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Meniere’s Disease – Wonderful Homeopathic Remedies For Its Treatment

homeopathic medicines for Meniere'sMeniere’s disease is a condition affecting the inner ear characterized by episodes of vertigo, a variable degree of hearing impairment and tinnitus (a triad of symptoms). It is also termed as Endolymphatic Hydrops.
Homeopathy carries excellent scope to treat cases of Meniere’s disease. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that manage its symptoms wonderfully and work to stop further progression of the disease. Symptoms like tinnitus, vertigo, ear fullness, hearing loss are seen to get remarkably better with these medicines. Homeopathy helps in treating this condition by targeting the root cause behind it. As the symptoms of Meniere’s disease result from a build-up of excessive fluid in the inner ear, so homeopathy works in reducing fluid accumulation to give excellent symptom relief in such cases. The regular use of homeopathic medicines also helps to decrease the dependency on the use of conventional medicines that might bring side effects with prolonged use.

Safe medicines with zero side effects

Homeopathic medicines for Meniere’s disease are 100% safe with zero side effects. This is because of the fact that the homeopathic medicines are sourced from natural substances. These medicines are used in highly diluted doses. Even with long term use of these medicines no side effects occur.

Medicine Prescription based on Homeopathic Principles

There is no hit and trial method for prescribing medicines in homeopathy. Rather medicines are selected strictly as per the homeopathic principles fixed in every case. Even its potency, dose and repetition is done following homeopathic guidelines. Such well-selected medicines and doses prove highly effective in treating Meniere’s disease. A well-selected remedy for Meniere’s disease can help reduce the severity of the troublesome symptoms associated with tinnitus and vertigo and improve the quality of life of anybody dealing with the disease.

Homeopathy cures by treating root cause

Initially, homeopathy works to treat the severity of acute symptoms of Meniere’s disease. Then its focus is to treat the root cause behind the disease to further lead the sufferer on the road to cure. However, the results vary from case to case based on the duration and intensity of the complaint.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Meniere’s Disease

The top 7 homeopathic medicines for Meniere’s Disease include Chininum Sulph, Conium Maculatum, Kali Muriaticum, Gelsemium, Chenopodium Anthelminticum, Salicylicum Acid and Natrum Salicylicum.

1. Chininum Sulph – For Ringing Noises in Ear

Chinimum sulph is one of the top- indicated medicines for meniere’s disease. The leading symptom to use this medicine in most of the cases is the presence of tinnitus with an unusual sensation of ringing or roaring in the ears. It is invariably associated with vertigo. People in whom Chinimum sulph may generally be indicated have complaints of postural dizziness and heaviness in the ears. Vertigo could be very sudden in onset and in severe cases the person may fall due to loss of balance. Generally, they may feel uncomfortable in a standing posture. Chininum sulph gives desired results when there is a considerable degree of hearing loss (especially that affects the left ear).

When to use Chininum Sulph?

This medicine is highly recommended for meniere’s disease with ringing or roaring noises in the ears, vertigo and hearing loss.

How to use Chininum Sulph?

Chininum Sulph 30C can be taken once or twice a day.

2. Conium Maculatum – For Vertigo Attacks in Meniere’s Disease

Conium Maculatum is prepared from a flowering plant of natural order Umbelliferae native to Europe and North Africa. Conium is usually suitable for people who experience severe Vertigo in Meniere’s disease. Sideways motion of the head tends to worsen the condition. A feeling of moving around in a circle may be present, and vertigo may also get worse from any movement in bed.

When to use Conium Maculatum?

Conium is the best choice of medicine to manage vertigo attacks in meniere’s disease especially when vertigo is worse from sideways motion of the head.

How to use Conium Maculatum?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with its 30C potency that can be taken one or two times a day.

3. Kali Muriaticum – For Meniere’s Disease with Fullness in Ears

Kali Muriaticum is a remedy that works well in cases of Meneire’s disease with a marked fullness sensation in ears. A sensation of having a plug inside ears may also be present. It is also useful for noises in the ears. There is a crackling noise in the ears on swallowing. There  is deafness due to swelling of the internal ear and eustachian tube. Vertigo is present, along with head congestion. There may be a history of chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear.

When to use Kali Muriaticum?

