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Is Your Mind Exhausted? Try any of these Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines

Mind exhaustion refers to a tired state of mind resulting from excessive mental activity and cognitive work. Cognitive refers to intellectual work that requires reasoning, thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering. Generally, repetitive physical stress on any body part results in physical overuse injuries, for example, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) resulting from overuse of hands in typing work, or playing an instrument over long time periods frequently without proper rest. One may feel physically tired/exhausted after intense workouts for long hours without a break. Similarly, when the brain works overtime without any breaks or required rest, then mental exhaustion can happen, for example, overstudy, and overwork at the office can sap the energy of the brain and lead to an exhausted mind. Besides, mind exhaustion can lead to long-term stress and worries.  Grief (like the loss of a loved one) or suffering from mind-related health problems (like depression or anxiety) or any other long-term health problem, financial stress, taking care of a child or an elderly person in the house, or multitasking without breaks can drain the brain and cause mind exhaustion.

Mind exhaustion can further lead to physical tiredness. It can make thinking difficult and can also affect emotions. With time, it can hinder following a daily routine and cause issues in relationships with family members. The symptoms of mind exhaustion include difficulty in focus and concentration, sadness, depressed feelings, anxiety, irritability, helplessness, feeling dull or sluggish, drowsiness, decreased productivity or poor performance at work, delaying certain tasks, negative thinking, arguing with family members, difficulty managing responsibilities, and suicidal thoughts. It can be associated with physical symptoms as well like body aches, sleep problems, headache, stomach issues and physical fatigue/tiredness. Persons having mind exhaustion may have a desire to be alone and avoid people, and may start consuming alcohol or some other stimulants.

Homeopathic Management

Along with proper rest and certain life style changes, homeopathic medicines can prove highly effective in cases of mind exhaustion. They help in boosting energy levels of the brain to overcome exhaustion. Homeopathic medicines stimulate body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines boost brain power and also manage symptoms that have arisen from mind exhaustion. These medicines are suitable for people of all ages, and the best part is that they are free from any sort of toxic side effects, so are very safe to use due to their natural origin. Homeopathic prescriptions for mind exhaustion vary from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.  It is further advised to avoid self–medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mind Exhaustion

1. Kali Phos – Top Recommended Medicine

Kali phos is one of the most widely used homeopathic medicines for managing mind exhaustion. This medicine is indicated when the mind get exhausted from excessive mind-related intellectual work, like excessive study. It is further indicated for mental exhaustion that results from long-term stress and worries. Persons needing it feel depressed, sad, irritable, and lethargic. They have a dull mind and a weak memory. They think negatively and are anxious all the time. They tend to avoid meeting people and cut themselves off socially. They also feel physically tired. Doing little work seems to be a huge task for them. They may also face sleeplessness.

2. Gelsemium – With Excessive Dullness, Drowsiness

This medicine is very effective when there is excessive dullness and drowsiness due to mind exhaustion. Thre may be dizziness and the mind feels tired. Persons needing this medicine also face difficulty with focus and concentration. They also wish to be alone and remain quiet. They feel irritable most of the time and do not feel like talking. They also get angry quite easily over small issues. Along with the mind, they also feel physically tired and weak. They can have muscle aches as well along with the above complaints.

3. Anacardium – For Mind Exhaustion After Overstudy

Anacardium is beneficial for persons who suffer from mind exhaustion after excessive study for examinations. Those needing it feel like sitting idle all the time and doing absolutely no work at all. Mind dullness, memory weakness, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness are some of the important symptoms. Such people are very irritable and get offended and angry very easily. They feel depressed, sad and helpless. Along with mind exhaustion, there is physical fatigue as well.

4. Picric Acid – For Exhausted Mind From Mental Strain And Anxiety

This medicine is indicated for persons who have mental exhaustion following long-term anxiety and mind strain. They have an aversion to doing any work or exert mind to think anything or talk. They show forgetfulness. They feel tired from little reading or writing. They show indifferent behavior. They also have muscle weakness and tiredness in their limbs.

5. Phosphoric Acid – For Mental Exhaustion Followed By Physical Tiredness

This medicine works well in cases where mind exhaustion is accompanied by physical weakness  and tiredness. Person requiring it feel as if the mind has gone slow. It is attended with excessive confusion and difficulty in thinking. Thinking leads to dizziness in many of the cases. There is dullness of mind along with indifferent behavior. There is a desire to be quiet and alone. Additionally, anxiety, hopelessness can occur. While trying to read, thoughts seem to meander far away from the mind. This medicine is also well indicated for mind fatigue that occurs after suffering grief of any kind.

6. Silicea – With Fear To Do Any Mind-Related Work

Silicea is helpful medicine for persons who fear to undertake any mind related work and tend to postpone it due to exhausted mind. They cannot even think to over exert their mind. They also have poor focus and concentration. Confusion of mind prevails among them. They also feel sad, hopeless. This medicine is highly suitable to students who get mind exhaustion from excessive literary work.

7. Ignatia – For Exhausted Mind After A Grief

This is a highly suitable medicine when mental exhaustion occurs after a grief. Physical exhaustion attends it. There is sadness, frequent weeping spells and feeling of hopelessness. There is indifferent behaviour and desire to be alone. Consolation seems to make the symptoms worse. There is oversensitivity and nervousness. Irritability and anger can also appear at times. In some cases, sudden mood changes from sadness to joy and vice versa may be felt. One may suffer from sleeplessness.

8. Natrum Carb – With Difficult Concentration

Natrum carb is an effective medicine when concentration becomes difficult due to an exhausted mind. There is inability to do any work that requires application of mind. There is great difficulty in connecting thoughts when listening or reading. The aboveabove-mentioned mentioned complaints are accompanied by sadness and depression. The person remains irritable and may suffer from anxiety attacks.

9. Cocculus Indicus – For Exhausted Mind Due To Loss Of Sleep

This medicine is beneficial when mind exhaustion results from lack of sleep. Persons needing it facedaytime issues like a slow mind and weakening of memory. They may have intense sadness and depressed feelings may occur in their minds. There is also excessive drowsiness in the day time due to lack of sleep at night.




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