eating, during menopause and from sitting erect

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by bending forward, from tight bandage and from exercise in the open air


Use of this medicine is recommended in mother tincture form and low potencies. The potency and repetition of this medicine is decided for every individual case as per the symptom presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Trillium Pendulum can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Sabina, Ipecac, Hamamelis and Lachesis in case of uterine hemorrhage


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