It is well indicated medicine to manage fullness sensation in ears in cases of meniere’s disease.

How to use Kali Muriaticum?

Kali Muriaticum is mostly preferred in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day.

4. Gelsemium – For Meniere’s Disease with Dizziness

Gelsemium is a natural medicine for Meniere’s disease. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘yellow jasmine,’ of natural order Loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is marked dizziness in Meniere’s Disease. Difficulty in walking with a loss of balance may arise from dizziness. Roaring noises in ears attend the above features.

When to use Gelsemium?

This medicine can be selected for managing dizziness with roaring noises and loss of balance in meniere’s disease.

How to use Gelsemium?

It is advised to use Gelsemium 30C one to two times a day.

5. Chenopodium Anthelminticum – For Meniere’s Disease with Buzzing Noises

Chenopodium anthelmenticum is prepared from a plant named ‘Jerusalem oak.’ This plant belongs to the natural order Chenopodiaceae. It is suitable for Meniere’s disease when the person hears a buzzing noise in the ear. Sudden vertigo episodes, hearing better for high pitched sounds than low pitched sounds, and tinnitus that is synchronous (happening at same time) with heartbeats are the symptoms indicative of using Chenopodium.

When to use Chenopodium Anthelminticum?

Its use is usually considered to manage meniere’s disease with buzzing noises in ears and sudden vertigo attacks. Its use can also be thought of when the tinnitus is synchronous with heartbeats.

How to use Chenopodium Anthelminticum?

Opt its use in 30C power once or twice daily.

6. Salicylicum Acid – For Meniere’s Disease for Tinnitus and Vertigo with Nausea

Salicylicum Acid works well in those cases of Meniere’s disease where tinnitus and vertigo are present with troublesome nausea. The noises in the ear can be roaring, ringing, or buzzing (similar to flies or a swarm of bees) in nature. In some cases, a person hears musical noises. There is vertigo, diminished hearing, and with intense nausea.

When to use Salicylicum Acid?

It is the best choice of medicine for cases of meniere’s disease having roaring, ringing, or buzzing tinnitus with vertigo and intense nausea.

How to use Salicylicum Acid?

Salicylicum Acid can be taken in 30C potency upto two times a day.

7. Natrum Salicylicum – For Tinnitus of Low Tone in Meniere’s Disease

Natrum Salicylicum is well-indicated for tinnitus of low tone. Along with noises, there is dizziness and deafness. Vertigo that gets worse from raising the head, and gets better upon lying down is present.

When to use Natrum Salicylicum?

It is helpful medicine for managing tinnitus of low tone along with vertigo worse from raising the head, and better upon lying.

How to use Natrum Salicylicum?

Natrum Salicylicum can be used in 30 C potency once a day.

Meniere’s Disease: Symptoms


Vertigo is one of the most bothersome symptoms suffered by people dealing with Meniere’s Disease. It comes in attacks, with sudden onsets. There is a feeling of spinning (to-and-fro or up-and-down) during an attack. The episodes can last from a few minutes to hours. At times the attacks are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Most of the time there are no warning signs of vertigo, but sometimes the sensation of fullness in ears may precede an attack. In severe cases, there may be abdominal cramps, diarrhea or bradycardia (slow heart rate) associated with the episode.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may accompany or precede an attack of vertigo. In majority of the cases, it is sensorineural type of hearing loss. The hearing loss gets better after the attack and usually becomes normal during the remission period. This kind of fluctuating hearing loss is characteristic of Meniere’s disease. However, with recurrent episodes, the improvement in hearing loss may not occur during the remission, and one can develop permanent hearing loss. There is slow and progressive hearing loss in most of the cases.


Tinnitus refers to hearing noises in ears in the absence of an external source. There is ringing or roaring in ears which gets worse during the attacks. The intensity and pitch of tinnitus can vary during and after the attacks. Tinnitus can be a constant symptom in some of the cases. This can further hinder the hearing and also affect the quality of life.

Fullness in Ears

The patients can experience a sensation of fullness or blockage in the ears. It can occur with vertigo or exist independently. This symptom can also fluctuate, and the intensity varies.

Intolerance to Loud Sounds

In some patients, there is an increased sensitivity to loud noises, and it becomes difficult for them to tolerate the same. This is because it is hard for them to tolerate amplification of sounds.

