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Top Homeopathic medicines for Heavy Bleeding from Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths made of muscle and connective tissue developing in the uterus. These can lead to various symptoms among which heavy menses is the most important. Heavy menses means bleeding more than the typical menstrual blood loss or passing of large clots frequently in bleeding which may last for more than 7 days. Heavy and prolonged menses is medically known as menorrhagia. Other symptoms of uterine fibroids include prolonged periods, clots in the menstrual blood, menstrual cramps, pelvic pain, bleeding in between the periods, frequent urination, painful intercourse, back pain, pain in legs, miscarriage and infertility.

There may be many reasons for heavy bleeding from uterine fibroids. These include fibroids that may put pressure on the uterine lining or cause growth of the blood vessels that tends to cause excessive bleeding. Fibroids may also interfere with normal contraction of the uterus resulting in excessive bleeding. Additionally, fibroids may cause an increase in some hormones (prostaglandins) that might lead to heavy bleeding. Bleeding from fibroids depends on the location of fibroids. The fibroids that grow inside the inner lining of the uterus tend to cause the most heavy bleeding. Bleeding may be so heavy that it interferes with doing daily activities. Heavy bleeding may lead to tiredness, dizziness and anemia (a condition in which blood lacks enough red blood cells to carry adequate amount of oxygen to body tissues).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy has great scope in treating cases of heavy bleeding due to uterine fibroids. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing heavy bleeding. These work magnificently in overcoming a tendency of heavy bleeding by targeting to dissolve the uterine fibroids. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis in every individual case. The best part of homeopathic medicines is that these work in the most natural way to treat a condition without any side-effects.

Homeopathic Medicines For Uterine Fibroids

1.Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – Top Recommended Medicine

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris is the topmost medicine to manage cases of heavy bleeding from uterine fibroids. In cases needing it, there occurs heavy, bright red, uterine bleeding. Clots may also be present in the menstrual blood. It is attended with intense pain and cramps in the uterus. Vomiting can also occur along with these complaints. There is also tendency to have early periods. The periods also last for long duration for about 10 days to 2 weeks.

2. Sabina – For Bright Red Bleeding With Dark Clots

This medicine is highly recommended when there is heavy bleeding along with dark clots. The blood is bright red, watery and warm. It may have a foul odor. Even the slightest movement tends to worsen bleeding. The periods may also last for longer duration. Pain in the back starts from the sacrum (a bone formed by fusion of five sacral vertebra that lies at the bottom of spine) to the pubes (lower part of the abdomen in front of the pelvis). There is also tendency to have intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between two menstrual periods).

3. Calcarea Carb – For Early, Heavy And Prolonged Periods

It is a highly effective medicine for managing early, heavy and prolonged menses. In cases needing it, the periods may occur after every 15 days and each time bleeding may last for about fifteen days. Cutting pains may be felt in lower abdomen along with menstrual bleeding. There may be pain in the back, hips and arms. Bearing down sensation is felt in the pelvic region. There may be headache, vertigo may appear along with heavy bleeding. Anaemia may occur due to heavy bleeding.

4. Hamamelis – For Heavy Bleeding Of Dark Colour  

Hamamelis is the most suitable medicine when there is heavy bleeding that is dark in color. It is attended with soreness in the abdomen. The bleeding is heavy during the day and may cease at night. There is pain and weakness in the back. Bleeding may occur midway between periods.

5. Trillium Pendulum – For Gushing Of Blood From Slight Movement

This medicine is helpful for heavy bleeding when blood gushes out from the least movement. Blood is bright red. Dark clots may also pass out in the bleeding. Bleeding may occur every two weeks. Bleeding may last for a week or longer. Along with heavy bleeding, there is a feeling as if the hips and the back are falling apart into pieces. Frequent desire to pass urine is also present along with the above symptoms.

6. Phosphorus – For Frequent And Heavy Periods

This medicine is very useful when there is a tendency for frequent and very heavy menses. Bleeding occurs in between periods quite often. Blood is bright red. Periods last for too long. Hands and feet feel cold during menses. Severe pain is felt in the back as if it is broken. Nausea is also present. Excessive weakness is felt after menses with blue rings around the eyes. Bleeding may lead to anaemia in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Ustilago – For Dark Clotted Blood Forming Long Black Strings

This medicine is considered in cases where dark clots appear that form long black strings. The blood has a foul smell. The bleeding is prolonged lasting for about 10 to 14 days. Bleeding may occur every 3 weeks. Before bleeding, pain is felt in the back and across the abdomen. Pain ceases when bleeding starts occurring. Heavy dragging pain in the back during menstrual bleeding can occur on exertion.

8. Secale Cornutum – For Heavy, Thin And Black Bleeding

This medicine can be used for cases of thin and blackish bleeding. It has a bad smell. The bleeding is heavy and lasts too long. It is accompanied with cutting and tearing pain in uterus. The uterine region is sensitive to touch. The limbs become cold, besides excessive weakness.

9. Kali Iod – With Heavy Painful Menses And Frequent Urging To Urinate

This medicine is suggested when heavy painful menses occur along with frequent urge to urinate. During menses, uterus and thighs feel as if they are being squeezed. Pain is felt in the thighs, groin (crease at junction of lower abdomen and thighs) and lower back as well. Sitting worsens pain,weakness is felt along with heavy bleeding.

10. Nitric Acid – For Heavy, Thick And Dark Coloured Bleeding

Nitric Acid works well when there is heavy, thick and dark bleeding. During bleeding, cramping pain is felt in the abdomen. Besides feeling tired, pain also occurs in the back and down the thighs. Urine has a very offensive smell.

11. Platina – For Dark Clotted Heavy Bleeding

This medicine is indicated for dark-clotted, heavy bleeding. There is tendency for early periods.  Menses may occur every 14 days and are very profuse. The blood stinks, back pain is also felt. Periods are attended with bearing down pain. Pinching pain is also felt in abdomen.



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