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Top 4 Homeopathic Medicines for Headaches

Headache is a prevalent medical complaint, and everyone tends to get it at one or other point of their life. There are more than 100 types of headache. Among them, the most common types are migraine, tension headache, sinus headache, and cluster headache.      homeopathic medicines for headache

A person may get a headache in only one region of the head or more than one region. The various regions include frontal (forehead), temples (sides of the head), vertex (top of head) and occiput (back of the head). In some cases, the pain starts from a particular area of the head and then radiate to another area. Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to treat cases of headache. Homeopathic medicines are highly effective for headache arising from various causes. Headache both of recent as well as long duration can be treated wonderfully with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines bring recovery in headache cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines for treating headache are of natural origin and hence are highly safe to use among persons of all age groups. The top grade homeopathic medicines for treating headache include – Belladonna, Glonoinum and Natrum Mur.

Top grade Homeopathic Medicines for Headache

1. Belladonna – Top Ranked Medicine for Headache

Belladonna is a top listed medicine for headache. It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. For using this medicine, the nature of pain in the head remains throbbing and pulsating type. Fullness in the head may also be felt. Pains come suddenly and tend to cease suddenly. From headache in all locations of the head, pain is most marked on sides of the head (temporal region). Along with headache, redness of eyes and face attend. Headache triggered from light is also indicative to use Belladonna. Apart from this headache that is triggered by the slight noise or exposure to cold air are also treated well with this medicine. Hard pressure over the head, tight bandaging or wrapping up head relieves the pain in most cases needing Belladonna.

Key Indications:

– Throbbing and pulsating type of headache
– Headache triggered from light, from slight noise or from exposure to cold air
– Headache better from hard pressure over the head, tight bandaging or wrapping up head

2. Glonoinum – For Congestive Headache

Glonoinum is the next highly effective medicine for headache. It is mainly helpful in case of a headache that is congestive in nature. There is a sensation as if all the blood has surged to head with extreme congestion. There is also a constriction in vessels of the head. Throbbing, bursting sensation in head appears. The person feels every pulsation in the head. Extreme fullness in the head is felt with sensation as if it would burst. Great heat is felt in the head with severe pains in the forehead, and throbbing in temples. Vertigo may arise along with flashes of heat to the face, head, and throbbing headache. The face appears red, flushed with heat. Headache may get worse from motion or jar. In most cases needing Glonoinum, the headache is relieved by sleep. Glonoinum is a top listed homeopathic medicine for headache arising from sun exposure. Its use is highly recommended for summer headaches.

Key indications:

-Congestive headaches

– Throbbing, bursting, pulsating headache

– Sun headache and summer headaches

3. Natrum Mur – Another Excellent Medicine for Headache

Natrum Mur is next well-indicated medicine for treating headache. It is a highly suitable medicine for headache from sun exposure. Headache from sunrise till sunset is attended well with this medicine. Natrum Mur is also very beneficial medicine for headache in females around the menstrual cycle. The female needing this remedy have headaches that appear immediately before/after menses or during menses. The nature of headache is throbbing in nature usually with heat in the head. In some cases, there is a sensation as if many little hammers are knocking in the head. Headache is most marked in the forehead. Headache appearing from eye strain, reading is also indicative to use this medicine. Natrum Mur is also useful for headache where profuse watering from eyes or disturbed vision attends. Headache; beginning with blindness or zig-zag dazzling, like lightning in eyes, is another characteristic feature to use this medicine.

Key indications:

-Headache from sun exposure

– Headache in females worse around menstrual cycle

– Headache from eye strain

Other Important Medicines

1. Iris Versicolor – Natural Remedy for Migraine

Iris Versicolor is prepared from a plant commonly named Blue Flag of the family Iridaceae. It is an excellent medicine for migraine that gets triggered by acidity calls for its use. The key features are headache, nausea, vomiting and burning in the gastric tract. The headache may be dull, shooting, and throbbing in nature. Vomiting is mainly bitter, sour in nature. Other symptoms that may appear includes blurring of vision prior headache, vertigo and constriction in the scalp.

2. Kali Phos – For Tension/Stress Headache

Kali Phos is a very useful medicine for tension/stress headache. To use Kali Phos the symptoms to look for includes nervous headache, a sensation of weight in the back of the head, and weakness. Pain locates across the forehead and into both temples. The sensation of a band around forehead just above eyes is frequently felt. Sensitivity to noise also attends headache. Tiredness is also well marked with a headache. Stress headache triggered by stress, anxiety and emotional disturbances is a key pointer to use this medicine. The individuals needing Kali Phos are anxious, sad and full of cares, worries. Kali Phos is also well indicated for a headache that arises from mental exertion as in students.