Meniere’s Disease: Causes

The cause behind Meniere’s disease is not yet clear. Environmental and genetic factors both seem to play some role in the development of Meniere’s Disease. The disease is thought to run in families.

Meniere’s Disease occurs when there is distention of the fluid (Endolymph) in the inner ear. The function of endolymph is to aid hearing and to maintain the body balance. The distention can be either due to overproduction or faulty absorption of this endolymphatic fluid. Sometimes, both overproduction and reduced absorption can co-exist and cause Meniere’s Disease.

Genetic Factors

Certain abnormalities in the structure of inner ear running in the families can make a person more disposed to develop Meniere’s disease. They are at high risk if they have a strong family history of Meniere’s disease.


Allergies can also predispose a person to develop Meniere’s. In such cases, the offending allergens stimulate the inner ear causing excess production of endolymph.

Sodium and Water Retention

Certain theories relate increased sodium levels as a contributing factor towards the development of Meniere’s Disease. This causes excessive water retention in the ear leading to endolymphatic hydrops.

Vasomotor Disturbance

There is some sympathetic overactivity (the involuntary part of the nervous system associated with constriction or dilatation of blood vessels) resulting in spasm of the internal auditory artery. This interferes with the function of the cochlear or vestibular epithelium (in the inner ear) leading to vertigo and deafness.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Meniere’s affect both ears?

Meniere’s usually affects one ear initially, but in chronic cases, one can develop the disease in both ears.

2. Should I avoid driving if I have Meniere’s?

In patients who have vertigo as a prominent and frequent symptom, it is usually advised to avoid driving. As it is difficult to predict a vertigo episode, one should not indulge in activities requiring body balance or minute concentration.

3. Who can be affected by Meniere’s?

Anyone can be affected by this condition. However, Meniere’s is more common in males and frequently seen in the age group of 30-60 years.

4. Can stress trigger Meniere’s disease?

Emotions like extreme anger and stress seem to act as a triggering factor in some cases. The episodes tend to be more frequent during a stressful period.

5. Does weather affect the condition?

Meniere’s is seen to get worse during the winters. Symptoms like the fullness of ears and vertigo episodes are more frequent and troublesome for the patients in winters. Also, the tinnitus seems to be louder in some. These are comparatively less severe during summers.


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  1. Sanjay Singh says:

    Which medecine has to be taken if there is a body balance issue, while yawning also there is a body imbalance issue plz suggest,also
    After taking bath there is a body balance issue

  2. my husband is diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, he has seen a few doctors, and they just say low sodium diet, diuretic, and rx for betahistine. Well things were looking good for about 2 months, then it hit him out of the blues , nausea , dizziness, and vomiting, and delusional, in a fog.

    I have read a few things about natural medicines, and do understand there is no cure, but help to prevent or lessen these episodes.

    I was thinking to add salicylicium acid? however can he take with these others meds and also his normal medication he is on for cholesterol and thyroid?

    He did have an episode taking meclazine, diuretic, and blood pressure at once and his blood pressure dropped so low, he passed out and made a mess of himself. Still dealing with that.

    I do appreciate any suggestions , thank you so much

  3. My husband is having more frequent Meniere’s attacks, ranging now from mild to debilitating.
    He has all of the symptoms described above. Is it safe to take more than one of the homeopathic medicines that are described in the above article?

    Please advise. We will try anything at this point.
    Thank you!

  4. My husband has Meniere’s and while all of the symptoms described above are not present all the time, he has nearly all of the symptoms listed. Which of the homeopathic medicines would you recommend for someone struggling with many symptoms?

    Thank you

  5. Abira Dey says:

    I am suffering from Ménière’s disease from 2011,having tinnitus in right ear and feels like blocked with some air all the time. I can’t hear when someone speaks in very low voice near my right ear. Before the attack I have vertigo problem while lying in the bed. Suddenly I feel echoes of sound & at that time I feel very much discomfort. I know it is like some type of attack feel to runaway from that place & like to sleep some where where there is no sound, then I fall asleep. Suddenly I feel that some sounds increases in my ears and at that time I feel very discomfortable, please suggest me some medicines so that I can be cure. Thank you

  6. Madhusudan Roy says:

    I am sufferring minners desease from two yrs, having roar and hishis soundon right ear , any time vertigo occure, faint, disbalnce waking, blockage like ear, some fear is come , todo any thing, preveously sufferred by vomiting , now i tke some alopath medicine, but vomit is stop, vertigo isoccoured very frequently , pl tell me wchich homeo medicine iwill take and dose , pl help me,

  7. Ashok bhardwaj says:

    I am suffering from menier from last six month. Can I take silicea 12x or not. Please advise other medicine also.