3. Cedron – For Cluster Headache

Cedron is a prominent medicine for treating a cluster headache. To use Cedron the main symptom to look forward is pain around the eye (periorbital pain). The pain is severe, shooting in nature. Periodicity in the occurrence of this pain is well marked. The person needing this medicine tend to get this pain at a particular hour of the day. The pain around the eye may radiate to the temples or back of the head or into the ear. Along with headache watering from eyes or burning in the eyes may also be present.

4. Kali Bichromicum – For Sinus Headache

Kali Bichromicum is a very effective medicine for treating a sinus headache. The person needing this remedy has pain in the forehead above the eyes, with stoppage of the nose. The pain may be dull, or throbbing in nature. Frontal sinus feels congested. Another characteristic feature is mucus dripping in the throat from the posterior nares. In some cases vertigo, shooting pain at the root of the nose and thick yellowish-greenish discharge from nose also appears.

5. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Headache on the Right Side

Sanguinaria Canadensis is a prominent medicine for right sided headache. This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly named bloodroot of the natural order Papaveraceae. Pain starting from the back of the head and then ascending up and locating over the right eye is the characteristic feature to use this medicine. Sleep or lying quietly in a dark room relieves the pain in most cases needing this remedy. Headache arising from fasting are also treated well with Sanguinaria Canadensis.

6. Spigelia Anthelmintica – For Left-Sided Headache

Spigelia Anthelmintica is prepared from a plant named Pinkroot of the family Loganiaceae. It is a useful medicine for left-sided headache. Headache located over the left side temporal region, forehead and eyes is indicative symptoms of this medicine. Most persons needing this remedy have pain that begins in the back of the head, extends up and settle over the left eye. The nature of pain is violent, throbbing and pulsating type. Stooping may worsen headache in some cases. Pain in eyeballs may attend the above symptoms that are seen to be aggravated from eye movement.

7. Nux Vomica – For Headache Arising from Gastric Issues

Nux Vomica is a wonderful medicine for headache arising from gastric issues. The headache may be located in the forehead, top of head or back of the head. Along with headache, constipation is present with ineffectual urging for stool. The stool remains unsatisfactory even after passing it several times a day. Other symptoms that may appear with above include flatulence, rumbling, gurgling in the abdomen. Nux Vomica is also indicated for headache from taking alcohol.

8. Carbo Veg – For Headache from Excessive Flatulence/Gas

Carbo Veg is an effective medicine for headache from excessive flatulence/gas. In addition to headache, there is bloating in abdomen especially upper abdomen. Belching (putrid, sour in nature), and heartburn attends. In some persons, water brash may also appear.

9. Epiphegus – For Headache from Exertion

Epiphegus is a helpful medicine for headache from exertion, mental/physical exhaustion. Epiphegus is prepared from a plant named beech drop of family Orobanchaceae. Pain usually is felt on sides of the head (temporal region). The nature of pain is the pressing type. The pain may radiate to the back of the head. A unique attending feature is increased saliva with constant spitting with headaches.

10. Glonoinum – For Headache from Exposure to Sun

Glonoinum is a beneficial medicine for headache arising from sun exposure. Following sun exposure there appears throbbing, bursting, congestive headaches. Blood seems to surge to head with extreme congestion and fullness. Violent pulsation in the head is felt. There appear a sensation as if the head would burst. Great heat is felt in the head along with pain. The face also appears red, flushed with heat. Vertigo may also accompany headache in most cases.

11. Ruta Graveolens – For Headache from Eyestrain

Ruta Graveolens is a highly valuable medicine headache arising from eyestrain. This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly named as ‘garden rue’ belonging to natural order Rutaceae. The headache appears in the forehead from eye strain arising from excessive use of eyes in reading, sewing etc. The nature of pain may be aching, pulsating or stitching in nature. Heat in the eyes may also be present along with the above symptoms.

12. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Headache in Back of Head (Occiput)

Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine prepared from plant yellow jasmine of the natural order Loganiaceae. This medicine works well in headache located in the back of the head (occiput). In some cases, diplopia (double vision), and dim vision may be present. Pressure may relieve the headache. Gelsemium Sempervirens is also well indicated for a headache that appears from emotional causes.

13. Silicea – For Headache when Pain from Nape of Neck Extends to Head

Silicea is a well-indicated medicine for headache where pain commences in the nape of neck and base of the brain and extends up and over the whole head. A cold sensation may be felt in the head. Wrapping head warmly may relieve. Silicea is also indicated for chronic morning headaches. Headache that gets worse from mental exertion; excessive study, cold air exposure are also indicative to use Silicea.

14. Sepia Succus – For Headache during Menopause

Sepia Succus is a beneficial medicine for headache during menopause. The headache appears in terrible shocks that make the person scream. Nausea, vomiting may attend headache. In few cases, a cold sensation on the top of the head may be felt. Sepia Succus is also suitable homeopathic medicine for females that have hair fall in addition to headache during menopausal period.

15. Natrum Mur – For Headache Worsening around Menstrual Cycle

Natrum Mur is a prominent medicine for headache in females worsening around the menstrual cycle. Headache locates over the vertex (top of head) and over the eyes. A sensation as of thousand little hammers knocking on the brain may be felt. Nausea, vomiting may attend. In some cases, dim vision, or zig-zag dazzling, like lightning in eyes may appear before a headache.

16. Ipecac – For Headache accompanied by Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac is a medicine made from a plant named Ipecacuanha of the family Rubiaceae. Headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting is a characteristic feature to use this medicine. The individuals needing this medicine may have a headache in the back, top or front of the head. The nature of the pain may be throbbing or stinging or aching in nature. Along with headache nausea is constant. Vomiting may consist of watery fluid or greenish color.

17. Cocculus Indicus – For Headache from Loss of Sleep

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from a plant called Indian Cockle of family Menispermacae. It is a suitable medicine for headache from loss of sleep. The headache is attended with nausea and vomiting in most cases. Light and noise are unbearable during headache in persons needing Cocculus Indicus.

18. Phosphorus – For Headache Triggered by Strong Odors

Phosphorus is a significant remedy triggered by strong odors. The nature of pain is most times throbbing, pulsating, pressing type. The head feels congested. Heat on the top of the head may also attend. In a few cases, sweating on the head is also present. Dimness of sight may be there before the onset of a headache.

Causes of headache

The headaches may arise either from an underlying medical condition or without an underlying medical condition. Depending upon this factor headaches are classified into primary and secondary headaches.

1. Primary headaches

Primary headaches arise from overactivity of structures in the head that are sensitive to pain. Changes in chemical activity in the brain also play a role in primary headaches. Primary headaches do not relate to any separate underlying medical condition. Following are the common type of primary headaches:

-tension / stress headache

– migraine

– cluster headache

2. Secondary headaches

Secondary headaches are the ones that arise from an underlying medical condition. Secondary headaches are often a symptom of a disease. The reasons for secondary headaches include

– sinusitis / sinus infection

– high Blood pressure

– Cervicogenic headache (headaches caused by problems with the nerves, bones, or muscles in the cervical spine (neck).

– gastrointestinal disorders

– dental complaints

– temporal arteritis

– post-traumatic (head injury)

– influenza

– Alcohol-induced hangover

-meningitis, encephalitis

Common Types of Headache

1. Migraine

Migraine refers to headache causes throbbing, pulsating pain, usually on one side of the head. The pain is severe and is often attended with nausea and vomiting. The cause of migraine is not clearly understood. However, genetics and environmental factors tend to play a role in migraine. There are many well-known triggers for the migraine attack. The major ones include stress, bright lights, noises, food (like fatty food, chocolates, caffeinated drinks, marinated food, cheese, fermented food), smoking, alcohol intake, MSG (monosodium glutamate), sun exposure, loss of sleep, strong odors, and tiredness. In addition to these hormonal fluctuations during menses or during menopause or during pregnancy can also trigger a migraine.

The symptoms of migraine include one-sided headache. The major attending features include nausea, vomiting, aversion to light, noise, and talking. Some people experience few symptoms before the migraine attack appears attack by which they can predict that a migraine attack is about to come (aura). These symptoms include – seeing flashes of light, zig zags before eyes, dim vision, blurring of vision, numbness/tingling/pin needle sensation in the arms or around the mouth.

2. Cluster Headache

Cluster headache is a severe headache in which pain locates around one eye (periorbital headache). The pain comes in clusters (group) during which one or more than one episodes of headache appears daily. The headache during the cluster period mostly appears at precisely the same hour each day. The duration of each episode of headache ranges from 15 minutes to 3 hrs. The cluster period lasts for weeks or months. This cluster period is followed by a period of remission during which no headaches appear at all. The remission period varies from months to years together. The reason behind a cluster headache is yet not known. A family history of cluster headache puts a person at risk.