  8. Nandan Singh Negi says:

    Dr madam. I want to contact you for severe attacks of meniere. Pl guide me

  9. I’m from Kashmir and have been diagnosed with meiners disease 2 years ago.presentl taking ginkgo biloba+ methylcobalamine .was also taking betahistine 24 but doctor said to Stop taking betahistine .so from last 3 months I’m just taking k_vit e
    .however left ear has noise + dizziness is disturbing.suggest for me some valid result oriented treatment

  10. Randeep Kumar Singh says:

    I m suffering from meniere’s disease since may 2023 in my right ear. I m taking treatment from allopathic as well as ayurvedic doctor simultaneously. I get considerable relief in my symptoms. But some symptoms like tinnitus and dizziness increased 10 days before. Can I take homeopathic treatment simultaneously with ayurvedic and allopathic ( only taking vertin 8 mg once a day). Please advise me

    • Rimple Gabri says:

      Hello Dr. Sharma,

      Is there oil drops available that can help with my Ménière? I have been diagnosed for 12 years and have been taking different kinds of homeopathic meds. I heard that there maybe an oil drops that could be beneficial. Any help is appreciated.

    • Ajay Kumar Tamoli says:

      I’m from Ajmer and have been diagnosed with meiners disease. I am suffering acute condition of vertigo attacks (spinning,nausea,vomiting ,tinnitus,fulfillness of left ear) frequently four time in last one month. I have hearing loss about 40 percent. I am not getting much relief from allopathy treatment. Please advise me homeopathy medicine to get rid of this problem.

  11. Janice Bradshaw says:

    According to your website , it seems that I have what is called Meniere Disease because my right ear always seems like it is plugged up and I get a crackling sound whenever I chew something. I saw an ear specialist and she gave me antibiotics which did not solve the problem. She also gave me a hearing test and my right ear did not hear as well as my left ear. The doctor said I do not have any wax buildup in my ears

    On my own I have tried putting in my ears both hydrogen peroxide and sovereign silver at different times with no success.

    Would you recommend Kali Muraticum for unplugging my ear? If so, then where can I purchase it?

    Thanks for your help.


  12. How can I get some of these homeopathic remedies? I have severe meniere’s symptoms that resemble the remedy Chenopodium Anthelminticum. What strength and how often to take?

  13. Dr Jyoti says:

    Hello Dr,
    Very nice information and work by you.
    It’s very useful for many people including homoeopathic students.
    Please can you share reference for this described medicine?

  14. Jivanji says:

    I am suffering acute condition of vertigo,nausea,vomiting frequently since 5 years .Doctors have prescribed tablets of vertirest od 24 -daily after meal. But I don’t have faith in alopothy medicine.
    Please advise me homeopathy medicine to get rid of this problem

  15. How to prevent Minions diseases ?? Please advice

  16. Yugal kishore sehgal. M no 9650293194 says:

    How to consult you . We r living in Delhi . Please inform clinic address and phone no .

    Y k sehgal


    How can I be treated with these recommendations. Who can prescribe the dosages

    • Hi Dr. Sharma, I have been suffering from the triad of symptoms described in Ménière’s Disease for a couple of years now, with my tinnitus developing in 2021. I recently have purchased Chinium, Gelesemium and Conium 30C each and Chenipodium 9C. What would you recommend the dosage and frequency of taking this should be? I currently have tinnitus only present in the left ear and ear fullness, and at time synchronous heart beat and roaring in my right. I don’t have severe cases of vertigo, but may have some dizziness after exercise.

  18. Hello Dr. Sharma,

    My wife is suffering with Meniere disease. Please suggest the treatment.

    • I have fullness in the ears and at times a soft roaring at night. I was just diagnosed this past week by an ENT due to slight low frequency hearing loss & fullness of the ears. I have questions about Kali Muraticum

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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