Symptoms of cluster headache include one-sided pain located in or around the eye. This pain may radiate to head, face or neck. Watering from the eye, swelling of eye, redness of the eye, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, drooping of eyelids of the same side of pain are few accompanying symptoms.

3. Tension headache

In tension headache, diffuse dull pain in head appears which is described as a tight band like feeling around the head. The reason behind the tension headache is not well known yet. However, contraction of muscles of head, scalp, and neck are thought to play a role in tension headache. There are certain trigger factors that can lead to muscle contraction and give rise to a tension headache. Few trigger factors include stress, anxiety, fatigue, cold, sinus infection, sun exposure, poor posture while sleeping/sitting, eyestrain. Symptoms of a tension headache include dull, aching pain in the whole head with a tight band-like sensation around the head. Along with this pain in the neck, shoulders may attend. Muscles in neck, scalp, and shoulders also feel tightened. Head pain seems to get worse as the day passes. Tiredness usually attends the above symptoms.

4. Sinus headache

Sinus headaches appear from the congestion of the paranasal sinus that locates behind your eyes, nose, cheeks, and forehead. Sinus headaches most commonly appear when sinus becomes inflamed from allergies or from infection. In sinus headache, a constant pain/pressure in the forehead or the bridge of your nose is felt. The pain usually gets worse on moving head suddenly or coughing or leaning forward. Few symptoms tend to attend which includes a runny nose or green/ yellow nasal discharges, stuffy nose, decreased sense of smell facial swelling, a pressure in ears, feverish feeling.

Factors That Trigger Headaches

-Stress, anxiety
– fatigue
– certain food substances that includes caffeinated drinks, cheese, fermented food, processed food, nuts, and marinated food
– alcohol
– Eyestrain
– too much or too less sleep
-sun exposure
– skipping meals
– hormonal changes
– Overuse of analgesics (pain killers)
– Bright light
– Loud sounds
– Strong smells


Most cases of headache usually don’t require any investigation. For e.g., tension headache, migraine headache cluster headache are diagnosed based on clinical symptoms. While in case a doctor suspects sinusitis as a reason behind the headache he may recommend X-ray of the paranasal sinus. If other causes like a brain tumor, meningitis, encephalitis, a clot in the brain, are suspected then investigations including CT or MRI scan are recommended.

How serious is a headache?

Most cases of headache are mild, and usually not a reason for big concern. They tend to resolve well in time. However, in some cases, the reason behind headache may be a serious condition like meningitis, critically high blood pressure, ruptured aneurysm, brain tumor. So every case of headache should be thoroughly analyzed to rule out any serious condition in the very beginning.

Are there any lifestyle changes that can help manage a headache?

Yes, following are some measures that are helpful to manage headache.

1. Managing stress

2. Avoiding smoking and alcohol.

3. Avoiding food substances like caffeinated drinks, cheese, fermented food, processed food, nuts, and marinated food.

4. Getting adequate sleep every day.

5. Taking plenty of fluids

6. Taking steam in cases of sinus headache

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Hi,
    Please post potencies. This would be most helpful.

  2. Soha Khan says:

    Hello. I have been a victim of this headache which was diagnosed as migraine in past. It wasn’t that bad back then. Its been 3 years with this pain. But from last 1 year it never ever goes away doctors say it’s VASCULAR HEADACHE and I have been taking Tramadol and Paracetamol on daily basis 10 tablets atleast along with Pregablin apart from regular medication doctors have given which doesn’t work. Some times its just less intensity then usual so I try taking less Tramadol. Please advise.


    My health problem is migraine headache from last 7 years. I got headache back side of my head. I am not comfortable to air-condition room. If I entered in air-condition room I got headache in backside of head at night time. I am not comfortable to perfume smell. If any one use perfume when I meet that person after I got headache in back side of head. These are two strong reasons to I got headache. I am using saridon tablets daily for headache. Everyday night after 10 o clock I got headache. In this reason I am not getting sleep at night time.

  4. Is there any homeopathic medicine which can work like voveron injection , headache with stiffness of nape,pain extending to occiput and than to manage emergency, if having almost all common homeo medicine at home.I Am an Indian, kindly reply

  5. Vivek D Narvekar says:

    I have chronic migraine with unsteadiness and headache since 2 yrs. I have heard about gelsemium 30 c which is used for curing migraines. can I take this medicine. what is the duration for taking this medicine. pls. reply.

  6. Niara Isley says:

    I’ve tried Belladonna for my headaches, which are severe and come on at night, destroying sleep. And sleep deprivation only makes everything worse. I feel the headaches are being caused by repetitive stress nerve pain in my hands arms shoulders and upper back and my neck. The nerve pain travels up the nerves of the arms and hands into the occiput at the base of the back of my head. From there the headache affects mostly the right side of my head and over my right eye. Occasionally it switches to the left. I’m getting desperate for sleep and to function in my daily life without this nerve pain. I can’t care for my dogs properly while dealing with this level of pain. Thank you for any help you can offer.

  7. sir can u please subscribe me homeopathy medicine for headace usally i suffer frm headace

  8. Sachin sharma says:

    Hello Sir
    From past one year ,I am suffering dizziness and only twice with vertigo attack ,I also feel trouble in walking a days from past one month headache in the middle of head ,(sometime) and same at the left side above the left ear tender pain,tingling sensation felt over right and left side of head both.kindly suggest treatment I can start with ..

  9. Amit Maheshwary says:

    Hello Doctor,

    My son Arqk will be 10.5 years by end May’15. He has suffered from headaches with nausia during last year Jun-Aug’14. We visited Eye, ENT, Neuro and done MRI also. Recently (Mid Apr’15), headaches-Nausia-Occasional Vomits returned. He also have ENT problems and undergone Adenoid removal surgery in Dec’13. But still breathing from mouth and sleeping with bent neck. This time, it looks like car sickness because he got the headache immediately getting after getting down from school van. But recently he got headache & vomit on school holiday also. We are really worried. please suggest some ways to relief. Is it a migraine?

  10. Dear Doctor,
    I’m suffering from headaches for the last 20 yrs and more. Have throbbing headache on the left side of my temple, can’t use oil on my head as it gives instant headache and also increases while going out in the sun. My sinuses gets congested during headaches resulting in sore throat and now-a-days having stiff shoulder muscles. I usually take a paracetamol-caffeine tablet on the onset of the headache or else it will go beyond my manageable level with nausea which doesn’t help my headache either. Kindly suggest me a remedy at the earliest.
    Thanking you

  11. Ragav Singh says:

    I am 63 yes old, suffering from occipital headache for the last six months. It’s on left side in small area pressing,some time needle like and mild type or some time slightly more,never of high .It also goes to rt. side. some time small spot and time feel like along a nerve.Pain is not always,appear suddenly.
    I will be thankful if you kindly suggest remedy.

  12. jain sagar ashok says:

    my head pains on both sides,it seems as if there is pressure on both sides of head,i get very disturbed bcas of that heaache,i m not able to focus on studies etc

  13. Dear Sir,
    My child of 13 years of old is experiencing migraine pain now and then causing nausa and vomiting. This tendency has become more frequent now a days when it occurs 4 to 5 times in a month. His mother has the chronic migraine paid during her mensuration. Geerally, the allopathic medicines used for the paid is only pain killer and even does not work after its repeated use. My child is not having sound physique and ofter feel the attack when he goes out in the sun or coming from school.
    Please help and advice.

  14. Sagar vinayak says:

    my mother suffering the pain of mygrain & cervicale and she dose not take many madicon in one time so please you suggest me what can i do for my mom .

  15. emma coyne says:

    What would you recommend for childhood migraine. Pain on both sides. Feeling sick and tummy ache. Light sensistivity.

    Many thanks in adavance

  16. M.A. KARIM KHANDAKER says:

    Right side CONSTANT Headaches ,I am suffering for the last 30 yrs and lack of sound sleep.Some times Headaches become more when when sleep is minimum and study more.I have taken homeopathy and alopathy medicine but no result

    Give me suggestion.


  17. ekta sharma says:

    Resorted sir
    Mera beta 7yrs ka h..last year se headache ki problem h….week me Ek baar to hota hi h…Dr ne migraine bataya h ..Kya Iska puri tarah se homeopathy treatment ke through ilaaz possible h…..
    Pls sir Koi ri8 sujhav de …me Bohut iske liye chintit hu……

  18. Response says:

    Somebody necessarily lend a hand to make critically articles I’d state. This is the very first time I frequented your web page and up to now? I amazed with the research you made to create this actual post amazing. Great task!

  19. ajay singh bisht says:

    I have migraine problem from over 25-26 years .from begning i have migraine on right side of head over 18-19 both side of head. I have treatment various government hospital but no reduce migraine.
    when it apear i have no bear to light, noise,dust
    I want to sleep when migraine become.
    I had also taken belladonna for six month and natrum
    please you are reqested to gove me suitabe solution.
    I will pray to God for your long life and prosparity.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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